人教版七年级下册unit 3单元测试英语试题

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人教版七年级下册unit 3单元测试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Whats her telephone number? _ .AIts 027-2806543BShe is 13CIts her telephone numberDHer is 42658302 . - Bob, can you read the number 2,357,018?- Yes, I can. Its_.Atwo million, three hundred and fifty-seven thousand, and eighteenBtwo million, three hundreds and fifty seven thousand, and eighteenCtwo million, three hundred and fifty-seven thousands, eighteenDtwo millions, three hundred and fifty-seven thousands, eighteen3 . -I think Im going to take a bus to the zoo.-_APlease dontBNo problemCIf you do, youll be lateDI can help you4 . _ does Mr Brown go to work?By bus.AWhyBHowCWhenDWhere5 . Do you think her dream will_?Acome trueBcome inCcome backDcome out6 . - _ will you go abroad for a study trip?- In two weeks.AHow soonBHow oftenCHow longDHow far7 . Please find more information(信息)_ New York Radio_ 7 p.m._ 8 pmAat; from; toBin; from; toCon; from; atDon; from; to8 . - Its so cloudy. I think it. -I think so.ArainBrainsCis going to rainDis raining9 . _ play with fire._ with fire is dangerous. (梅州)ADont; PlayingBNot; PlayingCDont; PlayDNot to; To play10 . -_ will we arrive at the airport?- In two hours.AHow oftenBHow longCHow farDHow soon二、完型填空完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。Jenny is twenty years old.She is_actess. She always gets up at seven oclock. She has breakfast at seven thirty. She_many good friends. Every Saturday afternoon they come to her house to play with her. They drink coffee, and eat some_delicious food. They also play tennis or computer games. At six oclock_the evening, they have a big dinner together. At nine oclock, Jenny watches movies on TV, or reads some books and newspapers. She usually goes _ bed at ten. She says health is the most important thing in the life.11 . AtheBaCanD/12 . AhaveBhasChavingDto have13 . AotherBothersCthe otherDthe others14 . AatBinConDto15 . AinBatCtoDWith三、阅读单选Its Jimmys birthday and he is 9 years old. He gets a lot of presents from his family and one of them is a big drum (鼓). His grandfather buys it for him.Jimmy likes it very much. He plays with it every day and he often makes a terrible noise (令人讨厌的声音). His father works in the day and Jimmy is in bed when he gets home in the evening. So his father doesnt hear the noise. But Mrs. Black doesnt like the noise, so one morning she takes a knife and goes to Jimmys room when he hits his drum. She says to him, “Hello! Jimmy. Do you know there is something very nice in your drum? Here is a knife. Please open the drum and lets find it.”16 . What does Jimmy get on his birthday?AHe gets only one present from his family.BHe gets a lot of presents.CHe gets a knife and a drum.DHe gets a drum from Mrs. Black.17 . When his father gets home in the evening, what does Jimmy do?AHe hits his drum with his grandfather.BHe watches TV with Mrs. Black.CHe sleeps in bed.DHe does his homework with his grandfather.18 . Whats the Chinese for “hits” in this passage (文章)?A敲击B拿着C知道D看见19 . Why does Mrs. Black give Jimmy a knife?ABecause she likes Jimmys drum.BBecause she knows there is something in the drum.CBecause she doesnt like the noise.DBecause she wants to know what is in the drum.Going to work by car is getting more expensive today because the petrol(汽油)is getting more expensive(贵).People are looking for a cheaper way of transportation and they find out that it is a good choice(选择) to ride bikes to work.More and more return to bikes.Children often go to school by bike.But now more people are going to work by bike, too.“The bike is easy to use,”says Molly,“and it is also very cheap. Its a good choice for those who do business(生意) like me.You can buy thirty bikes for the price of a small car. A bike doesnt use expensive petrol.”Mr.Brown goes to his hospital by bike every day. He says,“A bike doesnt cost so much money, and most families can have two or more bikes. Bike riding is good for our health. Today most people get fat because they dont get enough exercise. So I tell all my patients(病人) to buy bikes. Besides, in big cities its usually quicker to travel by bike than by bus or car. Car drivers can do nothing but get angry when there is a traffic jam(有交通阻塞).20 . Some people dont want to drive to work because.Acars are getting more expensiveBthe petrol is getting more expensiveCcars are difficult to take care ofDthe traffic becomes bad21 . The underlined phrase “returns to bikes” in the first paragragh means “_”.Abegin to ride bikes againBgive bikes back to their owners(主人)Cbegin to buy bikesDsell their bikes to others22 . From the passage, we can know Molly is a .AteacherBdoctorCstudentDbusinesswoman23 . According to Mr. Brown, bike riding is good for us mainly inaspects(方面).AtwoBthreeCfourDfive四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。24 . The box is too heavy for me to _(举起) up.25 . I saw lots of farmers working in the_(田野)26 . Lily gave me a big _(拥抱) when she saw me.27 . The insect was so _(极小的) that I didnt see it at first.28 . Ive never _(后悔) the decision to work in China.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空29 . The old man has three _ (grandchild).30 . In the afternoon it snowed _ (sudden).31 . The young boy _ (sing) as he went along.32 . Jimmy was too tired and he fell _ (sleep ) in class.33 . She _ (watch) TV when someone _ (knock) at the door.六、完成句子第二节:根据汉语提示补全英语句子,使句子意思正确、通顺。每空词数不限。34 . 我们刚在广播里听到了多么重要的新闻!_ we have just heard on the radio!35 . 公共场所大声喧哗是不礼貌的。Its _ in public.36 . 流浪地球这部电影将对中国科幻影片产生很大影响。The movie The wandering Earth will _ science fiction films in China.37 . 我们应该在扔掉废物前进行分类。The waste should _ different groups before we throw it away.38 . 他过去常看能帮他实现梦想的书。He used to read books_.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文meet, come, dance, tell, swim, walk, eat, cross, take, turn, beDear Nina,Im happy that you39 . to my house tomorrow. But Im sorry I cant 40 . you at the station. My parents will be busy with their work. I have to take my little brother to have the 41 . class. So you have to find my houseby yourself. Now let me 42 . you how to get to my house. When you43 . out of the railway station, find the bus station first. You need to go across Xingfu Jie, go along the street and44 . right at the first street. Then you will see the bus station. 45 . the No. 11 bus and get off at Rongjun Hospital. There are three red houses opposite the hospital. The one in the middle is mine. There is a big square in front of my house. Many people enjoy 46 . there. The weather47 . sunny tomorrow. After 48 . lunch, lets visit the museum together.Yours,Jennifer八、回答问题In China, most students go to school by bike or by bus. If the school is not far, they usually walk to school every day. Few students are late for class. But things are different in other countries.In many Western countries, students live far from their schools and they have different ways to get to school. Many students go to school by car. If there is an underground system(系统) in the city, they can go by underground(地铁). In some countries, there are double-deckers. The double-decker has two floors and it can carry more people. So some students can take a double-decker to school. Scooters(踏板车) are popular with students in some Western countries. If you dont need to take a bus to school, you can go by scooter. It makes your trip more interesting and exciting. In some cold countries, such as Finland and Iceland, it often snows. The students in towns may take a bus, but the students in villages far from the school have to go by sledge(雪橇) because there is snow everywhere. It takes a little longer. Sometimes, the students may be late for school. If it snows heavily, the students have to teach themselves at home.49 . In China, if the students live near the school, how do they usually go to school every day?_50 . In some Western countries, which way to go to school is more interesting and exciting?_51 . Why do some students in Iceland go to school by sledge?_九、材料作文52 . 书面表达下面是你们班同学上学采用的交通方式以及他们采用这种方式的原因的调查结果。请据此写一篇英语短文。60词左右。上学方式乘公共汽车步行骑自行车乘小汽车学生人数1611240原因离校远离校近,有益健康离校近,喜欢骑车/第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、

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