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人教新目标八年级下册英语单元综合卷:Unit3姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . He wondered whether his dream would _.Acome outBcome trueCachieveDcome about2 . What about going boating this afternoon? It sounds great. I quite _youAagree toBagree onCagree withDagree for3 . I have seen the film Where Are We Going, Dad?._. I think its wonderful.ANeither have IBSo have ICNeither have IDSo I have4 . I am feeling ill. What should I do?eating junk food andbreakfast every day.AStop; havingBStop; haveCTo stop; have.DTo stop; to have5 . The police had to _ the door _ to reach the people trapped inside.Acalm, downBcome, downCfall, downDbreak, down6 . .Did you feel _when you saw the old man moving the big stone?-Although he was over 70,_ he was strong enough to move the heavy stone.Asurprised, /Bsurprised, butCsurprising, butDsurprising, /7 . Could I use your computer? Sorry. I am _ it.Ataking outBturning onCworking onDdepending on8 . I _ walk _ after school. I ride a bike every day.A/; homeB/; to homeCdont; to homeDdont; home9 . He didnt finishthe room.AcleanBcleanedCcleaningDcleans10 . We should_little children_water or fire.Aask; to play withBask; be careful withCtell; to be careful forDtell; not to play with11 . (2016云南) As long as all the Chinese people pull together, our China Dream will _Acome trueBcome outCcome upDcome down12 . (题文)Could you please_ my pet dog when Im out?Atake care ofBwashCwork onDwater13 . The strong winds _ when I woke up in the morning.Atook downBturned downCcut downDdied down14 . -Do you often get online?-Yes. I lots of time on it. Its a good way to kill time.AcostBspendCtakeDuse15 . Do you like watching ER Doctors? Yes, I do. But Im_busy_enjoy it.Atoo; toBso; thatCenough; to二、完型填空My mother always breaks my dream. I feel very sad and unhappy.One day, I was doing my homework _ my mother was surfing on the Internet. I was_because my good friend had just called me and said that I might be a singer in the future! I was realty nappy that she could say so. And my dream is to be a singer too. But Ive never said it to my mother because she doesnt like it. She wants me to be a flute(长笛)player! Oh! How boring!After long thought, I raised my head and turned to my mother. I told my mother _ I really want to be._ your idea! Its impossible! You should pay more attention to your studies, not pop music! If you dont study hard, you will _ be an excellent student! her voice went up, and I was afraid.But Mum, I really want to be a singer! I was expecting that my mother could change her _ at once, but I failed. My heart was badly hurt. But that time I said to myself, Dont give up! Nothing is impossible. Ill never give it up although my mother doesnt stand on my side, even try to break my dream.In a word, dont let anybody break your dream, especially those teenagers of my age. Its your own dream.16 . AwhatBwhereCwhileDwhich17 . AafraidBangryCworriedDexcited18 . AwhenBwhatCwhichDwhy19 . AKeep onBStudy withCThink overDGive up20 . AalwaysBoftenCneverDsometimes21 . AjobBideaCplaceDtime三、阅读单选Hello! Im Paul. I m in China with my parents. I like China and Chinese food. I have breakfast at home. I eat an egg and some chicken for it. I dont like salad. I have lunch at school. The lunch in my school is good. I can eat different (不同的) food. I eat a hamburger, a banana and some vegetables. Sometimes(有时)I have chicken and French fries. I have dinner at home and I like to eat some fruit and dessert.22 . Paul eats _for breakfast.Aan egg and some fruitBa hamburger and a bananaCchicken and French friesDan egg and some chicken23 . Paul doesnt like _.AEggsBvegetablesCsaladDhamburgers24 . Paul has lunch _.Aat schoolBat homeCin the clubDin the picture25 . The _in Pauls school is good.ABreakfastBlunchCdinnerDDessert26 . For dinner, Paul likes to eat _.Achicken and French friesBsome fruit and dessertCan egg and some chickenDa hamburger and some vegetables四、阅读判断Tom often gets up at six. He has breakfast at home. He goes to school at half past seven. Classes begin at eight. There are four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. Tom studies hard. He likes English very much. He reads it every morning. He goes to school from Monday to Saturday. He has no classes on Sunday.Tom has supper at six twenty. In the evening, he does his homework. He goes to bed at about nine every day.根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误。你认为正确的句子,请在答题卷相应空格内填“T”,错误的填“F”。27 . Tom has breakfast at school.28 . Tom has six classes on Sunday.29 . Tom reads English in the morning and does his homework in the evening.30 . Tom goes to school at 7:00 on Sunday.31 . Tom has supper at six every day.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。在填写答卷时,要求写出完整单词。(每空限填一词)32 . Mary learned to r_ a bike when she was six years old.33 . It is very dangerous for a little kid to use a k_ to cut the apple.34 . They are bad at maths, so they always f_ in the maths exam.35 . He never tells a lie. He is an h_ man.36 . Please turn o_ the TV. Your brother is sleeping in the room.37 . To stay h_, we should do more exercise.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空词形变化38 . Thanks to the local businessmens support, the show was really _ (success).39 . Would you just behave more _ (polite) in public places?40 . She refused to join our _ (discuss) and finished her paper alone.41 . I drove around the shopping centre for three times but I couldnt find a _ (park) place.42 . As the _ (say) goes, “Seeing is believing.”七、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子43 . 我们的英语老师非常善良,她总是对我们非常有耐心Our English teacher is very kind ,she is always_us44 . 菏泽以牡丹而著名,你可以观赏到许多不同种类的牡丹Heze is_its peony, you can enjoy many different kinds of peonies45 . 茶变得越来越受欢迎,你知道茶是偶然被发明出来的吗?Tea is more and more popular,do you know tea was invented_?46 . 在日本第一次遇到某人你应该鞠躬You are_bow in Japan when you meet someone for the first time47 . 今天我以学校为荣,明天学校将以我的成功为傲Today Im_ of my school and tomorrow my school will take_in my success八、汉译英:单词/短语翻译下列短语48 . 倒霉_49 . 在新年里_50 . 在午夜_51 . 一年到头_52 . 在除夕_53 . 上网_54 . 下载音乐_55 . 压岁钱_56 . 看看_57 . 扫除_九、材料作文58 . 假如英语老师想知道你们班全体同学做家务的情况,作为班长,你为此进行了一次调查。请根据下面的调查结果,用英语写一份80词左右的调查报告。StudentsChoresLikes ordislikesReason18clean the living roominteresting8make the bedboring4wash clothes,fold clothesrelaxing2要求:1.语句通顺,行文流畅;2必须包含表格中所给内容,可适当发挥。第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、阅读判断1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、汉译英:单词/短语1、九、材料作文1、


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