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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期中复习英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Father _goes to the gym with me although he dislikes going there.AneverBhardlyCseldomDsometimes2 . Why didnt you buy any bread?Sorry, I .AforgetBforgotCrememberDremembered3 . We knew we were going to spend the weekend outdoors, but _of us was sure exactly how.AbothBeveryCnoneDall4 . He is funnier and more outgoing than _ in his class.Aall the studentsBany other studentCany student5 . I hear Dan has made up his mind to learn a(n) _. Thats true. He will learn to play the guitar.AplayBlanguageCoperaDinstrument6 . -Did you enjoy the party last night?-Very much. _ wonderful the party was!AWhatBHowCWhat aDHow a7 . John _ told his father all about it.AprobableBprobablyCmay beDmaybe8 . Its not far. You can go there_ foot. You neednt go there_ a car.A on; byAon; onBon; driveCon; in9 . Hi , Ann. How can you improve your English so much?-Oh, nothing difficult. The you work at it, the progress you will make.Aharder, moreBmore hardly, moreChardlier, greater10 . Why didnt you buy the pen on your way home? -Sorry, I forget _money with me.AtakeBbringingCto takeDtaking11 . Im too busy preparing the exam. Could you do _to help me?Of course. I can do _for you if you want me to.Aanything; somethingBsomething; anythingCanything; anythingDsomething; something12 . -he like singing? -Yes, he.ADoes; doesBIs; isCDoes; likeDDo; do13 . Jack doesnt like playing computer games. He thinks its.AinterestingBboringCfun14 . The meat is _ delicious. -Yes, but dont eat _.Atoo much;too muchBmuch too;too muchCtoo much;much too15 . Plenty of latest news and information are often covered live on CCTV-1. Thats true. _important news channel CCTV-1 is!AWhat anBWhatCWhat aDHow二、补全短文5选5Many people may enjoy travelling by air, but few like airline food. Airlines have always tried to improve the food quality and the taste in order to attract more travelers. 16 . According to some recent scientific researches, a part of the reason is that at high altitude(海拔), we cant actually taste things well as we do on the ground.Scientists have found that even before a plane takes off, 17 . As the plane climbs, the air pressure changes and our noses become more and more senseless. When the plane goes 35,000 feet high, 18 . They help explain why the tomato juice on airplanes tastes far less sour in the air than it does down on the ground.19 . Otherwise, the food would be tasteless. Astronauts also have to do with this problem on their journeys for similar reasons.20 . The studies are going on! We are looking forward to any improvements.Athe nose no longer knows just like being bitten(咬) by a snake.BHow to solve this problem?Cthe air inside the plane dries out the nose.DGetting something tasty in the air is like a dream to the travelers.E. It also helps to explain why airlines like to have salty and spicy(辛辣的) food better.三、完型填空Our children grew up on peanut butter (花生酱) and jelly (果酱) sandwiches. The delicious jelly made them _ , and homemade was the best choice. I wasnt the jelly maker in this big family. My _ was. It was always there. Jelly making was just a way of life for her. She_ did it, following the same steps-from picking the fruit to setting the finished jelly on the shelf.In April, my mother left us forever. We decided to _ potted things in the house. Each of us chose from the many pots of tomato juice, green beans and jelly. The other day I _ the jelly for a quick sandwich. I suddenly _ something that I had not paid attention to before. This was the last pot we would have from my mothers loving hands. Our children had never known a day without their grandmothers jelly. It seemed like such a small thing, _ it was a great treasure. Holding the last pot in my hand, my _ traveled back to the old days. I saw her crying on my wedding (婚礼). I saw her _ and hugging our children.I put the jelly back on the shelf. No longer was it just a pot of jelly. _ it was there, my mother would always live on.21 . AangryBdisappointedCpleasedDsad22 . AsisterBfatherChusbandDmother23 . AneverBalwaysChardlyDseldom24 . AdivideBsellCspareDwaste25 . Aran awayBtook outCthrew awayDput away26 . AsearchedBcreatedCdiscoveredDrealized27 . AorBandCbutDso28 . AhairBmemoriesChandsDhead29 . AbeatingBpickingCkissingDspreading30 . AAs long asBAs far asCAs well asDAs soon as四、阅读单选阅读理解On December 24, kids around the world waited for Santa Claus(圣诞老人). They thought that the fat, whitebearded man would bring them gifts. But do you know that some people would rather keep Santa out of the door?Last month, 10 doctoral(博士的) students from Tsinghua, Peking and Renmin Universities said Santa Claus wasnt welcome in China.“Foreign holidays like Christmas are now very popular in China, while fewer and fewer people celebrate traditional Chinese festivals like the Dragon Boat Festival,” said the students in a public letter.They asked people to stop sending Christmas cards and giving gifts to their children. Instead, they said, Chinese should spend more time on traditional festivals.They have lots of support. In Hunan, several people went out on the street on Christmas Day. They made poems and wrote Chinese calligraphy(书法) .“Rather than spending money on Christmas, we should care more about our own culture,” said one of them.But others have different ideas. “Celebrations of foreign holidays help us know more about foreign cultures. It is good for us to make friends,” said Liu Yang, a 14-year-old boy from Shanghai.Sun Long, 13, from Beijing, sees the celebration as a way to make people happier and closer. “My school held a big party on Christmas Day. We played games and shared gifts with each other. I think we have got closer,” he said.31 . Why did some people not like Santa Claus? Because _Ahe was fat and white beardedBhe was kindChe stopped some Chinese from caring more about their own culturesDhe had lots of presents but usually stayed out of the door32 . Which of the following is true?ASome college students wanted Chinese people to pay more attention to traditional Chinese festivals.BAll students are interested in foreign holidays.CMore students want to stop spending more time on Chinese cultures.DFewer people like the Dragon Boat Festival.33 . What did people do in China after the 10 students letter came out?AThey stopped sending Christmas cards and giving gifts to their children.BThey made poems and wrote Chinese calligraphy.CFew of them cared more about their own culture.DMany of them supported the students idea.34 . What did a student called Sun Long think of foreign holidays?AIt was good to make friends.BIt was helpful to know more about cultures.CIt was a happy time to relax and get closer.DIt was a good time to get gifts.35 . The best title for this passage is _ASanta ClausBA Public LetterCForeign HolidaysDCelebration of ChristmasA rich woman begins to learn painting(画画). When she is sixty years old, she loves it very much. She paints and paints. After ten years, there are lots of pictures in her workroom, and she thinks they are very good.One day, the old woman is badly ill in bed, but she doesnt forget her pictures. She says to his grandson, Hand, “I want to give my pictures to a school, then the students will remember me. But which school do you think is the best, my dear?”“Well,” says the little boy, “Youd better give them to the blind school!”36 . The old woman is very .Ablind(失明的)BrichCsuccessful(成功的)Dkind37 . The old woman likes .Aplaying basketballBplaying gamesCpaintingDplanting flowers38 . The old woman is Hands .AgrandmotherBgrandfatherCgrandsonDgrand-daughter.39 . The old woman wants to give her pictures to .Aa blind schoolBher grandsonCa school Dher grand-daughter40 . We can know from the passage that .Athe old woman is only sixty when she diesBthe old woman is very kindCthe old womans pictures are very goodDthe old womans pictures are not good五、用单词的正确形式完成短文describe make on her build sing wear practice America andIm Zhao Kai, a student at Hongxing Middle School. The new term begins and I 41 . a new friend at school. 42 . name is Alice Green. She is a(an) 43 . girl. She comes to China with her parents. She isnt heavy or thin. She is of medium 44 . . She is tall with big blue eyes and short brown hair. She usually 45 . glasses in class, because she is a little nearsighted.Alice and I are in the same class, 46 . we go home together after school. 47 . the way home, we talk about many things. She often 48 . her hometown(家乡)New York to me. And she invites(邀请) me to visit it. She enjoys music and 49 . singing hard every evening. So do you know what her dream is? She wants to be a 50 . . She also likes watching movies and her favorite actress is Gillian Anderson.六、填写适当的句子补全对话情景对话A:Nancy, you didnt go to school yesterday.5151 . ?B:I had a bad headache.A:Im sorry to hear that.52.52 . ?B:Yes, I went to the hospital.A:53.53 . ?B:The doctor said I caught a cold.A:Did you need to take any medicine?B:Yes.A:54.54 . ?B:I should take the medicine three times a day.A:Are you feeling better now?B:55.55 . , Im better.A:I think you should take some exercise to keep healthy.B:I will. Thank you.七、材料作文56 . 书面表达根据下面提供的信息写一篇50词左右的短文。假如你叫Gina Brown, 请介绍一下你的姓、名、电话号码(0571-82538974)、家庭成员(父母和一个哥哥,叫Dave),并简单介绍一下你的房间里物品及物品位置(自选3样物品)。物品位置唱片电视上书书橱里录音机桌子上字典沙发上书包桌子上第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、六、填写适当的句子补全对话1、七、材料作文1、

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