2020年人教新目标版英语八年级上册Unit 5 Section A(1a-2d)课时练习A卷

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2020年人教新目标版英语八年级上册Unit 5 Section A(1a-2d)课时练习A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . He feels likethe Internet day and night. Tell him not to do it again.AsearchBto searchCsearchingDsearches2 . The students are looking forward toa good result in the final examination, arent they?AgettingBhaveChasDget3 . What should I do, doctor?_ healthy, you should take more exercise.AKeepBTo keepCKeepingDTo keep out4 . The T-shirt looks very nice. I think it costs _ 50 dollars.Aat lastBat firstCat leastDin least5 . Aunt Li wants _ books.AreadBlookCto readDto look6 . Jim often _ his younger sister when his parents are out.Alooks atBlooks likeClooks forDlooks after7 . Whats this English?Its orange.Ain, aBof, anCin, anDin;is8 . They played a football match against Germany and their team the Germany 3-1.AplayedBbeatCtreatedDlost9 . you come back,it will be.AThe quicker;the bestBThe sooner;the betterCFaster;the betterDThe sooner;better10 . When Tom retired from the company, Peter his place.AtookBgotCmadeDput二、补全短文6选5When talking about how children spend their free time, most children choose to spend their own time in many ways. Outdoor play. 11 . For younger kids this can mean just going outside and running around in circles. Games are popular for the younger groups. For older children outdoor play might be a little more focused. Some kids are going to go into sports.12 . Kids choose to play these sports because they qualify as free time. Indoor play. Young kids arent going to be able to run around all the time.13 . Girls may like dolls with their sisters or friends while boys like toy cars more. Parents should allow their kids to play as much as possible as long as they are doing it in a healthy way. Rest and relaxation. This is not just lying down and taking a short sleep.14 . This can make time quiet and fun. But if kids dont feel like they have the time to read a book, there are always audio(音频)books. This way they can do something else when they listen to their favorite writer. However, allowing children to watch a movie on TV isnt going to be good for them. 15 . AChildren all like playing computer games. BResting and relaxing for kids can mean sitting quietly with a good book. CChildren at different ages are going to take different kinds of outdoor play. DThey might spend their time playing football, baseball or basketball. EOnce they feel tired, they can play inside with toys or games. FPlaying computer games is not a good choice,either.三、完型填空People give gifts in almost all countries. Gifts mark festivals and other important events. Some gifts are expensive, or they may take months to create. Others are of less _, such as birthday cards. Gift-giving is often a process of exchange._ you receive a birthday gift from someone, that person usually expects a birthday gift from you _ . In some cultures, there are certain rules about gift exchange. In Pakistan, for example, there is a tradition called “taking giving”. It _ this way: You give the newly-married couple a gift, and they “repay” you with a gift of higher value. Then you give the couple_ gift. This one should be worth the difference between the first two gifts. The gift exchange continues, _ the same way.In many ancient cultures, people made offerings to their leaders to show their loyalty (忠诚). The Nubians in ancient Egypt are a good_ . They brought gold to the Egyptian kings. Traditions like these _ today in some parts of the world. In parts of Africa, for example, farmers may give gifts to the local leaders to _ them for protection.Today presidents _ bring gifts when they visit a foreign leader. Leaders bring gifts to make relationships between _ stronger, not to emphasize (强调) the power of the gift receiver. Gifts can _ send special messages. For example, gifts can tell people that we are thinking of them and that we want them to feel _ . Sometimes a gift makes us remember the giver. The gift keeps the _ of a special person and a special relationship alive.There is no doubt about the good side of gift-giving. That is why some people dont _ the idea that modern gift-giving is very wasteful. It is clear that there is an emotional benefit to people who exchange gifts. That is surely enough of a reason for the tradition to continue.16 . ApowerBhelpCfunDvalue17 . ASinceBBeforeCIfDAlthough18 . Aat onceBby turnsCin returnDon purpose19 . AworksBwritesCagreesDends20 . AnoBanotherCeveryDany21 . AplanningBprovidingCfollowingDwelcoming22 . AgroupBpeopleCwarningDexample23 . AcontinueBchangeCstartDimprove24 . AuseBpraiseCthankDplease25 . AsometimesBusuallyCseldomDnever26 . AcountriesBcitiesCvillagesDfamilies27 . AjustBneverCalsoDlater28 . AluckyBspecialCsafeDstrong29 . AwealthBhappinessCmemoryDgrowth30 . Aturn downBgive upCthink overDagree with四、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)31 . He is busy _(准备) for the coming test these days.32 . She did very well in the swimming _ (比赛).33 . As a fan of music, Bob has collected more than 1,000 _(唱片).34 . My sister is good at maths, but a litter w_(弱) in English.35 . Thats my grandmother. She is 84. You wouldnt believe how _(活跃的) she is!36 . There is a(n) _(生病的) cat lying at the corner of the street.37 . _(国庆节) Day is on October 1.38 . You must be _(小心的) when you go out at night.39 . Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to _(成功).40 . Playing ping-pong is very _(流行的) in China. Most young people like it.41 . Recently these students are busy _(准备) for the coming final exam.42 . He came first in the writing _(竞赛).43 . He broke the _(记录) for the one-hundred-meter dash in the sports meeting.44 . The man is so _(虚弱的) that he cant stand up.45 . We should take an _(积极的) part in physical exercises.五、完成句子. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。46 . 你昨天为什么没有按时出现在会议上?Why didnt you _ on time at the meeting yesterday?47 . 和其他同学核对一下,以确保没有遗漏一些重要信息。Check with other students to be sure you did not _ important information.48 . 鲜艳的颜色不仅使人快乐,而且使人活泼。Bright colors make people _ happy _ active.49 . 他们将在七月份启程去纽约。They will _ New York in July.50 . 看这些乌云,马上就要下雨了。Look at the black clouds. It _ rain.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)communicate breathe comfort release destroy equip change protect chemistry51 . He awoke to find himself lying _ a pile of firewood.52 . The boys listened _ as the sailor detailed the story of the shipwreck.53 . Theres a _ shop not a hundred yards from the supermarket. You can buy the medicine there.54 . I get very nervous because Im using a lot of expensive _.55 . shes too _ towards her children. She should let them be more independent.56 . There is worldwide concern about the _ of the rainforests.57 . He is never good at _ with the players. thats the main reason for their failures.58 . If you want to _ some pounds for dollars, you can go to the front desk.59 . Trees absorb CO2, removing and storing the carbon while _ oxygen back into the air.七、英汉互译:单词/短语一、英汉互译60 . familyname_61 . excuseme_62 . lostandfound_63 . inEnglish_64 . howmuch_65 . hereyouare_66 . 去看电影_67 . 去上班_68 . 做作业_69 . 少许,少量_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文6选51、三、完型填空1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、英汉互译:单词/短语1、

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