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外研版(三起)英语四年级下册Module5单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Lookat_( )AmeBheCshe2 . Read and choose.(火眼金睛选不同。)(_)1.A.oldB. shyC. speak(_)2.A.weekend B. SundayC. Friday(_)3.A.hamburger B. teaC. noodle(_)4.A.hotB. sweetC. food(_)5.A.songB. drawC. cook(_)6.A.wantB. sendC. email(_)7.A.plantB. theirC. your(_)8.A.mouseB. flowerC. move(_)9.A.forestB. riverC. high(_)10.A.behindB. hillC. park3 . 选出不同类单词。(_) 1. A. runB. fastC. do(_) 2. A. meterB. tryC. take(_) 3. A. fallB. shoutC. proud(_) 4. A. busyB. proudC. jump4 . What did you do yesterday? ( )I to the museum.AgoBgoesCwent5 . Is there a shop near your home? ( ) No, there _.AisBisnt6 . What you? ( )AaboutBofC/Dat二、阅读选择阅读短文,根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。Hello, everyone! My name is Tom. Its Sunday today. My father goes to the library to read books. He goes there by bike. My mother goes to the shop to buy some fruit and vegetables. She goes there by car. I go to the park on foot. I play with my friends in the park. What do you do on Sunday?7 . Today is _.( )AB8 . Toms father goes to the _.( )AB9 . Toms mother wants to buy some _.( )AB10 . Toms mother goes to the shop by _.( )AB11 . Tom plays with his friends in the _.( )AB三、填空题12 . They_ (have) the same hobby.13 . 用be动词am, is, are填空:1.The balls_black and white.2.What colour_the kites? They_red.3._your friends doctors? No, they_not.4. What color_ the cloud?-It _ white.5._ you a teacher?No,I_ a doctor.四、句型转换按要求完成句子。14 . This is her eraser.(改为同义句)_15 . They are my red pictures.(对画线部分提问)_16 . Is Miss White eating lunch?(作否定回答)_17 . Whats the boy doing?(看图回答问题)_18 . I always finish class at 11: 30.(改为一般疑问句)_19 . 句型转换1. The girl wants to buy a dress.(用three days ago改写句子)Three days ago, the girl _ a dress.2. Did Ben fly a kite with his cat?(作否定回答)_3. He did his homework last night.(变否定句)_4. I am reading an English book .(last week)_按要求改写下列句子。20 . good, I, friend, have, a(.)(连词成句)_21 . Putyourerasernearyourpencilbox.(译成汉语)_22 . Icanusechopsticks.(改为否定句)I_chopsticks.23 . -Isitnearthewindow? -No,itisnt.(改为复数句)-_nearthewindow? -No,_.24 . Therearethreepeopleinmyfamily.(就画线部分提问)_arethereinyourfamily?25 . 句型转换。1.She is eating dinner.(对划线部分提问)_2.He plays the piano every day.(改为现在进行时)_3.What is she doing?(用玩电脑游戏回答)_4.Im doing my homework now.(用every night替换now)_五、看图题26 . 看图,写学科单词:_六、连词成句连词成句。27 . I, outside, now, can, go (?)_28 . is, time, it, what (?)_29 . is, here, snowy, it (.)_30 . I, a, make, can, snowman (?)_31 . isnt, it, cold, but (.)_七、连线题32 . 看图并连线。1. This is a skirt.A2. I like your shirt.B3. This is an old T-shirt.C4. This is a small sweater.D5. These are big trousers. E.第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、2、四、句型转换1、2、3、4、五、看图题1、六、连词成句1、七、连线题1、


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