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人教版2020年中考一模英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Iwell have to wait a few more minutes,but I am not sureAbelieveBguessCdecideDhope2 . He worked hard and _as the general manager of the company.Agot upBended upCput upDset up3 . If you add one _two, youll get three.AandBwithCtoDon4 . _ , Mr Jiang didnt need to do the housework himself because he bought a robot.AAt firstBHopefullyCLuckilyDAs a result5 . His cousin works _a magazine _a reporter .Ain , forBfor , inCfor , asDas , for6 . Look at the ID card. The girls first name is _. Jenny Brown14years old5352584AJennyBBrownC14 years oldD53525847 . In order to protect the environment, people in Japan have to _ for their trash.AcostBpayCspendDtake8 . Im late because my bike was broken on the way to school.Cant you a better excuse? Your bike has broken down three times this week.Ashow upBgive upCtake upDmake up9 . Mr Wang is a _teacher and he tells us jokes. We never feel bored in his class.AhandsomeBpoliteCstrictDhumorous10 . .Hurry up,John.Its time for school.Dont worry,Linda.Im sure of getting to school _Aon timeBby the timeCall the timeDat the same time11 . Why does his house have a power cut?Because the light on the wall is broken. He wants to _a new one this afternoon.Aput upBput inCput onDput down12 . _ your shirts _ cotton?Yes. And they are made in the US.ADo; made ofBAre; made ofCDo; made fromDAre; made from13 . - Mrs. Brown, I dont think we can get there on time by bike.- You mean its _ for us to take a taxi?AnecessaryBimportantCpossibleDdifficult14 . Look at this bike. Its _ because it can use solar power to make itself run. How wonderful it is! May I join your club?AordinaryBspecialCharmful15 . The old woman lives in a small village _. But she doesnt feel _.Aalone, aloneBalone, lonelyClonely, alone二、完型填空Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文) Aris mother asked him to pick up firewood for the fire. Instead of doing that right away, Ari thought he could _his friends first.Not long after, his mother began to want to know why he had not returned. It was already dark and she was worried. At the same time, Ari _ that he had not done as his mother had asked and told his friends about this. The boys then began gathering the firewood. Meanwhile, Aris mother came looking for him. She soon heard the boys voices. She had mixed feelings. She was _ to know that he was safe but angry at the same time because Ari had disobeyed (没服从) her. She decided to give the boys a lesson.She hid in the nearby woods. _ she picked up a twig (树枝) and threw it. It hit the ground making a sharp noise. It caught the boys attention. They stopped what they were doing and looked at one another. She threw another twig in the opposite _. The boys jumped. The mother cried in a low trembling voice, “ Listen to your mother!” Scared, the boys dropped _ and ran home. Aris mother could not stop laughing.After picking up some pieces of firewood, she headed home, where she found Ari in tears.“Mother, Mother, Im sorry I didnt listen to you,” he sobbed (哭诉). His mother held him with love. She knew he was truly sorry and would not repeat his mistake.16 . Acare forBplay withCdepend onDhear from17 . AexpectedBforgotCrealizedDdecided18 . AsadBhappyCworriedDcareless19 . AInsteadBThereforeCHoweverDThen20 . AdirectionBseatCstreetDwoods21 . AnothingBsomethingCeverythingDanything三、阅读单选Butterfly(蝴蝶) exhibitionDate: 1st 31st October Place: Sunshine Town MuseumShow: All kinds of butterflies from different parts of the world.Time: Mon. Fri. 10:00 am 4:00 pm Sat. Sun. 9:00 am 5:00 pmTickets: Adults: 20Students: 15Free for children under 12Group booking: Can be made through the group line(010)7456827 Adult groups of 10 or more: 15 eachStudent groups of 10 or more: 10 eachSpecial gift!Come to the butterfly exhibition on 1st, October and receive a free picture of butterfly.根据海报内容,选择最佳内容22 . What can you see in the exhibition ?ASome paintings.BSome beautiful butterflies.CSome model planes.DSome nice clothes.23 . Mr. Green wants to see the butterfly exhibition with his 10-year-old daughter. How much will they pay for the tickets?A20B35C40D4524 . If you go to the butterfly exhibition on 1st October, you can get .Aa pictureBa ticketCa bookDa butterflyWhen you get up in the morning, do you find it hard to choose what clothes to wear? If so, you probably need help to make the bigger choices in your life, like what to do when youre older. “Brave New Girls”, by American author Jean Gadeberg, will help you make such choices. It says you must be a brave new girl. A brave new girl is one who is confident, healthy and happy. A brave new girl can realize her dreams. To be brave, you need to make a decision for yourself. Other people may tell you what to do, but you should not listen to them. You must only do what you want. If you always wear clothes like your favourite TV star, you must stop doing so. Instead, become your own star and wear the clothes you want. You have to like your body, it says. If you dont, you will not take good care of it and wont stay healthy. The book also says that girls must start becoming more confident. If you are confident, youll succeed in life. A good way to become confident is to realize that you are as clever as boys. In fact you are. Just look at theirgrades! Only then can you realize your dreams and become who you want to be.25 . What quality should a brave new girl have?AConfidentBHealthyCHappyDA, B and C26 . “Brave New Girls” is a.AfilmBstoryCbookDnewspaper27 . Suppose(假如)you are a brave new girl, which answer is wrong?AMake a decision for yourselfBWear clothes like your favourite TV starCLike your bodyDRealize that you are as clever as boys.28 . Whats the meaning of the word “grade” in this passage?A年级B成绩C品位D道路29 . Whats the best title of the passage?ATo be braveBA good bookCTo be a brave new girlDRealize dreamsAt Uppingham School, there is a program called the Duke of Edinburgh Awards. It encourages students to challenge themselves in a number of ways and helps them develop physical strength and personal skills. The time that is required to be spent on each task varies according to the kind of award (奖牌) one wants to win. For the gold award, either the physical or skill test should last for 12 months.The most challenging part of the program is the expedition (探险旅行). In the gold group, we have to spend four days and three nights outdoors. We chose to go canoeing (划独木舟) for our trip. It took months for us to prepare, as we had to learn some survival (生存) skills. Although we trained hard and learned all the skills beforehand, our practice expedition was much more difficult than we expected. We had to canoe for at least six hours a day, keeping rowing through the water. We also dealt with various difficulties such as falling into the water and having to get out of the canoe and pull it over some rocks.Although physical strength is important, it was teamwork that really got us through the four days. We learned to cooperate with our teammates to find the right way to row. When we were in trouble, we helped each other out, as well as shared our food and dry clothes. It was an unforgettable experience that turned me into a stronger and more patient person. I learned to work with both other people and with nature. I am looking forward to receiving my gold award.30 . Which of the following is NOT the purpose of Duke of Edinburgh Awards?ATo improve students personal skills.BTo develop students physical strength.CTo encourage students to challenge themselves.DTo give scholarships (奖学金) to students from poor families.31 . What do we know about the authors expedition group?AThey went camping by a lake.BThey prepared a lot before the trip.CThey spent six hours swimming in the water.DThey failed because they didnt have any survival skills.32 . What is the main idea of the last paragraph?AStudents need to get close to nature.BTeamwork is necessary to achieve success.CPhysical strength is necessary for expeditions.DThe author had a good relationship with other students.33 . How might the author describe this experience?AUnfair.BMeaningless.CBoring.DMeaningful.Can you understand the following words?“Long time no see.”“Good good study, day day up.”“I like your smile, but unlike you put your shoes on my face.”Yes, we call these examples Chinglish, like “people mountain, people sea”. Chinglish usually means English vocabulary with Chinese grammar on street signs or products. However, many English speaking tourists love them. Tom has been living in Beijing for years. “I think many Chinese people dislike Chinglish. But I love it. Its quite interesting. I think if the translations of English in China are all perfect, something will be lost from Chinese culture.” However, Chinglish will probably become a part of history in future. Beijing has made a plan to correct Chinglish within five years. “It is so funny to see Chinglish on the signs. And they are a kind of trouble for communication between the Chinese and foreigners,”a Beijinger said.However, some people in China like Chinglish. They think that English has “borrowed” a lot from other languages such as German, French and Spanish in the past, and now as Chineses turn.34 . What is Chinglish according to the passage?A. The English words easy to pronounce.B. The Chinese words difficult to translate.C. The English words with Chinese grammar.35 . What does “people mountain, people sea” mean most probably?A. There are many people. B. Humans are powerful.C. All the people are running.36 . What does Tom think about Chinglish?A. It shows Chinese are popular. B. It is hated by all foreign tourists.C. It is also a part of Chinese culture.37 . The last paragraph but one (倒数第二段) tells us that Beijing will_.A. put English words into Chinese B. change English and ChineseC. correct Chinglish in future38 . Some people, who love Chinglish, think that it is time for English to borrow something from _.A. French B. Chinese C. SpanishWhen you are learning English, you find it not clever to translate an English sentence, word for word, into your own language. Take the sentence “How do you do?” for example. If you look up each word in the dictionary, one at a time, what is your translation? It must be a wrong sentence in your own language. Languages dont just have different sounds, they are different in many ways. Its important to master the rules for word order in the study of English, too. If the speakers put words in a wrong order , the listener cant understand the speakers sentence easily. Sometimes when the order of words in an English sentence is changed, the meaning of the sentence changes. But sometimes the order is changed, the meaning of the sentence doesnt change between the two pairs of sentences: “She only likes apples.” “Only she likes apples.” “I have seen the film already.” “I have already seen the film.” When you are learning English, you must do your best to get the spirit of the language and use it as the English speaker does.39 . From the passage we know that_ when we are learning English.Awe shouldnt put every word into our languageBwe should look up every word it the dictionaryCwe need to put every word into our own language40 . We can learn from the passage that.Aif the order of words is different, the meaning of the sentence must be differentBthe order of words can never change the meaning of an English sentenceCsometimes different order of words has a different meaning41 . “She only likes apples.”Ais the same as “Only she likes apples.”Bis different from “Only she likes apples.”Cmeans “She likes fruit except apples.”四、单词填空根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Welcome to Los Angeles(洛杉矶)Zoo!Lets see koalas 42 . (首先)They are from Australia and children like 43 . (它们) very much.The kangaroos 44 . (来自)from Australia too.They are friendly.The 45 . (长颈鹿)are from Africa.They like to eat 46 . (叶子)The 47 . (狮子)are from Africa too.They are a little 48 . (危险的)You can also see many 49 . (其他的)animals in our zoo.We have many 50 . (种类)of animals from the world.Have a good 51 . (时光)五、材料作文52 . 寒假即将来临,你们班的同学参加了一项关于假期志愿者意向的调查,调查结果如下图所示。请你简单描述调查结果,谈谈你想参加哪一项活动,具体做什么和你对志愿活动的看法。要求:1.文章必须包含图中的所有信息,语句通顺意思连贯;2.词数不少于80词;开头已给出,不计入总词数;3.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。A Survey of the Veluatoer Plan in Winter VacationGo to the old peoples thomeVisit the sick kids in lospitalClean up the city parksMany students are going to volunteer their free time to help others in the coming winter vacation.We did a survey in our class. Here are the results. _第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、5、四、单词填空1、五、材料作文1、

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