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外研版(三起)英语六年级下册小升初专题复习-时态辨析姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Shebe here today. ( )AwantBwillCis2 . They go to the park yesterday afternoon. ( )AdoesBdontCdidnt3 . Wetogether last winter. ( )Ago ice-skatingBare going ice-skatingCwent ice-skating4 . What _ your cousin like?( )Donuts.AdoBdoesCare5 . “_” is about a duckling. It becomes a swan at last. ( )AThe ugly ducklingBThe farmer and the snakeCThe fox and the grape6 . Mary wants to _ a teacher. ( )AamBisCbe7 . Steve wants to be a _. He can _ very well. ( )Acook, cookingBcooker, cookCcook, cook8 . Mybrother _sports. ( )AlikeBlikesCliking9 . I _ a pair of shoes. ( )AamBhaveChas10 . These are _.You can buy a pair for your mother.Awomen sockBwomenCwomen socksDwoman socks11 . ( )She always _ Chinese at home. AsaysBspeaksCtalksDtalls12 . We_a monkey_on the hills last week. ( )Asaw, jumpBsaw, jumpingCsaw, jumps13 . This _ my new friend, Amy. ( )AareBis14 . Yesterday, I _my room. ( )AcleanBcleanedCcleaning15 . Sarah _swimming last Monday.( )AgoBgoesCwent16 . Inoodles.AwashedBfinishedCcookedDhelped17 . It was rainy. They _ go to the park. ( )AdidntBdoesCdont18 . We _ to Harbin last year. ( )AgoBwentCget19 . They are _ about English food.AtalkingBsayingChaving20 . You _ tall. ( )AisBamCare21 . I want to go to the Grand Hotel but Im lost.Where can I _ a bus?AbuyBsellCtakeDbring22 . Colina new bike.( )AhaveBhasCare23 . John and Mike. ( )Aare going to play football this afternoonBplayed the football that afternoonCare playing football this afternoon24 . -Whats wrong with you? ( )-I _ a cold today.AhasBhadChave25 . Many years ago, we _in a big house.( )AliveBlivedClives26 . 你想问别人有些地图吗,应说:( )AAre there any maps?BAre there any pictures?CThere are some maps.27 . _ I borrow your scissors? ( )ADoBmayCCan28 . He _ his mother _ housework last night. ( )Ahelps, doBhelped, didChelped, do29 . Li Ming and Zhang Hua _ to school together every day.AgoesBgoCare going30 . -Does she work here?-No, but these days she _ here.AhelpsBhelpCis helpingDhelping31 . People_go by bus 100 years ago.AdoesntBdidntCdont32 . My little sister cant find her new bike. Shes _.( )Acry sadBcrying sadlyCcried happyDcried happily33 . _ she _ this dictionary in the bookshop nearby last week? ( )ADid, buyBDoes, buyCDoes, buys34 . These _ my shoes. ( )AisBareChave35 . Mr. Wang is _ to play games with his students. ( )AgoesBgoingCgo36 . 选出下列词组的正确汉语意思。(_) 1.make snowmen A. 堆雪人 B.铲雪(_) 2.shorter and shorter A. 越来越短 B. 比较短(_) 3.the golden season A. 金色的季节 B.黄金时光(_) 4.last season A. 最后一个季节 B.第一个季节(_) 5.on the tree A. 在树上 B.在树下37 . That girl _ Lucy. ( )AareBamCis38 . _ you like my dog? ( )AAreBIsCDo39 . She isred paper. ( )AcutBcutingCcutting40 . ( )The lion ishere.AcomingBcomesCcome41 . What_you do yesterday? ( )AdidBdoCare42 . -_you going to swim this afternoon? ( )-Yes, I _.AAm; amBDo; doCDo; amDAre; am43 . 找出不同类的一项:( )AmorningBafternoonCtoday44 . I _ there last year. ( )AgoBgoesCwent45 . Miss Li is ill. But she _ comes to work. ( )AtillBstillCalso46 . She _ down and soon falls asleep. ( )AliveBlainClaidDsits47 . He_ watch TV this evening.AwillBare going toCam going to48 . Mr Blacks hobby is _.Alisten to the musicBswimmingCdraws a pictures49 . They are chicks. They eat. ( )AgrassBmeatCcorn50 . We make _ in winter.AsnowmanBsnowmenCsnowmans第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、50、


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