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.Effective Date:生效日期: _ NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT保密协议 AAA International Inc. and its affiliates (individually and collectively referred to as “AAA”) understand that _ (“Recipient”) wishes to receive, and AAA is willing to furnish to Recipient, certain information of AAA relating to _ project_of AAA QP_ in China and as further described by AAA (the “Project”) for the purpose of provision of engineering and construction services_ which may lead to a future business relationship between the parties on terms and conditions to be separately agreed upon. Said information is the proprietary property of AAA and includes or involves certain information (including without limitation trade secrets, know how, techniques and specifications, the engagement of Recipient and the fact, nature and terms of this Agreement) of a character regarded by AAA as confidential (hereinafter referred to as “Confidential Information”). Recipient agrees to receive such Confidential Information on the following terms and conditions:AAA国际有限公司及其子公司(以下简称“AAA”)理解_ (以下简称“接收人”)希望得到AAA的以下信息(AAA也同意提供):AAA QP工厂_的QP项目以及AAA的工程与施工服务(以下简称“本项目”)的内容,该服务可能在另外协商一致的条款和条件基础上加深双方的业务关系。上述信息属于AAA的私有财产,包括或涉及属于AAA机密的某些信息(包括但不限于商业机密、专业知识、技术和规范、与接收人的合作、本协议的性质和条款)(以下简称“机密信息”)。接收人同意按以下条款和条件的规定接收此类机密信息:1.Recipient shall hold Confidential Information in strict confidence and shall not disclose same to others without AAAs prior written consent. Notwithstanding this, Recipient shall be permitted to disclose Confidential Information to Recipients employees identified in Schedule A (“Approved Individuals”). Recipient further agrees to abide by the following Confidential Information handling requirements: (A) the Confidential Information will (i) be used solely at _your location (“Facility”) and will not be removed from the Facility, (ii) not be copied or otherwise duplicated without AAAs prior written consent; (B) to identify and obligate one of the Approved Individuals to serve as a Confidential Information document manager with responsibility for (i) collecting when not in use and storing in locked files such Confidential Information and issuing such Confidential Information to Approved Individuals and (ii) making, numbering, logging to identify recipient, and issuing any copy of Confidential Information approved by AAA in writing; (C) log-in and log-out any Confidential Information, not copy or permit the copying of Confidential Information and will distribute Confidential Information in hard copy form only (D) Confidential Information, including information derived from such as described in paragraph 6 herein will not be stored in any electronic media without AAAs prior consent, (E) derivative encrypt all electronic mail communications relating to the Project; and (F) all communications between Recipient or the Authorized Individuals and AAA regarding this quote and the project shall be directed only to _. Recipient shall regularly monitor the Approved Individuals for compliance with such requirements. 接收人严格保密机密信息,未经AAA事先书面同意,不得向其它方公开。但是,接收人可以向附表A认定的员工(以下简称“批准的个人”)公开机密信息。接收人还同意遵守机密信息的以下处理要求:(A)机密信息:(i)仅限在_你的地址 (以下简称“工厂”)使用,不得带出工厂;(ii) 未经AAA事先书面同意,不得复制;(B)确定一名批准的人员做为机密信息经理,负责:(i) 保管机密信息,仅向经批准的个人发放机密信息;(ii) 编制收发记录,经AAA书面批准,发布机密信息的副本;(C)登机机密信息,不对机密信息进行复制,发布机密信息时仅限打印版;(D)未经AAA事先同意,不得以电子介质存储机密信息,包括本协议第6章节所述内容的衍生信息;(E)所有与本项目有关的电子邮件的衍生信息;(F)在接收人或授权人员与AAA之间就本报价与本项目的所有沟通,唯一联系人为_。接收人应定期监控批准的人员是否遵守了这些要求。2.Confidential Information shall not include any information which Recipient can show by written records:机密信息不包括以下内容:a. was generally known to the public prior to disclosure to Recipient, or thereafter becomes generally known to the public without the fault or breach of any confidentiality obligation by Recipient; or接收人没有获悉的公开信息,或信息的公开并不是由于接收人违反保密义务;b. was known by Recipient prior to disclosure; or公开之前接收人已知的信息;c. was later disclosed to Recipient not under an obligation of confidentiality by a third party having a legal right to disclose same.随后由具有合法权利公开同样信息的第三方向接收人公开的此类信息。3.Specific information (or the combination of information) is not within the exclusions of paragraph 2 merely because it is embraced by more general information that falls within the exclusions. Confidential Information shown to fall within the foregoing exclusions shall not be identified by Recipient as information which was received from, is used by or considered proprietary by AAA.特殊信息(或信息组合)不属于第2段落的除外条款,因为除外条款中的更多一般信息包括了此信息。上述除外条款中的机密信息不再属于AAA的财产。4.Recipient shall use Confidential Information only for the purpose or purposes stated above and shall make no other use of the same without the prior written consent of AAA. Confidential Information includes any knowledge or information developed and the results of any evaluation or work conducted by Recipient under this Agreement as well as the fact, nature and terms of this or any related Agreement between Recipient and AAA.接收人仅应将机密信息用于上述目的,未经AAA事先书面同意,不得用于其它目的。机密信息还包括接收人根据本协议以及接收人与AAA之间的任何相关协议执行工作的成果以及开发的知识或信息。5AAA Affiliates may disclose Confidential Information to Recipient. Such disclosures are not subject to the exception of paragraph 2(c) and shall be maintained in confidence as if they had been disclosed directly to Recipient by AAA. “AAA Affiliates” means any company or entity directly or indirectly owned or controlled by AAA through ownership of at least fifty percent (50%) of the shares or other ownership interest of that company normally entitled to vote for the election of directors.AAA的子公司可以将机密信息公开给接收人,且无需依据第2段落(c)部分的除外条款,接收人也应保密,就象AAA向接收人公开机密信息一样。“AAA子公司”是指由AAA直接或间接控制的任何公司或实体,至少拥有50%的股份或所有权,并有权投票选举董事。6.Recipient agrees that all Confidential Information, including tangible information such as drawings, formulations, designs, specifications, flowsheets, sketches, descriptions, data, samples and other material pertaining to Confidential Information and obtained from or through AAA shall remain the property of AAA. Recipient agrees to return to AAA all such Confidential Information, all approved copies thereof, and any documents generated by Recipient under this Agreement on the first to occur of (i) project not awarded to Recipient; (ii) conclusion of the project or (iii) at AAAs request. In the event of loss, theft, unauthorized disclosure or use of the Confidential Information or other violation of the terms of this agreement relating to the protection of Confidential Information, Recipient will immediately notify AAA in writing and take all reasonable and appropriate steps, at its expense, necessary to remedy the breach including without limitation to enjoin and/or prosecute the violating activity and to recover Confidential Information that has been compromised. Upon reasonable request, and during normal business hours, Recipient will allow AAAs authorized representatives to have access to the Recipients Facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of reviewing compliance with the confidentiality, limited use and Confidential Information handling provisions of this Agreement. In the event AAA has concerns with Recipients security procedures, Recipient agrees to promptly implement any additional reasonable security measures identified by AAA. 接收人同意所有的机密信息,包括有形资产,比如图纸、规划、设计、规范、工艺流程图、示意图、说明、数据、样品或其它与机密信息有关的资料以及从AAA或通过AAA获取的资料,都属于AAA的财产。接收人同意在以下条件下向AAA归还所有此类机密信息及其所有批准的副本以及接收人根据本协议导出的所有文件:(i) 项目未授予接收人;(ii) 项目结束了;(iii) AAA要求。如果发生损失、失窃、未经授权的公开或使用机密信息,或其它违反本协议保密条款的行为,接收人应立即以书面形式通知AAA,并自费采取所有合理且适当的措施进行补救,包括但不限于禁止和/或起诉违约行为,收回相关的机密信息。如有合理要求,在正常工作时间,接收人应允许AAA的授权代表在合理时间进入接收人的工厂,以审核其是否遵守了本协议的保密要求、有限使用以及机密信息的处理规定。如果AAA对接收人的保密规程有建议,接收人同意立即执行任何由AAA认定的额外且合理的保密措施。7.Recipient represents and warrants that it has the authority and the right to enter into this Agreement and prepare a quotation, and that its obligations hereunder are not in conflict with any other obligations or interests of Recipient.接收人保证其有权签署本协议并编制投标文件,并保证本协议中接收人的义务没有与接收人的任何其它义务或利益有冲突。8.To protect AAAs interests with regard to Confidential Information specifically covered by this Agreement, Recipient agrees that (a) for a period of five (5) years from the Effective Date, or (b) in the event the Project is awarded to Recipient, for the duration of the Project and a further period of five (5) year thereafter. In addition, if the Project is awarded to Recipient, all Approved Individuals must execute the form Non-Disclosure Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and implement other security/protection procedures as identified by AAA. 为了保护本协议规定的与机密信息有关的AAA的利益,接收人同意保密期限为:(a) 自生效日期起五(5)年内,或(b)如果项目授予接收人,在项目期间及其之后的五(5)年内。此外,如果项目授予接收人,所有批准的人员必须履行本协议后附的作为附录1的保密协议,并履行AAA认定的其它保密规程。9.No right or license is granted hereby to Recipient, expressly or by implication, with respect to the Confidential Information or any patent, patent application or other proprietary right of AAA, notwithstanding the expiration of the confidentiality obligations of this Agreement.即使在本协议的保密义务期满之后,接收人也无权使用AAA的机密信息、专利、专利应用或其它所有权。10.The amount and type of information disclosed by AAA hereunder shall be in the sole discretion of AAA. Recipient acknowledges that Confidential Information is provided by AAA “AS IS” without guarantee or warranty of any kind, express or implied. WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING, DISCLOSER DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.本协议中AAA公开的信息数量与类型仅由AAA自行决定。接收人确认AAA对其提供的机密信息并不做任何担保。除上述内容的普遍性以外,公开者还不保证其适用性,也不保证其没有侵权。11.Recipient shall adhere to the United States Export Administration Laws and Regulations and shall not export or re-export any technical data or products received from Discloser or the direct product of such technical data to any proscribed country listed in the United States Export Administration Regulations unless properly authorized by the United States Government.接收人应遵守美国的出口管制法,不得向美国出口管制法规定的国家出口或再出口任何技术资料或产品或从公开者收到的产品以及此类技术资料本身,除非得到美国政府的授权。12.In the event of a breach or threatened breach of this Agreement, Recipient acknowledges and agrees that AAA will have no adequate remedy at law and, accordingly, in addition to all remedies available at law or in equity, AAA will be entitled to an injunction against a breach or threatened breach. Recipient hereby waives the obligation for AAA to post a bond as a pre-requisite to obtaining injunctive relief.如果违反本协议或不得不违反本协议,接收人承认并同意除依法或公平地采取所有补救措施以外,AAA仍然无法得到足够的补救;AAA有权制止违约。接收人特此免除AAA交纳保证金的义务,作为取得强制补救的首要措施。13.This Agreement and any counterpart original thereof may be executed and transmitted by facsimile. The facsimile signature shall be valid and acceptable for all purposes as if it were an original.本协议及其任何副本的传真件同样有效。本协议原件经签署之后,其传真件同样有效。14.AAA may freely assign this Agreement without Recipients consent. This Agreement shall not be assigned by Recipient except with the prior written consent of AAA, not to be unreasonably withheld.AAA可以自由转让本协议,无需接收人同意。除非经AAA事先书面同意,接收人不得转让本协议,也不得无理扣留。15.This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. No modification to this Agreement shall be effective unless made in writing and signed by both parties.本协议即为双方关于本协议事项的全部协议。除非经双方书面签署,否则本协议的任何修改部分均无效。16.This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware, without regard to its conflicts of law principles.本协议的管辖与解释应按照美国特拉华州的法律,无论是否有任何法律冲突。IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be signed by their duly authorized representatives.特此见证:本协议由双方正式授权代表签署:AAA International Inc._AAA国际公司By:签字: _By: 签字: _Name:名字: _Name:名字: _Title:职位: _Title:职位:_Schedule A附表AApproved Individuals批准的人员1. _ (designated as Document Manager as per section 1(B) of the Agreement)(按照本协议第1章节(B)部分的要求,指定为文件经理)2. _3. _ EXHIBIT 1附件1FORM OF NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL承包商人员保密协议I, insert, am aware that AAA International Inc. (“AAA”) and my employer, . (“Contractor”) have entered into a Non-Disclosure Agreement (“Agreement”), and I fully understand that it imposes certain obligations on Contractor, all of which are reproduced in Attachment A hereto and incorporate herein. I further understand that as part of its obligations under the Agreement, Contractor is required to obtain this written agreement from certain employees, including myself.我 名字 确认AAA国际公司 (“AAA”)与我的雇主 . (“承包商”)签署了一份保密协议(“协议”)In consideration of my future assignment and/or responsibilities in connection with Contractors performance under the Agreement, I hereby acknowledge, represent and confirm to Contractor and AAA as follows: (a) I have read the provisions of the Agreement and this Non-Disclosure Agreement, understand and agree to be bound by the terms as a Recipient (defined in the Agreement) and know of no agreements, obligations or restrictions which would prevent or prohibit me from complying with such terms or have the effect of causing Contractor to be prevented or prohibited from complying with its obligations under the Agreement; (b) I will receive and maintain all AAA Confidential Information (as defined in the Agreement), perform services and conduct myself, in all respects during the term of the Agreement and for the requisite periods thereafter, in a manner consistent with these obligations; and (c) I agree not to, directly or indirectly, engage in or assist others to engage in, any activity or conduct which would violate the provisions of the Agreement or this Non-Disclosure Agreement.考虑到与承包商依据本协议的工作有关的我的任务和/或职责,我特此向承包商和AAA确认:(a)我已通读本协议以及本保密协议的规定,理解并同意遵守接收人条款(详见本协议),并知道无论有任何协议、义务或限制,我都必须遵守此条款,或促使承包商遵守本协议的义务;(b) 我将会收到并保管AAA的所有机密信息(详见本协议),并将在本协议期间以及其后的必要期间,以符合这些义务的方式履行此义务;(c) 我同意不直接也不间接参与或协助其它人参与任何违反本协议或本保密协议规定的行为。In the event of a breach or threatened breach of this Non-Disclosure Agreement, I acknowledge and agree that AAA and Contractor will have no adequate remedy at law and, accordingly, in addition to all remedies available at law or in equity, AAA and Contractor will be entitled to an injunction against a breach or threatened breach. I further waive the obligation for AAA or Contractor to post a bond as a pre-requisite to obtaining injunctive relief.如果违反了本保密协议或不得不违反了本保密协议,我确认并同意AAA和承包商除依法或公平地采取所有补救措施以外,AAA和承包商仍然无法得到足够的补救;AAA和承包商有权制止违约。我还免除AAA或承包商交纳保证金的义务,作为取得强制补救的首要措施。I also agree that if any provisions of this Non-Disclosure Agreement will be invalid or unenforceable for any cause whatsoever, the validity and enforceability of the other provisions will not be affected.我还同意如果本保密协议的任何规定由于任何原因而无效或不可执行,其它规定的有效和可执行性不受影响。(Signature 签字)Name (print):名字(打印) Date:日期 Attachment A附件ANON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT BETWEEN _ AND AAA INTERNATIONAL:_与AAA国际之间的保密协议AAA International Inc. and its affiliates (individually and collectively referred to as “AAA”) understand that _ (“Recipient”) wishes to receive, and AAA is willing to furnish to Recipient, certain information of AAA relating to _ project_of AAA QP _ in China and as further described by AAA (the “Project”) for the purpose of provision of engineering and construction services_ which may lead to a future business relationship between the parties on terms and conditions to be separately agreed upon. Said information is the proprietary property of AAA and includes or involves certain information (including without limitation trade secrets, know how, techniques and specifications, the engagement of Recipient and the fact, nature and terms of this Agreement) of a character regarded by AAA as confidential (hereinafter referred to as “Confidential Information”). Recipient agrees to receive such Confidential Information on the following terms and conditions:AAA国际有限公司及其子公司(以下简称“AAA”)理解_ (以下简称“接收人”)希望得到AAA的以下信息(AAA也同意提供):AAA QP工厂_的QP项目以及AAA的工程与施工服务(以下简称“本项目”)的内容,该服务可能在另外协商一致的条款和条件基础上加深双方的业务关系。上述信息属于AAA的私有财产,包括或涉及属于AAA机密的某些信息(包括但不限于商业机密、专业知识、技术和规范、与接收人的合作、本协议的性质和条款)(以下简称“机密信息”)。接收人同意按以下条款和条件的规定接收此类机密信息:1. Recipient shall hold Confidential Information in strict confidence and shall not disclose same to others without AAAs prior written consent. Notwithstanding this, Recipient shall be permitted to disclose Confidential Information to Recipients employees identified in Schedule A (“Approved Individuals”). Recipient further agrees to abide by the following Confidential Information handling requirements: (A) the Confidential Information will (i) be used solely at _your location (“Facility”) and will not be removed from the Facility, (ii) not be copied or otherwise duplicated without AAAs prior written consent; (B) to identify and obligate one of the Approved Individuals to serve as a Confidential Information document manager with responsibility for (i) collecting when not in use and storing in locked files such Confidential Information and issuing such Confidential Information to Approved Individuals and (ii) making, numbering, logging to identify recipient, and issuing any copy of Confidential Information approved by AAA in writing; (C) log-in and log-out any Confidential Information, not copy or permit the copying of Confidential Information and will distribute Confidential Information in hard copy form only (D) Confidential Information, including information derived from such as described in paragraph 6 herein will not be stored in any electronic media without AAAs prior consent, (E) derivative encrypt all electronic mail communications relating to the Project; and (F) all communications between Recipient or the Authorized Individuals and AAA regarding this quote and the project shall be directed only to _ Steven Huang _. Recipient shall regularly monitor the Approved Individuals for compliance with such requirements. 2. 接收人严格保密机密信息,未经AAA事先书面同意,不得向其它方公开。但是,接收人可以向表A认定的员工(以下简称“批准的个人”)公开机密信息。接收人还同意遵守机密信息的以下处理要求:(A)机密信息:(i)仅限在_ 你的地址 (以下简称“工厂”)使用,不得带出工厂;(ii) 未经AAA事先书面同意,不得复制;(B)确定一名批准的人员做为机密信息经理,负责:(i) 保管机密信息,仅向经批准的个人发放机密信息;(ii) 编制收发记录,经AAA书面批准,发布机密信息的副本;(C)登机机密信息,不对机密信息进行复制,发布机密信息时仅限打印版;(D)未经AAA事先同意,不得以电子介质存储机密信息,包括本协议第6章节所述内容的衍生信息;(E)所有与本项目有关的电子邮件的衍生信息;(F)在接收人或授权人员与AAA之间就本报价与本项目的所有沟通,唯一联系人为_Steven Huang_。接收人应定期监控批准的人员是否遵守了这些要求。2.Confidential Information shall not include any information which Recipient can show by written records:机密信息不包括以下内容:a) was generally known to the public prior to disclosure to Recipient, or thereafter becomes generally known to the public without the fault or breach of any confidentiality obligation by Recipient; or接收人没有获悉的公开信息,或信息的公开并不是由于接收人违反保密义务;b) was known by Recipient prior to disclosure; or公开之前接收人已知的信息;c) was later disclosed to Recipient not under an obligation of confidentiality by a third party having a legal right to disclose same.随后由具有合法权利公开同样信息的第三方向接收人公开的此类信息。3.Specific information (or the combination of information) is not within the exclusions of paragraph 2 merely because it is embraced by more general information that falls within the exclusions. Confidential Information shown to fall within the foregoing exclusions shall not be identified by Recipient as information which was received from, is used by or considered proprietary by AAA.特殊信息(或信息组合)不属于第2段落的除外条款,因为除外条款中的更多一般信息包括了此信息。上述除外条款中的机密信息不再属于AAA的财产。4.Recipient sha


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