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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题(不含听力材料)(II)卷一、听短对话回答问题1 . ABecause he had a headache.BBecause he had watched an exciting football game.CBecause he had drunk too much coffee.DBecause he had worked for a long time.2 . AAt home.BAt school.CAt a shop.DAt a cinema.3 . Who is the man in the picture?ALucys P.E. teacher.BLucys cousinCLucys friend4 . ABy bus.BOn foot.CBy bike.DBy underground.5 . Where is the man?AOn the street.BAt a restaurant.CIn a hospital.二、听句子选答语6 . AYes, I am.BYes, they are.CYes, he is.7 . AI have a cold.BIm laura.CI can dance.8 . AGood idea!BIt is not good.CWhat a pity!9 . Why cant Jack go to play basketball?AHe is tired.BHe is busy.CHe is lazy.10 . AWhy not go to the park?BDont go upstairs, please.CLets go upstairs and have a look.三、单选题11 . Why did you open the window?I wanted to _ more fresh air.Apick upBget upCtake inDfall down12 . How much does the TV _?Not too much.Its just a secondhand one.AcostBspendCtakeDpay for13 . -When is Grandma leaving _ America? -Next week.AforBtoCinDof14 . A: This is my uncle. This is my friend.B: How do you do?C: _AHow are you?BNice to meet you.CHow do you do15 . (题文)Would you like_anything?No,I dont feel like_anything.Aeating,eatingBeating,to eatCto eat,eatingDto eat,to eat16 . You have to get your parents_ if you want to go on the trip.AarrangementBagreementCargument17 . As for air pollution, the _, the _. Its our duty to protect the environment.Aless, betterBfewer, worseCmore, betterDless, worse18 . Lets open the windows to have some _ air here.AcheapBnervousCcarefulDfresh19 . My English teacher is very , she always explains things carefully.AseriousBsilentCpatientDsilly20 . They promise _there with me.AgoBgoingCto goDgoes21 . Look at the picture.It tells us_ quiet in the classroom.AkeepBkeptCto keepDkeeps22 . I saw some boy students _ basketball when I passed the playground.AplayedBplaysCplayingDto play23 . _ theyre sisters, they dont look the same.AIfBWhenCbutDThough24 . Put on your coat, Jack! Its snowing _ outside at the moment.AhardlyBquicklyCloudlyDheavily25 . This is the doctors advice. Please_ carefully. You have to stay in bed and have one week _.OK. I will follow the doctors advice.Alook them through; awayBlook it through; offClook through them; offDlook through it; away四、补全短文5选5It is important for each child to get enough sleep every day. Here, well learn more about that.26 . It usually depends on their age. Newborns (新生儿) of 0 to 3 months should sleep for about 18 hours a day. Babies of 4 to 11 months should start to sleep through the night, for 9 to 12 hours at a time. 27 . Children of 3 to 5 years should get 11 to 13 hours a day. Children of 6 to 13 need 9 to 11 hours of sleep. Teenagers of 14 and up need 8 to 10 hours of sleep.28 . Set a strict nap timetable (小睡时间表). Younger children should take a short sleep during the day. Even older children can benefit (得益于) from late-afternoon naps if they dont get enough sleep at night. 29 . Pay attention to (注意) screen time. Remember to ask children to turn off the television and the computer an hour before they go to bed. If possible, get them out of their bedrooms since the light (光) from the screens can make sleep a difficult job.Get children moving.30 . Running around and playing sports are great, but children can move in other ways, too. They can take a dog for a walk or go to the park just get them out of the house and get them moving.根据材料内容,从方框中选择合适的句子填入文中空缺处,使材料完整、通顺。AExercise during the day can help children sleep better at night.BHow much sleep does a child need?CWhat can parents do?DChildren of 1 to 2 years need about 11 to 14 hours a day.EBut keep them short 30 minutes at most.五、完型填空This is _ English boy. _ name is John. He is a _ at school. He _lots of healthy _. _breakfast, he has three eggs, four hamburgers and salad. For lunch, he has some _, two apples and many _. For dinner he _ broccoli, tomatoes and hamburgers. He _ have dessert.31 . AaBanCtheD/32 . AHerBHesCHisDMy33 . ArunBrunningCrunerDrunner34 . AeatsBeatCeatingDeates35 . AfoodsBfoodCfoodsDfoodes36 . AAtBInCOfDFor37 . AchickenBchickensCchickensDchickenes38 . AvegetableBvegetablesCvegetablesDa vegetable39 . AhaveBhasCto haveDhaving40 . AdontBisntCarentDdoesnt六、阅读单选My name is Han Mei. Im a Chinese girl. Im 14 years old. Now I am studying at No. 1 High school.Our school is very big and nice! There are six buildings in it. The classroom building is in the center of our school. The playground is on the right. Every day many students do sports on the playground. The library is at the back of our school. Students can read books there after school. They can borrow some books, too. Its a nice place to study. You can see a swimming pool near (在附近) the school gate. Many students like swimming in it. Look! They are swimming now.I love my school!41 . Han Mei comes from _ .AChineseBChinaCJapanDJapanese42 . How many buildings does Han Meis school have?_AFive.BSix.CSeven.DEight.43 . Are many students swimming in the pool now?_AYes, there are.BNo, there arent.CNo, they arent.DYes, they are.44 . Which of the following is NOT true?AHan Mei is fourteen years old.BStudents can borrow books from the library.CHan Meis school is small but nice.DThe playground in on the right of the school.45 . The title(标题)of the passage(短文)can be _.AMy schoolBMy classroomCA good studentDA swimming poolChatting online is now a national pastime in China, especially among the post-90s generation. To some people, however, online chats can seem like a kind of polite conversation. Yet hidden rules and standards do exist, as long as you take the time to look for them.Get to the Point.When sending a friend request, include your real name and any other identifying information. Remember, everybodys time is precious. If theres something you want, cut right to the chase. Never send an are you there? without any follow-up messages. The quicker that you get to the point, the more likely the other person is to reply.Send the Right Things.Please send texts, not voice messages. It might be easier for you to speak than type, but what about the person on the other end? They may be unable to listen to a 59-second message right now. Also, never send personal information by voice message it is hard to note down. Emojis, GIFs and memes can save the day when you find yourself in an embarrassing conversation, or words fail you.Try to Understand.You can always judge a persons mood by their text messages. If the person youre talking to says good night or Im going to take a shower thats probably not what theyre actually going to do, it is just an excuse to stop talking to you. If someone hesitates for longer than three seconds before saying yes, they probably really mean no. If you receive these emojis from friends who are older, read them literally(字面意思) (as a smile, a wave or a laugh).For the post-90s generation, however, they could be speechlessness.46 . What can you do if theres something you want when youre chatting online according to the passage?ASend an are you there? without any follow-up messages.BSend a friend request without any other identifying information.CSend it directly without any other useless messages.DSend your real name without any follow-up messages.47 . The underlined word it in Paragraph 3 refers to_Apersonal informationBvoice messageCEmojisDGIFs48 . Who will send you a wave to say Goodbye according to the passage?Athe post-80s generationBthe post-90s generationCthe post-2000s generationDthe post-2010s generation49 . What is the passage mainly about?AHow to get to the point when youre chatting onlineBDifferent good ways of sending the right thingCHidden rules and standards in chatting onlineDHow to understand others through the messages50 . What is the writers opinion about chatting online?A. Your text messages on the phone will show what youre feelingB. Using too many emojis while chatting will annoy othersC. Voice messages make it easier for others to understand you七、听对话给图片排序听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。51 . _52 . _53 . _54 . _55 . _八、填写适当的单词补全句子Complete the sentences with prepositions (使用适当的介词填空)56 . There are five people _ my family.57 . I usually look _ my little brother when my father and mother are out.58 . Ann is playing tennis _ her sister now.59 . Its my birthday _ Saturday.60 . There is a photo _ my family and me.九、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据汉语注释写出单词的正确形式。61 . Japanese are supposed to _ (鞠躬) when they meet people.62 . Hows the _ (天气) in this city?63 . The English teacher is _ (耐心的) with his students in class.64 . The final exam is coming, wish you all good_ (运气).65 . We have so many _ (规则) both at home and at school.十、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空限填一词)66 . Thousands of people were left _ after the earthquake. (home)67 . They go there mainly because of the _ of the Thai people. (friend)68 . A big fire was so _ that it burned down the whole city. (destroy)69 . Women wore _ qipao dresses and walked down stairs in front of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower during the Shanghai Citizens Cultural Festival. (tradition)70 . We can learn about life and _ from keeping a pet dog. (die)71 . Some students have the ability of _ thinking and they can solve most of the problems on their own. (depend)72 . I got interested in _ because of a movie about science. (physical)73 . Red Cross is an international _ in the world. (organize)十一、完成句子完成句子74 . 即使我们不能通过这次考试, 我们也要尽最大努力。Wewilltryourbest_wecantpasstheexam.75 . 如果他不邀请我, 我不会去参加他的晚会。Iwontgotohisparty_heinvitesme.76 . 通过这个望远镜, 我没能看到任何星星。Icantseeanystars_thistelescope.77 . 在其他行星上有生命吗?Istherelife_?78 . 太阳、地球和月亮都属于太阳系。Thesun, theearthandthemoon_thesolarsystem.79 . 去年, 多达300名学生参加了校运动会. _300studentstookpartintheschoolsportsmeetinglastyear.80 . 越来越多的人对科学感兴趣了。Moreandmorepeople_science.81 . 大自然的秘密是很有趣的. The_of_areveryinteresting.82 . 人们把这些树全部砍倒了。Peoplehave_allthetrees.83 . 这些树几乎完全被覆盖了。Thesetrees_almostcompletely.十二、用单词的正确形式完成短文84 . 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给11个动词中选择10个意义相符的词,必要时进行词形变化(可加情态动词或者助动词),填入空白处。find, see, make, be, do, work, shake, sell, , ask, take, bringJohn and Bobby joined the same company together just after graduation from college the same year. Both worked very hard. After several years, however, the boss promoted (提拔) Bobby to the position of manager but John remained an ordinary worker. John(61)_ it anymore, gave his resignation (辞呈) to the boss and complained that the boss didnt think much of those who (62)_ hard, only promoted those who only said good words to him.The boss knew John worked very hard for the years. He thought for a moment and said, “I hope you (63)_one more thing for our company before you leave.”John agreed. The boss asked him to go and find anyone selling watermelons in the market. John went and returned soon. He said he(64)_a man selling watermelons. The boss asked how much per kilo. John(65) _ his head and went back to the seller(66)_ and returned to tell the boss $1.2 per kilo.The boss told John to wait a second, and he called Bobby to come tohis office. He asked Bobby to go and find anyone selling watermelons in the market. Bobby went, returned and said, Boss, only one person (67)_ watermelons. $1.2 per kg, and $10 for 10 kg. He has 340 melons in all, 58 of which(68) _on the table. Every melon weighs about 2 kg. (69)_ from the South two days ago, they are freshand red. John was impressed and realized the difference between himself and Bobby. He decided not to resign but to learn from Bobby.A more successful person sees more and farther so that he can find out an opportunity (机会)and catch it to realize his aim. If a person (70)_one year ahead, while another sees only tomorrow,the difference between a year and a day is 365 times, how could you win Chances exist in the daily details.十三、句子配对85 . Do you know the way to the hospital ? Sorry , I am new here ._AThats OK.BIts very kind of you.CYoure welcome.DThank you all the same .十四、话题作文86 . 书面表达你家有什么样的家规?你觉得它们合理吗?请写一篇英语短文,谈谈你的看法。内容包括:1. 描述你家的家规。2. 谈一谈你对家规的看法。写作要求:1.词数80个左右。3.信息内容完整,语句连贯。_第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、二、听句子选答语1、2、3、4、5、三、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、四、补全短文5选51、五、完型填空1、六、阅读单选1、2、七、听对话给图片排序1、八、填写适当的单词补全句子1、九、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、十、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、十一、完成句子1、十二、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、十三、句子配对1、十四、话题作文1、


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