2020年秋九年级英语外研版上册:Module 12过关测试

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2020年秋九年级英语外研版上册:Module 12过关测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mike, lets go to the zoo now.OK. Just a. Let me change my shoes.AsecondBminuteChourDday2 . More TV programs, according to government officials, will be produced _ peoples attention over food safety.Ato raiseBraisingCto riseDrising3 . _seems very hard to reach the top of the mountains.AThatBThisCIDIt4 . -Nancy, you are going to buy a flat here, arent you?-Yes, but I cant _ an expensive one.AspendBpay.CcostDafford5 . You see, China is becoming stronger and stronger now.Yes. Thats why Chinese _ in more and more schools out of our country.Aare taughtBhas taughtCis taughtDhave taught6 . How are you getting on with your new classmates? Very well. _.AThey are all angry with meBThey are all strict with meCThey are all friendly to meDThey are all sorry for me7 . Animals _ rabbits and deer continue to be active all winter, finding food wherever they can.Asuch asBfor exampleCas exampleDlike as8 . Tom and his brother are considering _ up a mobile snack bar.AsetBto settingCto setDsetting9 . Susan is my good friend and she always helps me _ my Maths.AinBonCforDwith10 . I volunteer _others in my free time.AhelpBto helpChelpDhelped11 . Now more and more people realize the _ of health, so they often exerciseAimportanceBappearanceCdifferenceDreduce12 . Xu Xia and her teammates are _ the USA next week.Aleaving forBsetting outCset offDstart off13 . Mum, the Chinese medicine tastes so _ . I dont want to take it.But, dear, its good for you .AgoodBwellCterribleDterribly14 . Drinking too much _ your health.Ado harm to B. is harm to C. does harm to D. do harmful to15 . Do you think yesterdays math problems were difficult?Yes. I could _ work them out.AhardlyBeasilyCfinallyDnearly二、完型填空If you want to go somewhere quickly, will you choose to take a taxi? Most people say yes. Of course, taking a taxi to go somewhere can help you_a lot of time. But there is a kind of strange taxi in _. The strange taxi is called Turtle Taxi. It runs at a low_. A Turtle Taxi driver says that he _drives his taxi quickly.Turtle Taxis are becoming popular in Japan. They are welcomed warmly by the elderly(老人) and women with children. They dont like to take a_taxi. They say that the fast taxi makes them feel sick. Many tourists also_Turtle Taxis to travel around the city. They _that it is the best way to travel around_you will have enough time to enjoy the beautiful views (景色) on the way.The drivers of Turtle Taxis drive more slowly and gently (轻柔的). “The starts and stops are very gentle,” said a mother with a one-year-old baby. “It is _and comfortable. My child can have a nice sleep in the car.”Are you _in Turtle Taxi? Why not try to take it when you go to Japan?16 . AtakeBspendCsaveDlose17 . AChinaBJapanCAmericaDAustralia18 . AcolorBshapeCspeedDprice19 . AalwaysBusuallyCoftenDnever20 . AfastBslowCcheapDexpensive21 . AlendBborrowCtakeDride22 . AsayBspeakCtellDtalk23 . AalthoughBbecauseCbutDso24 . AdangerousBsafeCquickDuncomfortable25 . AinterestingBinterestedCboringDbored三、阅读单选The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Grain Rain (谷雨), as the last term in spring, starts on April 19 and ends on May 4.Grain Rain comes from the old saying, “Rain brings up the growth of hundreds of grains”, which shows that this period of rainfall is very important for the growth of crops. Heres something that you may not know about the Grain Rain.1. _Grain Rain falls between the end of spring and the beginning of summer, and the temperature rises much higher than it does in March. With dry soil and heavy winds, sandstorms may happen more often.2. _There is an old custom in southern China that people drink tea on the day of Grain Rain. Spring tea during Grain Rain is good for the eyes. It is also said that drinking tea on this day would prevent bad luck.3. _People in northern China have the tradition to eat the vegetable toona sinensis during Grain Rain. An old Chinese saying goes “toona sinensis before the rain is as tender as silk (嫩如丝)”. The vegetable is good for the stomach and skin.4. _The Grain Rain Festival is celebrated by fishing villages in northern China. Grain Rain marks the start of the fishermens first voyage (航行) of the year. The custom dates back to more than 2000 years ago.26 . When Grain Rain ends, _ starts.AspringBsummerCautumn27 . The underlined word “crops” refers to _.Aplants in the fieldBtrees in the forestCfishes in the sea28 . The people in southern China _ on the day of Grain Rain.Adrink teaBeat toona sinensisCstart the first voyage29 . We can infer that “toona sinensis” must be a kind of vegetable which _.Acan bring good luckBis delicious and healthyCgrows at the seaside30 . The right order of the titles from 1 to 4 should be _.a. Eating toona sinensisb. Sandstorms happenc. Grain Rain Festival d. Drinking teaAb-a-d-cBb-c-a-dCb-d-a-c四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子31 . Eating l_ and doing more exercise can help you lose weight.32 . The river has been p_Look!The fish are dead!33 . It is h_youd better give it up.34 . Libya is a major _(石油) producer in North Africa.35 . Can you _(重说) that?五、填写适当的句子补全对话完成句子(10分)36 . 牛仔裤在学生们中间很流行, 因为他们是棉制成的并且很舒服。Jeans are _ among students, because they are _ _ cotton and are very_.37 . 看,Daniel 和Amy过来了,他们都穿着黑色的靴子。Look! Here _ Daniel and Amy._ of them are wearing black _.38 . 用南瓜制作南瓜灯笼真是棒极了。Making pumpkin _ _ _pumpkins is wonderful.39 . Tom很少吃甜食和汉堡包,他知道这些对健康没有好处Tom _ _ sweet snacks _ _, he knows they are not good _their _.40 . 你多久锻炼一次?每周少于两次。How _ do you _?_ than _a week.六、多任务混合问题It is said that more than four million people die each year from smoking. That number is frightening.Yet people around the world continue to smoke. In the United States, about forty-seven-million adults smoke. This year, more than 430,000 Americans died of diseases which have something to do with smoking. The American Cancer Society(美国癌症协会)says smoking harms the body greatly. It warns that smoking even a number of cigarettes is dangerous._1_However, doctors say you probably will live longer if you do stop smoking. You will feel better and look better. You also will protect the health of family members who breathe your smoke.There is not one right way to stop smoking, doctors say. Any way can help. You can take long walks or spend time in places where smoking is not allowed. Also, you can eat a small piece of fruit or vegetable instead of having a cigarette._2_.Stop smoking before smoking stops you!A. 根据文章内容回答问题。41 . How many people die from smoking each year?_42 . What does the American Cancer Society say about smoking?_A请将短文中划线句子译成汉语。43 . _.44 . _.A请给短文拟一个适当的题目。45 . _七、话题作文46 . 书面表达(共10分)如今学生们依赖父母的庇护,每天的任务就是努力学习取得好成绩,将来进入一所好的大学,在家不愿做家务,不会关心父母,不体谅父母的辛苦,有篇文章写得好,没有伞的孩子才会努力奔跑。请你以We should help parents do housework为题目,写出学生们的在家里的普遍现象,你在家常做哪些家务,你对此事的体会和看法。要求:1.表达清晰,语法正确,上下文连贯;2.必须包括上文中所提到的要求,并做适当的发挥。3.词数:80词左右(文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数)4.不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、填写适当的句子补全对话1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、话题作文1、


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