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如果你英语基础稀碎,请赶快严肃点击以下逃生方式:英语二课程分享:还有人哭喊,一个月都不到了,英语瘸腿很厉害怎么办?!给你个过考无忧无伤害的英语二单科保过课程:如果很有自知之明,觉得其实两门考试准备得都不咋么,那请尽快治疗,不过退费哦,反正没什么损失:不过,老师郑重告知:老师不轻易给模板就是怕有人从头到尾背下来,不管译意和语法随便使用。近几年,联考评分组非常注意杜绝模板化。所以建议你必须听视频课程,学习如何套用模板,如果照抄模板不会扣题,分数绝对不能帮你过线。因为全国考生都有模板,只是比拼谁更会用罢了。模板可以帮我们预先构架出写作框架,快速构思每段内容防止走题,还可以增加作文词汇和句子的多样性,帮助我们提高遣词造句的水平。对英文水平一般的学员非常有利。简单而又万能的模板专门适用于大家英语基础不是很好的同学,可以在短时间内提高自己的写作水平,无论碰到任何题目都能运用自如,请大家务必将模板背下来,反复记忆!不要原封不动地把模板生搬硬套,再万能的模板,用错了,那结果会是相 当悲哀!会暴露蹩脚英文水平。所以一定要理解记忆,谨慎运用,制作自己的个性化模板。英语考纲要求考生根据所规定的情景写出约100词的应用性短文,包括私人和公务信函、备忘录、报告等。纵观历年数据,考查形式已涉及多种,除英文信函之外,还考察到“通知”等形式。小作文的复习应当继续以信函为主,但对其他应用文考查形式,如备忘录、报告和通知,也不要废弃,应给予适当关注和准备,尤其是它们的语篇形式。下面为大家列出2010-2016年的英语真题小作文及其参考范文,大家可以揣摩一下出题人的思路,并自行练习一下。以下为大家整理了2010-2016年英语(二)真题小作文的考查内容。请认真对待以上建议,下面给你都学网专享:英语(二)小作文模板英语(二)小作文一览表(2010-2016)年份考查形式2010年感谢信(+邀请)2011年祝贺信(+建议)2012年投诉信(+请求)2013年邀请信(+介绍)2014年请求信(+介绍)2015年通知(+介绍)2016年感谢信(+建议)2010年英语(二)真题47.Directions:You have just come back from the U.S. as amember of a Sino-American cultural exchange program. Write a letter to yourAmerican colleague to (1) express your thanks for his/her warmreception; (2) welcome him/her to visit China in duecourse.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWERSHEET.Do not sign your own name at the end of theletter. Use Zhang Wei instead.Do not write your address. (10 points)2011年英语(二)真题47.Directions: Suppose your cousin Li Ming has just beenadmitted to a university. Write him/her a letter to:(1) congratulate him/her, and(2) give him/her suggestions on how to getprepared for university life.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name at the end of theletter. Use Zhang Wei instead.Do not write the address. (10 points)2012年英语(二)真题47.Directions:Suppose you have found something wrong withthe electronic dictionary that you bought from an online store the other day.Write an email to the customer service center to(1) make a complaint , and(2)demand a prompt solutionYou should write about 100 words on the ANSWERSHEET.Donot sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Zhang Weiinstead.Donot write the address. (10 points)2013年英语(二)真题47.Directions: Suppose your class is to hold a charity salefor kids in need of help. Write your classmates an email to(1) inform them about the details and(2) encourage them to participate.Youshould write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Donot use your own name. Use Li Ming instead.Donot write the address. (10 points)2014年英语(二)真题47.Directions: Suppose you are going to study abroad andshare an apartment with John, a local student. Write him an email to(1) tell him about your living habits, and(2) ask for advice about living there.Youshould write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Donot use your own name. Use Li Ming instead.Donot write the address. (10 points)2015年英语(二)真题47.Directions: Supposeyour university is going to host a summer camp for high school students. Writea notice to(1)briefly introduce the camp activities, and(2)call for volunteers.Youshould write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Donot use your own name. Use Li Ming instead.Donot write the address. (10 points)2016年英语(二)真题47.Directions:Suppose you won a translation contest andyour friend Jack wrote an email to congratulate you, and ask advice ontranslation. Write him a reply to(1)thank him; and(2)give your advice.You should write about 100 words on theANWSER SHEET.Do not sign you own name at the end of theletter. Use Li Ming instead. Do not write the address .(10 point)首先我们先来重点关注一下信函写作思路。一、信函结构一般来说,根据英语(二)试卷的指令要求,信函包含三部分即可:称呼+正文+落款/签名。1. 称呼称呼的位置一般写在文章的左上角。称呼一般用Dear开头。注意:考研写作要求称呼后用逗号,不用冒号。称呼方式因与收信人的关系不同而有很大差异,具体讲来:* 熟悉的朋友、亲人之间可用“Dea+名字”,如“DearJudy”, “Dear John”等;* 正式的信函或关系陌生的人可用“Dear Sir”、“Dear John”等;*如明确对方身份,也可用“Dear+身份”,如“DearProfessor”、“Dear Mr.Lee” 等;*写给群体时,根据关系远近可用“Dear all”、“Dearfriends”、“Dear sirs” 等;* 写给机构时,可用“To whom it may concern(致相关人士)”、“To thoseconcerned” (致相关人士)或“Dear Sir orMadam”等最后,必须指出,称呼的选用归根结底取决于试题的指令要求,因此,考生务必要研读指令(Direction)、灵活选择恰当的称呼语,大家一定要注意这个问题,否则的话,很容易就会失分。2. 正文正文一般包括三个组成部分:目的、内容和礼貌性收尾语,各部分可独立成段。总体来看,不同类别信函的首、尾段有很大的相似性,即写信目的和礼貌性套语的表达都大同小异,但第二段的内容(或者说信函的详情)则根据不同试题指令存在较大差异,因此信函正文第二段的写作是复习的难点,也是准备的重点。3. 落款/签名落款/签名的位置可写在文章的右下角。日常生活中,信函的落款会因与收信人的关系的不同而存在差异,但考试中可予以忽视。一般的落款方式是“Yourssincerely”,“Yours truly”或“Yoursfaithfully”;反之,写成“Sincerely yours”、“Truly yours”或“Faithfullyyours”也可接受(注意大小写,且其后常有逗号存在)。签名可写在落款下面同样的位置,但切记不要签署自己的真实姓名,应严格按照试题指令提供的名字来写。根据近几年的的英语(二)真题来看,信函的签署已分别用到“张伟(Zhang Wei)”和“李明(Li Ming)”注意1:结束语和签名写在右下角。注意2:第一行敬语的第一个词大写,第二个词小写,以逗号结尾。第二行两个词都是大写。二、信函分类常考的英语信函有以下11种:1.求职信2. 邀请信3. 建议信4. 请求信5. 感谢信6. 道歉信7. 询问信8. 投诉信9. 申请信10. 辞职信11. 祝贺信下面按照不同类型的书信给大家提供一些好用的框架模板,每一类型的书信后都附有相应的参考范文,使用时要按照试题指示稍加修改即可。1.求职信Dear Sir orMadam,I write this letter to apply for theposition that you have advertised in_(报纸名称) . Not only do I have the qualificationsfor this job, but I also have the right personality for a _(工作名称). On the one hand, _(第一个原因). On the other hand, _(另一个原因).Should you grant me a personal interview, Iwould be most grateful. If you need to know more about me, please feel free tocontact me at any time at _(电话号码).Thank you for considering my application,and I am looking forward to meeting you.Yours sincerely,Li Ming参考范文:Dear Sir orMadam,I am writing to you to apply for theposition/application that you have advertised in 媒体名称. Not only do I have the qualifications forthis job, but I also have the right personality for a 工作名称.I will receive my BachelorsDegree in Electronics from my university in July. The courses I completed infour academic years have prepared me to perform the duties you outlined in youradvertisement. As for my English, I have passed the CET Band 6.Should you grant me a personal interview,please feel free to contract me at any time. By phoning 2357980 and I will belooking forward to meeting you.Yours sincerely,Li Ming2.邀请信(只需要在活动上修改一下即可,这个需要根据小作文给的活动来写,100字左右)Dear_,There will be a _(内容)at/in_(地点) on_(时间). We would be honored to haveyou there with us.The occasion will start at _(具体时间). This will be followed by a_(进一步的安排). At around_(时间),_(另一个安排)I really hope you can make it.Welcome your presence. Please reply to us before _(通知你的最后期限)Yours sincerely,Li Ming参考范文:Dear Sir orMadam,On behalf of Class 301, I am writing to youto extend our welcome from the bottoms of our hearts. We should be honored tohave you there with us.The occasion will start at 7:00 am. Thiswill be followed by arrangement, which have been in possession of activities. So we anticipate keenly that you can takesome time off your busy schedule to participate in our activity.I will be looking forward to meeting you.Welcome your presence.Yours sincerely,Li Ming3. 建议信(以下两个模板,任选其一)模板一Dear _,You have asked me for my advice with regardto _, and I will try to make some conductive suggestions here.In my humbleopinion, you would be wise to take the following actions:_(建议的内容)I hope you will find these proposals useful,and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details.Good Luck with your_(祝愿)Yours sincerely,Li Ming模板二Dear Siror MadamI am very glad to hear that you want toseek some suggestions about in order to .From my point of view,. Also, to you, I highly recommendthat . On the one hand,. On the other hand,. Besides, it is unnecessary foryou to . Consequently, Ibelieve that .Ihope that my opinions are of help to you, and please feel free to contact mefor more questions.Yours sincerely,Li Ming4. 请求信Dear_,I am writing to formally request to_(请求的内容)The reason for _isthat_(给出原因)。I_, so I_(给出细节)。I would also like to request_(提出进一步的要求).I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused.Thank you for your attention to theserequests. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact meat_(电话号码). I look forward to afavorable reply.Yours sincerely,LiMing参考范文:Dear Sir or Madam,(something 为替换词,可替换成其他内容)I am writing to recommend to thepossibility of something, and I will try to make some conductivesuggestions here.In my humble opinion, you would be wise totake the following actions: these days, a growing number of folks have realizedthe immensely significance of something, andconsequently we should place a high value on something.More significantly, another aspect is that. It should be reversed promptly andcompletely.I hope you will find thesepropositions/request useful. I would be ready to discuss the matter with you tomore detail.Yours sincerely,Li Ming5.感谢信Dear_,I am writing to extend mysincere gratitude for _(感谢的原因). If it had not been for your assistancein _(对方给你的具体帮助),I fear that I would have been_(没有对方帮助时的后果).Every one agrees that it wasyou who_(给出细节). Again, I would like to express my warmthanks to you! Please accept my gratitude.Yours sincerely,Li Ming参考范文:Dear Sir orMadamIm writing the letter to extend my heartfelt gratitude toyou for_(感谢的原因).During the _(过程), I feel obliged to you for the selflessassistance you rendered me. I especially appreciate your_(具体细节). It was kind and generousfor you to do all of these for me, and I appreiate it more than I can say.Finally, I sincerely want to express my warm thanks to you,and I do hope to have the opportunity of rewarding you in the forthcomingfuture.Yours sincerely,Li Ming6. 道歉信Dear_,I am truly sorrythat_(道歉的原因).The reason is that_(介绍原因) . Once again, I am sorry for anyinconvenience caused. Hope you can accept my apologies and understand mysituation.Yours sincerely,Li Ming参考范文:Dear Sir orMadam(需要修改道歉的缘由,100字左右)I deeply regret what I have done. I amtruly sorry that 道歉的内容.I am guilty about causing you such anenormous trouble. Please accept my sincere apologies.I am indeed to be blamed for my dimmest behavior. The reasonis that I failed to be acutely aware of the potential consequence of notplacing a high value on something. I am supposedto make profound reflect.I promise that this kind of dimmest behavior will neverhappen again in the future.Yours sincerely,Li Ming


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