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人教PEP版英语三年级上册专项训练:常考易错题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选择合适的选项补全单词。1 . gl( )AirBriCic2 . w( )AoBeCp3 . wman( )AbBoCn4 . b( )AoiBoyCoo5 . nae( )AmBoCt6 . We wait _ presents.AforBtoCto7 . There is _ bread on the table. ( )Atoo manyBtoo muchCmuch too选择不同类的单词。8 . AelephantBbrownCdog9 . AblackBorangeCpig10 . AcatBbearCarm11 . AbodyBpandaCduck12 . AheadBbirdCmonkey根据图片选择正确的句子。13 . ( )AClose the window.BClose the door.14 . ( )AHe is tall and strong.BHe is short and thin.15 . ( )AThe keys are on the desk.BThe keys are in the door.16 . ( )AWould you like some rice?BWould you like some noodles?17 . ( )AShes a doctor.BShes a nurse.18 . What do sheep like? ( )_AThey like meat.BThey like grass.CIt likes grass.19 . This is Mr Wang . _is a teacher . ASheBICHe.20 . ( )AzooBparkCairport二、情景交际21 . 你想知道这些是什么,你可以这么问:( ).AThese are my feet.BWhat are these?22 . 当老师想让你打开书时会说:( )AOpen your book, please.BClose your book.CShow me your book.23 . 放学回家时,应对老师说:( )AGoodbye!BGoodmorning!CThankyou!24 . 天空中有一架飞机,你想问是什么,怎样问? ( )AWhats this?BWhats that?25 . 做游戏时,老师让你指向椅子,老师会说:_APoint to the desk.BPoint to the chair.三、填空题26 . 选词填空1. The Spring Festival is the _ (English, Chinese) New Year.2. We _ (make, clean) our rooms for the Spring Festival.3. We _ (visit, go) our family and friends.4. When _ (is, are) the Spring Festival this year?5. Kids get _ (luck, lucky) money.四、排序题27 . 将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。(_)Sorry, Mum.(_)Dont put(放) the T-shirt on the desk.(_)What colour is your T-shirt?(_)Is it on your desk?(_)Mum, wheres my T-shirt?(_)Its orange.(_)Oh! Yes, it is. Thank you.五、改错28 . 选出句中错误的一项:(_).Whatis they? They are dogs.A B C六、字母题29 . 默写本单元所学的五个字母的大小写。七、连线题30 . 英汉连线。1. an English breakfastA有,拥有2. have lunchB传统菜肴3. traditional dishesC吃午餐4. very muchD很,非常5. have gotE一份英式早餐31 . 将算式与答案用线连起来。1. two+two a. six2. twofive b. ten3. tentwo c. nine4. eight - two d. five5. seven+ two e. four八、其他32 . 圈出不同类的单词1. mango bridge apple orange2. hand nose small mouth3. four five eight he 4. pear yellow red white第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、二、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、三、填空题1、四、排序题1、五、改错1、六、字母题1、七、连线题1、2、八、其他1、

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