人教新目标英语七年级下册Unit 9 Section A同步课堂测试

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人教新目标英语七年级下册Unit 9 Section A同步课堂测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Computers cant take the place of human beings _.Aat the presentBfor the first timeCfor the time beingDat a time2 . Please to me in English about your school life.AtalkBshowCwalkDtell3 . -Can you follow your new American teacher in class?- Yes, he has no difficulty_Amaking himself understoodBto make himself understandCtomakehimselfunderstood4 . He won the ping-pong competition and his parents were very_.AseriousBpowerfulCworriedDproud5 . -Does he have to eat fruits every day? - Yes, .Ahe isBhe hasChe doesDhe doesnt二、补全对话7选5A:Who is the captain(队长) of your football team?B:Xu Hui. Do you know him? A:6 . .B:He is very tall and has short curly brown hair.A:7 . B:No, he is a little bit thin. A:8 . B:Yes, he does.A:9 . B:No, he is a little bit quiet. But he is very popular in our team. We all like him.A:Oh, I know him. 10 . B:Yes, thats him. He is the new captain of our football team.AIs he very thin?BDoes he like talking?CWhat does he look like?DIs his English name Jim Green?EWhat does he like?FIs he very heavy?GDoes he always wear glasses?三、完型填空Tom grows (种植) the nicest vegetables, fruits and the most beautiful flowers in the village.Plants grow (生长) in Toms_ all through the year. Tom cuts some flowers and puts _on his sitting room table, eats some fruit and vegetables, but he_ most of them in the market.His vegetables , fruits and flowers are so nice and_ that they sell much more _ in the market than those of other villagers ._does Tom grow these beautiful things so well ? He is so lazy that he just sits _ his orange tree with his radio by his side . Then he listens to the music for the rest of the day .Thats quite true . After he does the same work as others , he sits down and enjoys the music from his _ . And everything grows _ . It is the music that does the work . Tom knows clearly that music makes the biggest vegetables and the most beautiful flowers . Plants love _ as much as possible .11 . AschoolBhouseCgardenDoffice12 . AitBhimCtheyDthem13 . AbuysBsellsCborrowsDlends14 . AdearBbadCbeautifulDugly15 . AhappilyBquicklyCslowlyDcarefully16 . AHowBWhenCWhatDWhere17 . AwithBunderCtoDpast18 . AtableBradioCfriendDfamily19 . AgoodBniceCwonderfulDwell20 . AworkBrainCstoriesDmusic四、根据首字母、中文提示填空21 . Tom took a shower, got d_ quickly then rushed out of his home.22 . _ Fools Day is a day for us to play jokes on others.23 . There is nobody in the classroom. Its _.24 . The cheat felt e_ when someone revealed(揭露) his hoax.25 . She wore a strange c_ to the party.26 . Tom was f_ by his brother by changing his alarm an hour earlier .27 . I am tired now because I _ up all night studying last night.28 . A friend _ me to a costume party and I enjoyed myself there.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用词的适当形式填空:29 . Most of the earths s_ is cover by water.30 . Its said that the Great Wall was built _(用手).31 . Passagers _(not allow) to smoke on the train.32 . Careless drive causes many t_ accidents.33 . Where will you_ (去度假) this summer?34 . Parents _(invite) to school meeting every month.35 . You should try to a_ catching a cold.36 . _ (根据) John, you were in Beijing last week.37 . No m_ where you go, you will find the products made in China.38 . Girl students in some schools are not allowed _(have)long hair.39 . We can watch TV after our homework _(finish).40 . The old _(speak) to politely.41 . It takes several weeks _(complete) everything.42 . When the leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for _(process).43 . This factory developed a new _(产品)。44 . She put an ad in the _(当地)newspaper to look for her lost child.45 . English is spoken _(wide) in the world.46 . Tom has a cat. _(it )name is Mimi.47 . Test the _(热度) of the water before getting in.48 . May I use your _(剪刀)?六、完成句子49 . Yesterday when I_. (下公共汽车时,我注意到我的钱包不见了)50 . The man_. (看上去很焦急并且拿起电话打给警察)51 . They_ at 3 yesterday afternoon. (正在等一名女宇航员给他们做一个演讲)52 . _made us surprised.(发生在他身上的一件不同寻常的事)53 . At last, she_(拿出了那只包并拨了 110.)54 . Tom_.(总是害怕上学迟到)55 . My uncle_.(匆忙登上船问发生了什么事)56 . It is_.(在公共场合盯着别人看和相互大声嚷嚷是不礼貌的)57 . The girl_(穿过人群向一名女警察详细地描述了那起车祸)七、用单词的正确形式完成句子根据句意,选择方框中的短语并用其适当形式填空。stay up, show up, costume party, wake up, go off58 . The baby is sleeping now. When she _, Ill call you.59 . I got up and dressed myself quickly when my alarm clock _.60 . Though we invited him, he didnt _.61 . Bob was very tired because he _deep into the night.62 . The man hurried to the _without finishing his work.八、填写适当的句子补全对话63 . 埃米个子高,留着短发。(完成句子)Amy is _ and she _ _ _九、英汉互译:单词/短语64 . 最喜爱的科目_65 . 音乐老师_66 . 在星期一_67 . geography class_68 . science and math _第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、八、填写适当的句子补全对话1、九、英汉互译:单词/短语1、

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