人教新目标七年级英语下册同步练习:Unit 11 How was your school trip Section B(2a-2c)

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人教新目标七年级英语下册同步练习:Unit 11 How was your school trip Section B(2a2c)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文): Mike and his dad went on a camping trip. Mike wrote this _ to his cousin Tino after he returned from the trip.Dear Tino,Last Saturday Dad and I went camping in Enchanted Rock Park in central Texas. We _ a great time. We left home _ 10 oclock on Saturday morning after I had my guitar lesson. It was around noon when we finally got to the park. We had lunch and then took a hike. The park is large. Dad said it is about 1,640 acres(英亩). It is named after the huge pink granite(花岗岩) rock located in the middle of the park. The rock _ like the back of a big turtle (海龟). You may love one side of the rock. It is a favourite place for rock climbers. We saw lots of animals in the park. A _ of bird-watchers camped near us. A woman let me use her binoculars(双筒望远镜). I used them to watch a wild turkey that was far away. I was very _ that day. I have so many other things to tell you. I cant wait to see you.Your cousin,Mike1 . AdiaryBmessageCletterDadvice2 . AbroughtBhadCkeptDgot3 . AonBatCtoDin4 . AlooksBsoundsCfeelsDhears5 . ApairBpieceCmanyDlot6 . AexcitingBworryingCworriedDexcited二、阅读单选After months of hard work, its time to have fun during the summer holiday! If you are still planning what you are going to do during the days, why not enjoy a visit to a theme park?Lots of theme parks have roller coasters (过山车). A roller coaster may appear dangerous while in fact, its perfectly safe for family fun. If you like heart-stopping thrills, this scream machine is your best choice. For example, Kingda Ka is a steel roller coaster located at Six Flags Great Adventure in the United States. It is the worlds second fastest roller coaster. Riding this roller coaster makes you feel like you are flying in the sky! Does this sound scary to you? If so, we will take you to other theme parks around the world. Ocean Park in Hong Kong is the first stop. You can walk through an underwater tunnel as sharks swim overhead or watch a dolphin swimming show. Besides, cable cars will carry you more than 200 meters to the top of the park. Europa-Park is another good choice. If you think a few days are not enough to travel through Europe, this theme park in Germany will show you what other European countries are like. . You can first ride French bobsleds (雪橇), then eat Greek sandwiches and then take a roller coaster based on the Russian space stationall in one day! Besides, Europa-park is very real. The street lights in the Spanish part are from Spain and the small houses in the Swiss part come from Switzerland.Our last stop is Universals Islands in the US, a world-famous dinosaur theme park. If you are a fan of dinosaurs, it is just the place for you. You can have an unforgettable experience and see dinosaurs in their natural homes.7 . It is a good choice toif you like heart-stopping thrills.Asee dinosaursBwalk through an underwater tunnelCride a roller coasterDwatch the street lights in the Spanish part8 . Which of the following is Not True according to the passage?AThe Europa-Park is in Germany.BSix Flags Great Adventure lies in the UK.CYou may visit Universals Islands in America.DThe Ocean Park is a tourist attraction in Hong Kong.9 . Which of the following can be put in the blank in Paragraph 4?AEuropa-park has 12 country-themed areas.BEuropa-park is suitable for living.CEuropa-park is famous for its food.DEuropa-park is always crowded.10 . How is the passage organized in structure (结构)?AABBCCDD三、根据首字母、中文提示填空11 . Cindy has the _(相同) handbag as I do.12 . Do you have any _(女儿)?13 . Andy is my _(表妹).14 . How much _(漂亮) she looks without her glasses!15 . My father exercises every day because he wants to be _(强壮的).根据句意及首字母提示写单词16 . The hat is very c_and it is only five dollars.17 . I like soccer games because they are e_.18 . We can h_a man singing in the hall.19 . Linda got many_on her birthday.20 . The room is dark and I cant see a_in it.B)根据句意及首字母或中文提示写出单词。21 . Nowadays, many children are i_ in playing computer games.22 . My family was in a difficult s_ when my mother was ill in hospital.23 . Zhang Heng was a famous s_ in ancient China.24 . A pigeon is the _ (象征) of peace in the world.25 . Last year my mother _ (喂养) some ducks.根据句意及首字母提示填写单词26 . I dont k_ her telephone number.27 . Tina is a good girl. She a_ helps me.28 . Here is a photo of o_ school.29 . The pen is on my desk, b_ its not mine.30 . This is Lindas room. Its very t_.根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。在填写答卷时,要求写岀完整单词。31 . If we w_ the game, well get a big prize.32 . The car was travelling at a s_ of 100 kilometers an hour on the highway.33 . Our English teacher will give some a_ on how to learn English well.34 . All the students are in the library. Now the classroom is e_.35 . Grandma always makes a shopping l_ before she goes to the supermarket.36 . My sister is a _(导游)and she loves her job37 . The bus was too slowLets take a _(快的)train38 . Alice is my good friend and she is a _(可爱的)girl39 . The ring was too _(昂贵的),so he didnt buy it40 . Im sure _(所有事情)will be all right in the end41 . The hat is very c _and it is only five dollars42 . I like soccer games because they are e _43 . We can h _a man singing in the hail44 . Linda got many g _from her friends on her birthday45 . The room is d _and I cant see anything in it单词拼写(单句首字母填空)46 . The boy is from Japan. He speaks J_.47 . We think its r_ to stare at others.48 . Chinese medicine is very popular in w_ countries like the USA and England.49 . I think we should try using a different m_again.50 . I often take n_ in English class, and I write down important words and sentences.51 . Her works were bad and below the required s_.52 . You should(应当) c_ your homework. Perhaps(或许) there are mistakes(错误) in it.53 . Everything is not f_ to me, for I come here for the first time.54 . Do you know the proverb One f_ cant lift a small stone.?55 . Some E_ visitors came to our school last month.56 . My sister can speak J_very well. She has lived in Japan for three years.57 . Dont be r_when you talk to your parents and teachers.58 . In w_(西方) countries people play jokes on each other on April Fools Day.59 . She invented a new m_ of teaching English.60 . Tom, to take n_in class is a good habit for you!61 . The hat is very c_ and it is only five dollars62 . I like soccer games because they are e_63 . We can h_ a man singing in the hall64 . Linda got many g_ from her friends on her birthday65 . The room is d_ and I cant see anything in it根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)66 . I cant open the doors, where are my k_.67 . Pandas are black and w_. They are my favorite animals.68 . Look at the photo. This is my uncle and this is my a_.69 . Whats one and t_? Its three.70 . He helps you a lot. You really need to t_him.71 . My dictionary is l_. If you find them, please call me at 0571-88146320.72 . Lucy, your room is not tidy at all. Your books are e_, please tidy it up.73 . Lets go swimming tomorrow. That s_ great.74 . E_ me, where is No.1 Middle School?75 . Here are two nice photos. My grandparents are in the first photo. In the n_ photo are my brothers.76 . I like the school very much because _(一切)here is new.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空77 . She had her breakfast,_(feed)her dog and went to work.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空78 . My family and I _(go) to the beach last summer.79 . When the teacher came into the classroom,the students _(stop) talking at once.80 . Yesterday I saw some _(painting) in the room.81 . Tina _(be) always late for class last term.82 . Linda _(visit) her grandpa yesterday.83 . She watches TV every evening. But she _(not watch)TV last night.84 . He had a cold. He didnt want to eat _(something)85 . I listened but _(hear)nothing.用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子或对话。86 . The earthquake affected the_ (day) life of thousands of people.87 . In my opinion,Yang Liwei and Jing Haipeng are both national_(hero).88 . Lu Han showed us his_ (music)talent in the new CA89 . Hallyu(韩流)is the growing_(popular)of Korean pop culture in China.90 . The artist doesnt paint for money but for his own_ (please).91 . The school requires the students _(obey) its rules.92 . You must ask your teacher for help so that you can avoid _ (read) wrong books.93 . Our English teachers class is _(live) and interesting.94 . My mother is really _(pride) of me.95 . My grandpa usually take up_(walk) after dinner every day.96 . Tom wishes _(learn)Chinese some day.97 . Tom and Mary _(come)to China last month.用动词的正确形式填空98 . Remember _( not take) any books out of the library.99 . The exchange students are looking forward to_ (watch) the local opera.100 . -Where is your cousin, Merry? - He _ (check) my computer over there.101 . Follow me, or you_ (get) lost.102 . His dog often _ (lie) on the sofa when it was small.103 . Look at the clouds in the sky. I think it _ (rain).104 . A few years ago, Mr. Li _ (teach) us English. Now he retires (退休).五、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。Australia,prefer,spare,depend,electronic,lyric,direct,listen,play105 . I wonder how Paul spends his _time.106 . If you are interested in _cities,just read the book written by Mr. Johnson.107 . Compared with a traditional dictionary,a(n) _dictionary has many advantages.108 . Which kind of program do you _,news reports or TV plays?109 . What are you going to do this weekend?Oh,it _on the weather.110 . The movie Journey to the West:The Demons Strike Back (西游记伏妖篇) was directed by the _ Xu Ke.111 . Some parents prefer talking to _when they are with their children.112 . I love the singer who _different kinds of music.113 . _is the largest island in the world.114 . He wrote some great music,but the _werent that good.115 . When the boy saw the _ games,he became very_.(exciting/excited)116 . The story is so _ and everyone is _ in it.(interesting/interested)museum fire painting ride go117 . Call 119 if you see a_118 . I _ fishing with my father yesterday morning119 . Can you_ a horse?120 . We went to a history_ and saw many old things there121 . The art teacher showed us some_ in class从括号中选择合适的单词填空122 . What do you think of Beidaihe?Its very _(relaxed/relaxing)here.123 . Lily is having fun _(to play/playing)with her friends.124 . Last year they were _(on/in)vacation in Qingdao.125 . The weather here is cool, just right for _(walk/walking).126 . I want to call my mother _(but/or)my phone isnt working.六、单词填空阅读短文,根据短文内容和已给出的首字母完成单词,并将完整的单词写在短文后面的横线上。A volunteer vacation can provide you with fun, learning and a chance to help others. Have you ever t127 . a volunteer vacation?Barbara Everhart , an American mom and her 10-year-old daughter, Kailey , traveled to Mexico to b128 . a small house. With their group , they s129 . in a co-op(合作的) hotel in a nearby town. The hotel was run by local women. In the hotel women dide130 . from making the soup to cleaning the room.Everhart and her daughter didnt have any building skills, b131 . that wasnt important. They were a132 . to help chop and carry bamboo from the forest. Kailey also got to play with the local children, see their school and t133 . them a few words of English.“ From this kind of trip, children l134 . that the world is a lot bigger than their neighborhood.” Everhart said. “They get a c135 . to see another place, another culture and another world.”Have you been interested in volunteering vacations? If you want to h136 . others while having fun on vacation, take a volunteer vacation with your parents.”第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、2、3、4、5、六、单词填空1、


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