2019-2020学年八年级上册(人教版)英语单元测试卷: Unit 2 How often do you exercise

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2019-2020学年八年级上册(人教版)英语单元测试卷: Unit 2 How often do you exercise_第1页
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2019-2020学年八年级上册(人教版)英语单元测试卷: Unit 2 How often do you exercise姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . During the National Day, all the Chinese _. They always have a good time .Ahave seven days offBhave seven days holidayChave seven days offDhave seven-day holiday2 . -Whats the students in your university?-About 8,000. them come from the south.Athe number of; The number ofBa number off A number ofCa number of: The number ofDthe number of; A number of3 . Ieat vegetables.But they are good for your health! We should eat them every day.AoftenBusuallyCalwaysDseldom4 . I have to go now. My parents want me _ back home by ten oclock.AgetBto getCgetsDgot5 . You can buy almost everythingthe Internet, and its very easy.AintoBforCatDon6 . We completed the work five days_ time.AinBin the front ofConDahead of7 . Its awful to wait for the bus in the rain. I would rather _ a taxi.AtakingBtakeCto takeDtook8 . Marys parents want her milk every day.AdrinkBdrinksCdrinkingDto drink9 . My sister isnt a_ girl. In her room, you can see her books everywhere.AfineBtidyCniceDgood10 . - Do you have any money with you?- Sorry, I have _ left.AnothingBno oneCeverythingDnone二、补全短文6选5根据短文内容,从方框中的六个句子中选出五个句子还原到短文中,使短文通顺、完整。The world is getting bigger,or at least fatter. Recent studies show that more and more people are living an unhealthy life. 11 . Sofa potatoes are people who spend too much time in front of the TV and eat too much junk food. Now,there is also a new kind of people,namely the“mouse potato”.12 . Why are we becoming potatoes?13 . We dont have as much time to prepare and eat food as we used to. Fast-food restaurants are everywhere and supermarket shelves are filled with ready-made or prepared dishes. 14 . But they make it more difficult for us to control what we eat. 15 . In this way,we will be healthier and have more energy to enjoy the good things in life. A healthy diet should not contain too much fat and sugar. A balanced diet with exercise is the recipe for a healthy life. And remember,it is better to eat a potato than to be one. ATo be healthy, we should make good choices about what we eat. BOf course, not all of these are bad for us. CWe are becoming sofa potatoes. DWe should choose the delicious food. EOne reason is our modern way of life. FThey sit in front of the computer all day and eat junk food.三、完型填空I am an apple. Im a kind of sweet fruit. I grow in many places of the world, but I cant grow well in very hot places _ very cold places.I am not like my cousins pears and bananas. I am rounder than a pear and bananas are _than me. I am delicious, _ people in the world like to eat me. They can usually eat me _washing(洗) me. They can also cook me to _ all kinds of food, sometimes they put me in cans(罐头) to send me to other places of the world. Almost everyone can have money to buy me_I cost very little. I can also help people get _. There is a saying in English: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Dont you think that Im very great? I have many vitamins (维生素) inside, they are_ for you. I really wish to make you happy and healthy, so dont forget to eat me as often as possible (尽可能经常地). But I also need your love, if you want to make me taste better, you must _ me well. Thank you for your love. Ill try to grow well and _ sweeter. Then you will like to eat me a lot more.16 . AbutBorCandDso17 . AshorterBolderCfatterDlonger18 . AsoBandCbutDor19 . AforBbeforeCafterDwith20 . AletBhaveCtakeDmake21 . AbecauseBsoCbutDand22 . AhappyBhealthyCcomfortableDsmart23 . AgoodBbadCreadyDdifferent24 . Alook forBlook afterClook likeDlook at25 . AsoundBfeelCbecome (变得)Dlook四、阅读单选Mr. and Mrs. Black want to go to Beijing. But their dog Bobby cant go there with them. So they leave him in a dog shop.It is Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Black get back home from Beijing very late at night. So they dont get Bobby back. On Monday morning, Mr. Black brings the dog back in his car. When he gets home, he says to his wife, “Bobby barks all the time. I think he wants to tell me something. He doesnt like the shop?”Mrs. Black looks at the dog carefully (仔细地) and then says, “Youre quite right. He wants to tell you something. He wants to tell you that you bring the wrong (错误的) dog home.”根据材料内容选择最佳答案。26 . Mr. and Mrs. Black want to go to _.AJapanBChinaCCanadaDthe US27 . Mr. and Mrs. Black leave Bobby in a dog shop because _.Athey cant take himBthey want to sell himCthe shop is not farDthe shop is very good28 . The dog gets back home on _.ASunday eveningBSunday morningCMonday eveningDMonday morning29 . Mr. Black thinks the dog doesnt like the shop because _.Ahis son tells him thatBthe dog barks all the timeChis wife tells him thatDthe dog is quiet all the time30 . 下列哪项陈述是正确的?AMr. and Mrs. Black work in a shop.BMr. Black brings the dog back by bike.CMr. Black brings the wrong dog home.DMr. and Mrs. Black get back home on Saturday.五、阅读判断A good breakfast is important. You can easily understand it. By breakfast time you have not eaten anything about twelve hours. Your body needs food for morning activities(活动). One good breakfast should be rice or bread, an egg , milk and fruit. On a cold morning a cup of hot drinks is necessary(必需的). A good breakfast helps you to smile more easily. It helps you to be more friendly and also to work better and play more happily. Your whole day will be more fun after you have enjoyed a good breakfast.判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”31 . Its not very important to have a good breakfast.32 . Food is needed in the morning because you have had nothing to eat for the whole night.33 . Only rice or bread will be a good breakfast.34 . If you get up late, your body doesnt need food for morning activities35 . A good breakfast is helpful to you.六、填空Hello! Im RainIts my English nameMy Chinese name is Zheng ZhixunBut Im not ChineseZheng is my family nameZhixun is my first nameI love blueHi,boys and girlsSophie is my first nameMarceau is my last nameIm from FranceThis is my telephone numberIt is 0033-280808Hello! My name is Kate ZieglerZiegler is my family nameKate is my first nameI like sportsIm a good swimmerMy favorite (最喜爱的)color is greenI like peace请根据表格内容填空:36 . Rains Chinese name is _He is not _._is his first name37 . Sophie is _nameShe is from _Her telephone number is _38 . Kate is a _ swimmerShe likes _,_,_七、回答问题Mark is a 16-year-old student. He has a very healthy life. However, one year ago, he was not so healthy. From Monday to Friday, he studied every day but hardly did any sports. He often used the Internet. Although his parents asked him to exercise, he never did. He sometimes helped his mother with housework, but only once a week. On weekends, he liked watching TV. Then the bad result came, he became fat and had few friends. One day, the doctor in his school talked with him. He told Mark to do more sports because it was good for his body and mind. From then on, Mark decided to change his habits. Now, he does sports more often than before, such as playing basketball and soccer. He plays less computer games. After dinner, he often takes a walk with his parents. Doing exercise helps him become healthy and study better. Now he also has more friends.39 . Did Mark have a healthy life one year ago? _40 . How often did Mark help his mother with the housework?_41 . What did Mark like doing on weekends? _42 . When did he decide to change his habits? _43 . What kind of sports does Mark do now?_八、英汉互译:整句44 . 这本字典一定是李莹的。_45 . 那是谁的钱包?_46 . The woman outside the door cant be Li Lin._47 . There are some boys playing on the playground._48 . We had fun at the picnic last weekend._九、书信作文49 . 书面表达最近你的朋友Tom在他的微博上发了这样一个帖子:These days, I feel my life is full of problems. I have so many rules in my home and school. I often argue with my parents about my hairstyle and my clothes. I failed my English exams last week. Every day the teachers say the same thing to us: Study hard and try to enter a better high school.I want to make my school life easier and more colorful. What should I do? 假如你是Jim,请你给Tom回个帖子。根据中文大意和英文提示,写出意思连贯,符合逻辑,不少于80词的短文。请不要写出你真实的校名和姓名。内容要求:1. 针对Tom的几点困惑,先谈谈你的看法;2. 为他提几条合理的建议;Hi Tom,How are you? I saw your problems in your weibo. I can understand you very well.I hope my advice will help you, and you can enjoy your school life better. Love,Jim第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文6选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、六、填空1、七、回答问题1、八、英汉互译:整句1、九、书信作文1、

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