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人教版2020版九年级下学期第一次模拟考试英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We _ cross the street until the traffic lights turn green.AmustntBneedntCshouldDmight2 . He shouldnt keep his problems _ himself.AwithBatCtoDin3 . -Believe it or not, a pig from South Africa started painting several months ago.-Anything is _.AlivelyBpossibleCvaluableDpersonal4 . In Korea, youre supposed to _ when you meet someone for the first time.AkissBbowCshake handsDhug5 . No one knows what _ in fifty years.Awill our life be likeBis our life likeCour life will be likeDour life is like6 . is the soccer ball?Its green.AWhatBHowCWhat colorDHow much7 . Although he _ everything, he hasnt _ his life. Ahas lost, lostBloses, lostClost, lost8 . -Hey! Mike, guessfor my coming vacation.-To Hainan Island ? You always like somewhere interesting.Awhat I will takeBWhere Im goingCWhen I will leaveDWho Im going with9 . - _ it is today!-Yes. Shall we go hiking?AHow fine weatherBWhat a fine weatherCWhat fine weatherDHow fine the weather10 . What is she_ her neighbour?Aquarrelled withBquarrelling withCquarrelled about wihDquarrelling about with11 . I think Bonnie Bears(熊出没)isnt asas Pleasant Goat(喜羊羊).I agree with you. Bonnie Bears isthan Pleasant Goat.Afamous,more famousBfamous,less famousCmore famous,less famousDless famous,more famous12 . Sorry, I didnt pay 1 yuan back to you. Its only 1 yuan! _.AThat sounds interestingBI dont mind itCThats too badDIts no big deal13 . My parents dont allow me to watch TV, what should I do? _AYou could say sorry to them.BHope things work out.CYou could sit down and communicate with them.二、完型填空It is well known that different countries have different customs. In each country, people _ different kinds of clothes. Some clothes look very nice and_. Some others look very strange.In Scotland (苏格兰), you _ sometimes see men wearing kilts(方格呢短裙). They look a little _skirts. The materials of the kilt is not woolen(毛织品)_ leather(皮革). It is made of a kind of cloth. However, the Japanese women often wear _ traditional clothing called kimono(和服) on some special occasions. It is said that the kimono _ ancient China. It is mainly influenced by the clothing of Chinese Tang times. _ the young girls have some important activities, they usually wear the kimono. In Southern _many young men in Brazil like wearing jeans with a bag on them. They often wear a hat on the head , too. We_ them cowboys(牛仔). The men look really cool while they are wearing their jeans.In a word , one kind of clothing stands for some culture and custom. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?14 . AsellBbuyCwearDwatch15 . AuglyBbeautifulColdDnew16 . AcanBmustCneedDdare17 . AasBlikeCwithDof18 . AandBbutCorDtill19 . AourBhisCtheirDyour20 . Asent toBcame outCcame fromDarrived in21 . AAfterBBeforeCUntilDWhen22 . AChinaBAmericaCEnglanDJapan23 . AcallBtellCsayDheat三、阅读单选Little Women is a novel by an American writer, which was published in 1868 and 1869. The novels follows the lives of four sistersMeg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March from childhood to womanhood.These four sisters live with their mother. Meg and Jo March, the elder sister, both work outside the home for money to support the family. Meg teaches four children in a nearby family, while Jo helps her grand-aunt March, who is very rich. Beth helps with the housework, and Amy attends school. Their nearest neighbor is a rich man whose orphaned(孤儿) grandson lives with him. The sisters introduce themselves to the handsome shy boy, Laurie, who is the age of Jo.Meg is the beautiful sister; Jo is the tomboy(爱打闹的女孩); Beth is the musician; and Amy is the charming artist with the blond curls. Jo is easy to get angry. One of her challenges(挑战) in the growing up is to control her anger. Laurie enjoys his neighbors, joining the family often in play. His grandfather, Mr. Laurence, is charmed(吸引) by Beth, and gives her the piano sued(请求) by Lauries late sister.24 . Who wrote the novel Little Women?ALouisa May Alcott.BJo March.CLaurence.DLaurie.25 . What does Little Women tell about?AAbout the lives of four sisters when they are young.BAbout the lives of four sisters when they are old.CAbout the lives of four sisters after they get married.DAbout the lives of four sisters when they grow up.26 . What is Amy and what does she look like?AShe is an artist and has blonde curly hair.BShe is a musician and charming.CShe is a teacher and has blond curls.DShe is an artist and easy to get angry.27 . What do we know about Laurie from the passage?AHe lives with the four sisters.BHe is an orphan.CHe is easy to get angry.DHe doesnt like his late sister.When we think of food farming we usually think of green fields in the country, outside the city. Sam Chee works on a very different type of farm, in the center of the Canadian city of Toronto. “We grow fruit, vegetables and herbs,” says Sam. “But not many people know the farm is here. You cant see it from the street. Were on top of an office building, 50 meters above the ground.”Rooftop farming is becoming popular in cities like Toronto, New York and London. The roofs of buildings are often just wasted space, but this space can be used for growing good fresh food, right in the middle of the city. Sam explains how it works. “We grow everything in big boxesthere are hundreds of them. We catch rainwater to water the plants when the weather is dry.”The rooftop farm where Sam works belongs to a restaurant called Green Garden, on the ground floor of the building. The farm produces about half the restaurants fruit and vegetables. Sam believes that the rooftop farm is what makes Green Garden special. “We help to keep food production local. We dont need to transport this food from anywhere and that saves energy. Its better for the environment.”The food from the rooftop is fresher too. “When the fruit and vegetables are ripe we can pick them and use them right away. They taste better when theyre really fresh,” says Sam. “I hope that there will be more rooftop farms in the city soon. It could be the farming of the future.”28 . Green Gardens rooftop farm is.Athe only one in the worldBin the middle of a small townCone of many in cities around the worldDnear the countryside of a city29 . The fruit and vegetables Sam grows are.Aused in a restaurant in the same buildingBsold to restaurants to cook dishes for peopleCtaken to a restaurant in another buildingDgiven to people who work in the building30 . Sam thinks the food from the rooftop is better than that bought from other places because.Ait is much cheaper and fresherBit tastes better and is better for the environmentCit uses space which was being wastedDit cant be bought in the local stores31 . According to the passage, which of the following is RIGHT?AThe farm is on the top of a teaching building, 50 meters above the ground.BThe plants are watered by collected rainwater when necessary.CYou can find more rooftop farms in the country than in the city.DWhen they pick the fruit and vegetables, they wont use them at once.32 . What is the main purpose of the passage?ATo describe what rooftop farming is by giving an example.BTo describe why rooftop farming has become very popular in Canada.CTo tell the story of the man who first started rooftop farming.DTo encourage people to build as many rooftop farms as possible.“I want to know how to speak English well. What can I do?” Bill asks this question like many students do. I ask him, “How do you learn English?” He answers, “Only in the English lessons.”The first thing I will say is, “That is not enough!”If you want to speak English well, you have to practice. Speak to friends, classmates, people online or in stores. Speaking is the best way to learn a language.In my lessons I usually ask my students how they feel about speaking English, and they often say “nervous(紧张),” “scared(害怕),” or some words like these. The second advice I can give is to relax. Dont worry about making mistakes. If you cant think of the right word to use, dont worry about it, just say what you want to say.Speaking English well isnt just about practicing your speaking. It is also important to listen to English. Listen to the English programs.33 . How does Bill learn English?AHe learns English by himself.BHe learns English with people online.CHe learns English at home.DHe learns English only in English lessons.34 . Whats the best way to learn English from the passage?AListening.BWriting.CSpeaking.DReading.35 . Why do the students feel nervous when they speak English?ABecause they dont like English.BBecause they are too shy .CBecause they are students.DBecause they worry about making mistakes.36 . What isnt mentioned (提到) about how to speak English well in the passage?ASpeaking English as often as you can.BRelaxing yourself when you learn English.CListening to English as much as you can.DLiving in England for some time.37 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe writer is an Englishman.BThe writer knows nothing about English.CThe writer is an English teacher.DThe writer is Bills father.There are many ways to keep healthy. Different people have different ways. Lisas father thinks riding a bike is the best way because he likes to go to work by bike. And their home isnt far from his bank. Lisa thinks running is better than riding, so she runs every day. However, her mother thinks its boring. She loves walking to work. Lisas sister likes flying kites. She goes to fly kites once a week. Lisas brother thinks playing ping-pong is a good way to keep healthy. He plays it every morning.38 . _ likes riding a bike to work.ALisas motherBLisas fatherCLisas brotherDLisas sister39 . Lisas father works in a _AbankBschoolCpolice stationDstore40 . Lisas sister likes_AfishingBflying kitesCswimmingDplaying basketball41 . Lisa runs_Aonce a weekBevery week C every dayCthree times a day42 . The best title(题目 ) is_.A Different Ways to Keep HealthyADifferent People, Different LikesBHow to Eat HealthilyCHow Often do You Exercise四、根据首字母、中文提示填空一、根据句意及所给的汉语提示写出单词43 . I often look for some _ (信息)on the Internet.44 . Have a good rest and you will feel _ (好些) soon.45 . A _ (群)of children are playing at the foot of the hill.46 . Is there _ (任何事)that I can do for you?47 . There is a _ (通知) on the wall. It says there will be a meeting this afternoon.48 . You can find the answers _ (下面).49 . Dont _ (担心). Im all right.50 . The doctors and the nurses will _ (使得) you feel better.51 . Im _(设计) my dream home in the future.52 . They will be happy to give you some _(主意).五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。53 . I think Tom sang _(clear)than the others.54 . Its important for us _(have)a good sleep at night.55 . The most important thing is _(relax)yourself and make yourself happy.56 . You may find out many _(kid)dont get enough exercise.57 . He is _(true)friendly to us.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空, 每空格限填一词。58 . (2018山东临沂) Children will be in danger in a swimming pool if their parents dont take good care of _. (they)59 . (2018山东临沂) Chinese scientists have successfully cloned (克隆)two _. They are named Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua. (monkey)60 . (2018山东临沂) The oceans are _ polluted by plastic waste. (heavy)61 . (2018山东临沂) An American father made pretty dresses for his daughter out of his _ old shirts. (wife)62 . (2018山东临沂) Every year, about 6.5 million people die because of air _. (pollute)63 . (2018山东临沂) Jimmy could not sleep at first. He finally fell _ when the rainstorm stopped at midnight. (sleep)64 . (2018山东临沂) It is very _ for me to have conversations with friends in English every day. My speaking skills have certainly improved. (help)65 . (2018山东临沂) We should protect the endangered wild animals, or they will _ in the near future. (appear)六、完成句子第一节完成句子66 . 我们全家都喜欢在夏天去游泳,秋天去放风筝。My family like to _ in summer and _ in autumn.67 . 苏珊的哥哥一周打两次羽毛球。Susans brother _ badminton _.68 . 参加篮球比赛是一件很兴奋的事。_ exciting to _ the basketball match.69 . 你可以在字典上查一下这个新单词。You can _ the new word in the dictionary.70 . Tom擅长做飞机模型。Tom _ model planes.七、填空根据短文内容,完成任务。注意:每个空只填一个单词。What do you think of the most important inventions in the world? The TV? The printing? The telephone? Or the computer? A report shows that they are not the only important inventions. Here are three other important inventions.One of the simplest(最简单的) inventions is the toilet(冲水式马桶). Before toilets, waste ran into rivers from peoples houses. Illnesses were common in big cities, and it was often difficult to find clean drinking water.Animal food is another important invention. Before the invention, most animals were killed(杀死) every autumn because there was not enough food for them in winter. After hay (干草) became a kind of common animal food, animals could live through the long winter. The third great invention is glasses. Glasses help people read, write and do “close work” after the age of forty-five. Without glasses, the world would be difficult for the people above forty-five.Important 71 . Some most important inventions The TV, the 72 . , the 73 . , the computerThree other important inventions Before the inventionsThe 74 . 75 . ran into rivers from peoples houses 76 . were common in big citiesIt was often difficult to find77 . drinking waterHay, animal food Most animals were killed in 78 . because there wasnt enough food in winter.79 . Reading, writing and “close work” would be difficult for people over80 . 八、材料作文81 . 书面表达最近,你随机调查了你校50名同学的课外英语学习现状(结果见图表)请你就此用英语写一篇短文,在英语课上进行汇报,并谈谈你的看法和建议注意:1文章必须包括图表中四项内容,可适当增加细节;2看法和建议至少两条;3文章开头已纪给出,不计入总词数,你只需接着写;4词数:80100参考词汇:背诵 recite课外英语学习现状学习方式读背单词书面练习复习笔记听说训练学生人数4742187你的看法(至少一条)你的建议(至少一条)I have recently done a survey about how students learn English out of class第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、六、完成句子1、七、填空1、八、材料作文1、

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