人教新目标七年级英语下册同步练习:Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section A(Grammar Focus-3d)

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人教新目标七年级英语下册同步练习:Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section A(Grammar Focus-3d)_第1页
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人教新目标七年级英语下册同步练习:Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Section A(Grammar Focus3d)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空As Daniel put his lunch box onto the table, milk spilled (洒) all over his sandwich. This is the_ thing Ive ever done! he said. Its not that bad, said his friend Peter, who was sitting across from him. Just get_sandwich. Sandwich? _ ? I am talking about the talent show. Everybody in our class are talking about it. Its only two weeks away and I dont know what Im doing! Everybody will _me. Theres no way to avoid it! Dont be so _ , Daniel, said Peter. Youre going to be great. You have the _to do just about anything.Daniel moved his lunch box to the side and rested his head on the desk. _ Daniel, ordered Peter. I have a good idea. Lets make a list of things_could do. Lets start with_ . You play the piano, right? I stopped taking lessons in the third grade, said Daniel. What about singing a song? suggested Peter. Daniel shook his head _.Lets move on to another thing. What about performing magic tricks?I dont know how to play magic tricks! Daniel almost shouted. Stop being so . Peter paused. Thats it! DRAMATIC ! Peter shouted _ . You could do a dramatic _ . You have the talent _ it. Mrs.Smith always asks you to read aloud in class. You could read a play aloud. Daniel thought for a minute. Then he _ . Peter, you are a great friend!Peter smiled back. I just want to make sure you are a bright, shiny star when you step out on _ 1 . AbestBworstCnicestDleast2 . AotherBthe otherCothersDanother3 . AWhat sandwichBWhereCHowDWhen4 . Alook afterBbe proud ofClaugh atDlook for5 . AsadBconfidentCselfishDhonest6 . AchancesBrightsCskillsDtime7 . AStand upBStand awayCSit downDSit up8 . AIByouCheDthey9 . AmusicBsportChandwritingDdance10 . AyesBnoCagreeDright11 . AexcitedlyBangrilyCsadlyDworriedly12 . AwritingBreadingCdrawingDsinging13 . AwithBaboutCforDon14 . AworkedBinsistedCsmiledDguessed15 . AclassroomBstairsCstreetDstage二、阅读单选阅读下列图表,回答1-3题。Sun Rental Car Company the largest rental(租赁的)car company in East China.with over 10,000 cars and 700 bicycles to rent(租) in Shanghaicars and bicycles for all kinds of people, including adults, kids and other special persons;outside every exit of subway stations;70 yuan / hour for cars , 10 yuan/ hour for bikes, half price after 9:00pm from Monday to Thursday70 yuan / hour for a car, 5 yuan/hour for a bicycle, half price after 9:00pm16 . Which is true according to the picture?AIt has the largest number of bikes to rent in China.BWe can use the cars in the company because they are free.CWe can find the company in every city.17 . How much should you pay if you want to rent a car and 2 bicycles for 3 hours after 9 pm on Sunday?A135 yuanB270 yuanC200 yuan18 . This is a(an) _.AstudyBreportCadvertisement三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。在填写答卷时,要求写出完整单词。(每空只写一词)19 . The final e_ is coming. Everyone is busy preparing for it.20 . Remember to r_ the books to the library on time.21 . My father went to see a d_ because of his terrible toothache.22 . Dictionaries are very u_ for you to learn English.23 . After summer holiday, I am glad to meet my classmates and s_ our experience of the holiday together.24 . I think this novel is w_ reading. I have read it twice.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。25 . No driver is needed. The new car can run by _ (it).26 . Lots of children are interested in _ (read) the stories of Peppa Pig.27 . The International Museum of Toilets is a very _ (usual) museum in India.28 . My sister loves _ (Japan) food, such as seafood and sushi.29 . In this museum, you can find many _ (toy) bears. They are cute and beautiful.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其正确形式填空buy, drop, copy, invent, carry30 . Yesterday I _ my watch on my way home.31 . Who can _ the box for me? Its too heavy.32 . Do you know who _ the light?33 . Im thinking of _ a bike, too.34 . Some photos were not just _ of the real world.六、填写适当的单词补全对话根据对话内容,在空白处填入适当的单词,使对话完整、通顺(每空一词)。A: I want some students for the school concert.What can you do,Bill?Can you35 . ?B: No, I cant sing.But I am good at 36 . the guitar.A: You can play the guitar!Good.OK.37 . can you do,Jennifer?C: I can sing 38 . I can play the drums.A: You can!Great,Jennifer.Can you play the 39 . ?C: No, I cant.Victor can 40 . the piano.A: Victor, can you play the piano?D: Yeah, I can play the piano.41 . I cant sing 42 . dance.七、语法填空Some people like 43 . (dog) because they can help people do a lot of things . Some people like koalas because they think koalas are cute. But I like pigs44 . (good) of all the animals. Many people say that pigs are lazy and dirty. 45 . I think they are smart and clean. They eat lots of food and like 46 . (sleep).I have a pig . His name is Piggy. He is very big and fat . He is only one47 . (year) old . He often48 . (play) with me when he is free. When he is tired , he often sleeps 49 . the sofa . He is a tidy pig. He takes a shower every day . All of my 50 . (friend) like him very much. I often take him to 51 . (visit) my friends . We play together happily.Do you like pigs? Whats52 . (you) favorite animal? Can you tell me?第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、填写适当的单词补全对话1、七、语法填空1、


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