英语五年级上册Module 5 Unit 1 练习卷

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英语五年级上册Module 5 Unit 1 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AitsBitsCyours2 . But your red T-shirt _there. ( )AbeBisCare3 . Where is he? ( )AHe was at school.BHe is at the zoo.CHe went to the zoo.4 . TodayisFriday,November_.( )AnineBninethCninthDten5 . This hat is _.( )AmyByourChis6 . 那是谁的书包? ( )AWhose bag is it?BWhose is it bag?7 . It isnt _, Sam. Its mine. ( )AyouByourCyours8 . -Are those _ books?-No, they arent.AteachersBteachersCteacher9 . How _ is the street? ( )Its about 1000 metres.AoldBlongCmany二、判断题10 . 我会根据图片判断正误。正确的打“”,错误的打“”。(_) 1. This is a cat.(_) 2. Birds can fly.(_) 3. We are friends.(_) 4. The cat is under the chair.(_) 5. Horses can run.11 . Look and write (T) or (F):mouth nose ear(_)判断下列单词与图片是否相符, 相符的打T, 不相符的打F。12 . library(_)13 . playground(_)14 . sunglasses(_)15 . snowy(_)16 . shorts(_)17 . carrots(_)18 . onion(_)19 . tomatoes(_)20 . goat(_)21 . snowy(_)22 . T-shirt(_)23 . hen(_)24 . 根据图片,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(_)1. Hes got a red nose, a small pink mouth.(_)2. Hes got a pink nose, a big red mouth.(_)3. Hes got brown arms, big hands, and big feet.(_)4. Hes got a big red nose, a big pink mouth.(_)5. Hes got long brown arms, big hands, and big feet. 三、填内容补全对话25 . Think and fill in the right words.1.A: Is this your _, Lily?B: No, its not mine. Its _.2.A: Whose _ is that?B: Is it_?A: No, its not yours. Maybe its_.3.A: Whose_ are these?B: I dont know. Maybe theyre_.4.A: Are these_ yours?B: Yes, they are.A: Can I try_ on?B: Of course!四、改错26 . Choose and correct: Is it yours? No, it isnt. Its her.(_)_AB C27 . 改错:You can aremyChinese pen friend.(_)_A B C D28 . Choose and correct:Daming want to wearhis new shoes. (_)_A B C五、连线题29 . 将英文句子与其相应译文用线连起来。1.That is your zip. a.这是你的校服吗?2.Is this your uniform? b.那是你的毛衣吗?3.Show me your box. c.给你。4.Here you are. d.那是你的拉链。5.Is that your sweater? e.给我看看你的盒子。第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、判断题1、2、3、4、三、填内容补全对话1、四、改错1、2、3、五、连线题1、


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