人教新目标版英语同步导学九年级全册Unit 1 Section A课时练习(青岛专版)

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人教新目标版英语同步导学九年级全册Unit 1 Section A课时练习(青岛专版)_第1页
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人教新目标版英语同步导学九年级全册Unit 1 Section A课时练习(青岛专版)_第2页
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人教新目标版英语同步导学九年级全册Unit 1 Section A课时练习(青岛专版)_第3页
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人教新目标版英语同步导学九年级全册Unit 1 Section A课时练习(青岛专版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Well _move to new apartments very soon!AcanBcouldCbe ableDbe able to2 . After _ school in 1918, he became a teacher of a primary school.Ato finishBfinishCfinishingDfinishes3 . The best way to improve English is to practice _.Aas soon as possibleBas quickly as possibleCas much as possibleDas clear as possible4 . Its necessary for us _ to our parents when we have problems.Ato talkBtalkingCtalkDtalks5 . -_do you learn computer programming?-_asking my uncle for help.AHow; InBHow; ByCHow; ForDHow; To6 . Would you please stop_ something?Ato drinkBdrankCto drinkingDdrink7 . Doing morning exercises _ us get ready _ the day.Ahelps; withBhelps; forChelp; withDhelp; for8 . They preferred _at home rather than _ to a party.Ato stay, to goBstaying, goingCto stay, goDstaying, to go二、补全短文6选5AReuse things. BSave natural resources.CTry not to use anything just one time. DStop riding in cars. ERecycle paper. FUse the car less often.We know our planet is getting warmer. The earth needs help. “What can I do?” you may ask and you may think you are just a kid. In fact, everyone can do something to help. What can you do?9 . Dont ask your parents to drive you somewhere when you could easily walk or ride your bike. The car is one of the biggest causes of the pollution. Getting more exercise is good for your body, too.10 . Recycling means reusing something old to make new things. Newspapers, old magazines, phone books and white paper can be recycled. Recycling a ton of paper can save seventeen trees. Visiting your towns recycling center. Learn the rules and start to recycle.11 . Buying used things is cheaper than buying new things. Sell or give away your used things and toys to those needed. They can use them again instead of buying the new ones. Reuse plastic or glass bottles instead of throwing them away in the trash. Reuse the plastic bags when shopping.12 . Turn off the water when you brush your teeth. Turn off lights, radios, TVs, computers, and other electrical things when you leave the room. When you dont use the computer, shut it down. It saves much electricity if you let it “sleep”.13 . Dont buy single-use water bottles. Use a glass or plastic container(容器) that can be washed and reused. Use a lunch box or bag instead of paper bags to pack lunches for school or picnics. What we do today affects our future generations. Lets take care of the earth!三、完型填空Im Michael. I live in Poland and Polish is my native language(母语), _ I can speak English very well. Now I want to share my experience with _.I started to learn English _ listening to English songs when I was six. My dad encouraged me _ to The Beatles. In the beginning I _understand nothing of what they were singing. Then I got a book with the words of all the songs. I read _ book again and again. I learned most of the songs by heart. I sang them to my dad. Still, I had difficulty in _ the meaning of the songs. Learning English well to understand The Beatles became one of my _.When I was 13 years old, I started reading science fiction books. I read them in Polish at first. The books were all translated(翻译) from English. I hoped I could read the books in English. I felt that the books in English would be even _. I decided to read the books in English. This decision guided me for many years.Today, I have become good at English and I can understand many English songs and English books. English _ me so much satisfaction and pleasure. I also find it so useful in my job.14 . AbutBifCwhenDbecause15 . AtheyBtheirCyouDyour16 . AatBbyCinDon17 . AlistenBlistenedClisteningDto listen18 . AcouldntBcouldCmustDmustnt19 . A/BtheCanDa20 . AunderstandingBunderstandCdescribeDdescribing21 . AsecretBsecretsCdreamDdreams22 . AinterestingBinterestedCmore interestingDthe most interesting23 . AgaveBwas givenChas givenDwill give四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。24 . Edison was a great i_ in the world.25 . How much is the book?Twenty d_.26 . Sally was b_ in a small town in London.27 . There are two _(笔记本)on the desk.28 . My father bought an _(百科全书)for me yesterday.五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。29 . 昨晚8点你在做什么?我在洗淋浴。What _ you _ at eight last night?I _ a _.30 . 最后,风开始渐渐变弱了。At last, the wind began to _ .31 . 在你离开教室前确认关了窗户。_ you close the windows before you leave the classroom.32 . 由于昨晚外面太吵,我们发现很难入睡。Because it was too noisy outside last night, we found it difficult _.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子根据句意,用所给短语的适当形式填空,每项只限使用一次。stay away from pull over bring down go up move outdoors33 . Mr. Zhang_his car and ran into the hospital in a hurry.34 . He_the bear with a single shot.35 . Lets_and go to play football.36 . _the electricity, John! Its not safe.37 . The cost has_to $200 a day.七、多任务混合问题A video of a hungry and thin polar bear in Canadas wilderness has gone popular on the Internet. The video shows the bear is in search of food, walking across land with no snow or ice. It is all skin and bones. The bear is looking for food in waste containers. It is at times too weak to support its own body weight and difficult to stand. Paul Nicklen, the photographer who took the video, said the polar bears trouble was a clear sign of the surprising effect of climate change. He said filming the animal made them sad. He explain his team members were “holding their tears and emotions(情感) while recording this dying polar bear”.Mr. Nicklen is part of the environmental group Sea Legacy. His team was on Canadas Baffin Island to get a documentary on conservation. He said the bear they filmed was not old and probably died within hours. He said, “This is what hunger looks like. The muscles weaken. No energy. Its a slow, painful death.” he blamed the bears sad trouble on global warming. He said, “As temperatures rise and sea ice melts, polar bears lose the main food of their diets-seals.” Climate change is the biggest threat to the worlds 26,000 polar bears. The video explains that bears are “hungry, and running out of energy” and are “forced to walk into human living places for any food”.根据短文内容,回答1-4题,英译汉第5题。38 . What is the popular video about?_39 . Can the bear support its own body weight?_40 . What does the bears trouble mean?_41 . Where will bears go to look for food?_42 . 将划线句子翻译成汉语。_八、英汉互译:单词/短语43 . 天安门广场_44 . 故宫博物院_45 . 发现_46 . go on_47 . come up_48 . jump up and down_第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、二、补全短文6选51、三、完型填空1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、多任务混合问题1、八、英汉互译:单词/短语1、


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