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三年级上册期末模拟测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _you reading an English book? ( )ADoBAreCIs选出不是同一类的词。2 . AbirdBbagCduck3 . AmorningBrabbitCbear4 . AmonkeyBrulerCcat5 . AcatBafternoonCnight6 . AhelloBhiCgood7 . AbirdBrabbitCgirl8 . AhelloBnameChi9 . AnightBbearCevening10 . AduckBboyCgirl11 . AdogBduckCafternoon12 . David is from . ( )AAmericaBAmericanCAmericans13 . -Look! I have a bag! ( )-AThank you.BHow nice.CYes, it is.14 . - Hello, Im Mike. ( )-_, Im Chen Jie.AYesBWhoCHello15 . -Look, who _ in the classroom? ( ) -Maybe Kate _Ais reading;isBis reading;doesCreads;is16 . There is _ DVD player. ( )AaBanC/17 . Jane teaches her sister. ( )AdrawBto drawCdrawing二、情景交际18 . 当你看到一条橙色的狗时,你会说:_ ( )AIts a orange dog.BIts an orange dog.19 . 你的尺子很长,你可以说:( )AMy ruler is new.BMy ruler is long.20 . 情景交际【小题1】你想问,“你星期天干什么”,怎么说?( )A. What do you do on Saturday?B. What are you do on weekend?C. What do you do on the weekend?【小题2】你想问“你的父亲踢足球吗”,怎么说?( )A. Do your father play football?B. Does your father play football?C. Does your father play basketball?【小题3】你想说你经常在周末看电影,怎么说?( )A. I often see a film on weekend.B. I will see a film on the weekend.C. I often see a film on the weekend.【小题4】你想说你经常呆在家里做作业,怎么说?( )A. I often stay at home and do my homework.B. I often stay at home and do housework.C. I often stay at home and do some exercise.三、匹配题给下列句子选择正确的翻译。A.你不要进入草地。B.你必须照看好小孩。C.你不要乱丢杂物。D.你应该早点去睡觉。E.我们不应该晚回家。21 . You should go to bed early. (_)22 . We shouldnt go home late. (_)23 . You mustnt litter. (_)24 . You must take good care of young children. (_)25 . You must keep off the grass. (_)四、连词成句26 . 连词成句。 (1)I , hungry , am , because(.)_(2)under , it , is , my ,bed(.)_(3)a , hat , are , why , you , wearing (?)_(4)be , to , going , it , is , sunny (.)_(5) here , why , are , you (?)_五、书面表达27 . 写出所给字母组合的相应的大小写字母。(1) GJIM(2) BDHK(3) lije(4)dnbg第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、二、情景交际1、2、3、三、匹配题1、四、连词成句1、五、书面表达1、


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