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人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期期中阶段抽测英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (题文)I_ have an eraser, _she has one.Adont; butBdoesnt; butChas; andDdoes; and2 . _? I went to the mountains with my friends.AHow was yesterdayBWhat did you do yesterdayCWhere do you want to goDWhen was his birthday3 . Mr. Smith is less than 30 years old and he is quite _.AprettyBbeautifulChandsomeDlovely4 . My dad is very strict _ me. And when I do well in a test, he seems to be very proud _ me.Awith, inBabout, ofCwith, ofDabout, in5 . I have a dog. _name is Blackie.AItBIt isCItsDIts6 . - Im feeling so tired now. - _stop and have a rest?AYoud betterBWhy dontCWhat aboutDWhy not7 . Jack takes upbooks in the bookstorehis free time.Aread, spendBreading, to spendCto read, spendingDreading, spending8 . Millie,_ late for school again.Sorry, I _.Adont; am notBwont be; dontCdont be; wontDwont be; wont9 . _ is easy for children to wake up and know where they are.AItBThatCThis10 . Yao Ming_a basketball player.Ais famous asBis famous forCis famous to11 . Can you play the piano?_.AYes, I am.BYes, I do .CNo, I cant.12 . After Daniel became _ university student, he began to practise playing _ guitar.Aa; theBan; theCthe; 不填Da; 不填13 . We should talk in English as _ as possible.AmuchBmanyCmoreDmost14 . He is ill. He doesnt feel like _ anything.Ato eatBeatsCeatDeating15 . There _a meeting tomorrow afternoon.Awill be going toBis going to beCwill going to beDwill have16 . I think he lives an unhealthy life because he _ has breakfast.AalwaysBseldomCusuallyDoften17 . How is your father going to Beijing? Hes going to Beijing _.Aby his carBdrive his carCin his carDby cars18 . girl with apple in her hand is a volunteer in our community center.AA, theBThe, aCA, anDThe, an19 . Shea rich man ten years ago and now she has a lovely daughter.AmarriedBmarried toCmarries withDwill marry with20 . -there anyin your classroom? -No, there isnt.AIs, furnituresBIs, furnitureCAre, furnituresDAre, furniture二、补全短文6选5We did a survey(调查)on how students get to school at No. 20 Middle School. Here are the results(结果). There are 2,616 students in our school. Students live in different places around the center of our city. 21 . The school buses bring them to school in the morning and take them home in the afternoon. They have lunch at school. We have kinds of school buses. 22 . About 18% of the students ride their bikes to school. Because they do not live far from school. It takes them 20 to 30 minutes to get to school. At noon, they often have lunch at school and do homework in the classrooms. 23 . It can hold(容纳) 2,500 students for lunch at the same time. Some students live in the countryside or come from other cities. They take the bus to school, or their parents drive them to school on Monday morning. 24 . Then they go back home on Friday afternoon. Its about 16% . They can get free healthy breakfast at school. A small number of students walk to school. They live near(靠近) the school. 25 . Its about 10% . They usually go back home for lunch.根据短文内容,从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容通顺完整AOur school has a big dining hall.BMost of the students walk to school every day on school days.CThey usually live in the school on school days.DSo different students can take different school buses to school.EAbout 56% of the students go to school by school bus.FIt only takes them 5 to 10 minutes to get to school on foot.三、阅读单选26 . Who is fit for reading the passage?AAn adult.BA primary student.CA Junior school student.27 . When did the passage come out?AMay 6.BMay 9, 2016.CMay 10, 2016.28 . How many kinds of things are mentioned in the passage?AOne.BTwo.CThree.四、阅读判断Teacher Appreciation Week(谢师周)in the USA is celebrated in May. People across the country use this special week to show and tell teachers how important they are to their lives.Some students are talking about the teachers that have inspired(鼓舞)them most.Ms. Lindsay is a wonderful teacher because she gives us chance after chance, and forgives(原谅)us when we do wrong .She has really helped me bring my math grades up.-Jessica,11A teacher who inspires me is my art teacher, Mrs. White, is the best person I know. She is always smiling and saying I love it! I love it! She believes in me and in every child she teaches.-Olivia, 10Ms.Black is an active participant(参与者)in her community and has a huge influence in and out of school. Her teaching has a very special and professional style. I have never had a teacher who cares about much.-Nick,9My favorite teacher is my first-grade teacher, Mrs. Denise. She changed my life by making school fun. She gave me a reason to want to come to school every day. She loved teaching, helping her students succeed, and most of all, making people happy.-Mary,12Mr.Williams is an English teacher.When the class doesnt understand something,he makes it clear in a funny way. He even plays with us during the break. We like to talk to him when we have trouble.-Owen 9根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。29 . Jessica thinks Ms Lindsay has helped her do better in math.30 . Mrs. White is a teacher who teaches history.31 . To Nick, Ms. Black teaches in a very special way and she is kind to him.32 . Because of Mrs.Denise,Mary enjoyed going to school.33 . Mr. Williams isnt very patient to his students and he isnt easy to get on with.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空。34 . Lets _(play)games.35 . He _(watch)football games on TV.36 . Let _(I)get the ball.37 . I _(not have)a baseball.38 . _ the girl _(have)a soccer ball?六、用单词的正确形式完成短文Do you live in a big city? Do you like the traffic in your city?There are too m39 . accidents in big cities. Accidents often h40 . when people are not careful, especially when they want to c41 . the road. Why does it happen sometimes? Let me tell you.When it rains, people are in a h42 . because they dont want to get w43 . . They often go across the road q44 . . Often they cant see c45 . because they hold umbrellas in front of them. Then accidents may happen at that time. Everyone knows that cars take l46 . time to stop when its raining. So we must be more c47 . if we want to be safe. Remember everyone has only one l48 . and we must protect ourselves well.AletBimportantCfirstDby bikeEride a bikeFotherFor a driver, how does he find a car stop? The traffic sign “ P” can help him. “ P” is the49 . letter of the word “ Park” and its meaning is “ You can stop your car here!” After the driver finds the car stop, he can park his car there. And then he can do50 . things. Its very 51 . to follow the traffic rules. If you live in the city and go to school 52 . every day, you must be very careful, or you may have an accident(事故). You cant ride too fast(快), and you cant 53 . your classmates or friends sit behind you. You have to stop at a stop sign.七、填写适当的句子补全对话根据图片或语境提示完成对话54 . A: Wheres the plant?B: Its _.55 . A: _?B: Its a basketball.56 . A: _, sir?B: Yes, please. I want a T-shirt.57 . A: _?B: Black.58 . A: _?B: 89 yuan.A: OK. Heres the money(钱).八、语法填空语法填空Most of American businesses are open five days a week. American school children attend school 59 . days a week, too.American families usually have a twoday 60 . (weekend). The weekend is Saturday and Sunday. 61 . the weekend, people spend their time in many different 62 . . Many families enjoy weekends together. They may go shopping, go for a drive or visit friends. They may also invite friends over and 63 . a party at home. Many American families take part 64 . sports during the weekend. 65 . (run), biking, playing volleyball and swimming 66 . (be) popular in summer. Skiing and skating are the favorite winter sports.Weekends are also a time for American families to work on something in their yards or in their houses. Many families plant flowers and have vegetable gardens. Some families use the weekends 67 . (repair) their houses. 68 . most Americans, weekends are very busy.九、回答问题阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。On Friday, January 14, 2005, my cousin, Kara Rose, came into the world. She looked perfectly healthy from the outside, but on the inside, the doctors had failed to discover a serious problem. She often had trouble breathing and then turned blue. The doctors found that Kara had been born without part of her heart. They didnt think she would live long enough to leave the hospital. When she was four days old, she had her first operation. My family stayed together during this hard time, hoping everything would turn out for the best. I was also anxiously hoping the doctors would be able to make her life longer.Karas strength and determination (决心) to live were strong. Eventually, she could go home. We all waited patiently for new technology that could give Kara a new heart. When she was eighteen months old, her parents took her to a famous surgeon who performed a series of operations. There was no guarantee she would make it through the operation, but she succeeded.Kara grew stronger every day, and it was not long before she was well enough to be around people. She had an amazing character and always wore a sweet smile. When she fell asleep against my body, happy and content, I realized how valuable life really is. As I took her in my arms with her warm breath against my neck, I decided to live every day of my life to the fullest. This child who is 15 years younger than I has gone through more suffering and pain than I ever have. I admire her strength and determination. Kara has taught me that no matter how bad things seem, they can work out in the end. Knowing this small, beautiful child has made me a stronger person, I now believe that difficulty can be beaten. 310words69 . Did Kara Rose come into the world on January 14, 2005?70 . Why did she often have trouble breathing?71 . When did she have her first operation, four days old or eighteen months old?72 . What did the writer realize when Kara fell asleep against her body?73 . What does the writer want to tell us?十、材料作文74 . 书面表达假设你是Li Ling,你在网上注册了自己的新博客,下面表格中的内容是你的个人资料,请根据这些资料,写一段英文自我介绍,发布在你的博客上。要求:1、语句通顺,语意连贯;2、自我介绍要包括表格中的所有内容,并可适当发挥;3、80字左右。NameLi LingEnglish nameKateAge13SchoolNo. 2 Middle SchoolFamily members(成员)Parents, a sisterFavorite colorredE-mailLiling163.com_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、补全短文6选51、三、阅读单选1、四、阅读判断1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、七、填写适当的句子补全对话1、八、语法填空1、九、回答问题1、十、材料作文1、


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