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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期末试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Long long ago, an old woman in a small village.AliveBlivingClivesDlived2 . Toms teachers often encourage him _ hard.AworkBworksCto workDworking3 . - Have you made a _ about where to spend your holiday?- Yes, Ive decided to go to Hainan. My father promised _ with me.Adecision; goingBdecision; to goCthought; goingDthought; to go4 . He didnt know the matter. I didnt know it,_.AtooBas wellCeitherDneither5 . The water in Shanghu Lake_three feet because it kept raining heavily for two days.AraisedBroseCgrewDadded6 . This is _ orange. It is _ orange.A/; anBan; anCan; /7 . Daisy is such a good daughter that she_most of her spare time with her parents.AspendsBcostsCtakesDaffords8 . _ is too difficult in the world if you put your heart into it.AEverythingBSomethingCNothingDAnything9 . The actor says hell celebrate his 28th birthday next week. His fans- _. That cant be right. Im pretty sure he was born in 1985.ANo kiddingBSure he willCNever mindDWait a minute10 . I_ my homework when the door bell_.Adid, rangBwas doing, was ringingCdid, was ringDwas doing, rang二、补全对话7选5补全对话根据对话内容,将方框内符合对话情境的句子抄写在对话空白处,使对话恢复完整。选项中有两项是多余的。A:Excuse me,could you please tell me how I can get to the Pudong Airport from here?B:Sure, first walk down this street, then turn right at the second turning, and then.A:Wait a minute, please. 11 . B:OK, then go straight until you see a bus stop. You can take a bus there.A:12 . B:Its more than an hours bus drive. 13 . Youd better take a taxi.A:14 . B:Just stand here and wait for a taxi.A:How long does it take to go there by taxi?B:15 . A:Thanks a lot.B:My pleasure.ASorry, I dont know.BHalf an hour.CHow far is it from the bus stop to the airport?DIt is pretty far.EIts very fast.FWhere can I take a taxi?GLet me write it down in my notebook.三、完型填空Protecting(保护)wild animals is our duty. Because wild animals are important to us. They live with us on the earth together. If there are no animals on the earth,we will not live on,_. So we should _ them to help us live a healthy life._ some people still dont realize the importance(重要性)of protecting wild animals. They often. _ wild animals for food or for money. Every day there are many wild animals being killed. So lots of wild animals are _.We cant see them any more. Today the number of wild animals _ becoming smaller and smaller. If we dont protect them,they will all die out. If this goes on,there will be no animals _ on the earth._,more and more people began to do many things to help protect wild animals. They ask people _ wild animals. They get people to know that protecting wild animals is one of the most important things. Now many _ have made some laws to protect wild animals. Now that(既然)wild animals are so important to man,we should do our best to protect them.16 . AtooBalsoCneitherDeither17 . Atake good care ofBbe afraid ofCgo away fromDrun after18 . AAndBButCOrDBecause19 . AprotectBbuyCsellDkill20 . Ain safetyBin needCin dangerDin help21 . AwasBwereCareDis22 . AleaveBleavingCto leaveDleft23 . ALuckilyBSadlyCUnluckilyDClearly24 . Astopping killingBto stop to killCstops to killDto stop killing25 . AhousesBcitiesCfamiliesDcountries四、阅读单选American schools begin in September after a long summer holiday. There are two terms in a school year; the first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most children are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.High school students take only five or six subjects each term. They usually go to the same class every day, and they have homework for every class. After class, they do a lot of interesting things.After high school, many students go to colleges. They usually have to pay a lot of money. So many college students work after class to get money for their studies.26 . In America, summer holidays begin in_.ASeptemberBJulyCMayDFebruary27 . In order to(为了) _, many American college students work after class.Ahelp their parentsBget money for their studiesChelp othersDlearn some useful things28 . Which is right?AAmerican students usually have a two - month holiday.BAmerican students have three terms in a year.CA six -year -old child has to stay at home.DAmerican students dont like to go to school.My name is Lisa.I have a bird.She is white.So I call her Xiaobai.Xiaobai is only two years old.Shes not big.But she is beautiful and clever.She can speak.One day I go shopping with my sister Gina and Xiaobai.At Green Clothes Store Gina sees a red skirt and says, “Look! Lisa! That red skirt is very beautiful.” Xiaobai answers her instead of (代替) me, “No.I think you look nice in that green skirt.” Gina says, “OK.I listen to you.” Then she asks the shop assistant, “How much is the green one?” The shop assistant looks at Xiaobai, opens her mouth (嘴) but says nothing.At last she says to Gina, “I never see a bird that can speak these words.Its great! You can take this green skirt.Oh, you dont need to pay for(付钱) it.”Gina is very happy.She asks me and my bird to have a big lunch in Leos Restaurant and then we go home.29 . Xiaobai is _.ALisas sisterBLisas cousinCa birdDa dog30 . Lisa is Ginas _.AauntBfriendCmotherDsister31 . Gina likes the _.Awhite T-shirtBred skirtCgreen skirtDred sweater32 . Gina and Lisa go shopping _.Ain the morningBin the afternoonCin the eveningDall day33 . Which of the following is NOT true?AXiaobai is beautiful and clever.BThe shop assistant is surprised at Xiaobais words.CLisa pays for Ginas clothes.DGina and Lisa have lunch at a restaurant.Can you imagine (想象) you can fish (钓鱼) in your home on a cold winter day? Now we are going to tell you about a special kind of houseice fishing house. Staying in such a house, you can even do the fishing and watch TV at the same time. In North America (北美) and North Europe (北欧) ,many people like fishing on the ice in cold winter. But it9s too cold to stay out in winter, so people think of making an ice fishing house. An ice fishing house is set (放置) on the ice. The ice must be strong enough to carry it. In the house, people can dig holes (挖洞) in the ice and begin fishing.People can have a lot of fun in their ice fishing houses. Some houses look pretty. In the houses, there are enough things for everyday use. Some have a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom. After fishing, people can cook the fish and enjoy their dinner. How great!Today, most of the ice fishing houses are made of light materials. People can move (移动) them “after fish”. Would you like to fish in an ice fishing house? You will like it!34 . People in_ like fishing in the ice fishing house.ANorth EnglandBNorth JapanCNorth ChinaDNorth America35 . A fishing house may have_.Aa gardenBa balconyCa bathroomDa dining room36 . What cant people do in the ice fishing house?AWatch TV and fish at the same time.BDig some holes and fish.CSwim with their friends.DCook the fish and enjoy their dinner.37 . Whats the ice fishing house like?AIt is made of ice.BIt is light and you can move it.CIt has some holes in the wall.DIt is strong and heavy.38 . What is the best title for the passage?AFish on a cold winter dayBStay out in cold winterCIce fishing housesDEnjoy dinner in the ice houses五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成单词或短语39 . If you raise it at the meeting, Ill _(支持)you.40 . Please knock at the door before _(进来)the room.41 . The boy should be allowed to make that _(选择)himself.42 . The girl is very nice and she always _(关心)others.43 . The boy is _(对认真)chess.六、回答问题When I take a walk around the park, I often see a lot of people walking with dogs. It is still true that a dog is the most useful and faithful animal in the world, but people have changed the reasons why they keep a dog. Of course, they keep dogs in order to keep safe. But the most important reason is that they can make friends, because the city can be a lonely place. For a child, a dog is his best friend when he has no friends to play with. For young couples, a dog is their child when they have no children. For old couples, a dog is also their child when their real children have grown up. Now can you see the reason why people keep dogs?44 . What do people often see when they take a walk in the park?_.45 . Is a dog the most useful and faithful animal in the world?_.46 . What is the most common for people to keep dogs now?The most common important reason is to _.47 . What is a dog for child when he has no friends to play with?A dog is _.48 . Different people keep dogs for different reasons, dont they?_.七、汉译英:整句将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡标有题号的横线上.49 . 这条河很快就会被那些垃圾污染。50 . 这个问题严重到足以造成更多的动物死亡。51 . 政府应该意识到如何处理这个问题对我们很重要。52 . 很多人总是太忙而不去做志愿者。53 . 我们的环境正变得越来越糟,因此是我们应该保护环境的时候了。八、讲稿54 . 第三节书面表达假如你是李华,最近学校开展“全民阅读进校园”读书活动,你和你的同学在课余时间看了许多书。请你根据表格的提示,以演讲的形式分享你最喜欢的一个故事The Gifts,并发表感想。故事名称The Gifts作者美国作家O. Henry故事内容人物:Della & Jim时间:On Christmas Eve事件:卖掉自己为之自豪的物品美丽的头发和金表购买圣诞节礼物表链和一套发梳得到了更有价值的东西爱读后感想(至少一点)读书活动的益处(至少一点)注意:(1) 参考词汇:gold watch, beautiful hair, a watch chain, a set of combs(2) 请适当拓展,不能直译内容;(3) 词数80左右(文章开头及结尾已给出,不计入词数);(4) 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。Dear friends,My name is Li Hua. Id like to share my favourite story with you. _ _Thank you for your listening.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、回答问题1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、讲稿1、


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