冀教版英语九年级全册Unit 4单元测试卷

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冀教版英语九年级全册Unit 4单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、听短对话回答问题1 . AShe was ill.BShe rode a motorbike.CShe had a traffic accident.二、听句子选答语2 . AEnglish poetry.BChinese poetry.CFrench poetry.3 . AExactly!BA story.CI wont.4 . AMe, either.BIt doesnt matter.CI agree.三、听句子或对话选择图片5 . AABBCC四、听长对话回答问题听长对话和问题,选择正确的答案6 . Why cant the woman go to sleep?ABecause she isnt sleepy.BBecause she is too exciting.CBecause she cant forget the accident.7 . Where was the man riding when the accident happened?AHe was riding on the right side of the road.BHe was riding in the middle of the road.CHe was riding in the street.8 . Why was the man taken to the hospital?AHis right arm was broken.BHe was not badly hurt.CThe woman is the driver.9 . What caused the accident?AThe mans not obeying the rules of the road.BThe drivers skill.CThe womans carelessness.10 . Did the woman drive a car, too?AYes, she did.BNo, she didnt.CWe dont know.请听对话,回答下列小题。11 . AThe girls brother.BThe boy.CThe girl.12 . AClever.BInteresting.CSilly.五、听录音选择听到的句子13 . AIt was rainy that day.BWe liked rowing in the rain.CThat day we had a good time.14 . AScientific developments affect our lives.BLives would be the same as the past.CLives would be different from the past.六、听短文回答问题下面请听材料,并回答下列小题。15 . What was the weather like?ASnowy.BSunny.CRainy.16 . Where was the little girl? .AIn the house.BIn the shop.CIn the street.17 . What was the little girl doing?ASelling fruit.BSelling flowers.CSelling shoes.18 . How did the little girl feel?AWarm and happy.BHot but excited.CCold and hungry.下面请听材料,并回答下列小题。19 . How old is Judy now?ATwelve years old.BTwenty years old.CTwentytwo years old.20 . Which book was Judys birthday present?ATheEmperorsNewClothes.BSnowWhite.CLittleRedRidingHood.21 . Who was her favourite present from?AHer mother.BHer father.CHer friend.七、听音辩词22 . AweightBheightCnight23 . Aset upBget upCput up24 . AlineBfineCnine八、单选题25 . I really want tostoplearning the piano. Its too difficult for me.Dont do that. You should face the problems bravely.Amake upBgive upCthink upDset up26 . He came up with a good idea to solve the problem.Acaught up withBthought ofCthink ofDfound27 . We will go camping tomorrow, and Id like you to come._! I have an important meeting to attend that day. Thank you just the same.ACongratulationsBWhat a pityCWhy not DGood idea28 . Please try your best to finish the work by _.AyouByourselfCyourDyours29 . You neednt worry _ about your Maths. Work harder and you will do better.Atoo muchBtoo manyCmuch tooDtoo few30 . Some families in the countryside were _ poor _ pay for the school. We should try our best to help them.Atoo, couldntBtoo, toCvery, cantDso, couldnt31 . Must I park my car in the garage?No, you_. You may park it here.AmustntBcantCneednt32 . While you live in my house, I expect you_ the rules.Ato followBfollowCfollowingDfollowed33 . We had a football match yesterday. Our fans cheered us on and we felt more. confident.Aslowly .Bloudly .Cnearly .Dcarelessly34 . Hey, John, lets invite her to dinner.-Over my _ body!AdeathBdeadCdyingDdie35 . The old man was so happy that he gave his grandchildren _two apples as presents.AmoreBothersCanotherDthe others36 . Come down _ Mr Cools Clothing Store _ yourself.Ato, forBfor, toC/, forDfor, by37 . (题文)Would you mind my_ here?_. We cant stand it!Asmoke, OK.Bsmoking, Certainly not.Csmoking, Of course.Dsmoking, Youd better not.38 . The train had left before I _ the station.AreachedBarrived inCarrive atDget to39 . They cant findin our neighborhood.Asomething strangeBstrange somethingCanything strangeDstrange anything九、完型填空My mother was born on March 8, 1975 in a small city. She _ very beautiful and can cook delicious food _ my father often says, “I m a lucky dog. ”Mother _ a teacher in a primary school in our city ten years ago. Now she teaches English in a middle school in our city. My mother is very strict _ her students in their study, but they often say my mother is very _ to them. My mother is busy with her work, but she is _ with me, too. She cares much about my schoolwork. Once(曾经)I _ well prepared(准备)for the exam,my mother got very _ and she let me study for a long time. She is my _ teacher. She teaches me a lot about life.I think my mother is the _ person(人)in the world. I will do my best to be a useful person like my mother.40 . AchangesBlooksChopesDpromises41 . AButBAndCBecauseDSo42 . AisBwasCis going to beDwill be43 . AinBatConDwith44 . AcomfortableBboredCfriendlyDunfriendly45 . AcarelessBbadCstrictDstrange46 . Awasn tBweren tCisn tDaren t47 . AhappyBangryCniceDbeautiful48 . AoneBaCanDfirst49 . AgoodBwellCbetterDbest十、阅读单选Heres the advance payment(预期款) of 10,000 dollars. You will get the other half when we get those papers, the agent told Mike. But sir, Mr. Smith has been very suspicious (怀疑) since last week, Mike replied.In that case, be careful and dont worry. You are very clever, the agent said. Take 5,000 dollars more, Mike looked around uneasily but took the money.Mike was a clerk in a large company. A few years ago he started to get very worried because it was very hard for him to support his family. He wanted to give his child an excellent education and a bright future, but the future looked rather hopeless.One day some agents called him. They were his companys competitors. At first he refused their offers. But when he thought his dream could come true, he agreed to their offers and began giving them information.However, his spy work started to get more and more difficult because his owner had become suspicious, since a lot of important information was_One night when Mike was on one of his spying tasks, he met Alim, the night watchman. What are you doing here, Mike? shouted Alim.Oh, I had just forgotten some documents here, Alim, Mike replied, trying to look comfortable. I just came to get them.Is that true? Alim said. Well see what Mr. Smith says.Alim called Mr. Smith and told him to come right away. Mr. Smith looked at Mike and said. So you are the thief! I believed in you, Mike.Call the police, Alim. We have finally caught the spy, Mr. Smith said. And by the way, Mike ,no man can serve two masters. You should have left if you did not work with us any longer.50 . Why did Mike take the job as a spy? Because _.Ahe didnt want to work for his company any longer.Bsome agents forced him to do so.Che wanted to give his child an excellent education and bright future.DMr. Smith did not give treat him very well.51 . What did the agents ask Mike to do?ATo give them some important information of his company.BTo follow his boss secretly.CTo serve his master very honestly.DTo leave his company and join them.52 . Mr. Smith thought Mike was_ before he knew that Mike was a spy.AkindBcleverChonestDdishonest53 . Whats the meaning of the phrase leak out in the passage?_.Aland onBcross outCbecome knownDcome out54 . What can you learn from the passage?_.AWe should be careful at work.BWe should be honest at work.CWe should work hard.DWe should serve the masters.We can easily and cheaply get all the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted(使快乐) mankind for centuries, but we must know how to use this treasure and how to get the most from it The most unfortunate people all over the world are those who have never discovered how satisfying it is to read good booksI am very interested in people, in meeting them and finding about them Ive found in books new friends, new societies, and new words Reading is a pleasure of mind It is a little like a sport: Your eagerness for knowledge and quickness make you a good reader Your experience, compared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your ideas develop as you understand hisEvery book stands by itself, like a onefamily house, but books in a library are like houses in a city Wherever you start reading you connect yourself with one of the families of ideas, and finally you not only find out about the world and the people in it, you find out about yourself, tooReading can only be fun if you expect it to be If you concentrate on books somebody tells you you ought to read, you probably wont have fun But if you put down a book you dont like and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good time, and if you become, as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you wont have suffered during the process55 . Which is WRONG according to the passage?AReading can find new friendsBReading is funCReading is a little like a sportDWhile reading youll have no imagination56 . Whats the result of reading?AWiserBKinderCMore gentleDAll of the above57 . What does the underlined word process mean in Chinese?A过程B作用C手续D工序58 . Why does the author say books are connected with each other?AThey have the same ideaBThey have the same writerCPeoples problems are the sameDHuman problems repeat themselves in literatureDifferent networks(网络) from all around the world make up the Internet. When you learn to use the Internet,you can have lots of fun on the World Wide Web(万维网).The web is like a big electronic(电子的) book with lots of pages that are called home pages(主页).You can find information about the world on those pages. For example,you can use the Internet to find information for your homework. You can also find information about your sports or film stars,talk to your friends or do some shopping on the pages. Most pages have words,pictures and sounds or music.59 . The underlined phrase “make up” means “” in Chinese.A制造B来自C组成D连接60 . The World Wide Web is just like an electronic .AdictionaryBbookCaddressDshop61 . We cant use the Internet to .Ado shoppingBdo talkingCdo homeworkDdo cooking62 . We cant find on most of the pages.AwordsBmusicCanimalsDpictures十一、听短文填写表格下面你将听到一篇短文,短文读两遍,请你听完短文的第二遍朗读后,根据短文内容和提示,在信息表中相应的横线上填入所缺的信息。Information SheetThe first book has63 . pages.The second book costs$64 . The third book is about65 . poets and their poems.The66 . book is the most expensive one.If Jenny is interested in poems about travel,she should buy the67 . book.十二、语法填空throw make satisfy he many use wonder one student sad spend resultThere was once a young man who liked puppets (木偶) so much. He became a student of a master puppet-maker. 68 . , the young man was not so clever as his classmates. His teacher and the other 69 . were always telling him that he had no ability to make puppets, so he would never succeed.Even so, he enjoyed 70 . puppets so much that he worked day after day to improve his skills. With his efforts, they would always find something wrong with the puppets that he had made. So they often 71 . his puppets out of the workshop.The young man wasnt going to give up. He made up his mind 72 . all his time in making just one kind of puppet. Years passed, and with each new attempt(尝试), his puppet became a little bit better. By now, his puppet was much better than his old classmates could make, but he still kept making 73 . improvements than before. By the time he was an old man, his puppet was truly 74 . . After so many years of hard work, he finished work on his puppet, and said, “I cant find anything wrong with it. This time it is perfect.” And for the 75 . time in all those years, instead of throwing his puppet away, he put it on the shelf. He felt very 76 . and happy. What made him succeed was not 77 . talent but his hard work of so many years. If you want to make a difference in your life, you should keep it in your mind that success lies in never giving up.十三、多任务混合问题Peter lost his friends book. He felt very sad. Kate broke her moms favorite cup. _. She was so sorry for her mistake.We all make mistakes because were human. And its not always easy to get on well with everyone all the time. Sometimes we hurt peoples feelings although we dont do it on purpose. Sometimes we hurt peoples feelings on purpose, _. So we apologize (道歉)An apology tells someone that were sorry for our mistakes. Its a way to show that well try to do better in future.Apologies are one of the tools to build good friendships and relationships. When you say “Im sorry”, you probably feel bad because what you did or said hurt another person. _, youre also saying that you respect the other person, and care about his or her feelings. Apologizing shows you have empathy(同感)After apologizing, you might feel a little better. _. When you apologize in a caring way, you may feel good because you are trying to make things right again.阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有一项为多余选项。AThen she criedBbut we feel bad laterCWhen you say “Im sorry”Dand you want to return his bookEThe other person will probably feel better,too_Which is the best title of the passage?AMistakes. BApologies.CSorry. DRespect.78 . _79 . _80 . _81 . _82 . _十四、将所给单词连成句子连词成句83 . European, the U. K. , country, an, is_?84 . for, has, ill, days, Susan, been, five, more than_.85 . wrote, according to, he, report, a, the, survey_.86 . lives, in, Central America, she_.87 . playing, workers, of, basketball, rest, the, the, are_.十五、话题作文88 . Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “A(n) _ That I Can Learn from”(所谓三人行必有我师焉,我们生活中总有一些人或者物在某一瞬间或是平凡日常中扮演我们师者的角色,请以“我可以学习的_”为题写一篇不少于60个单词的短文,描述你可以学习的对象说明学习到了什么以及你以后将会怎么做请在答题纸上把作文标题补充完整要求内容连贯,语句通顺,标点符号不计入总词数。)第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、二、听句子选答语1、2、3、三、听句子或对话选择图片1、四、听长对话回答问题1、2、五、听录音选择听到的句子1、2、六、听短文回答问题1、2、七、听音辩词1、2、3、八、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、九、完型填空1、十、阅读单选1、2、3、十一、听短文填写表格1、十二、语法填空1、十三、多任务混合问题1、十四、将所给单词连成句子1、十五、话题作文1、


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