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人教版2020版七年级下学期期末考试英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . there CDs on the shelf?Yes, there.AAre, some, areBIs, some, isCAre, any, areDIs, any, is2 . Hi, Jane! _ nice weather it is! Lets have a picnic, OK?Thats a good idea!AWhat aBHowCWhat3 . The programme The Birth of An Actor is popular, while it isnt liked by _.AnobodyBsomebodyCeverybodyDanybody4 . There is _ American girl in our class and _ girl can speak good Chinese.Aa; anBan; aCan; the5 . Look ! There are many girls under the tree .Aare dancingBto danceCdancing6 . Dale used to to the office in his car, but he is used to _a bus now.Agoing; takingBgoing; takeCgo; takingDgo; take7 . Bob likes Chinese with us after class.Ato listenBto speakCto sayDto tell8 . It was time for old Henry_.Ago homeBwent homeCto go homeDto go to home9 . John had _ little education that he cant teach _ little children.Aso, suchBsuch, suchCso, soDsuch, so10 . Fighting for your dream is like climbing a mountain. Whatever difficulties you meet, dont. Just move on.Aset offBcome outCgive up11 . Can you hear someonein the classroom? It is Mary.AsingBsingsCsingingDsang12 . What do you mean?Im saying that we need to be careful about _Awhat we eatBwe eat whatCwhat do we eatDwhat are we eating13 . I dont feel like _ out tonight.Ato goBgoCgoing14 . I love my mom because she is good at stories.AtellBtellsCtellingDto tell15 . _is the population_the USA?AWhat, ofBWhat, inCHow many, inDHow many , of二、补全对话6选5. 根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话。选项中有一个是多余的。Waiter: Can I help you?Sam: Yes, please.16 . Waiter: OK. Whats your name?Sam: Sam White.Waiter: How do you spell your last name?Sam: 17 . Waiter: Thank youA18 . Sam: Im thirteenAWaiter: 19 . Sam: Yes, but I cant play it well.Waiter: I see. 20 . Sam: Yes, its 233-4343.Waiter: Thank you.A. How old are you?B. May I have your telephone number?C. I want to join the basketball club.D. Can you play the violin?E. W-H-I-T-E. White.F. Can you play basketball?A. How old are you?B. May I have your telephone number?C. I want to join the basketball club.D. Can you play the violin?E. W-H-I-T-E. White.F. Can you play basketball?三、补全短文5选5阅读下面短文,从方框内选择恰当句子填入文中空白处,使短文内容完整意思连贯Did you go to Qingdao, a beautiful seaside city in the southeast of Shangdong Province? There is the blue sea and clear air there21 . Qingdao has the largest bathing beach(海滩) in Asia It holds Qingdao International Beer(啤酒) Festival every year There are many interesting places to visit in Qingdao22 . There are nine beaches in Qingdao No 1Beach is the largest one, but its not the best beach because there are too many rocks there and the sand isnt the most beautiful23 . And its also the longest of all the beaches and has beautiful yellow sand24 . such as visiting Lu Xun Park, eating sea food in a restaurant or visiting Qingdao Polar Ocean World25 . There you can see lots of animals from the sea, such as whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions and polar bears Its so great and interesting that every year lots of people, especially children must come here when they visit QingdaoA But Qingdao beaches are the most fantastic placesB Many people prefer to visit Qingdao Polar Ocean WorldC And its also one of the most beautiful cities in ChinaD The best beach in Qingdao is No 6BeachE There are also a few interesting things you can do near the beaches ,四、完型填空I am an American girl. _ name is Helen. Im eleven. I _ two friends. _ are twin sisters. Their names _ Lily and Lucy. _ all like sports. I like soccer and Lily _ it, too. Lucy likes basketball. She _ three basketballs. I often _ soccer with Lily and Lucy often plays _. We also _ watching games on TV.26 . AMyBHisCHerDYour27 . AdoBdoesChaveDhas28 . AWeBYouCTheyDI29 . AhaveBhasCareDis30 . AWeBTheyCLilyDLucy31 . AlikeBlikesChaveDhas32 . AdoBdoesChaveDhas33 . AhaveBlikeCplayDdo34 . AfootballBbasketballCvolleyballDtennis35 . AgoBaskCplayDlike五、阅读单选A Schedule Card of Winfield High SchoolMondayTuesday WednesdayThursdayFriday9:10math mathEnglish 10:30chemistry化学history chemistry chemistry11:15history 1:45 physics物理physics physics3:00English math 36 . What class do they have at 1:45 on Wednesday?APhysicsBChemistryCHistoryDMath37 . Do they have a class at 10:30 on Thursday?AYes, they have.BNo, they dont.CWe cant know from the timetable(时间表).DNone(没有一个) of the above(以上的)38 . On Friday, the physics class starts at _ .A9:10B10:30C1:45D3:0039 . How many classes do they have in a week?A10B11C12D1340 . How many kinds(种类) of classes do they have in a week?A3B4C5D6Peter likes shopping on the Internet. http:/clrb.360buy.com is his favourite website. He often buys things, such as clothes and shoes on it. He spends about 100 yuan buying things each month. He often waits three days before he receives his product.Peters parents never buy clothes online because they cant try them on. Peters father thinks its dangerous to pay over the Internet. Peters mother often goes to the mall(购物中心) with Peters father. It can make her relaxed after the tiring work. There is always a sale on in the shops near their home, so Peters parents often go there too.41 . How much does Peter spend on the Internet for six months?AAbout 300 yuan.BAbout 600 yuan.CAbout 900 yuan.DAbout 1,200 yuan.42 . How long does Peter wait before he receives a product from the Internet?AAbout two days.BAbout three days.CAbout a week.DOver a week.43 . The underlined word tiring means in Chinese.A兴奋的B激动的C沮丧的D累人的44 . Why dont Peters parents buy clothes online?ABecause things on the Internet are expensive.BBecause online shopping is bad for their eyes.CBecause they cant use a computer.DBecause they cant try them on.45 . Which of the following is NOT TRUE?APeter enjoys online shopping.BPeter buys shoes on the Internet.CPeters mother thinks online shopping is dangerous.DPeters father often goes to shops with his wife near their home.六、阅读判断Dear Xue Mei,Thanks for your letter.Now let me answer your questions.I go to school from Monday to Friday.We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.And we have many subjects to learn such as Chinese,math,English,P.E.,science,biology,music,history and so on (等等).We also have many things to do after class.On Monday and Wednesday afternoons we play sports.On Tuesday afternoons some of us have a drawing class,and on Thursdays some have a dancing class.I like music,history and English.But my favorite is music.On Saturdays and Sundays I dont go to school.Usually I go to the park and have a good time with my father and mother there.Love,Sandra根据短文内容判断正(T) 误(F)46 . Xue Mei has six classes on weekdays.47 . Sandra plays sports after class on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.48 . Music is Sandras favorite subject.49 . Sandra usually goes to see her grandparents with her father and mother on weekends.50 . She usually goes to the park with her parents on weekdays.七、填写适当的单词补全句子在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的单词, 使句子意思完整,语法正确。51 . Wed better _ the doors. Its too hot here.52 . Taking so many after-school classes may cause a lot of _for children.53 . The boy finally fell _ without dinner because he was too tired.54 . I often help my parents do easy chores at home, such as taking _ the rubbish.55 . The old woman hurt _ by accident when doing exercise in the neighborhood.八、用所给单词的正确形式填空56 . If you are not _ (complete) satisfied, you can get your money back.57 . Tu Youyou is considered as the _ (proud) of the country.58 . Red lanterns are often _ (hang) along the street before the lantern Festival.59 . He used to live in _ (center) Wuxi but now he is planning to live in the countryside.九、单词填空Mr. Smith is a 60 . of English. He comes from NewYork. He teaches English in China. He61 . Chinese very well. He likes 62 . books very much and he usually writes stories for his students at home. Mr Smith gets up at five in the 63 . .He leaves home at ten to six. He begins his lesson at 8:00 . He teaches English every day except (除了)Saturday64 . Sunday. At ten to twelve , he finishes his classes. Ten minutes later, he has lunch. In the afternoon, he usually 65 . games with his students. Sometimes he teaches his students in his office . After school, he takes 66 . walk and does some other things. At 67 . ten to eleven, he goes to bed.十、回答问题My name is Cherry Green. I come from the USA. Im now a student in Grade Seven. My father is a math teacher in my school. My mother is a worker in a store.For me, it is very busy from March to May. On March 8th, it is Womens Day. I want to help my mother cook dinner. On March 12th, it is my fathers birthday. There is a big party for him in my house. I want to buy him a shirt. On April 1st, it is April Fools Day. I will think up some jokes(笑话). On the second Sunday of May, it is Mothers Day. I want to buy my mother a dress. What about a blue one? It is her favorite color. I think she will like it very much.68 . Whats Cherrys family name?69 . What does Cherrys father do?70 . What does Cherry want to do on March 8th?71 . When is Cherrys fathers birthday?72 . What does Cherry want to buy her mother?第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话6选51、三、补全短文5选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、六、阅读判断1、七、填写适当的单词补全句子1、八、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、九、单词填空1、十、回答问题1、

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