
上传人:max****ui 文档编号:11089371 上传时间:2020-04-18 格式:PPT 页数:44 大小:3.44MB
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2012中考英语强化试题一 1 听力30分 音频版 2 一 听句子 根据你所听到的的句子 从A B C三个选项中选择最恰当的应答语 1 A Yes Ido B Thankyou C No Idon t 2 A Allright B Goodluck C Welldone 3 A Yes Iam B Iam14 C IlikeEnglishbetter 4 A Nevermind B Thankyou C Goodidea 5 A Don tmentionit B Basketball C Ithinkso 3 二 听小对话 根据对话内容 选择正确的答案 6 Whichsportdoesthemanlikebetter A Basketball B Tennis C Football 7 Whatistheweatherliketoday A It swindy B It ssnowing C It ssunny 8 Whataretheytalkingabout A Thefinalexam B Thehighjump C Thelongjump 9 Whendidthefilmbegin A At8 10 B At8 20 C At8 25 10 Wheredoesthisconversationprobablyhappen A Inapolicestation B Atabusstop C Inashop 4 11 Whatdoesthemanwanttobewhenhegrowsup A Asinger B Amoviestar C Awriter 12 Whatiswrongwiththeman A Hecan tsleep B Hehascaughtacold C Hefeelslikeeating 13 Whataretheytalkingabout A Friends B ATVprogram C Whattheydidyesterday 14 Whatdidthewomanhaveforlunch A Bread B Eggs C Chicken 15 Wheremaytheconversationtakeplace A Inazoo B Inahospital C Onabus 5 三 听对话 根据对话内容及所给问题选择正确答案 听一段对话 回答16 17小题 16 WhatisMikedoing A Writingtohisaunt B Havingapicnic C Climbingahill 17 Whenwillthetwospeakersmeettomorrow A At8 30inthemorning B At2 00intheafternoon C At2 30intheafternoon 6 听一段对话 回答18 20小题 18 Wheredoesthisconversationprobablytakeplace A Inahospital B Inashop C Inarestaurant 19 Whatdrinksdotheyorder A Teaandapplejuice B Coffeeandapplejuice C Teaandorangejuice 20 Howmuchdotheyneedtopay A 89yuan B 59yuan C 19yuan 7 四 听短文 根据短文内容填空 21 Theweatheris and 22 Johnborrowssomebooksfromthe 23 Johnissittingonthe readingastorybook 24 Thebookisvery soJohndoesnotnoticewhatishappeningaroundhim 25 issittinginatreereadingabookjustasJohndidamomentago 8 Keys 1 5BCACB6 10CBCAC11 15BBCAC16 20ABCAA21 sunny warm22 schoollibrary23 Grass24 interesting25 Amonkey 9 10 一 单项选择25分 笔试部分120分 1 Ittakesmydaughteraboutanhourtopratiseplaying pianoafter suppereveryday A the theB the C D the2 WouldyoupleasepassthemessagetoJim A I dlikeB I llbegladtoC ThatwouldbefineD It sapleasure B B 11 3 Don tshoutinpublic please A won tyouB don tyouC doyouD willyou4 Lookitovercarefully you llmakeanothermistakes A thenB andC ifD or5 It ssuchawarmday Whynot yoursweater A putonB putdownC takedownD takeoff D D D 12 6 Football bytheBritishatthebeginningoflastcentury That sprobablywhyfootballisoneofthemostpopulargamesinEngland A wasinventedB inventedC wasinventingD invents7 Maryneedsafriend A toplayB toplaywithC toplayingD tobeplayedwith A B 13 8 TheweatherinKongmingis toohot toocoldalltheyearround A both andB neither norC either orD not also9 Heaskedher gotoBeijingthenextday A willsheB ifshewouldC ifshewillD wouldshe B B 14 10 Mustwemovetothenextroom No you Youmaystilllivehereifyoulike A mustn tB don tC don thavetoD won t11 Wouldyoulike somefruit No thanks Idon tfeellike anythingnow A tohave toeatB having toeatC tohave eatingD having eating C C 15 12 wereyoulate themeeting No Iarrivedtheretenminutes themeetingstarted A for beforeB at beforeC for tillD at after13 Areyoulearningartnowduringyoursparetime No I vestopped Chinesemedicineinstead A tolearnB learningC droppingD togiveup A A 16 14 beautifulpresentyou veboughtforme I mgladyoulikeit A HowaB WhataC HowD What15 Idon tthinkthestudents can tfollowtheschoolruleswillbesuccessfullyinthefuture A whoB whichC whomD they B A 17 16 We llgotothelibrarytomorrowifit A isn trainB rainC won trainD doesn train17 Isthere intoday snewspaper A importantsomethingB somethingimportantC importantanythingD anythingimportant D D 18 18 YourspokenEnglishismuchbetternow Thankyou OurEnglishteacheroftenasksme Englishas asIcan A tospeak manyB speak manyC tospeak muchD speak much19 Myfriendprefers to soccer A running playB running playingC run playD torun playing C B 19 20 Therearefive workersatthatfactory A thousandB thousandofC thousandsofD thousands21 AreyougettingonwellwithTom Notverywell butweusedtobefriends ThemoreIknowhim Ilikehim A themoreB thelessC thelittleD theleast A B 20 22 Doyouoftengeton line 上网 Yes I mostofmytimeonit It sagoodwaytokillthetime A costB spendC takeD pay23 Howfarisitfromyourhometoschool It sabout walk twentyminute sB twentyminutes C twentyminuteD twentyminutes B B 21 24 PeopleintheUSAeatalotofchicken A wedosoB dowesoC sodoweD sowedo25 Didyouenjoythedays youspentinBeijingduringtheSpringFestival A whereB thatC whenD who C B 22 23 二 完型填空10分 TherearemanywordsintheEnglishlanguage Youwillnever1themeaningofeverywordinEnglish Whenyouread youwilloftenfindmany2youdonotknow Youwillnothaveenoughtimeto3readingandtrytofindeverynewwordinadictionary Sometimesyoucan4anewwordbecauseyouknowsomeofthepartsofthenewword Forexample ifawordends5theletters er thatword6bethenameofa7orathingthatdoesacertainaction 某个动作 Awriterisapersonwhowrites 8itisnot9toknowthepartsofanewwordtounderstandit 10itwillhelpyoumanytimes 1 A knowB learnC findD lookup2 A booksB lettersC storiesD words3 A stopB enjoyC keepD start4 A findB getC studyD guess5 A inB offC upD with6 A canB mightC shouldD must7 A friendB boyC personD girl8 A ThenB NowC YetD Sometimes9 A helpfulB usefulC enoughD good10 A butB andC soD for ADADDBCDCA 24 25 三 阅读理解40分 部分略 I velovedmymother sdesksinceIwasjusttallenoughtoseeabovethetopofitasMothersatdoingletters 做学问 Standingbyherchair lookingattheink bottle pen andwhitepaper Idecidedthattheactofwritingmustbethewonderfulthingintheworld Yearslater duringherfinalillness Motherkeptdifferentthingsformysisterandbrother Butthedesk shesaidagain isforElizabeth Ineversawheranger neversawhercry Iknewshelovedme sheshoweditinaction ButIstillrememberedwhenIwasayounggirl Iwantedheart to hearttalksbetweenmotheranddaughter Theyneverhappened Iwas tooemotional 易动感情的 butMotheronlylived onthesurface Andagulfappearedbetweenus Icouldn tunderstandher 26 Asyearspassed Ihadmyownfamily Igottoknowherlove andIwrotetoherincarefulwordsandaskedhertoletmeknowinanywayshechosethatshedidforgive 原谅 me Ipostedtheletterandwaitedforheranswer Nonecame Ibecamedisappointed Icouldn tbesurethattheletterhadevengottoMother Itseemednothinghadhappened Nowthepresentofherdesktoldmewhyshehadneverbeenabletoanswerme Icleanedthedeskcarefullyandfoundsomepapersinside aphotoofmyfatherandaone pageletter folded 折叠 andrefoldedmanytimes Itwasjustmyletter Mother youalwayschosetheactthatspeakslouderthanwords 27 61 Thewriterbegantolovehermother sdesk A afterMotherdiedB aftershebecameawriterC whenshewasachildD whenMothergaveittoher62 Thepassageshowsthat A MotherwascoldonthesurfacebutkindinherhearttoherdaughterB MotherwasveryangrywithherdaughterC MothercaredmuchaboutherdaughterinWordsD Motherwrotetoherdaughterincarefulwords63 Theworld gulf inthesecondparagraphmeans A 礼物B 鸿沟C 建议D 方法64 Whatdidthemothergowithherdaughter sletter A Shehadneverreceivedtheletter B Foryears sheoftentalkedabouttheletter C Shedidn tforgiveherdaughteratallinallherlife D Shereadtheletteragainandagaintillshedied 65 What sthebesttitlefothepassage A ALettertoMotherB MotherandDaughterC Daughter sLifeD Mother sLife 28 29 四 词汇题10分 1 Welove 和平 buthatewars 2 Igotaninvitationyesterday butIdidn t 接受 it 3 Doyouthinkthereissomething 完美的 intheworld 4 Thepriceis25 包括 postage 邮资 andpacking 包装 peace accept including perfect 30 5 Everyoneisheretoday 除了 JimGreenbecausehewasillinbed 6 Weoftengetinformationbyreadingnewspapers 杂志 andallkindsofbooks 7 It sovertenyearssinceyou graduate fromtheuniversity except magazines graduated 31 8 Hedidverywellintheexam Hemadefew 错误 9 Don tbeafraidtotalkwithforeigners It sagood 机会 topractiseyourspokenEnglish 10 Tomdidhishomeworkso care thathemademanymistakes mistakes chance carelessly 32 33 五 句型转换10分 1 Lucysingsbeautifully andsodoesLily 同义句 Lucy Lilysingbeautifully 2 Hehasalreadyseenthefilm 否定句 He seenthefilm 3 Weshouldwatertheyoungtreeseverytwodays 被动语态 Theyoungtreesshould everytwodays Bothand hasn tyet bewatered 34 4 Idon tknowwhenweshallleaveforNanjing 简单句 Idon tknowwhen forNanjing 5 Toeathealthyfoodisimportantforus 同义句 importantforus eathealthyfood 6 Ispent5Yuanonthebook 同义句 Thebook 5Yuan toleave It sto costme 35 7 TheyhavelivedinLanzhousince1997 havetheylivedinLanzhou 8 Mikeis14yearsold Davidis12yearsold 合并句子 Mikeis2years David 9 Themountainisverybeautiful 感叹句 themountainis 10 Iknewaboutitafterhetoldmelastnight 同义句 I knowaboutit hetoldmelastnight Howlong olderthan Howbeautiful didn tuntil 36 37 六 情景交际10分 A What s withyou B Ihaveaterribletoothache A How haveyoubeenlikethis B Fortwomonths Ihavebeenlosingsleep A Youmeanthepain sbeenkeepingyouawake wrong long 38 B Yes Andwhat sworse Ican teat A Letmesee Ah yes thereisahole It sverybadanditwillbepulled B Willyoupullitoutnow A I mafraidnot You d wait Takethesepillsthreetimesadayandcomebackinthreedays anything out better 39 40 七 书面表达15分 根据下面所给的黎明的个人资料 以 我的好朋友 为题 用英语写一篇短文 介绍黎明的基本情况 41 参考例文 MygoodfriendIhaveagoodfriend HeisaChineseboy HisChinesenameisLiMingandhisEnglishnameisDaniel Heis16yearsoldnow HestudiesatNo 1MiddleSchool HeisinClass8 Grade3 HeisgoodatEnglish mathsandcomputer LiMingcansingandplay 42 basketballverywell HelikeswatchingTV too Heisverykindandfriendly Heisalwayshelpingothers Ilikehimverymuch 43 44 Welldone


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