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人教版2019-2020学年八年级12月阶段性质量调研英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . One of my friends _ playing basketball.AlikeBlikesCwantDwants2 . _ English programs is a good way to learn English.Ato watchBWatchingCwatchDLooking3 . WeChinesehavea_holidayonNationalDayeveryyear.AsevendayBsevendaysCsevendaysDseven-day4 . -He hasnt watched the movie So Young,_he?_.He told me its very moving and interesting. Hed like to watch it again.Ahasnt ; YesBhas; YesChas; NoDhasnt; No5 . Jack looks so unhappy, do you know why?Yes. He _ his new mobile phone yesterday.Awas lostBwas losingClostDlosed6 . The sick man is getting _.Everyone worries about him.Aworse and worseBbetter and betterCwell and wellDbad and bad7 . North Korea is_Asia. Its_the northeast of China and_the west of Japan.Ain, to, onBin, on, toCon, in, toDto, on, in8 . Dont waste water, Water is very important and no one can liveit,AwithBforCwithoutDfrom9 . One _ easily lose his way when he visits or comes to a new place.I agree with you.AmayBneed CmustDshould10 . I _ math but my brother _.Adont like; doesBdont like; doesntCdoesnt like; doDlike; dont11 . Hangzhou is famous _ the West Lake.AforBtoCasDof12 . Hobbies help us_and make our lives more_.Arelax; interestBrelaxed; interestingCrelaxing; interstedDrelax; interesting13 . The old man lives happily with his two sons and a pet dog. _ of them are part of his family.ABothBAllCNoneDNeither14 . Do you know the answerthe question?AatBofCtoDin15 . - I think Jill will be a teacher in the future.-_. She likes children very much.AI agreeBNo, I dont agreeCYes, pleaseDNo, thank you16 . Our teachers are kind _ us and often help us _ our lessonsAfor , aboutBto , aboutCfor , withDto , with17 . -Does your brother like eating apples?- Yes, he does. He eat _apples every day.Atoo muchBmuch tooCmany tooDtoo many18 . Could you please _ the window open for a while? The room is very hot now. Sure, I will do it.AkeepBputCsaveDcut19 . Whom did you give my book to?(找出谓语中心词)AgiveBdidCwhomDbook20 . The house is very nice. Has it got _ garden?A/BaCanDthe二、完型填空Houdini was not only a magician but also a locksmith(开锁匠) with excellent skills. He boasted that he could escape from any _ cell in the world in less than an hour, if he could go into the cell dressed in his street clothes. A small town in the British Isles built a new prison they were extremely proud of. They issued Houdini a challenge.“Come and give it a _?” they said.Houdini loved the publicity and the money, so he accepted.By the time he arrived, the crowd was so excited. He rode _ into town and walked into the cell. As the door was closed, he still felt full of confidence. Houdini _ his coat and went to work.He secretly hid a flexible and tough 10-inch piece of steel which he used to work on the lock. He got it out and started his magic.At the end of 30 minutes, his _ expression had disappeared. At the end of an hour he was all of a sweat. After two hours, Houdini collapsed against the door. The door just opened. Houdini was so _ that tears almost fell, “What just happened? It _ itself!” he cried. You see, it had never been locked-except in his own _-which meant that it was as firmly locked as if a thousand locksmiths had put their best locks on it. One little push and Houdini could have _ opened the door but he never tried that. You dont get opportunities, you need to _. Many times a little extra push is all you need to open your opportunity door.21 . AtownBstreetCprisonDcountry22 . AchanceBhandChopeDtry23 . AproudlyBquietlyCsadlyDluckily24 . Atook outBtook offCtook awayDtook in25 . AexcitedBworriedCconfidentDfoolish26 . AfrightenedBrelaxedCdisappointedDsatisfied27 . AfellBlockedCopenedDbroke28 . AmindBeyesCbusinessDplace29 . AcarefullyBeasilyCheavilyDgreatly30 . AgiveBwantCkeepDmake三、阅读单选Are you looking for a different kind of camp this summer? If you are between 13 and 16 and love exciting roller coasters(过山车), Thrill Coaster Tour Center in New Jersey will be the perfect choice for you. It will offer the following three exciting tours. Tour 1: Tour to the westYou will spend ten days( from July 10 to July 19) visiting roller coasters in eight different parks in America, including Six Flags Great America. The tour starts at Knoebels Amusement(娱乐) Park, which has one of the best wooden roller coasters in America. After that, we will take you to the roller coaster capital of the world-Cedar Point. Im sure you will have two exciting days there. Then comes the next park-Six Flags Great America. The tour ends at Kennywood. Tour 2. Beach TourYou will spend six days (from July 17 to July 22)in four different parks on the beach. Virginia Beach is the number one beach in America. Kin Dominion, a park on Virginia Beach, has a new kind of roller caster. It is more than 300 feet high.Tour 3: North Border TourYou will spend eight days from July 22 to July 29 visiting the amusement park and roller coasters in Canada. You can try many other activities like parachuting and indoor rock climbing.31 . Thrill Coaster Tour Center offers the above three exciting tours to _.Akids from 8 to 12Bteens between 13 and 18Cteens between 13 and 16Dpeople of all ages32 . Which tour will Mary probably choose if she is free from July 20 to July 30?ATour 1BTour 2CTour 3DBoth Tour 1 and Tour 333 . Whats the correct order of Tour 1 according to the passage?a. Kennywood b. Six Flags Great Americac. Knoebels Amusement Park d. Cedar PointAcdbaBdacbCcbdaDbdca34 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe best roller coaster in America is in Knoebels Amusement Park.BTour 1 lasts longer than the other two.CYou can try parachuting if you choose Tour 2.DKings Dominion is a famous beach in America.35 . The passage mainly tells us _.AThree places of interest in AmericaBSome famous roller coasters in Canada.CThree famous amusement parksDThree exciting tours in summerYu Guangzhong was born in 1928 in Nanjing, Jiangsu. Yu spent his younger days on the Chinese mainland before moving to Taiwan in his 20s. Nostalgiawhich Yu wrote in his 40s to voice his homesickness for his childhood motherlandbecame his most well-known work. The poem appeared in Chinese school textbooks and was changed into songs.However,Nostalgia became so famous that among the over 1,000 poems hed written, Nostalgia seemed to be the only one that the public ever talked about. “It kept people from seeing the real me. ” Yu once said, according to China Youth Daily.Indeed,writing poems is only one of Yus many talents. Great Chinese writer Liang Shiqiu once said of Yu, “He writes poems with his right hand and proses(散文)with his left. There is hardly anyone who matches his achievements at the time.” Yu was also a translator. According to CGTN, Yu spoke French, German, Spanish, Italian and Russian, and published 13 translation collections.And he used his talents well. He spent his whole life working, even in his 80s. Yu said that whenever people asked whether he still kept the habit of writing up, he would always answer, “Why dont you ask me if Im still breathing?”To him, writing was a part of life that shouldnt be changed by age or anything else.Now that Yu has taken his last breath,his writing career has finally been put to rest. But many books he wrote and translated will be kept in our hearts.36 . Yu spent most of his life time.Ain ItalyBin FranceCin TaiwanDin Chinese mainland37 . According to the passage, Nostalgia.Abecame as well-known as Yus other 1,000 poemsBwas the only poem Yu had written in his life timeCappeared in school textbooks in many countriesDshowed his homesickness for Chinese mainland38 . What can we infer from the passage about Yu?AHe thought he couldnt live without writing.BLiang Shiqiu thought highly of him as a translator.CHe was the only poet speaking many languages.DMost of his proses were written by his left hand.39 . Whats the best title of this passage?AA Poem to Voice HomesicknessBA Poet to Be RememberedCThe Life-long Writing CareerDThe Deep Love for Motherland四、根据首字母、中文提示填空B)根据括号中的汉语提示完成单词。40 . Now the Internet has become part of _(日常的)life.41 . When I came to visit her,her _(邻居)told me that she wasnt live there any more.42 . In our hometown,most people wear white to _(葬礼)as a sign of respect.43 . He was a man gentle in manner but firm in _(行为).44 . Please use correct words complete the following _(对话).五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空。Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.45 . I think you _ (mistake) my meaning. I dont mean that.46 . If you think you can behave like that, you are _(mis-take).47 . The streets were _ (fill) with tourists during this May Day holiday.48 . I think she is from Korea but dont know for _ (sure).49 . The car ran crazily on the road and finally _ (hit) a wall and stopped.50 . It was very dark and the driver could not avoid _ (run) over a cat body.51 . We dont know for certain whether she is coming. She is very busy _ (recent).52 . Her eyes _ (fill) up with tears when she heard the news.53 . Be sure _ (tell) her I called. Thank you for sending the message.54 . I am not very happy about your _ (travel) alone at night.55 . Paul has been _ (cough) and sneezing all day. He must have caught a bad cold.56 . Sue is a normal _ (health) child and she will grow to be a very pretty girl.57 . The word “if” in English is used to start a _ (condition) clause.58 . The children were weak from hunger. We must go to help as _ (quick) as possible.59 . We must take _ (act) before the problem gets worse.三、用所给动词的适当形式填空60 . The engineer_ (check) Simons computer now.61 . Uncle Li is good at _ (fix) machines in his free time.62 . _ (not be) late again.63 . He with his parents _ (want) _ (go) to Nanjing in an hour.64 . Mother tells me _ (not play) balls in the street.65 . Some college students are ready _ (help) the old people.66 . The designer knows what _ ( wear) to a birthday party.67 . She _ (be) 16 years old next year.68 . _ (not worry). Your sister will come home this evening.69 . You are lucky _ (have) a friend like me.六、完成句子.完成句子70 . 中国的人口大约是13.7亿。_ China is about 1.37 billion.71 . 学生们每天有那么多的作业要做。The students have _ homework to do every day.72 . 我们班有八分之一的学生步行上学。_ of the students in our class _ to school.73 . 等等。_ a minute.74 . 我们班有50多名学生。There are _ students in our class.七、填空B.阅读短文,将划线部分的句子翻译成汉语。Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness. 79. Money and success dont bring lasting happiness, happiness depends on ourselves. In fact, we make our own happiness. The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. Another secret of living a happy life is to be helpful.80. People who like helping others are happier. Do you want to be happier? Lets try now!75 . _.76 . _.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、六、完成句子1、七、填空1、


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