英语三年级下册Unit 2 In the library 单元测试卷(一)

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英语三年级下册Unit 2 In the library 单元测试卷(一)_第1页
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英语三年级下册Unit 2 In the library 单元测试卷(一)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . You are playing football.( )A你正在打篮球。B你正在踢足球。2 . How are you? ( )_AIm fine, thank you.BHello, Lingling.CHi, Lingling.3 . Lets boating. ( )Ago toBgoCto go根据图片选择正确的描述。4 . ( )AMy little cat is on the sofa.BMy little cat is behind the sofa.5 . .( )AChildren like playing hide-and-seek.BChildren like playing table tennis.6 . ( )ADad is watching TV in the living room.BDad is reading a book in the living room.7 . ( )AAmy is in the toilet.BAmy is in the bedroom.8 . ( )AHe found his shoes.BHe found his schoolbag.9 . Hi, Im Mike. Im from the USA. ( )_AThis is John.BWelcome!CWhat about you?10 . _ you often have dreams?( )AAreBDoCHave11 . Theyre big. Theyre black and white. Theyre _. ( )AelephantsBtigersCpandas12 . -Can I have a mango? ( )-_.AYes, I can.BYes, you can.CNo, I cant.13 . This _Stanley. ( )AisBare选出每组单词中不同类的一项。14 . AgoodBsecondCthird15 . AmapBlakeCfind16 . AleftBshopCstraight17 . AshopBofficeCnear18 . AjumpBfunnyCrun19 . 根据所给的单词选择正确的中文意思(_) 1. China A. 中国 B. 中国人(_) 2. Easter A. 复活节 B. 感恩节(_) 3. sky A. 风筝 B. 天空(_) 4. map A. 帽子 B. 地图(_) 5. camera A. 手机 B. 照相机20 . 同位在教室里吃零食,你提醒他:( )ADont talk.BDont drink.CDont eat.21 . 从每组单词中找出不同类的一项。(_)1AEnglishByourCmy(_)2AmilkBeggCpie(_)3AdrinkBeatChot dog(_)4ArunBwindowCdoor(_)5AnotBnoCyes二、情景交际22 . 你想谢绝别人的好意,应该说:( )ANo, thank you.BYes, please.CThank you.23 . 好朋友请我帮助他开门,他应该说:AOpen the door, please.BOpen the window, please.24 . 爸爸叫你不要打开门,他会对你说:AOpen the door.BDont open the door.25 . 你表达歉意的时候会说:Im too bad. B. Im sorry.26 . “让我们去看熊猫吧”可以表达为:_( )ALets go and see the pandas.BLets go and see the dogs.CLets go and see the cats.27 . 邀请别人唱歌时,你可以说:( )ALets sing, OK?BLets go to fly the kite.三、汉译英28 . 写句子。1. 你好,辛迪。_2. 对不起。_3. 不要说话。_4. 不要在这里吃东西。_5. 不要在图书馆喊叫。_四、英汉混合29 . 英汉互译。1. 好运气_2. best friend _3. 每一天_4. miss you _5. 在地球上_五、选内容补全对话30 . 选择合适的单词,完成对话in on When time pastSimon:Im hungry. 1._ are we going to eat,Mum?Mum:At half past twelve.Simon:What 2._is it now?Mum:Its only half 3._ eleven.One hour to go!Look,There are some ducks 4._the pond.Simon:Theyre lovely.Daming: Hey,there are some dark clouds 5._the sky.Its going to rain soon.六、连词成句31 . 连词成句,注意大小写以及标点符号。1. go, red , light, Dont, at, the._2. can, we, how, here, get ?_3. lights, must, we, traffic, pay, to , attention, the !_4. do, to, how, come, you, school ?_5. shop, where, the, Is, Museum ?_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、6、三、汉译英1、四、英汉混合1、五、选内容补全对话1、六、连词成句1、


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