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成都市2019-2020学年六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . In July, My parents are going to _ Shanghai. ( )Amoved toBmove toCmoves to2 . - Whos this? ( )- This is Cathy. _ is my friend.AItBSheCHe3 . -_ you often play sports? ( )- No, I _.ADo; dontBAre; am notCDo; do4 . Remember_your things_ after school. ( )Aput; awayBto put; onCto put; away5 . 为下列句子选择正确的图片。(_) 1. Look! Its a bat.A.B.(_) 2. Is it a cat? No, its a fish.A.B.(_) 3. Is it a panda? Yes, it is.A.B.(_) 4. The pig is fat.A.B.(_) 5. Im a hen.A.B.6 . Look, there is a birdthe sky. ( )AinBonCunder7 . My sister go to London and learn_ there. ( )AChineseBEnglishCPE8 . Good morning, Mun. ( )AGood morning, Ben.BGood evening, Ben.9 . -are you? ( )-Im 1.55 metres.AHow tallBHow heavyCHow big10 . It often _ in London. ( )ArainsBrainCraining11 . My father likes _very much. He usually _ nice food on Sundays. ( )Acooks ,cookingBcooking, cooksCcooker, cookDcooks, cooking12 . _ you play football? ( )Yes, I do.ADoesBdoesCDo13 . Tim is short. But _ brother is _. ( )Ahes; tallBhis; tallChis; long14 . nice!Thank you! ( )AWhatBHowCThis15 . Some _ are on the desk.( )AappleBbiscuitsCtomato16 . _ you at the zoo yesterday? ( )AAreBWasCWere17 . The Spring Festival comes in January or. ( )AMarchBDecemberCFebruary18 . 从下列单词中选出不同类的单词。(_) 1. A. teacher B. playground C. library D. canteen(_) 2. A. computer B. fan C. board D. light(_) 3. A. are B. room C. music D. English(_) 4. A. two B. second C. nine D. eight(_) 5. A. yellow B. pants C. socks D. shoes19 . Are the sweaters yours? Yes , _.AIts hersBTheyre theirsCIts ours.Dtheyre ours .20 . _ were you late today? ( )AWhenBHowCWhy21 . Mum, shall we go _this afternoon? ( )AswimmingBswimCswiming二、填空题用所给词的适当形式填空。22 . Let me _(help) you.23 . Yang Ling _(not have) any nice clothes or shoes.24 . Can you _(take) me home? Sure.25 . What would you like? Id like some _(mushroom).26 . Who _(pick) these mushrooms? My father.27 . My sister likes _(read) stories.28 . There is a big lake in front of the _(prince) house.三、排序题29 . 按AE给下列句子排序。( )No, I dont. Do you often play football here?( )Yes, I do. I like this park very much.( )Its a storybook.( )Hi, Sarah. Whats that?( )Do you often read books in this park?四、任务型阅读阅读短文,根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的写“T,错误的写“F。I have a happy family. My father is a police officer. He likes noodles for breakfast. He dont like milk. My mother is a teacher. She loves apple and cola, and she hates banana. I am a pupil. I love ice cream and hamburger, but I dont like popcorn and fish. We all love chicken and rice. We like going for a walk after supper. I like my family.30 . My father likes riceA(_)31 . My father dont like noodlesA(_)32 . My mother likes chickenA(_)33 . My mother likes colaA(_)34 . I love fishA(_)35 . My father loves milkA(_)36 . I love ice cream and dont like popcornA(_)37 . Mum and I love chickenA(_)五、句型转换38 . 句型转换。(10分)She found it interesting to listen to music. (改为同义句)She_ _ _music.Maybe you can find it somewhere.(改为否定句)Perhaps you_ _ _ _.I must look after my pet.(对画线部分提问)_ _you_?Theres little milk in the bottle.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ _ there in the bottle?The weather is very bad today.(改为感叹句)_bad_ it_ today!六、匹配题39 . 根据问句,选择正确的答句(_) 1. Did you have a good time?AAt 3:00 o clock on Saturday.(_) 2. When are you going to the bookstore?BNo, there isnt (_) 3. How heavy is your brother?CHe is 55kg. (_) 4. Where does your sister work?DBy plane.(_) 5. How did people go to Beijing?EShe works in a library.(_) 6. Is there a science museum near here?FYes, I did.七、书面表达40 . 作文。每个人都有自己的梦想,你也有吧?请以“My dream”为题,写一写自己未来的梦想,并说说自己为了实现这个梦想打算怎么做。要求:意思连贯,语句通顺,书写规范,不少于5句。_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、二、填空题1、三、排序题1、四、任务型阅读1、五、句型转换1、六、匹配题1、七、书面表达1、


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