人教新目标九年级英语全册Unit 8测试题

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人教新目标九年级英语全册Unit 8测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Sally used to be _, but now she enjoys meeting and talking to new friends.AactiveBshyChonestDoutgoing2 . Have you seen the funny movie Let the Bullet(子弹)Fly? Yes, it made me _ many times.AlaughBcryCsleepDsing3 . A cook will lose his job if he _ to smoke in the kitchen.AfindsBfoundCis foundDfinding4 . He often brushes his teeth after _ to have good teeth.Aeats dinnerBto eat dinnerCeat dinnerDhaving dinner5 . Do you find this book _?AfrustrateBfrustratingCfrustratedDfrustration6 . - I hit a tree on the way to meet my friend at the railway station.- I am sure that you have been driving too fast.AneedBshouldCwillDmust7 . Li GuangYao, the father of Singapore , died of illness(因病逝世)_ the early morning _ 23 March, 2015.Aon, inBin, inCin, ofDon, of8 . Jacks diet is _ than mine. He eats too little rice.Aless healthierBless healthyCmore healthierDmore healthy9 . When traffic lights are red, we stop and wait.AmayBcanCmustDmight二、完型填空My son got a $10 bill on his 6th birthday because my husband wanted to teach him about money. He _ with me about how to spend it. I told him, “You cant buy everything you want, so you have to choose the things that are most _ to you.”This $10 bill went with my son _from one pair of jeans to another, one jacket to another. He would even _ soundly with the $10 bill under his head. He said,“I am preparing to buy something special.”One day, my son and I saw a(n) _ singing Christmas songs and ringing a bell on the street. My son asked, “Why is he doing that?”I replied, “He hopes to collect(募集) money for the poor or for _ who dont have toys.”I kept walking _ my son wasnt next to me. I _ to see his little hand digging in his pocket, taking out his $10 bill, and putting it _ the collection box. He said “Merry Christmas” to the man and walked back to me _. I gave him a hug and said, “You made mommy very _”“I heard a voice(声音) say Go, give him the money,” he told me. “_ I heard another voice say NO, _ the money. You want a toy.”“You listened to the _ voice,” I smiled. He looked up at me and asked, “But _ are they?”I laughed and said,“Theyre you.”10 . AagreedBdiscussedCplayedDpracticed11 . AbeautifulBcreativeCdifferentDimportant12 . AeverywhereBsomewhereCanywhereDnowhere13 . AeatBdrinkCsleepDwalk14 . AengineerBwriterCreporterDmusician15 . AchildrenBstudentsCgirlsDboys16 . AandBbutCorDso17 . Aturned onBturned upCturned downDturned around18 . AawayBdownCintoDout19 . AbeautifullyBcomfortablyChappilyDcarefully20 . AgladBinterestedCboredDsad21 . AAfterBBeforeCThenDFinally22 . AkeepBsaveCspendDtake23 . AloudBcoldCclearDright24 . AwhereBhowCwhoDwhen三、阅读单选I want to tell you a story about the accident of a person who means a lot to me. It was a sunny Saturday in July, I was told that my brother had a car accident had a car accident. I was shocked, and didnt know what to do. It seemed that my whole world was ending. The only words that came out of my mouth were, “Is he all right?” But I didnt get any response. My parents couldnt, and neither could my brother. He was badly hurt. He was in a coma(昏迷) for three months. My parents and I were very worried about him. Luckily, in the end, he won, and he beat death successful.Soon, we found that the coma had influenced part of his brain. For a long time he couldnt remember who he was talking to or where he was going to.When he got better, we learned that he was using his mobile phone when he was driving. My parents were angry at him, because they had told him many times it was dangerous to use phones while driving. But he didnt listen to them, so he had this accident.The experience helped me understand the importance of safety. We should listen to peoples suggestions and keep safe when we are driving or doing other things.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。25 . _ had a car accident.AThe writerBThe writers brotherCThe writers parentsDThe writers friend26 . What does the underlined word “response” mean?A帮助B呼唤C回应D回响27 . The writer says “he won” because _.Ahe got better after the accidentBhe won a competitionChe was good at drivingDhe was important to the writer28 . The parents were angry because _.Atheir son didnt like driving carsBtheir son didnt listen to themCtheir son was in a comaDtheir son forgot them29 . What can we learn from the passage?AWe should listen to others suggestions.BDont drive cars while listening to music.CWe should know how to drive cars.DWe should know how to deal with car accident.四、看图作文30 . 书面表达根据下列四幅图,写一篇70词左右的短文。第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、看图作文1、


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