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人教版2019-2020年度中考一模英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文5选5At the time of birth, babies can explore all the five senses-hearing, seeing, touching, tasting and smelling, through these senses are not fully developed. They explore the new world with their available senses.Right from the time of birth, babies have a good understanding of sound. In fact, the sense of hearing develops much before the birth of them. When in their mothers womb(子宫), they can hear their mothers heart-beats. 1 . . And it is very easy for them to understand the tone(语调)of speech.The sight also develops with time. Just after birth, babies can see things which are within eight to ten inches from their eyes. 2 . . With time, their range of vision and understanding of colors also develop.3 . . They love sleeping in lap(大腿)just because personal touches make them feel safe. Touch is an important sense, which affects the relationship between the parents and their babies.Babies explore most things by putting them inside their mouth. 4 . . And they will spit out anything that doesnt taste good at once.Babies recognize(认出)their mother through smell. 5 . . They also quickly recognize the smell of the food or fruits they love. With time, they develop an understanding of all the smells around.Though the sensory development takes a long time, you can certainly help to make it fast. But remember: do not overburden your kid, and do not be overprotective about your kid.ASmall babies love to be touchedBThey taste them through their sensitive tongueCThey also easily recognize black, white and red colors.DThen they start recognizing the smell of other family members.EGradually they can remember words and understand the meanings.二、完型填空Its 12:00 now. Its time _ lunch. My friend Pat and I are _. We go to a _. There _ many people in it.A waitress _ up when we sit down.“Can I help you?”“Yes, please. Id like some spring rolls(春卷) and _. What about you, Pat?”“Id like some dumplings. And I want _ a bowl of soup.”The waitress serves(端上) the food. They are very delicious. _ the soup has a strange taste(奇怪的味道). The waitress says there are some herbs(中药) in it. Its a special Chinese soup. Its good _ us. We like Chinese food and the _ soup.6 . AtoBonCforDat7 . AsadBthirstyChungryDhappy8 . AschoolBrestaurantChomeDlibrary9 . AhaveBhasCareDis10 . AgoBgoesCcomeDcomes11 . AchickensBfishesCfishDmilks12 . AeatBto eatCdrinkDto drink13 . AAndBOrCThenDBut14 . AforBtoCwithDon15 . AwellBspecialCsweetDgoodMary is a kind girl.From middle school to college,she volunteered to help many people.She often goes to the hospital to _ the sick people on weekends.And she really felt _ because she understands that true happiness comes from helping_For three years,Mary went to a primary school once a week to _ some pupils with math and English.She can still remember the _ of being a teacher.Most of all,she was happy that the pupils did very _ in the math tests.She felt good to be _ the children.They liked to tell her their dreams or future plans.She became not only their afterschool _ but also their best friend.Looking back now,she learned much _ from the three years experience than she gave to the children.Shes planning _ on volunteering in the future,because she knows itll bring her more happiness.16 . Acheer upBset upCthink upDclean up17 . AfunnyBangryChappyDsad18 . AanotherBothersCthe otherDthe others19 . AlearnBtellCmeetDhelp20 . AfeelingBlookingCtastingDsmelling21 . AgoodBniceCwellDkind22 . AforBwithCofDby23 . AbrotherBsisterCworkerDteacher24 . AmoreBlessCbetterDworse25 . AgoingBcomingCto goDto come三、阅读单选(题文)The sun comes up in the east and goes down in the west. When the sun rises, It is morning. When the sun sets, it is evening. When the sun is shining, it is day. Morning is the time between sunrise and twelve oclock, or between sunrise and lunch. At twelve oclock, the sun is the highest in the sky over our heads. The sun is overhead at noon. The sun shines during(在期间)the day. The moon and the stars shine during the night. When the sun rises, it is light. Its light during the day. During the night, if the moon is not shining, it is dark. What are the days and nights like in summer? In summer the days are longer and the nights are shorter. What about in winter? In winter, the days are shorter and the nights are longer.26 . (小题1)The sun rises in the _ and sets in the _.Awest,eastBsouth,northCeast,westDnorth,south27 . (小题2)Morning is the time between sunrise and _.AsupperBbreakfastCeleven oclockDlunch28 . (小题3)At noon the sun is _ in the sky over our heads.Ahigh up in the skyBsettingCthe highestDnot overhead29 . (小题4)When the moon shines, it is during the _.AdayBnightCdarkDevening30 . (小题5)In summer, the days are _ than the nights.AlongerBshortClongDshorterIn some cities of America, many people ride scooters(脚踏车).Scooters can be helpful. They help make it so there are fewer cars on the road. This means less traffic. At the same time, it saves energy(能源).Scooters also give people a way to get to different places around the city easily for less money.Some people say they cause many problems, however. First, they say riders on their scooters put walkers in great danger because people drive the scooters on sidewalks(人行道)and they sometimes hit walkers carelessly. Second, some say they do not follow traffic rules and go the wrong way on roads so they bring problems to car drivers. Third, sometimes people leave their scooters in the way, so there are scooters in front of the stores and it is bad for the stores.Scooters are a big problem to the traffic so some scientists are working hard to solve them. At first, some cities like Santa Monica and Los Angeles have some parking spaces for scooters. Then, they prepare to develop new plans for scooter riders. Road safety comes first and they are thinking about making special roads for scooters because they are becoming more and more popular. Someone says they maybe replace(代替)bikes in the future. Finally, online lessons about scooter safety are on the Internet. These riders need to watch a video and finish a test. After passing the test and getting a passing card, they can travel with their scooters on the road. Of course, not every rider can be on his or her scooter after the test.31 . From the first paragraph, we know _.Apeople can travel easilyBthere is more trafficCpeople are more helpfulDpeople cant save energy32 . The underlined word they in Para.2 refers to_.AWalkersBridersCbikesDcars33 . In order to solve the scooter problems, people_.Awill use scooters to replace carsBhave scooter parking spaces in every cityCmade special roads for scootersDgive Internet lessons about scooter safety34 . We can infer(推断)from the passage that_.Ascooters are a big problem to the trafficBscooter-riders put walkers in great dangerCit may not be easy to pass the scooter testDsometimes people leave their scooters in the wayMost people are writing blogs (博客). Others are reading them. The word “ blog” is a short way of saying Web log almost like QQ Zone (空间).Many popular Web sites now offer free, easy ways to create personal Web pages and fill them with writings and pictures. Blogs offer people a place to show their writings and feelings over the Internet. They can also be helpful to connect people with others.A blog has both good and bad points, of course. People choose to write what they think in blogs, for they know that their friends will read what they write. If you are feeling sad one day and write your feelings in your blog, your friends may quickly write back tocomfortyou or offer their help. Blogs help people keep good friendship and let them know what their friends are doing. But the problem is that anyone can read what you write in your blog. If you are not satisfied with a friend during school, and you write something bad about him in your blog, your friend read the blog and get angry. So we have to be careful of what we write.In many ways, a blog and a diary are almost the same. So what makes a blog different from a diary? The biggest difference is that a blog is more public than a diary.35 . _ can offer free ways to create personal Web pages and fill them with writings and pictures.AQQBWeb pagesCWeb sitesDBlogs36 . The underlined word “comfort” in the passage means _.A了解B安慰C嘲笑D打击37 . Why do you have to be careful of what you write?ABecause only your friends can read your blog.BBecause no one can read your blog.CBecause only you can read your blog.DBecause anyone can read your blog.38 . Whats the difference between a blog and a diary?AA diary is more private than a blog.BA diary is more helpful than a blog.CA diary is more interesting than a blog.DA diary is more public than a blog.39 . Whats the main idea of this passage?AMost people like using blogs.BThe differences between a blog and a diary.CThe advantages and disadvantages of blogs.DBlogs offer people free space to show their writings and feelings.2014 is the year of horse in China. Do you know anything about the horse?The horse is strong and runs very fast. Hes a useful and hard-working animal. The horse learns to know his owner soon. He loves his owner, even after his owner loses his life. Heres a story about such a horse. In a war, the owner passed away(死), and fell from his horse. When people found his body some days later, the horse was still standing beside it. During that long time, the horse didnt leave the body of his owner, without food or water, in the coldest weather, driving away the birds that might eat it. Wasnt he a great animal?40 . When people found the body of the owner, the horse was _.Agoing awayBstill standing beside itCdrinking waterDeating grass beside it41 . The story probably took place in _.AspringBsummerCautumnDWinter四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据汉语提示填词42 . Im preparing a _(发言)for the meeting on Thursday.43 . He studies well and is kind and helpful,so well choose him as _(班长)of our class.44 . Who is _(缺席)from todays class?一Jack. Because he is ill at home.45 . Can you find our _(位置)on this map?46 . According to the _(日历)my birthday falls on a Sunday this year.五、完成句子情景交际根据情景提示,写出句子。47 . 你想叫你的兄弟将收音机的音量调小一点,你可以对他这么说:_ mind _?48 . Top想知道这辆灰色的小汽车是由什么材质做成的,他可以这么问:_?49 . 你想问路人附近是否有一个博物馆?你可以这么问:Excuse me, _?50 . Li Ming想告诉票务员他要订一张8月22日去天津的火车票,他可以这么说:_.51 . 你想知道现在几点了,可以这么问:_?六、话题作文52 . 假如你是某中学的学生李强,你校英语俱乐部将选举新一届主席,你欲参加。请按以下提示,写一篇竞选演讲稿。个人信息1. 性格:友善,谦虚,有条理,关心他人,2. 特长:英语水平高,组织能力强工作经历1. 曾经组织过班级英语角,英语歌曲比赛;2. 曾经协助组织过校园英语讲座和讲故事比赛。当选愿望通过自身的努力,1. 有更多的同学愿意加入英语俱乐部;2. 使俱乐部成员的英语水平得到进一步的提高;3. 要求:1. 所写内容必须包括提供的所有信息,可适当发挥。2. 文章不少于90词,开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。3. 语气通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,条理清楚,字迹工整。4. 文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名及地点。Good afternoon, my dear friends.My name is Li Qiang. Thank you.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、补全短文5选51、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、话题作文1、


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