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人教版2019-2020年度九年级上学期第二次月考(不含听力材料)英语试题D卷一、听短对话回答问题1 . AThe girls friends.BThe girls family members.CThe girls teachers.DThe girls cousins.2 . WhohelpedSusanrepairherbike?AHergrandfather. BHermother. C.Herfather.3 . How does the boy prepare for the English exam?ABy studying with a group.BBy asking his teacher questions.CBy remembering all the words.4 . AThe man is poor at communicating.BThe man wont be a designer any longer.CA designer usually works alone.DThe woman helps the man to be creative.二、听句子或对话选择图片5 . What club does the boy want to join?AChinese Club.BDance Club.CFood and Drink Club.6 . Which city is Ann going for holiday?ABC7 . ABC8 . What is Simon doing now?ABC9 . ABC三、听长对话回答问题听第6段材料,回答小题。10 . How much is the e-book?A$105.B$115.C$15011 . Who bought it?ACarl.BCarls father.CCarls mother.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。12 . What did Grace lose this morning?ASchoolbag.BID card.CWatch.13 . Who found it?ATomBMike.CPaul.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。How does Jacks grandma feel after the long trip?She feels _.How long will it take them to get home?It will take about _.Where are Jack and his grandma talking ?Maybe they are _.14 . Avery tired.BOK.Cquite sleepy.15 . Aten minutes.Ban hour.Ctwo hours.16 . Aat the train station.Bat the airport.Cat the bus stop.四、单选题17 . Mr. Wu has recommended many interesting books. Im thinking about _ first.Awhich to readBwhere to writeChow to sayDwho to ask18 . Lucy Beijing tomorrow?No, she isnt.AAre; going toBWill; goCIs; going toDIs; go19 . A photo of black hole appeared on the Internet a few weeks ago.Yes, but I wonder _in the future.Awhat it will become largerBif it will become largerCthat will it become largerDwhether will it become larger20 . I do the same job _,and I really feelbored.Aall timeBwhole timeCall the timeDthe whole time21 . There is _ “b” and _“s” in the word “bookcase”.Aa; anBan; aCa; aDan; an22 . (题文)The student _ his homework and handed it to the teacher.Atook outBcame outCput outDwent out23 . -Jim, I will go to Hong Kong tomorrow. -_AMe neither.BNot at all.CIt doesnt matter.DHave a good trip!24 . His name is Jim Smith. Smith is hisname.AEnglishBfirstClastDone25 . Kids have to take many extra classes after school classes. They _ hard to study for good grades.ApushBare pushedCare pushingDhave pushed26 . -When are we going to see the movie ZooTopia, this afternoon or tonight?-is OK. Im free today.AEitherBNeitherCBothDAll27 . -_ the doctor, the little boy came back to life at last.AThanks ofBThanks forCThank toDThanks to28 . We finished counting all the birds, Miss Zhang. _ ! Boys and girls, lets have a rest.ABest wishesBGood luckCWell doneDGood idea29 . - Our holiday cost a lot of money.- Did it? Well, it doesnt matter _ we enjoyed ourselves.AunlessBso thatCas long as30 . Please write down the address,youll forget it.AandBsoCor31 . When I travel abroad, I always feel homesick when I eat traditional Chinese food. In the sentence “homesick” describes a _.AsicknessBpositionCfeelingDcondition五、补全短文5选5According to the reports.many men are proud of their sense of direction which is much better than that of women .My father is of scarce exceptions(少有的例外).32 . That is why almost shocked to death when my father told us one day that he was going to buy a car and was learning to drive.He managed to become a.but.allowed to drive alone until.day there.chance.when nobody could go with him together.33 . Confidently he felt.Though expected to come back at four,he entered the house at eight. “Did you get lost?34 . ”A mountain of questions followed before my father could at last answer. “I arrived there quite easily as a matter of fact.”he said.35 . I spent quite a while there and got out at last with the help of a clerk And then I found that it wasnt the entrance I formerly went into.so I couldnt find the parking lot where I parked the car This was really beyond our prediction.Then my mother asked. “36 . ” “Not yet,” said my father. “I took a taxi and came back.”ADidnt the map help?Bhow did you find it at last?CBut I got lost in the building and failed to find my way out of it.DHe is the type of person who seldom knows where he is or where he is going.EWe had to draw an extremely detailed map for him.including everything that could help him.六、完型填空One day,a poor boy,who was selling newspapers from door to door in order to pay for his schooling,found he had only ten cents left,and he was_He decided to ask for a meal at the next house.However,he changed his mind when a young woman opened the door.Instead of a_he asked for a drink of water.But as he looked so hungry,she_him a large glass of milk.He drank it,and then asked.“How much do I owe(欠)you?”“My mother teaches me never to accept money for any_,”she replied,“so you dont owe me anything.”Many years later,the_became seriously ill.Then she was sent to a famous_in London.Dr Kelly was called in to study her illness.When he_the name of the town which she came_,a strange light filled his eyes.As soon as he walked into her room,he recognized(认出)her at once.He did his best to_her.Then he gave special attention to her.After some time she got_Dr Kelly asked for her final bill_she left hospital.He looked at it,then_something on it before it was sent to her.She was_to open it,for shebelieved it would take the rest of her life to_for it all.But finally she opened it,and read these words on it:Paid in full with one glass of_( )37 . AthirstyBhungryCtiredDexcited38 . AtomatoBsweetCmealDbanana39 . AorderedBbroughtCsoldDfound40 . AbusinessBfitnessCillnessDkindness41 . AwomanBboyCmanDmother42 . AcollegeBhotelCdentistsDhospital43 . AcalledBaskedCheardDtold44 . AtoBfromCbyDthrough45 . AsaveBexamineCfeedDprotect46 . AbackBawayCwellDworse47 . AbeforeBafterCwhenDbecause48 . ArememberedBsaidCnoticedDwrote49 . AexcitedBsurprisedCafraidDready50 . AwaitBcareCsearchDpay51 . AwaterBmilkCcoffeeDjuice七、阅读单选Americans use many expressions with the word “dog”.People in the United States love their dogs and treat them well.They take their dogs for walks, let them play outside and give them good food and medical care.However, in other countries dogs without owners caring for them lead a different kind of life.The expression “to lead a dogs life” describes a person who leads an unhappy life.Some people say we live in a “dog-eat-dog” world.This means many people are competing for the same things, such as jobs.They say that to be successful, a person has to “work like a dog”.This means they have to work very, very hard.Such hard work can make people “dog-tired”.And the situation would be even worse if they became “sick as a dog”.Still, people say “every dog has its day”.This means that every person enjoys a successful period during his or her life.To be successful, people often have to learn new skills.Yet, some people say that “you can never teach an old dog new tricks”.They believe that old people do not like to learn new things and will not change the way they do things.Dog expressions are also used to describe the weather.“The dog days of summer” are the hottest days of a year.A rainstorm may cool the weather.But we do not want it to rain too hard.We do not want it “to rain cats and dogs”.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。52 . Dogs in America _.A. are well cared forB. have no owners to care forC. live a hard life53 . By saying “work like a dog”, we mean _.A. we should work as door keepersB. we have to work very hardC. we should work at night54 . If some old people dont like to learn new things, people will say “_”.A. they want to lead a dogs lifeB. they are sick as a dogC. you can never teach an old dog new tricks55 . How many expressions about dogs are mentioned in the passage?A. 7 B. 8 C. 956 . Whats the best title of the passage?A. Dog Care B. Dogs Life C. Dog ExpressionsOn a rainy day in late August my family and I set out on a new trip. We traveled by car to Girdwood along the Turnagain Arm and were lucky enough to see Beluga whales on the way.We parked at the Hotel Alyeska. We then traveled by van(小型货车) to the Portage station where we got on the train that would take us to the Spencer Glacier Whistle Stop. It was a 2025-minute train ride to Spencer Glacier where we got off the train and took a van to the lake.We went across the lake in the kayaks. It is about 1.5 miles across the lake to the face of the glacier(冰川) . It was an experience to boat among the icebergs and to see the face of the glacier get closer and closer?We were excited to begin our hike on the glacier. It was such a thrill walking on the glacier. It rained most of the day but it was still such a beautiful trip in a lifetime experience. After about two hours on the glacier we headed back to the kayaks. The guide took some pictures before we started back across the lake.We were tired as it was an active day but we were also excited about the amazing trip we had at Spencer Glacier! Rain or shine, it is a journey I would love to do every year!57 . How did the writer get to the Spencer Glacier Whistle Stop?ABy car.BBy van.CBy train.DOn foot.58 . What did the writer see on the way to Girdwood?ABeluga whales.BThe lake.CThe glacier.DThe kayaks.59 . How did the writer feel about the trip?ATired and bored.BTired and excited.CRelaxed and interested.DRelaxed and surprised.60 . From the passage, we can guess the kayak is a kind of _.AbikeBcarCvanDboatThe teacher stood before his class of 30 students and was going to hand out the final exam papers. I know how hard you have all worked to prepare for this test, he said. And because I know you are all able to understand these questions, I am ready to offer a B to anyone who would prefer not to take the test.A number of students jumped up to thank the teacher and left the classroom. The teacher looked at the rest students and said, Does anyone else want to get a B? This is your last chance. Two more students decided to go. Seven students stayed. The teacher then handed out the papers. There were only three sentences on the paper: Congratulations! You have received an A in this class. Keep believing in yourself.I never had a teacher who gave a test like that, but I think that it is a test that any teacher could and should give. Students who do not have confidence in what they have learned are B students at most.The same is true for students in real life. The A students are those who believe in what they are doing because they have learned from both successes and failures. They have learned lifes lessons, whether from school education or from events is in their lives, and have become better people. Scientists say that by the age of eight, 80% of what we believe about ourselves has already been formed. You are a big kid now, and you realize that you have some limits (局限). However, there is nothing you cant do. Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to reach the top of Mount Qomolangma (珠穆朗玛峰) said, We do not conquer the mountain, but ourselves.61 . Why did some students leave the classroom?ABecause they knew the teacher didnt like them to take the test.BBecause they were allowed to take another easier exam later on.CBecause they were happy with the mark the teacher would give them.DBecause they thought the exam was too easy to be worth a try.62 . Why did the teacher give the rest students an A?ABecause they answered all the questions in the exam correctly.BBecause they had been promised an A by the teacher before.CBecause they had been working hard for each exam.DBecause they were confident in what they had learned.63 . What does the underlined word conquer mean in the passage?A发现B控制C探索D征服64 . What is the writers purpose of writing the passage?AHe wants us to know what our limits are.BHe wants us to learn to believe in ourselves.CHe wants us to receive formal education.DHe wants us to learn from B students.Can you speak English? Maybe you know a lot of English words. You can read, speak and understand English, but there is another kind of languagethe language of the body. All over the world, people “talk” with their hands, their heads, and their eyes. When Japanese people meet, they bow. When Indians meet, they put their hands together. When British and American people meet someone for the first time, they shake hands. They do not usually shake hands with their friends. Women sometimes kiss their women friends, and men kiss women friends on the cheek(脸颊). When a man meets a man friend, he just smiles, and says “Hello”. Men do not kiss each other, or hold hands. Even fathers and sons do not often kiss each other.65 . From the passage we know it is important to _.Aknow English wordsBread and write EnglishCknow body languageDgreet(问候) others66 . When Indians meet for the first time, _.Athey bowBthey shake handsCthey kiss their friendsDthey put their hands together67 . In America, it is NOT right for men to _.Akiss women friends on the cheekBsmile to men friendsCsay “Hello” to men friendsDkiss men friends68 . In America, when a man meets a man friend, he usually _.Ashakes handsBsays “Hello”Csays “How do you do”Dkisses him69 . Which of the following is body language?ARead English.BWave hands to stop a taxi.CTalk with a man.DListen to music.八、听短文填写表格你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。短文读两遍。Our schoolGeneral information It was 70 . 5 years ago in the north of the city. Students come to school at age 11 and stay for 71 . years.Facilities (设施) It has a playground, 2 football fields, 3 72 . labs and a computer room. There is a big library with 5,000 books on the 73 . floor.School day Students go to school 5 days a week and have 6 lessons every day. Some students have lunch in the dining hall but most 74 . their own lunch.九、单词填空阅读下面短文,从方框中选择合适的词填空。Fill in the blanks with given words.own describe need shorter different reasons education shows begin that bad influence consider waysLanguage is always changing and developing. This isnt a75 . thing. If English hadnt changed for a long time, we wont have words to 76 . telephones, washing machines, computers or some other new things. Language changes for several 77 . . First, it changes because the needs of its speaker change. New technologies, new products, and new experiences78 . new words to express them clearly. Another reason for change is that 79 . people have different language experiences. People use different sets of words and expressions, because they have different ages, jobs, 80 . levels(水平) and so on.How does language develop then? On the one hand, many of the languages changes 81 . with young people. When young people communicate with others of their 82 . age, their language grows in grammar, words and expressions83 . are different from the older peoples. Some have a short lifetime but others can84 . the language for long. On the other hand, we get new words in many different85 . . We borrow them from other languages, we create them by making words 86 . or combining words and we make them out of proper names.Languages that dont change over time are 87 . dead languages. The fact that English changes so much88 . that it is alive and well.十、根据图画及所给单词写出句子根据所提供的图画和提示词,写一个符合图意的完整、正确的句子。89 . they, now_90 . whenever, help 有需要发邮件_91 . be, for ten years _92 . water, by,every day_93 . go, tomorrow_十一、材料作文94 . 假设你是李平,建湖某中学九年级学生,你的加拿大笔友Susan正在学汉语,她给你发来邮件,询问你上次英语考试情况,并请你为她推荐一份汉语读物。请你给她回复邮件。注意:1. 可适当加入细节,使行文连贯:2. 词数:100左右(开头和结尾己给出不计入总字数);3. 不得出现与实的校名和人名。Dear Susan,Im glad to hear from you. _Yours,Li Ping十二、其他情景交际95 . Becky想知道外语角新来的同学的名字,她会这么问她:_?96 . Anna帮助你后,你可以这么向她表达感谢:_.97 . 你的好朋友Jane到你家玩,你可以这么向妈妈介绍她:_.98 . 你想知道你的书在哪里,你可以这么问同桌:_?99 . 上学前爸爸祝你这一天过得开心,他会这么说:_!第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、二、听句子或对话选择图片1、2、3、4、5、三、听长对话回答问题1、2、3、四、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、五、补全短文5选51、六、完型填空1、七、阅读单选1、2、3、4、八、听短文填写表格1、九、单词填空1、十、根据图画及所给单词写出句子1、十一、材料作文1、十二、其他1、

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