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.1、P123本刊只接受全部用英文写成的稿件。来稿在4000字左右为宜。论文必须另页附200字以内的中文摘要、100词以内英文摘要和不少于3个的主题词。正文格式应符合以下要求:1、英文12磅字体;2、双倍行距;3、左右两边空白各不少于3.5厘米;4、单面打印;5、段落第一行行首缩进四个字符;6、加入页码;7、文内引语和参考书目采用美国心理学会(APA)的论文格式。This journal accepts only papers in English. Keep the paper about 4000 words. Accompanying an Chinese abstract within 200 words an English abstract 100 words and no less than 3 keywords in another page. The following is the format of the text: 1. Use font size 12 in English; 2. Write on double-space; 3. Leave margin at least 3.5 cm on the right and left sides; 4. Type on only one side; 5. Indent the first line of every paragraph with 4 spaces; 6. Number the paper with pages; 7. Adopt the format of APA for the introduction and the reference.2、P120本文针对当前我国对外经济法规汉英翻译的一些实际问题,探讨了以翻译规律来规范对外经济法规汉英翻译的可能性,提出了基本规律和特殊规律。本文指出,对外经济法规汉英翻译必须遵循建立在服从法律英语的语言特点和表达规律基础上的对外经济法规翻译规律。研究结果表明,这些规律都是通过分析法规译文中的典型错误,结合国内翻译理论进行总结归纳才提出的,对经济法规的翻译实践有重要的指导意义。This paper aims at some obvious errors in the translation of current Chinas foreign economic laws and rules and probes into possibility of governing the C-E translation of those documents with a set of basic and specific principles proposed. It is also pointed out that translators of economic laws and rules should follow the particular principles based on the syntactic features and styles of legal English. The findings indicate that these principles are proposed after the analysis of many translation errors, and the induction of relevant domestic and foreign translation theories. It is hoped that they are somewhat a guideline to the translation of such documents.3、P103从法律上讲,合同是一种对签约各方都具有约束力的协议。合同的要点如下:1、双方同意;2、一种合法的补偿,在大多数情况下一定是金钱;3、签约各方均具有合法的签约能力;4、不具有欺诈或威胁性;5、签约主题不得具有非法性或违反公共准则。一般来说,合同既可以是口头的,也可以是书面的。不过,为了便于执行起见,有些合同必须采用书面形式,并需签字。这些合同包括不动产的出售和转让合同,对执行计划失败、拖欠债务或对他人的违约作出保证、负责赔偿的合同,等等。In law, a contract is an agreement binding all the signatories, the key point of contract are as follows: (1) Universal agreement by all the parties involved;(2) Legal compensation for infringement, mostly in money;(3) Each party should have the legal power to sign the contract;(4) No fraud or coercion is involved; (5) The subject of the agreement should not be against any law or public rules.A contract can either be oral or in writing. To facilitate their execution, some contracts must be reached in writing and with signatures, including: The contract on real estates sale or transfer; The contract guaranteeing a plans execution, a debts repayment, or a signatorys following the agreement, as well as being liable for compensation if such guarantees fail.4、P93商标通常是销售商或厂家的一种有价财产,因为它一方面象征着经销公司的声望,另一方面又是产品及服务的标志。因此当某一公司及其资产被出售时,其商标既可以出售,又可以转让他人。只要具有有效的质量监控措施,商标亦可特许他人使用。绝大多数快餐店,如肯德基炸鸡或其他一些特许经营店,只要得到总公司的许可,都可使用总公司的商标。Trademark is usually valuable property owned seller and manufacturers, because it symbolizes the prestige of sales company, on the other hand, it is the sign of products and services. Therefore, when one company and its assets are sold, its trademark could be sold or transferred to other. So long as there is effectively quality monitoring measures, the use of trademark can be granted to others. Most of fast food shops, such as KFC of other franchises, as long as proved, can be use the companys trademark.5、P95版权是一种无形资产。正如其字面所示,它所拥有的是一种权利。这种权利包括两个方面,即复制权和对复制权的使用控制。版权是对作品创造者实行的一种法律保护。最初仅限于对书籍方面,而今已扩大到对各种杂志、报纸、地图、戏剧、电影、电视节目、电脑软件、绘画、图片、雕塑、音乐作品、舞蹈动作设计等类作品的保护。实质上,版权保护的是知识或艺术财产。The copyright is a kind of intangible assets. Literal meaning, it is a kind of rights which includes two aspects: reproduction right and its using control. Initially it was used for books, and now have expanded to the various magazines, newspapers, maps, plays, films TV, computer software, painting, picture, sculpture, music works, dancing design and so on. In essence, what the copyright protect is knowledge or art property. Copyright is unique in that it is intended to serve the public. If a reader buys a copyright book which was protected, he owns the book. But if he copy and sold this book or send it out, it is illegal, because such a right belongs to publishers, authors or others that owns the copyright.6、P7911、历史业已证明,人类对于资源的认识、开发和利用,以及利用资源制造生产工具的能力,是社会生产力发展水平的重要标志,也在一定程度上决定了一定的社会基本结构和发展形态。It has been proved through the history that humans recognition, exploitation, and utilization of the resources as well as the ability to make production tools not only are important indicators of development level social productive force, but also, to some extent, determine the basic structure and development formation of a certain society.7、 12、人的一生经历无数次选择,即无数次机会的把握。正确的选择可以造就生命中灿烂的前程,错误的选择可以毁掉生活的梦想而感受遗憾的苦果。选择需要高深的思维功底,选择需要切合实际的判断能力,选择需要谨慎的态度,选择需要果敢的决断,选择需要充裕的时间。A man has in his life numerous choices or numerous opportunities to grasp. The right choices may make life a good future, the wrong ones may ruin peoples dreams and suffer the bitterness of regret. Making choice requires profound thinking, practical judgment, cautious attitude, courageous decisions, and sufficient time.4.


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