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2020年(春秋版)牛津译林版英语七年级下册期末抢分检测卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Jenny is so shy and has few friends, so she feels _ all the time.AaloneBlonelyChappilyDsadly2 . - Its too hot. Would you mind my _ the window?- _. Do it as you like, please.Ato open; OKBopen; Good ideaCopening; Of courseDopening; Certainly not3 . He was _ that he couldnt move.Atoo caredBso scaredCtoo scaredDso scaring4 . Walk _ the house, and youll see a big tree on your left.ApassBpastCbehindDat5 . This is _ orange. _orange is red.Aan; TheBa; anCThe, TheDmy, an6 . There _ an apple and some bananas on the table.AhasBhaveCisDare7 . Students must do the test_.Ain them ownBon them ownCon their ownDin their own8 . We cant buy _ much beef with _ little money.Aso, muchBsuch, soCso, soDsuch, such9 . The film star is busy all day and has little time_her little son.AtoBofCforDin10 . The Silk Road has been a bridge between the East and the Westover 2,000 yearsAatBforCinDfrom11 . -_ unusual news it is!-I cant believe my eyes that the famous actor will come to Yuyao.AWhat anBWhatCWhat aDHow12 . -Im worried about our talent show tomorrow.-Be confident(自信的)!If you dont believe in yourself,_ will.AnobodyBanybodyCeverybodyDsomebody13 . What do you think of your teachers? They _ very kind to us.Aall areBare allCall looksDlook all14 . Mrs. Bond is a good teacher. She is also an old friend of_.AAnna motherBAnna mothers.CAnnas motherDAnnas mothers .二、完型填空RomanHoliday is an old American movie. The _ actress in the movie is Hepburn. She is a princess named Ann. In Rome, she feels very sad because of her _life. Her doctor gives her some medicine(药) to help her sleep. _, she tries to leave her room to feel the real Rome. After leaving her room, she is very _. She can do anything she likes. But quickly she goes to_ on a bench(长椅) because of the medicine she takes.On Joes way back home, he finds her. He wants to send her home, _ she says nothing about where she lives. Then Joe takes her to _home. Next day, Joe _that the girl is the princess from a piece of newspaper. He plans to _some money from her. But after spending a day with her, he changes his mind.The movie mainly_Anns life in Rome with Joe. It is very interesting.15 . AsimilarBbadCpoorDmain16 . AboringBexcitingCrelaxingDbeautiful17 . AEspeciallyBFinallyCHoweverDReally18 . AsurprisedBtiredCexcitedDshy19 . AwalkBpaintCwriteDsleep20 . AandBbutCbecauseDso21 . AherBhisCmyDtheir22 . AhearsBsaysCexpectsDfinds23 . AbuyBgetCgiveDleave24 . AdescribesBmakesChearsDwatchesToday, we are living a rapid (快速的) life. We always try to get things done_ . On weekdays, we are busy_ or working. One of the _is that we dont have enough exercise. We all know 8th August is National Fitness Day. If we exercise for one hour a day, we will work healthily for 50 years and live a happy life forever.Scientists have found that people who often exercise are_than those we dont, whether they do it indoors or outdoors. According to a report, students can learn better and feel less stressed(有压力的) when they have more_to play sports at school. Many young women enjoy doing yoga or dancing to relax and stay_. In some housewives opinion, doing housework is a good way to burn calories(卡路里). It can keep them_while getting their house clean. In order to be_and full of energy, some men like running, riding bicycles or playing ball games. You will be healthy both in the_ and mind by doing exercise. This weekend, dont make any plans, just get up early and start_.25 . AquicklyBslowlyCloudlyDquietly26 . AplayingBsleepingCstudyingDrelaxing27 . AdifferencesBproblemsCtroubleDquestions28 . Amore dangerousBmore naturalChealthierDheavier29 . AtimeBmoneyCfoodDroom30 . AheavyBthinCtallDbeautiful31 . AjumpingBmovingCeatingDrunning32 . AstrongBsafeCdangerousDfat33 . AtoothBheadCbodyDfeet34 . AexercisingBofferingCwaitingDworking三、阅读单选A young man from a village called Nawalapitiya married a young woman from Maiyuwa, a small village. They lived with the mans big familyhis parents, his brothers, their wives and children. The family kept an elephant, in which the woman soon took a great interest. Every day she fed it with fruit and sugar.Three months later, having quarreled with her husband, the woman went back to her parents home. Soon the elephant refused to eat and work. It appeared to be ill and heartbroken. One morning after several weeks the animal disappeared from the house. It went to the womans home. On seeing her, the elephant waved its trunk and touched her with it. The young woman was so moved by the act of the animal .So she went back to her husbands home.35 . The woman left her new home _.Ato visit her own parents in MaiyuwaBto see if the elephant would follow herCbecause she was angry with her husbandDbecause she was tired of the large family36 . The word “disappeared” in the reading means “_”.Aran awayBstayed at homeChidDdied37 . After the young woman left her husbands home, the elephant_.Areturned to the forestBwas sad because it missed herCwent to look for a new homeDwas sick because nobody fed it38 . How did the elephant express its feeling when it saw the young woman?AIt waved its trunk and smiled.BIt touched her with its trunk.CIt touched her and cried.DIt waved its trunk and ran around her.39 . The writer wrote the story in order to_.Ashow that elephants are very cleverBtell how a woman trained(训练) a wild animalCshow that women care more for animals than men doDtell how an animal got a husband and a wife together againThe following is a QUIZ(自测) from a magazine.Questions1 Point2 Points3 PointsWhere do you live?in a villagein a townin a cityHow do you go to work/school?by walking/ bicycleby train/bus/subwayby driving a small carHow many times a year do you fly on airplanes?123How many hours of electricity do you use each day (e.g. watching TV, keeping lights on)?06 hours612 hours1218 hoursHow often do you recycle?almost alwaysoftensometimesTotal PointsResult7Less pollution than the average(平均) person 810As much pollution as the average person1113A little more pollution than the average person1414A lot more pollution than the average person40 . Which of the following makes the least pollution?ALiving pretty well in a big city.BFlying on planes only twice a year.CAlmost always recycling used things.DUsing 15hours of electricity each day.41 . How many points does the average person get?A7 points.B810 points.C1113 points.D1415 points.42 . Tom lives in a city, goes to work by subway, flies on airplanes once a year, uses 15hours of electricity a day, and sometimes recycles used things. How many points does he get?A11 points.B12 points.C13 points.D14 points.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空(题文)用所给单词的适当形式填空。43 . (小题1)We all like our head teacher and we all enjoy his _(fair)44 . (小题2)Kids have to learn to look after _(they),I think.45 . (小题3)I dont mind _(talk) with my parents,but they just dont listen to me.46 . (小题4)I think its important to develop childrens _(independent)47 . (小题5)Some people think that _(do) chores is helpful for kids.五、句子配对选择正确的问话或者答语。48 . -Can you give me a hand? -_A. OK. Thank you. B. Id be glad to. What is it? C. Im fine.49 . -_ Can you tell me how to get to the ball gym? - You can take a bus.A. Excuse me. B May I ask a question? C. Nice to meet you!50 . -I am very sorry Im late. -_ A. It doesnt matter. B. Shame on you! C. OK. Thanks for your advice.51 . -How long do you stay in the park? -_A. Around an hour. B. twice a month. C. Not very often.52 . -_ -Yes. He swims well.A. Are you good at swimming? B. I swim well. C. Is he good at swimming?六、单词填空The Hound of the BaskervillesOne day, Dr. Mortimer came to the famous detective Holmes and his friend Dr. Watson for their help with the u53 . death of his friend, Sir Charles Baskervilles. Sir Charles, a weak old man s54 . from serious heart disease, was found dead without any sign of attack, but a terrible look on his face. He himself knew that a supernatural creature, the Hound of the Baskervilles, would kill him before it happened, because a letter written by Hugo Baskerville, the ancestor, w55 . him of the legend His nephew as well as his heir to the property, Sir Henry Baskervilleswould then live in Baskervilles Hall.Dr. Mortimer told Sir Henry about the legend. D56 . the possible danger, Si Henry still decided to live in Baskervilles Hall. During his stay in London, one of his b57 . was missing and he received a letter saying if you value your life, keep away from the moor”. Watson went along with Sir Henry to protect him as well as report everything he found to Holmes. There, he met Stapleton, living together with his beautiful sister, Barrymore and his wife, the h58 . in the hall and other people .He was told that a prisoner escaped, who later turned out to/be Mrs. Barrymores brother, and the couple were helping him by o59 . him food and old clothes of Sir Henry. Barrymore told Sir Henry and Watson that the initial of the person, whom Sir Charles was waiting for on the day he d60 . , were L.L. Then, they found out that it was Laura Lyons who wrote a letter to Sir Charles to arrange the meeting. She was in love with Stapleton, and he told her not to go there.On his way back, Watson found that Holmes was actually there all the time, and he told Watson that Stapleton was the m61 . : Suddenly, they heard a scream and the prisoner was found dead because he was wearing Sir Henrys clothes. Now they knew for sure that Stapleton was after Sir Henry, because Stapleton was the next heir to the property.However, they didnt have any proof, so they set a t62 . to catch him on site. Fortunately, Sir Henry was saved when the hound with blue flames was attacking him. Stapleton fell into the moor and died.七、信息归纳完成表格。阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成表格中所缺的信息,并将答案填写在答题卡相应的题号位置上。Have you noticed that many of the clothes on the high street look the same these days?So how do young people manage to express their own style?We interviewed some people in different parts of the UK. Young creative people in the UK have always come up with ways to express their personality through clothes. They like to add some accessories(配件)on their clothes. Punks added zippers and safety pins(曲别针), and skaters buy chains from hardware shops to hang from their trousers. You dont need money-you need be imaginative,said Alexi,an art student. Printing your own T-shirt is the easiest and most common way to customize(定制)clothes. You dont have to make a T-shirt. You can buy a cheap one and add some pictures of your choice. I used to make customized,colorful T-shirts for my friends using cloth paints. They looked a bit messy but sort of cool. A couple of years ago,my mate Simon made one with a picture of Spider-Man. He still wears it in fact. It looks great,said John,25. Everyone knows that students dont have a lot of money. That doesnt have to be a problem if you have the ability to have new and exciting ideas. I used to make clothes sometimes when I was a student. Once I found a pair of trousers in a shop that 1 really liked,but I couldnt afford them. I drew a picture of it in a notebook,then I bought some cloth in the same color and copied the trousers using my mums sewing machine(缝纫机). I loved it when people didnt believe I had made them myself,sad Corrine,31. Second-hand or vintage clothes are very popular among young people. They consider them as a symbol of fashion. Sometimes a little change of my own old clothes makes a difference,because I know that they will fit and theyll look good. I like to go shopping in second-hand shops for jackets,trousers and dresses. You can be sure you will always have something original(原始的)as well as cheap. said Helen,26. Purpose: to63 . wearing the same clothes on the streetsCustomizing clothesWaysDetailsadding accessoriesPunks add zippers and safety pins.Skaters buy chains from hardware shops to hang from their trousers.printing some pictures64 . cloth paints to make customized, colorful T-shirts.making by themselvesMake65 . clothes they like but cant afford on their own.66 . old clothesSecond-hand or vintage clothes are very popular.A small change of their own old clothes makes a difference.Conclusion:67 . can help young people to express themselves with customized clothes.八、回答问题阅读短文,回答下列问题Most children dont enjoy doing the housework. They like playing computer games rather than cleaning the rooms. But in Australia, Jim and Roberts mother, Mrs Black, has good and proper methods to get their children to do the housework.Here is an example.Mum, have you worked out next weeks housework? Let Jim and me choose the cards. I cant wait. Its fun! When Robert shouted out, his mother had already put all the cards on their big table. On the cards, there are some words like these, sweep the floor, clean your bedroom, help mum cook, wash vegetables, make beds, feed the fish, cut the wood, clean the bathroom and many others. Jim and Robert chose two cards for each day from Monday to Friday. Then they would hang them on the weekday task board. Jim likes to clean the bathroom, so he picked up the card clean the bathroom. Robert loves to make beds so he picked up his favorite card. Jim again picked up wash vegetables and Robert chose feed the fish. Soon the two boys were happy to take away all the cards.To help the children do the housework, their mother thought hard and came up with this idea. Of course, the parents did the housework on the weekends and left Jim and Robert two days free.68 . Why did Robert shout out to his mother?_69 . Which two cards did Jim choose?_70 . Which two cards did Robert choose?_71 . What did Jim and Robert do at weekends?_72 . What do you think of Mrs Blacks methods? (请自拟一句话作答)_九、材料作文73 . 自古以来,“友善”是中华民族的传统美德。乌鲁木齐市第二中学英语广播台正在进行“我友好,我善良”系列人物介绍。请你根据下列表格提示和要求,写一篇关于江明同学的介绍。基本情况姓名江明班级九(3)日常表现1. 文明礼貌,主动热情问候他人;2. 团结友好, 能与他人和睦相处;3. 富有爱心, 力所能及帮助他人。具体事例任选日常表现之一,举例介绍。愿 望做一个善良、有爱心的人。参考词汇: say hello to; make friends; kindness; get on well with; care about写作要求:1.词数不少于80(短文的开始语已给出,不计入总词数);2.内容完整,语言流畅,不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥;3.短文中不得出现真实的姓名及校名。Good morning, everyone! Today I am glad to introduce a teenager. His name is Jiang Ming._第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、句子配对1、六、单词填空1、七、信息归纳1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、

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