牛津译林版九年级英语下册Unit 1 Study skills课时练习

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牛津译林版九年级下册Unit 1 Study skills课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What brought joy to Linda just now?_.AReceived a giftBShe received a giftCReceiving a gift2 . Smoking is bad for our health. You had better _smoking.Agive outBgive offCgive awayDgive up3 . Can a plane fly _ the Atlantic Ocean?Yes, but it needs to go _ the clouds for hours.Aacross; throughBthrough; acrossCacross; acrossDthrough; through4 . English is very important. You are supposedit well.AlearnedBlearningCto learn5 . Jane was shy. She would not invite her classmates _speaking English.ApracticeBpracticesCpracticingDto practice6 . Its true that every student _ to having a good future.AhopesBlooks forwardCwishesDwants7 . The bookshelf is a metre _ my head. I have to stand on a chair to get the books.AonBunderCaboveDbehind8 . Tom. Mary cant open the box. can you give _ a helping hand?AsheBherChersDherself9 . Lucy,I cant see clearly. Please _ the light.Aturn upBturn onCturn offDturn down10 . You shouldnt go to a birthday party unless you _ to it in the US.Aare invitedBare not invitedCwill be invitedDwont be invited11 . The old man has two sons, but of them lives with him.AallBbothCneitherDfew12 . I jumped than Bill in the sports meet last yearAhighBhigherChighestDthe highest13 . There are many shops on side of the street and they until midnight every day.Aboth; are openBeither; arent closedCeither; are closedDboth; arent closed14 . John often stays up late, so he sometimes finds _ hard to stay awake the next day.AthatBthisChimselfDit15 . Baymax(大白) is a cartoon characteris very popular with young people nowadays.AwhichBwhoCwhomDwhat二、完型填空Mrs. White was very fat. She was over 100 kilos_she went to see a doctor. The doctor said, “You need a balanced diet, Mrs. White, and I have a good_here.” He gave Mrs. White a small book and said, “Read this carefully and eat the things on page 11 every day. Then come back and see_in four weeks.”Mrs. White came again four weeks_, but she wasnt_She was still very fat. The doctor was surprised and asked, “Are you eating the things on page 11 of the small_?” “Yes, doctor.” She answered.The next day the doctor visited Mrs. White during her_He was very surprised. He said, “Mrs. White,_are you eating potatoes and bread? They_in your diet. ”“But, doctor,” Mrs. White answered, “ I follow my diet_lunch time. This is my dinner. ”16 . AButBSoCHoweverDBecause17 . ApenBnewsCpieDway18 . AmeByouCitDyour food19 . AafterBlateClaterDbefore20 . AfatterBthinnerCsmallerDmore healthy21 . AfoodBbookCthingDdiet22 . AholidayBweekendCdinnerDhome23 . AWhyBHowCWhereDWhat24 . AareBarentCdontDwont25 . AatBinCforDwith三、填写适当的单词补全句子. 根据课文原文填空(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 0.5 分,共 5 分)26 . Be careful_your things from now on.27 . Students will use computer and get_on the Internet.28 . And this is_well finish our tour.29 . _paying over the Internet isnt always safe.30 . _the museum, on the other side of the River Neva, is St Peters Church.31 . The weather will be quite warm or even hot all year,_heavy rain and wind.32 . In the future, a change of weather wont_a change of clothes.33 . Im going to enjoy myself_the May Day holiday.34 . You can also_the prices of the same product and spend a lotor save money.35 . People often_things when theyre travelling or when theyre in a hurry.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空(A)根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。36 . We Chinese like to use _ (筷子) when eating.37 . Have you seen the raising of the national _ (国旗)?38 . Because of the good _ (服务), many customers feel it comfortable to eat there.39 . The naughty boy _ (撒谎) to his parents that he finished his homework.40 . The Great Wall is a _ (奇迹) of the world.五、完成句子完成句子41 . 如果你们现在不注意拼写,一会儿你们会做错的。If you dont _ to spelling now, youll get it all wrong later.42 . 当我看向窗外时,笔记本从桌子上掉了下去。My notebook _ the table when I looked out of the window.43 . 那家公司去年关闭了其海外办事处。The company _ its overseas office last year.44 . 我们曾经偶尔写信给对方。We used to write to each other _ or _.45 . 他正在思考如何帮助病人时,电话突然响了。While he was _ how to help the patient, the phone suddenly rang.根据汉语意思完成句子。46 . 下课了。让我们休息一下吧。Class is over. Lets _.47 . 我每天晚上九点半上床睡觉。I _ at 9:30 every night.48 . 你们在几点钟开始上课?_ do you _?49 . 周五我们不上数学课。We _ on Friday.六、回答问题Whats in a Name?Many American names come from England. But where did most English names come from?Centuries ago, most people in England had only one name- their first name. In the 11th century, five or six of the 50 people in a village might be named William, and it was easy to get confused. But in the Middle Ages, people found a way to describe each person exactly. If there were four Williams in one village, one might be referred to as William the son of John. A second might be called William from the hill. A third,William the blacksmith(铁匠). And a fourth, William the brown haired. In conversation, people might refer to the four Williams as William Johns son, William hill, William smith, and William brown.It was 300 or 400 years before the extra ( 附加的) names gradually developed into last names, orsurnames. They were passed on from generation to generation. By the 1300s, Robert, the son of Williamsmith, had the name Robert smith, even if he was not a blacksmith like his father. As the last name becamewidely accepted, the first letter was capitalized, as in Robert Smith. By the 15th century, most people of theupper and middle classes had surnames.Many surnames were based on father-son relations. The “son of” part was added to the fathers firstname, like Johnson, meaning Johns son. Sometimes it was shortened to just “s”, as in Jones or Evans.Surnames like Hill described the place where a person lived. They are the most common type of surname. A third kind of surname was based on a persons job. Forester was someone who looked after the forest. In the Middle Ages, occupation names such as Baker, Carpenter, and Miller became common. The fourth kind of surname was nickname(绰号). A man whose surname was Bear might be as fierce as a bear.Have you ever wondered why some surnames are so common? The most common surname in theEnglish language is Smith. Being able to make metals(金属)into tools was an important skill in the MiddleAges, and many people were trained as blacksmiths. The most common American surnames are Smith,Johnson, William and Brown.50 . Where do many American names come from?51 . When did people find a way to describe each person exactly?52 . How long did it take for extra names to develop into last names?53 . What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?54 . Why were many people trained blacksmith in the Middle Ages?第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、填写适当的单词补全句子1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、2、六、回答问题1、

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