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四年级下册期末测试英语试卷(一)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Tims mother is in the kitchen.Now she .Ais cookingBcookCcooks2 . They are going to take pictures _ the zoo. ( )AonBinCat3 . Jodieandhersister_now.( )AissingBaresingCissingingDaresinging4 . She often_to school on foot, but yesterday she _to school by bus.Ago, wentBgoes, wentCgo, goes5 . 读句子,找出画线词语的近义词。( ) 1. Can I have some tea?A. What B. May C. How( ) 2. Have some milk.A. Eat B. Let C. Drink( ) 3. Lets have some cakes.A. eat B. let C. drink二、阅读选择阅读理解。Hello, my name is Kitty. Im a student. I have a new classmate. Her name is Alice . She is a girl. She is from Shanghai. She is tall and thin. Her eyes are not big. Her hair is long. She can dance well. And she can run fast. But she cannot fly a kite. We often (经常) play together(一起).We are very happy. We are friends now.6 . Who is new ? ( )A. Kitty B. Alice C. Joe7 . Alices eyes are _ . ( )A. big B. small C. not small8 . Alice is _.( )A. short and thin B. tall and big C. tall and thin .9 . What can Alice do ? ( )A. She can dance. B. She can fly a kite . C. She can dance and run.10 . Now we are _.( )A. friends B. teachers . C. boys三、英汉混合11 . 中英互译。【小题1】收集邮票是我的爱好。_【小题2】不,我没有。_【小题3】What is your hobby?_【小题4】Flying kites is my hobby._四、选内容补全对话12 . 选择合适的单词并用其适当形式填空。play everyone be see blowIn the room, you can _ a photo on my desk. Look at this photo. Its Sunday. My family are in the park. There _a naughty dog. Its _ with our ball. Mum is watching a little boy. Dad is reading a book. Im flying a kite. The wind is _gently. _is very happy.五、改错改正下面句子中存在的错误。13 . There are three pandain the photo. (_)_ABC14 . Theyareride a horse now. (_)_A BC15 . The bear isclimba tree. (_)_ABC16 . Do you want a soup? Yes, please. (_)_ABC17 . What are these girl doing? Theyre singing. (_)_ABC六、匹配题读一读,选择与句子相符的图片。A. B. C. D. E. 18 . I like tomatoes. (_)19 . I like potatoes.(_)20 . I like carrots. (_)21 . I love to eat green beans. (_)22 . But onions make me cry. (_)23 . 从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答语,将其序号填入题前括号内。 ( )1.What color is the window?A Sit down, please.( )2.Stand up, please.B Its a robot.( )3.Whats this? C Good morning.( )4.Good morning.D OK, Miss Li.( )5.Dont open the book.E Its yellow.( )6.What about a cake? F Its nice.( )7.Hello, Liu Tao. H Nice to meet you, too.( )8.Nice to meet you.I Thank you.( )9.The book is for you, Helen.J Hello, Mike.( )10.Look at my cap. K Yes, please.24 . 读一读,选一选。Zip: ABCDZoom: EFGH. (_) 1. Sarah: Zoom, can I have some cake, please?Zoom: Here you are.(_) 2.Mike: Id like some milk and eggs, please.Zip: Here you are.(_) 3.John: Zip, Im hungry! Id like some bread and juice.Zip: OK! Here you are.(_) 4.Wu Yifan: Zoom, Im thirsty (渴的)! Id like some water.Zoom: Here you are.(_) 5. Chen Jie: Zoom, can I have some rice and fish, please?Zoom: Sure.七、看图题25 . 参考图片提示,补全问句或答语。1. Whats she doing?She_.2. Are they singing?No, _. Theyre _.3. _?Yes, she is.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、二、阅读选择1、三、英汉混合1、四、选内容补全对话1、五、改错1、六、匹配题1、2、3、七、看图题1、


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