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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I called you at 7:00 this morning, but nobody answered.Oh, Iwith my little cat in the garden.AplayBwill playCam playingDwas playing2 . Its raining _ heavily outside _we have to stay at home.Atoo, toBso, thatCenough, toDboth, and3 . The mother _ her sleeping baby with her jacket, because it was a little cold.AcaredBexpectedCtouchedDcovered4 . - Mom, can I have _ to eat? Im hungry.- Sorry, there is _ in the fridge. But I think we can go out for dinner now.Anothing, nothingBnothing; somethingCsomething; nothingDnothing; anything5 . Shall we have dinner now Mom?No, dear. We are supposed to wait _.Asince all the dishes are readyBtill all the guests arriveCif you are hungry6 . I think he falls asleep already, _ Im not completely sure.AevenBthoughCbecauseDso7 . You must help him.He has little _ in it.AexperienceBadviceCstepDdifference二、补全对话7选5请阅读下面对话,根据对话内容补上所缺句子,使对话通顺、合理,意思完整。A: Hey,Bill I went to your classroom yesterday afternoonBut you were not in it.8 . B: When did you come to my classroom?A: 9 . B: About three oclock? Oh, we were in the park at that time. We didnt have any classes yesterday afternoon, so we went to the park to relax.A: 10 . B: Well, I was playing tennis with Jack.A: 11 . B: Mary was singing and dancing with some girls.A: What about Linda?B: She was reading an interesting book. She likes reading, you know.A: 12 . B: Yes, we enjoyed ourselves very much.ADid you have a good time there?BWhat were you doing at that time?CWhere were you?DAt about three oclock.EWhat was Mary doing?FWhen did you go there?GWho did you go there with?三、补全短文7选5Do you know the popular online words“Chinas four great inventions”. Beijing Foreign Studies University surveyed young people from 20 countries a few months ago.13 . .They are high-speed trains,bike sharing,cashless payment(无现金支付) and online shopping。Chinese didnt create them, but they are using them.So peoples lives are getting more and more different. Chinas new high-speed train,Fuxing,made its first running at 350 km/h on the railway between Beijing and Shanghai on Sept 21.If you take common trains to travel between the two cities,it may take more than 15 hours .But Fuxing only needs 4.5 hours .14 . . In 2016, there were 2,595 high-speed train running across China, which took up 60 percent of the worlds high-speed trains. Cashless payment has become a way for many Chinese people15 . .Even a small street fruit shop has a QR code for WeChat pay or Aliopay(支付宝).So many young people go out with their phone only.16 . .People can get the bike by using mobile apps,and bikes can be found and put almost anywhere.Now,there are more than 30 bike-sharing companies in China such as Mobike and Ofo .This year they got to Singapore,the UK,Russia and the US. With Chinas online shopping service ,life could be easier for people who like to stay at home.17 . .Alibaba even created the new websites in English,Japanese and so on to help foreigners in China buy things on Taobao and Tmall .Dont you think they are great?AYou can easily buy food on an app and it always arrives in minutesBIt found four most creative technologies(技术)in ChinaCYou can buy something by scanning(扫描)a QR code with your phoneDIt played the most interesting song at the radio stationE.So Fu Xing is one of the fastest trains around the worldF.You can easily find out who is arriving at the bus stopG.Bike sharing itself is not new ,but China gave a new meaning to it四、完型填空Liang Shihui , 14 , from JiangsuI dont like the _ that we students cannot bring any food in plastic bags or boxes inside the classroom . This rule is to tell us _waste bags or boxes everywhere . But sometimes we could be hungry in the afternoon . I think we can make a little _ to the rule . If someone wants to bring food in plastic bags or boxes in class , he or she must keep an eye on everyone and make sure there is _ rubbish in the classroom.Zheng Yi , 14 , from ShandongOur school forbids(禁止)us to _ birthday cakes into school . They say it is to stop us _Comparing with each other . But I think this is ridiculous(荒谬的). We live in school from Sunday to Thursday _ Lots of students spend their birthdays in school . I think we can solve the _ if there is a bakery in our canteen . Everyone will have the same birthday _ then.Liu Shanshan , 15 , from Zhenjiang_ us from having strange hairstyles , our school orders all boys to have cropped hair and all girls to cut their hair _ . I think it is a lazy rule . It is not good for _ students to dye(染)our hair or have strange hairstyles . But it is also strange for everyone to look the same . I think we can decide together which hairstyles are strange and which are not .Wang Mai , 14 , from GuangxiIn our dorm , lots of girls feel afraid to go to the toilet after 10 oclock at night . The school _ all lights after that time . But sometimes we still have homework to do and lots of us need to use the bathroom at night . I think _ they can leave the light on in the toilets at night . It would be much more convenient and _.18 . AschoolBruleCstudentDplastic19 . AthrowingBto throwCdont throwDnot to throw20 . AchangeBpartCdifferenceDprogress21 . AnotBnot aCnot anDno22 . AsellBbringCgetDbuy23 . AonBinCbyDfrom24 . Aevery dayBevery monthCevery weekDevery year25 . AschoolBbirthdayCproblemDhairstyle26 . AcardBcardsCcakesDcake27 . ATo stopBStoppingCstopDstops28 . AlongBbrownCredDshort29 . AweBourCusDours30 . Aturns upBturns downCturns onDturns off31 . Aat leastBat lastCat firstDin the end32 . AsaferBsafeCmore safeDmuch safe五、阅读单选My beautiful 18-year-old daughter was sent to the care center for her illness. I visited her twice a day. She was the only patient who had a visitor every day.One day, I was asked by the patients to prepare a gift for the nurses on their behalf (代表). They gave me enough money to make a luxury(豪华的) basket. Another day, while I was trying to make the basket after my work, my workmate Olive came into my office. She could see I was tired and had difficulty putting the basket together. Olive took it over and did a great job with the basket. Then she carried it to my car.When I brought the basket to the patients, they were very happy. I was there when they presented it to the nurses. It was clear that those nurses had never been given anything like this before. They were so touched and thankful. It was a wonderful moment.A few days later, I got a thank-you card and a box of chocolates from the patients for helping them with the basket. I couldnt tell how moved I was. These people were unable to stay outside the hospital and were even unable to look after themselves. Yet they still tried to show love and gratitude(感激)to the nurses and me.We are all here to love and help others. No matter what our personal situation is, loving and helping others is still possible. If we all love and help others as much as possible, what a wonderful world it will be!33 . One day, the patients asked the writer to .Alend them enough moneyBbuy presents for themChelp them prepare a giftDtake good care of her daughter34 . Who helped the writer put the basket together?AHer daughter.BHer workmate.CHer students.DHer classmates.35 . It was clear that .Athe writers daughter worked in the care center.Bthe nurses always received gifts from the patients.Cthe writer made a lot of money by preparing the basket.Dthe nurses were very moved by the kindness of the patients.36 . The writer felt when she got a thank-you card and a box of chocolates from the patients.AsurprisedBmovedCproudDtired37 . What can we learn from this passage?AEveryone can love and help others.BOnly the healthy people can help others.CIts necessary to send some gifts to the nurses.DWe should care more about others feelings.As one of Chinas new four great inventions,Chinas high-speed rail eyes the world again with Fuxing. It is proud of a top speed of 400 km/h and a continuous speed of 350 km/h. It is totally designed and produced by Chinese engineers without any help from the West.Chinas high-speed train is not only known for its amazing speed,but also for its safety and comfort. Last year, it safely carried 1.4 billion passengers,or the total population of Africa and South America combined.In 2015,a video taken by a Swedish traveller became popular on social media at home and abroad. In the nine -minute video, a coin stood upright all the time on a fast -running high speed train. It shows the steadiness(稳定)of Chinas high-speed train,giving visitors a comfortable travelling experience.The service on:Chinas high-speed rail is still improving. The new bullet train plans to increase the height and the Wi-Fi network will cover the whole train. Its air conditioning system is designed to reduce the influence of the external pressure(外部压力)wave when the train is passing through tunnels, easing(缓解)discomfort of ears.Chinas high-speed rail also plays an important role in promoting(促进)the Belt and Road Initiative. It will be good for countries along the Belt and Road. It provides a platform to promote global cooperation(合作)in production capacity(生产力),so it reconfirms Chinas position as theworlds second largest economy.The rapid development of Chinas high speed rail in the past five years marks Chinas increasing strength in technology and innovation. It has become a new symbol,showing Chinas great progress to the world.38 . Chinas high-speed train is NOT famous for its .AWi-Fi networkBsafetyCcomfortDhigh speed39 . The writer gave the example of a coin standing upright on the train to show .Athe good service on the trainBthe steadiness and comfort of the trainCthe safety and speed of the trainDthe good reputation(名声)of the train40 . Which of the following can be the title of the passage?AHigh Speed Rail一Pride of ChinaBChinas DevelopmentCThe Development of Chinas RailwayDChinas New Four Great Inventions Cooking ClubWelcome to the Cooking Club. Only boys can join the club. You will find the club is very interesting and you will make some friends here. You can learn many kinds of dishes(菜肴) each week. Cooking at home for your family or your friends is interesting! Please call 54873. Dancing ClubCan you dance? Do you want to dance? Join us! The Dancing Club is in our art building(建筑物). There are fifty students in our club. Call 89542 to learn more. Music ClubThe club is for all students. Each weekend, we play different kinds of music for you. We also tell you the story behind the music. You can call 18190 to get more information. English ClubAre you worried about your spoken English? You can have a free talk in our club. There are some English teachers here, too. Time: Saturday evening. Call 45612.41 . You can learn to make dishes in the .AMusic clubBDancing ClubCCooking ClubDEnglish Club42 . Where is the Dancing Club?ANear the school.BIn the playground.CIn the science building.DIn the art building.43 . Whats the telephone number of the Music Club?A45612B89542C18190D5478344 . Which of the following is TRUE?AMary can join the Cooking Club with her sister.BThe telephone number of the Dancing Club is 45612.CStudents can go to the Music Club every day.DYou cant go to the English Club on Thursday.Scientists are working on a pill (药丸) to help people who do no exercise. It could also increase the performance of those who do exercise. The scientists are from California. They say the pill could produce the same benefits to the body that it gets from running. It could make us healthier. It could gave us more patience,fat loss,a better mood,a healthier heart and a longer lifespan-all without exercising.The scientists said the pill helped to increase athletic performance in mice by 70 percent. This could be good news for people who want to exercise more.The scientists looked at how the body changed with exercise. A researcher said,“It is well known that people can improve their endurance (忍耐力) through training. The question for us was: How does endurance work? And .can we replace training with a drug?” He found a chemical that could copy the positive effects of exercise without needing to exercise. The chemical made the body burn fat instead of sugar. Burning fat instead of sugar means you can improve your energy to the same level as someone who exercises,without the need to exercise.45 . The scientists working on a pill to help people who do no exercise come from _.Athe UKBthe USCFranceDCanada46 . What kind of people like this pill best?APeople who like sports.BPeople who like study.CPeople who dislike sports.DPeople who like going out.47 . Whats the meaning of the underlined word “lifespan”?A生命B寿命C生活D工作48 . Why can the pill replace training?ABecause it is very expensive.BBecause it is made by scientists from America.CBecause it burns fat in our body.DBecause it is very rare at the moment.49 . What is the best title of the passage ?AA Pill That Can Replace Exercise.BHow to Lose Weight.CA Pill That Can Help People Exercise.DExercise Is No Use六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词):50 . Though Johnsons father is 80 years old,he is still able to walk upstairs to the_ floor. (twelve)51 . I admire Thomas Edison more than any other_.(invent)52 . The passengers felt relaxed after the plane landed _at the airport. (safe)53 . The little girl was so_ that she hid herself behind the door. (frighten)54 . Pitt,a friend of_, is full of energy to create new items all the time. (we)55 . The boy had a/an _life habit. He always stayed up late for playing computer games. (healthy)56 . Eating vegetables and doing exercise regularly can _us to improve our life. (able)57 . At the basketball team,Joseph is just of average _. But he plays as well as Jordan. (high)七、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。beginpassengeralsofromwetake worrytheyifdostopasIn April this year, lots of bags full of small change(零钱) were seen at bus stops in Tianjin. They were made for58 . to turn their notes into small change. And such an idea came59 . four students from Zhongbei Middle School, Tianjin.“People will surely feel60 . when they take a bus without coins. We just want to do something to help them, ” said Wang Yongcun, 15, one of the four students.The four boys spent61 . whole weekend making the change bags. After that they went to see the number of the passengers at each bus stop near their school, and then chose the top six 62 . to put the bags.Many people think that the four boys have really63 . a good job. But, things didnt go64 . the boys thought. Two days later, they found that the money was gone, and that even the bags were65 . away. It really made them sad but they would not give up. Their classmates and teachers came to help them in time. They put their pocket money in bags again. And the teachers66 . taught them to make better change bags. They tried their best to do it.Their warm hearts are moving. More and more people are 67 . to join in the activity.八、材料作文68 . 生活中当你有压力时,你是怎么放松的呢?上月Ningbo Focus微信公众号就How do you relax when you feel stressed out?这一话题在中学生里展开调查,结果发现听音乐和看电影是他们最喜欢的。请你根据以下内容写一篇英文调查报告,陈述调查结果,并谈谈你自己减压的方式及理由。How do you relax when you feel stressed out?Listening to music (56%)Watching movies(23%)Your way and reasonscalm downshut off their brains.dance to.have a good time with.is good for.learn.from.(注意):l短文必须包含提示要点,可适当增加细节。2字数100词左右。3短文首句已给出,仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。4文中不要出现真实的姓名和校名。Last month Ningbo Focus made a survey about How do you relax when you feel stressed out? It is found that listening to music and watching movies are two popular ways. _第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、二、补全对话7选51、三、补全短文7选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、3、4、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、材料作文1、


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