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三年级下册期中测试英语试卷(五)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Will Daming go to the countryside? ( )No, he _.AwillBwontCwillnt2 . -did you go on your holiday? ( )-I went to Xin jiang.AWhatBWhereCHow3 . We some fish for lunch. ( )AhaveBlikeChear4 . The traffic lights have _ colours. ( )AthreeBthirteenCthirty5 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AitBthisCthat6 . Please! The light is yellow now.( )Aslow down and stopBstop and waitCgo7 . 华盛顿是美国的首都。( )AWashington D. C is the capital of USA.BWashington D. C is the capital of UK.8 . 选出下列单词中不同类的单词( )AwriteBreadCwishes选出下列选项中不同类的一项。9 . AbuyBgiftCtake10 . AcapBtoyCneed11 . AthreeBtheseCthose12 . AflagBTshirtCabout13 . AfamilyBcousinCuncle14 . ApenBpencilCname15 . AschoolBteachersCpens16 . - _ that a ruler? ( )- _, it isnt.AIs, YesBWhats, YesCIs, No17 . 火眼金睛找不同。( )1. A.what B.how C.weather( )2. A.clean B.cold C.warm( )3. A.hot B.happy C.cool18 . _ did you come back?Last Friday.AWhereBWhenCWhat19 . _play with fire!( )ADontBIsntCArent二、情景交际20 . 你想告诉对方它是一只绿色的鸟,应该说:( )Aits a green bird.BIt a green bird.CIts a green bird.21 . 你想买那个绿色的钱包,你应该对服务员说:_ ( )ACan I have the green purse?BI dont like the green purse.22 . 你想问对方“它在你的玩具箱里吗?”,你应说:_AWhere is your toy box?BIs it in your toy box?23 . 老师让大家过来,可以说:_( )AComehere,children!BHerecome,children!24 . 当你骑自行车遇到红灯时,你应该:_ ( )AWait.BStop.CGo.25 . 很久没见好朋友李明了,见到他时你会怎样问候他呢?( )AHow are you?BHow old are you?26 . 当你想把祖母介绍给莉莉时, 你可以说:_( )AThis is Lily.BThis is my grandma.27 . 公园长椅上的油漆未干,一位老爷爷正要坐上去,你对他说:( )APlease dont sit here.BSit down, please.CStand up, please.28 . 你想知道离你近的东西是什么时,你可以问:( )AWhats this?BWhats that?CThis is a car.三、排序题29 . 根据语意排列句子。( )Its near our school.( )Great! How can we get there?( 1 )John, Lets go to the park this afternoon.( )We go to the park by bus.( )OK. But, where is the bus stop?( )OK. See you at 2 oclock.( 7 )See you then.四、任务型阅读阅读判断,用T/F表示Min: Im a cat. I like birds and rats. I dont like dogs. My home is on the roof. I can see many things on the roof. I can see aeroplanes. I can see cars and buses.Dotty: I am a bird. I like singing in the tree. My home is in the tree. I like dogs but I dont like cats. I can hear Min.30 . Min is a dog. (_)31 . Dotty likes dogs. (_)32 . Min and Dotty are good friends. (_)33 . Dotty can hear a cat. (_)34 . Mins home is in the tree. (_)五、汉译英根据汉语意思,补全句子。35 . 这匹黑马跑得非常快。This black horse ran _.36 . 她在海边卖贝壳。She sells _ at the _.37 . 爷爷现在很慢,但是很健康。Grandpa is _ now, but _?38 . 在过去,他跳得很高。In the _, he _ very high.39 . 根据汉语提示,完成句子。1. 他将在床上待两天。He is going to _ in bed _ two days.2. 我们打算下周去北京。Were _ to Beijing _ week.3. 刘涛将在家开一个生日聚会。Liu Tao will have a _ at home.4. 这学期什么时候结束?_ this term _ to end?5. 莉莉将为晚会做些什么?_ Lily going to _ at the party?六、匹配题读句子,选答语。A. Id like some beef and soup.B. Sorry, you can use the spoon.C. Here you are.D. Fish and vegetables.E. No, thanks.40 . Mum. Whats for dinner?(_)41 . What would you like for dinner?(_)42 . Would you like some bread? (_)43 . Can I have the chopsticks?(_)44 . Pass me the bowl, please.(_)七、连词成句45 . Complete the sentences.(连词成句)1. is your this ear._2. touch your please face _第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、三、排序题1、四、任务型阅读1、五、汉译英1、2、六、匹配题1、七、连词成句1、


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