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人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期期中英语测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . are you coming back from Tokyo?In three weeks.AHow oftenBHow soonCHow farDHow long2 . -_-Yes, I studied in London for 15 days.AHave a good time.BHow are you?CLong time no see.DHow was your vacation?3 . A kangaroo cannot jump if tail is off the ground.AitsBitsCitDtheir4 . Kitty arrived _the village _a snowy night.Aat; onBat; inCin; atDin; on5 . There _ a computer on the desk.AareBhaveChasDis6 . How many do you want?Three.AmilkBglass of milkCglasses of milk7 . _ am Zhou Jie. _ English name is Tom.AHe; HisBHe; MyCI ; HisDI ; My8 . - Whats his telephone number?-476-3869.AItBItsCItsDHes9 . _ is Li Ping?He is in the classroom.AWhatBWhereCHeDIt10 . Who is the woman over there?She is Mrs Li. She is_ Chinese teacher and teaches _ Chinese.Aour; usBwe; ourCwe; usDour; our11 . Whenever you have difficulties, be sure to call me.-_.AI have no troubleBI am sorry to hear that.CI will. Thank you very much.DI will think it over.12 . -How is Sally?-_.AShe doesnt knowBShe is my sisterCShe is fineDShe is in her room.13 . - _does your friend go to school? - She often walks to school.AWhenBHowCWhatDWhere14 . (题文)In the picture, the chair is the table. AunderBonCaboveDbeside15 . The population of Australia _ about 21 million.AhaveBareCisDhas二、补全对话7选5九、情景交际:从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话A:Would you like to come to my party,Lily?B:71.16 . When is it?A:At seven oclock on Sunday evening.B:Well,I have to study for my math test.72.17 . Im not good at math,so I need to work hard.A:73.18 . B:Really?What is it?A:Yes.Math is my favorite subject and Im good at it.74.19 . B:Then I can go to your party on Sunday!Thats great.Thanks! A:75.20 . See you on Saturday.B:See you.AImgoingtobuyagiftforyou.BSure,Idloveto.CItsonnextMonday.DIhaveagoodidea.EMyEnglishisnotasgoodasyours.FIcanhelpyouwithmathonSaturday.GYourewelcome.三、完型填空Hello, everyone! My name is Cathy. Here is a photo of my _. Look! My room is very nice. _ is my bed. My jacket is on the bed. _ color is the jacket? Its pink. I like it very much. _ is my schoolbag? Oh, its _ the sofa. What is in my schoolbag? Let me see._ books, a pencil box and a baseball are in it. What_ that on the chair? Its _ grandmas hat. I must bring it to her tomorrow. Whats that on the wall? Its a photo of my family. My father, my mother and I are _ the photo. I _ a computer in my room, too. Its on the desk. I love my room very much.21 . AschoolbagBroomCfamilyDbed22 . AThisBHeCThatsDIts23 . AWhyBWhereCWhatDHow24 . AWhatBWhereCHowDWho25 . AforBbetweenCofDon26 . ASomeBACAnyDAn27 . AisBamCareDbe28 . AmyBICmeDmine29 . AatBinConDunder30 . AhelpBlikeCfindDhave四、阅读单选This is my room. My English book is on the bed. The school ID card and the schoolbag are on the sofa. My tape player and some tapes are in the bookcase.This is my room. My computer is on the desk. My schoolbag is on the bed. The CDs are in the book-case. What are those under the bed? Oh, they are two baseballs.They are my friend Jennys.31 . Who has two baseballs?AHelen.BKate.CJenny32 . Where are Helens tapes?AOn her bed.BIn her bookcase.CUnder her bed.Dear Mrs. WebDear Mrs. Web provides free personal advice and opinions for you. She receives and answers worldwide email questions. She will offer you some new suggestions on your problems, like study stress, disinterested friend. Dear Mrs. Web welcomes all questions and comments. You can receive the reply usually in 48 hours. Her email address is mrswebadvice.com.Help Line VolunteersEvery year thousands of old people are in need of our help. The Help Line provides a heartwarming, helpful, kind support and information service for the English aged people. We are in need of volunteers who are:warm-hearted and patientcan work 10 hours every weekPlease call us at 0241-85902 or email us. helperlineservice.comSave the Earth ClubEarth club is for any student in Green School. Earth Clubs goal is to help keep the school, neighborhood, and city cleaner by encouraging recycling, highway clean up, and river, lake and school campus clean up. We hope to improve the environment and encourage others to do the same. We also meet to discuss some real solutions to save the earth. Earth Club meets 2-4 times a month. Come and Join us!根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。33 . What is Dear Mrs Web?AIts a teacher who helps people with problems.BIts a web site that gives free advice.CIts a TV program that answers peoples questions.DIts a magazine that helps people when they have too much stress.34 . If you want to volunteer your time to help other people, you can _.Aemail Dear Mrs Web.Bcall 0241-85902Cjoin Save the Earth ClubDvisit Green High School35 . If you want to be a Help Line volunteer, _.Ayou must be warm-hearted and patientByou must work ten hours a day.Cyou must be able to tell funny stories.Dyou must provide information service to ole people.36 . What doesnt the Save the Earth Club do?AEncourage cycling.BEncourage school campus clean up.CDiscuss solutions to save the Earth.DImproving the environment.37 . Where can you find the passages?AIn a science book.BIn a story book.CIn a movie theater.DIn a newspaper.五、阅读判断根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)Hello! Im Lin Tao. Im twelve. My English name is Jim. Im Chinese. My telephone number is 766-3647. I live(居住)in Beijing. I have a good friend. His name is Jack Smith. Hes eleven. Hes a student. His telephone number is 281-8953. He lives in London.38 . Lin Tao is twelve.39 . Lin Tao is Chinese.40 . Jack is Lin Taos brother.41 . Jack is thirteen.42 . Jacks telephone number is 766-3647.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词43 . _(或许)I can go shopping this afternoon with you.44 . The air was f_ of the fragrance(芳香)of flowers.45 . We should read English for at _(至少)thirty minutes every day.46 . Take care!If you lose balance(平衡)on the _(秋千),you may fall down and hurt yourself.47 . What a lazy boy!Jack takes a bath t_ a month.48 . Exercise is h_ for the mind and the body.49 . Nick often looks for things on the I_ at the weekend.50 . None of them stays up l_ to play computer games.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空词汇运用用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 ( 每空不限一词)。51 . What is _ (you) name? I am Jack.52 . Where _ (be) the teachers? They are in the office now.53 . My brother _ (do) homework every day.54 . This boy is a good student. We all like _(he).55 . Simon wants _ (have) lunch at school.56 . There are many _ (tomato) on the desk.57 . Lets _ (fly) kites after school.58 . It is _ (sun) today. We can go to the park.59 . Amy likes sports and is good at _ (swim).60 . Uncle Wang enjoys _ (listen) to music. His favourite singer is Wang Feng.61 . _ ( not watch)TV. Its time for lunch.62 . Look at this classroom _ (build). It is nice.63 . Whats your hobby? _ (dance) is my hobby.64 . Why not _ (come) to my birthday party?65 . My father and mother come to the _ (parent) meeting at three in my school.八、话题作文66 . 写作现在是晚上七点钟,假设你是 Lily,请根据下面表格内容的提示,以“ What Are the Family Doing?为题,写一篇60词左右的短文,描述一下你们一家人的活动,可适当发挥。Lily draw a pictureBob( brother)do his homeworkFather read a magazineMotherclean the roomGrandparentswatch TV第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、阅读判断1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、话题作文1、

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