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Unit1Goldilocks and thethree bearsStory time1Goldilocks is in the forest. There is a house.What a beautiful house!Goldilocks is in the house. She is hungry and thirsty.There is some soup on the table.2This soup is too cold.This soup is too hot.This soup is just right.afraidhardsoft6Unit 1Read more English stories.See page 90.Goldilocks is tired now. There are three beds in the room.3This bed is too soft.This bed is too hard.This bed is just right.4 Goldilocks is afraid. There are three bears in front of her!Who are you?Help! Help!besidebetweenin front of7Look and orderabecfdThink and sayTheres in the forest.Theres on the table.There are in the room.There are in front of me.8Unit 1Grammar timeahouse inthe forestthe tablethe roomissome soupbedsoninThere.are threebearsin front of hertheres = there issouphotcoldhardsoftThisis too.bedDo you remember these words?happyhungrytiredthirsty9Fun timeDraw and sayTheres a book on the chair.Theres a glass of milk onthe table 10Unit 1Sound timeMy uncle has a cold,cAnd my cousin too!The doctor comes and says,“Put on your coats, you two!”cakecoatcomecupdoctorCulture timeCoffee is popular inWestern countries.Tea is popularin China.11Cartoon timeBobby is hungry.1Im hungry, Tina.You can have somecakes. There aresome in the kitchen.Bobby is in the kitchen.2Where are the cakes, Tina?Theyre in the fridge.12Unit 13 Bobby cannot see any cakes in the fridge.There arent any cakes here.Really?Then, Bobby and Tina find their cousin.Here are the cakes.413Checkout timeLook and sayIm in the living room. Theres a table.There some books the table.There some toy cars the table.There a chair the table.There three umbrellas the window.Oh, there a bear the chair!14Unit 1Look and write12ThereThereon the table.in the glass.34ThereTherein the tree.in the box.Ticking timeI can understand “Goldilocks and thethree bears”.I can use “There is/are” to talk aboutthings in a place.I know the sound of the letter “c”.15Unit2A new studentStory time1Hi, Yang Ling. This is NancyBlack. Shes a new student.Can you show her around?Yes, Miss Li.2These are the classrooms.How many classrooms arethere in our school?There are 24 classrooms.Our classroom is on thesecond oor.art roomclassroomcomputer room16Unit 23Are there any computer rooms?Yes, there are. There aretwo computer rooms.Theres a library too.Theyre on the third floor.Is there a music room?4Yes, there is. Its on the first floor.The table tennis room is on the firstfloor too. Lets go and have a look.librarymusic roomplayground17Write and sayWhere are these rooms?d table tennis roomThere are two computer roomsin our school. Theyre on thethird floor.18Unit 2Grammar timemusic roomthere isthere arethere isntIsalibrarythereYesNo?,.computer roomsAreanyart roomsthere arentisnt = is notarent = are notHow many classrooms are there in our school ?There are 24 classrooms .firstItson the second floor .TheyrethirdIts = It isTheyre = They areonerstsecondthirdtwothree19Fun timeAsk and answerThis is Nancys classroom inher new school.How many desks and chairsare there in the classroom?Is there a computer?Are there any pictures?20Unit 2Sound timeAlice and I sing and dance,cAnd drink some nice juice!Then we go to the cinema,And have a nice ice cream!cinemadanceice creamjuiceniceLook, read and think.Culture timeSee page 90.In the UK, this isthe ground floor.In the US, this isthe first floor.21Cartoon timeBobby and Sam are in the playground.Look! Theres a swing.1Lets go and play!Sam is on the swing.Push me, Bobby!2Youre so heavy, Sam!22Unit 2Now Bobby is on the swing.Go! Go! Go!3Stop, Sam! Its too high!Sam is happy, but Bobby is not. He is afraid.4Its great fun!Lets play again!Oh no! Its time for dinner.Lets go home now.23Checkout timeThink and writeMy schoolThere are _ classrooms in my school.There is a _. It is on the _ floor.There is a _. It is on the _ floor.There is a _. It is on the _ floor.There are _. They are on the _ floor.There is not a _ in my school.There are not any _ in my school.24Unit 2Listen and numberTicking timeI can talk about my school.I can use “Is/Are there ?” to askquestions.I can use “rst”, “second” and “third”.I know the sound of the letter “c”.25Unit3Our animal friendsStory time1I have two animal friends. One is red and the other is black.They have big eyes and big bodies. They have no legs or arms,but they have big tails. They can swim.2I have an animal friend. It is white. It has four legs and a shorttail. It has big ears. It can run and jump.an arma bodya foot26Unit 3How many body parts canyou name? See page 90.3My animal friend is white. It has red eyes and long ears. It hasfour legs and a short tail. It can run.4My animal friend is yellow and green. It has two legs and twowings. It has a big mouth and a long tail. It can talk and fly.a lega taila wing27Match and sayWhat animal friends do they have?Nancy has two fish.Think and writeNancysshhavebig_,_and_.Mikesdoghasbig_andashort_.LiuTaosrabbithaslong_andashort_.SuHaisparrothasabig_,along_ andtwo_.28Unit 3Grammar timeItwo fishWeYouTheyHeSheIthavehasa rabbita parrot.a doga birdtwo legshaveDohasyoutheyhehave an animal friend?DoessheIYesNoheshedoesYesdo,., we.doesntNodonttheydont = do notdoesnt = does not29Fun timeAsk and answerS1: Do you have an animal friend, Peter?S2: Yes, I do.S1: Does it have ?S2: Yes, it does./No, it doesnt. It has S1: What can it do?S2: It can S1: Is it a .?S2: Animal friendIt has It can long tail, big mouth, two wings y, talkPeterparrot30Unit 3Sound timeRubber duck likes the rain,uBut he doesnt like sunny weather.So when the summer sun comes out,He carries an umbrella!busducksummersunumbrellaCulture timeYou can see pandas in China.You can see bald eagles in the US.You can see polar bears in Canada.You can see kangaroos in Australia.31Cartoon time1Look, Sam! Wehave a new friend.2Hello, Im Sam. Nice to meet you.Dont shout, Sam! Its afraid.Oh, it can run! It has ten legs.32Unit 33No. It has eight legs. Thosetwo are not legs. Theyre arms.It has big arms!4It has a big body too.Its body is hard.Give it a cake.5Ouch!Ha! Ha! It likes your fingers!33Checkout timeLook and sayTheres/There are on the farm.It has/They have 34Unit 3Draw and writeDraw an animal and write about it.This is my animal friend.It is _.It has _._It can _._Ticking timeI can talk about animals.I can use “have” and “has”.I can use “do” and “does” to ask “Yes/No” questions.I know the sound of the letter “u”.35Unit4HobbiesUse the dictionary.See page 90.Story time1I like playing basketball and football. I can play basketball well,but I am not good at football. I like drawing too. I usually drawin the park with my brother Tim.2This is my friend Liu Tao. He likes playing basketball too. He isgood at it. He also likes playing table tennis.dancedrawplay the piano36Unit 43This is Yang Ling. She is my friend too. She likes reading stories.She has a lot of books. She also likes playing the piano.4Here are Su Hai and Su Yang. They are twins. Su Hai likesdancing. Su Yang likes watching lms. They both like swimming.readsingwatch films37Think and writeMikelikes_,_and_.Timlikes_.LiuTaolikes_.YangLinglikes_.SuHailikes_and_.SuYanglikes_.38Unit 4IGrammar timeYWTHSyoudotheyWhatlike doing ?heshedoesIplaying basketballwatching lmsdrawingYouWeTheyHeShelikelikes.swimmingplaying footballreading storieslikelikesdancedrawplaydancingreadsingswimreadingsingingswimmingdrawingplaying39Fun timeDo a surveyMary12What do you like doing, Mary?In our group, student(s) like(s) I like 40Unit 4Sound timeDo you like wearing yellow?yYellow? Yellow? Yes!I have yellow shoes, a yellow hat,And a yellow dress!yearyellowyesyouyoungSong timeWe all like climbing241= E511 1 3555 044 4 03325We all like cli- mbing ve- ry much. Yes, we do. Yes, we do. WeWe all like dan- cing ve- ry much. Yes, we do. Yes, we do. WeWe all like swim-ming ve- ry much. Yes, we do. Yes, we do. We11 1 35 55322321 0:all like cli- mbing ve- ry much. Lets go and climb to-all like dan- cing ve- ry much. Lets go and dance to-all like swim-ming ve- ry much. Lets go and swim to-day.day.day.41Cartoon timeSam and Billy talk about their hobbies.What do you like doing1I like skating. I canin winter, Sam?skate very well.I can skate very well too.Sam has an idea.Really?2Lets go skating this afternoon.Thats a great idea!42Unit 4Sam and Billy skate on the ice.Youre really good at skating, Billy.3Yes. I like skating.There is a hole in the ice. It is behind Billy.Look out, Billy!4Help!Billy is cold and wet.5I dont like skating now.43Checkout timeListen and judge1234Look and say12I like I like and 34I like I like and 44Unit 4Think and writeWrite about your and your friends hobbies.My hobbiesIlike_.Ilike_too.My friends hobbies_likes_._likes_and_._and_like_.Ticking timeI can talk about hobbies.I can use “like doing ”I know the sound of the letter “y”.45Project 1 An animal schoolA Design an animal school in groups.How many rooms arethere in your animal school? What rooms are they? Whereare they? Tick and write.classroom_4music room_art room_2F_computer room_table tennis room_library_B Draw a room for your animal school on page 99.C Put your rooms in the animal school.46D Draw some animal teachers and students on page 99.E Tell your classmates about your animal school.This is our animal school. Theres/There are in the school. Its/Theyre on floor. This isour room. Theres/There are in it.F Tell your classmates about the teachers and students.There are teachers and students in theanimal school. This is Rabbit. Shes a student.She has red eyes and long ears. She likesrunning and jumping. She likes reading too.47Unit5What do they do?Story time1Su Hai: What does your father do, Mike?Mike: My father is a teacher. He teaches English. He has a lotof students.Su Hai: Thats nice. What about your mother? Is she an Englishteacher too?Mike: No, she isnt. Shes a writer. She writes stories. Sheworks at home.a cooka doctora drivera farmer48Unit 5Pay attention to “teaches”and “helps”. See page 91.2Mike: What does your father do, Su Hai?Su Hai: My father is a doctor. He helps sick people.Mike: Thats great! What does your mother do?Su Hai: My mother is a factory worker. She makes sweets.Mike: Oh, really? I like sweets! I eat a lot of sweets.a nursea policemana teachera worker49Ask and answerWhat does Mikes father do?What does Mikes mother do?What does Su Hais father do?What does Su Hais mother do?Think and writeMikes father is a _.He _ English.His mother is a _.She _ stories.teacheswriterworkerSu Hais father is a _.He _ sick people.Her mother is a factory _.She _ sweets.makes50Unit 5Grammar timedoyouyour fatherWhatdo ?does his motherher motherteacherdoctorIm = I amHes = He isShes = She isImHesShesa.writerfactory workerIteachEnglishHehelpssick people.She makes sweetshelpmaketaketeachhelpsmakestakesteaches51Fun timeAsk and answerWhat does Miss Green do?Shes a nurse. Shehelps sick people.Miss GreenMr GreenMr BlackMiss FangMr LiMrs SuMiss LiMr Su52Unit 5Sound timeHigh, high in the sky,yI can see a buttery.High, high in the sky,I wish I could y!ymyskytrywhyCulture timeIt is nine oclock in the morning in Shanghai, but it isnine oclock at night in New York.53Cartoon time1Whos that, Bobby?Hes my father.What does yourfather do, Bobby?Hes a doctor.2Your father has a nice car.Yes! He likes cars.My father likes cars too.54Unit 53What does your father do?Hes a worker.He makes cars!4Look, Bobby. There are so manycars. Your father cant go now.55Checkout timeDo a surveyWhat does your father do, Tom?Hes a doctor. Hehelps sick people.fathermotheruncleauntTomdoctorToms father is a doctor.He helps sick people.56Unit 5Think and writeWhat do your parents and relatives do?My father is _.He _.My mother is _.She _.My uncle _._My aunt _._Ticking timeI can talk about jobs.I can ask and answer “What do/does do?”I know verbs sometimes end with “s” or“es”.I know the sound of the letter “y”.57Unit6My e-friendStory time1Liu Tao: Hi, Wang Bing. Lets go and play football in theplayground.Wang Bing: Wait a minute, Liu Tao. Let me send this email first.Its to my e-friend.Liu Tao: Whos your e-friend?Wang Bing: Hes Peter. He lives in the UK.Liu Tao: How old is he?Wang Bing: Hes 11 years old.AustraliaCanadaChina58Unit 62Liu Tao: Can he speak Chinese?Wang Bing: Yes, he can.Liu Tao: Does he have Chinese lessons at school?Wang Bing: No, he doesnt. He studies Chinese after school.Liu Tao: What subjects does he like?Wang Bing: He likes Maths and PE.Liu Tao: Does he like playing football?Wang Bing: Yes, he does. He likes swimming too.What do you know aboutthese countries? See page 91.UKUS59Think and writeWhere does he live?_How old is he?_What does he like doing?_PeterWhat subjects does he like?_What does he do after school?_Think and sayPeter is e-friend. He lives in Hes years old.He speak Chinese.He Maths and PE.He Chinese lessons at school.He studies Chinese He likes playing 60Unit 6Grammar timeyouhave an e-friendDothey like swimming?heshehave Chinese lessonsDoeslike singingIIdodontdoesnttheytheyhesheYes ,.No ,.heshedoesyoudotheyhesheWhat subjectslike ?doesIEnglishlikelikesTheyHeSheChineselivelives.Maths and PEMusic and Artstudystudies61Fun timeAsk and guess1Is it a girl?No.23Does he swim well?No, he doesnt.Does he likeplaying football?Yes, he does.4Its Tom.Youre right.62Unit 6Sound timeIn winter, water turns to ice,wAnd sometimes it snows.So when the winter weather comes,We always wear warm clothes!watchwaterweekwinterwomanCulture timeWe write Chineseaddresses like this.We write Englishaddresses like this.63Cartoon timeBobby and Sam eat fish at a snack bar.Lets go fishing tomorrow.1OK, but Im notgood at fishing.Dont worry, Bobby. I can teach you.Bobby and Sam sit by the river.What do fish eat, Sam?2They eat apples.Do they eat oranges too?Yes, they do.64Unit 6Now, Sam has many fish, but Bobby does not have any.Youre really good at fishing, Sam.3Yes! Look!I dont have any fish.Bobby waits and waits.I dont eat oranges!465Checkout timeListen and tick123What does Wang Fangs father do?abWhat subject does Wang Fang like?abWhat does Wang Fang like doing after school?abAsk and answerWhos your friend? is my friend.How old is he/she?Hes/Shes What subjectsdoes he/she like?He/She likes What does he/she likedoing after school?He/She likes 66Unit 6Write and sayWhat do you know about your e-friends? Complete the chartand then talk about them.Englishswimming11LindaCanadaMy e-friendsLinda is my e-friend. She lives in Canada.Shes 11 years old. Shes good at English.She likes swimming.Ticking timeI can talk about my e-friends.I can ask and answer “Does he/she .?”and “What does he/she .?”I know the sound of the letter “w”.67Unit7At weekendsStory time1Mike: What do you do at weekends, Su Hai?Su Hai: I usually visit my grandparents. Su Yang and I likeplaying with their cat Kitty very much. We oftenhave dinner with our grandparents at weekends.Mike: My grandparents live in the UK. I usually chat withthem on the Internet at weekends.chat on the Internetfly a kite68Unit 72Su Hai: What does Helen do at weekends?Mike: She always has dancing lessons. She sometimes goesto the cinema with her friends.3Su Hai: What about you, Mike?Mike: I usually play football with Liu Tao at weekends. Isometimes go to the park with my family. We usuallyy a kite and have a picnic there.go to the cinemahave a picnic69Look and write1I usually _ with Liu Tao at weekends.I also _ on the Internet. I sometimes_ and _ with myfamily in the park.2Su Yang and I usually _ atweekends. We _ Kitty. We_


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