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人教版2019-2020年度九年级上期中英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空完形填空。通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。George lived with his sick mother in a poor village.One bright sunny_in July, he went early to the forest two miles away. He was asked to_some wood from under the trees. After working hard for half a day, he looked around for a_place to rest and eat his lunch. Suddenly some fine red wild_caught his eyes.“How good these will be with my bread and butter!” thought George. He at once began to_all the strawberries he could find and sat down by the river, ready to enjoy them.Just then as he was lifting the_strawberry to his mouth, he thought of his mother. “shall I_them for her?” said he, thinking how much they would make_happy, yet still looking at them with longing (渴望的) eyes.“ I will eat half, and take the other half to her,” said he. Then he divided the strawberries into two._he found each half looked so small that he put them together again.“I will only taste one.” Then seeing that he taken the biggest, he put it back. Finally he_them carefully with some leaves, deciding to keep all_his mother.When the sun was beginning to go down, George went home_happy he felt that he had all his strawberries for his sick mother. The_he came to his home, the less he wished to taste them. As soon as he arrived, he ran to his_and happily offered his wild strawberries. Tears in eyes, she put her hand on his head and said_, “And you kept them for your sick mother, did you? God will bless you for all this, my child.”Could the eating of the strawberries have given George half the happiness he felt at the moment.1 . AmorningBnoonCafternoonDnight2 . Aset upBpick upCput upDgive up3 . AhotBdarkCcoolDnoisy4 . AapplesBstrawberriesCpearsDpeaches5 . AbuyBgrowCmakeDcollect6 . AfirstBlastCotherDnext7 . AcutBpeelCsellDkeep8 . AhimBthemCherDit9 . AButBSoCIfDOr10 . AshowedBlockedCcoveredDwashed11 . AtoBfromCforDon12 . AWhatBHowCWhyDWhether13 . AnearerBfartherClongerDlater14 . AfatherBsisterCfriendDmother15 . AangrilyBlovinglyCworriedlyDpolitely二、阅读单选During all this time, I never stopped thinking about leaving. When I travelled across to the other side of the island, I could see the other islands, and I said to myself, “Perhaps I can get there with a boat. Perhaps I can get back to England one day.”So I decided to make myself a boat. I cut down a big tree, and then began to make a long hole in it. It was hard work, but about six months later, I had a very fine canoe(独木舟). Next, I had to get it down to the sea. How silly I was! Why didnt I think carefully before I began to work? Of course, the canoe was too heavy. I couldnt move it! I pulled and pushed and tried everything, but it didnt move. I was very unhappy for a long time after that.In my sixth year on the island, I did make myself a smaller canoe, but I did not try to leave in it. The boat was too small for a long journey, and I did not want to die at sea. The island was my home now, and I was just happy to be alive. A year or two later, I made myself a second canoe on the other side of the island. I also built myself a second house there, and so I had two homes.I kept food and tools at both of my houses, and also wild goats. There were many goats on the island, and I made fields with high fences to keep them in. They learned to take food from me, and soon I had goats milk to drink every day. I also worked hard in my corn fields. And so, many years went by.16 . We can infer(推断) from the first paragraph that the writer_.Awas probably from EnglandBlived happily on the islandClost his way on the islandDwas born on the island17 . The writer was very unhappy because_.Ahe had cut down a small treeBhe had a very fine canoeChe couldnt move the canoeDhe had made a small canoe18 . Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?AThe writer made fields with high fences to keep many wild goats in.BThe writer didnt try to leave the island because he had two homes on it.CThe writer made himself a smaller canoe in his sixth year on the island.DThe writer knew the canoe was too small for a long journey across the sea.19 . This story is mainly about how the writer_.Akept goats in the fieldsBleave the islandCbuilt houses by himselfDsurvived on the island20 . This story is probably a part of a(n)_.Atelephone messageBadvertisementCtravel guideDnovelDifferent people have different ideas about time. People in the USA think that it is important to know the time. In cities in America, there are clocks in stations, factories and other buildings. Radio or TV reporters give you the correct time during the day. Most Americans also have watches with them wherever they go. They want to do certain (一定) things at certain time. They dont like to be late.But time is not so important to everybody in the world. When you visit a country in South America ( 南美洲 ) , you will find that people there dont like to hurry. If you had anappointment with somebody, he could probably be late, because he may not want to arrive on time. Even the radio programs may not begin on time. The men on the radio may not think it is important to tell the exact time. People in South America think that clocks or matches are just machines. They think that you let a clock or a watch control(控制) your life if you do everything on time.21 . You can see clocks in stations, factories and other buildings in the USA because_.AAmericans want to make these places beautifulBAmericans want to sell these clocksCAmericans think that it is important to know the timeDAmericans dont think that it is important to know the time22 . The underlined word appointment most probably means .A经历B约会C承诺D争吵23 . If you want to meet someone at 2 p. m. in South America, he may .Acome earlierBcome on timeCcome later than 2 p. m.Dnot comeThe students were having their chemistry class. Miss Li was telling the children what water was like. After that, she asked her students, “Whats water?” No one spoke for a few minutesMiss Li asked again,“Why dont you answer my question? Didnt I tell you what water is like?”“Im sorry,children.” said the teacher,“Our water is getting dirtier and dirtierThats a problem.”24 . The students were having their _ classAEnglishBChineseCchemistryDmaths25 . Miss Li was telling the children what _ was likeAwaterBairCearthDweather26 . A boy said,“The water in the river behind my house is always _”AwhiteBblackCcleanDclear27 . Most of the children _ the boyAagreed withBwrote toCheard fromDsent for28 . The water in the river has colour and smell because it is getting _Amore and moreBless and lessCcleaner and cleanerDdirtier and dirtierWelcome to Thriftbooks.com- the best place on the web for cheap used books. Whether you are looking for storybook, science fiction or love stories, there are thousands of used books to choose from. The following are some of them. Why not choose some to read during your long cold winter vacation?29 . Thriftbooks.com is a website that _.Asells used booksBhelps writers look for publishersCoffers advice on readingDintroduces new writers30 . The writer of the The Very Hungry Caterpillar is _.AKathryn StockettBSarah WinmanCEric CarleDBill Martin Jr31 . _ published The Help .ABerkley TradeBHenry Holt and Co.CPhilomelDHeadline Review32 . _ is the most expensive of the four books.AThe HelpBWhen God Was a RabbitCThe Very Hungry CaterpillarDBrown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?33 . All of the following are NOT mentioned(提及) in the passage _.Athe names of the booksBthe publishing dates of the booksCthe number of the booksDthe writer of the books三、填写适当的单词补全句子根据句意,用所给单词的合适形式填空。34 . Guilin is a very beautiful city in the _(south) part of China.35 . Jim, _( not be) late next time, or Ill very angry.36 . Will you please put up the drawing on the wall?Sorry, I didnt catch it. I _away the coins all over the floor. (put)37 . This is one of the most famous (hero) names. It is often seen in newspapers.38 . Among all the workers, Mr Jiang is _.(strict)39 . I cant _ (simple) wait to go to Shanghai for the International Robot Show.40 . The money we raised is used to help the poor and support (develop) projects.41 . Look! Four (nine)of the farms are in the fields.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据短文内容及首字母提示填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整,每空一词。(注意:请在答题卡上写出包含首字母的完整单词!)Being a youth is one thing, and being a good one is another. A good youth should have these qualities: First of all, health, a h42 . body is the best riches. Without it, n43 . can be done well. If you are poor in health, youll have to t44 . medicine day after day. Even you cant work, do sports and so on; Secondly, one must be of good quality. Always do something for o45 . . Help those in trouble and c46 . about the people around you. If everyone did the same, what a w47 . world this would be! Thirdly, one must have the abilities to work with others. Cooperation and communication are two important keys t48 . better human relations(关系). Everyone needs friends because no one can live through life a49 . or do everything he wants to.I think a good youth of today should have some training in art, t50 . . If everyone can enjoy art and be a51 . to make more of it for others, then people will live better and enjoy more.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子从方框中选择恰当的短语,用其正确形式填空,完成句子。at this time be able to be supposed to wait for work it out52 . I dont have to my sister for lunch because she sometimes eats lunch at school.53 . This is a difficult problem, lets see who is the first to .54 . Little Tom play the guitar when he was only five years old.55 . You be careful for wild animals.56 . They were having a birthday party last Sunday.六、单词填空首字母填空Suppose you are reading a book. Suppose you suddenly close your eyes, can you still see the book? Of course not. you will say. But can you tell why? You would p57 . say, When I close my eyes, my eyesight cannot get out of my eyes to get to the book. Many others might give an explanation(解释) very much like the above. But this explanation is w58 . .You cannot see any object if light from that object doesnt get i59 . your eyes. Some of the things you see give off light of their own.The sun, the star, a lighted lamp are examples that can be seen by their own light. Such things are luminous(发光的). Most of the things you see are not g60 . off light of their own. They are simply reflecting(反射) light that falls on them from the sun or some other luminous bodies. The moon, for example, doesnt give off any light of i61 . own. Its non-luminous. You see it because sunlight falls on it and some of it reflects in your direction. So moonlight is only second-hand sunlight.When you look at a book, it sends to your eyes some of the light which falls on it, and you see the book. If light could be kept out from w62 . you are, so that there would be no light for the book to reflect, then you could not see the book e 63 . with your eyes wide open.Light travels so fast that the time it t64 . from the book to your eyes is so short as if there was none at all. Light r 65 . us from the moon, which is about 380,000 kilometers away, in only a little more than a s66 . .七、看图作文67 . 书面表达请仔细观察下面的图片,并根据所给提示和要求写一篇短文。提示:(1)What are the boy and the old man doing?(2)What will you do when you see old people ned help?(3)Why will you do that?要求:(1)短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。(2)短文中不要出现真实的地名、校名和人名。(3)词数80个左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。I can see a boy and an old man in the picture. The boy is 第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、填写适当的单词补全句子1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、单词填空1、七、看图作文1、

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