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2019-2020学年人教新目标版英语九年级期中过关检测题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We are tired. Lets stop _ to _.Awalk; restBwalking; restCto walk; restingDwalks; resting2 . Ken is going to _ a hobby like playing chess.Alook upBtake upCget upDstand up3 . The heavy rainso many traffic accidents on highway last Monday.AmadeBallowedCcausedDlet4 . Could you please _ loudly here?Emma is doing her homework.Adont talkBnot talkCtalkDnot to talk5 . Usually teain the south of China.AproducesBis producedCis producingDproduce6 . I think there _ more buses and fewer cars in the cities.Awill beBwill haveCbe will7 . GinaTara are studying Chinese history and culture now . They find them rich and amazing.ABoth ; andBNot only ; but alsoCEither ; orDNeither ; nor8 . All the houses_in the rainstorm.Awere taken offBwere taken awayCwere taken outDwere taken down9 . In Amazing China(厉害了,我的国), common people are also _. In the film, you can see a Tibetan woman volunteering in the countryside to help poor people.Apaid attention toBdevoted toClooked forward toDled to10 . Would you mind taking some photos for us?-Certainly not. Itsa piece of cake.Aa kind of foodBa difficult thingCan easy thingDa photo11 . I am afraid _ lions because they are _.Aof; scaryBto; scaryCfor; scaredDof; scared12 . This washing machine is environmentally friendly because it uses_water and electricity than_ models.Aless;olderBless;elderCfewer;olderDfewer;elder13 . That Sun Yang won two gold medals in London Olympics is _ to people all over China.Aa good newsBgood newsCa bad newsDbad news14 . Its not a good idea to _these old buildings in the city.Atake downBturn downCcut downDput down15 . -Itsnice day, isnt it?-Yes, whatfine weather!Aa; aBthe; theCa; /Dthe; /二、补全对话5选5选择方框中的句子完成对话。Tom:Hello!16 . Mike: Speaking.Tom: Mike, we are going to climb a mountain next Sunday. Lets go together.Mike: Good idea!17 . .Tom: Mount Tai.Mike: OK.18 . .Tom: At nine oclock.Mike: Its too late.19 . Tom: OK.20 . .Mike: At the train station.Tom: OK. See you then.Mike: See you.三、完型填空通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。You probably think you will never be a top student.Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants.Here are what you _ do.Plan your _ carefully.Make a list of things you have to do.After that, you should make a schedule (时刻表) of your time.First, arrange your time _ eating, sleeping, dressing, etc.Then choose a regular time for studying.Dont forget to spare some time on hobbies.Find a good place to _.Look around the house for a good study area.It may be a desk or a corner of your room, free of everything but study things.Study regularly.When you get home from school, go over your notes._the important points will help you understand the next class._ give up if you dont pass a test.The purpose of a test is to check _ youve learned from a book or a subject._helps you remember the new knowledge.Dont be worried.The world wont end _ you dont pass a test.Work harder, and you _ great progress.Believe in yourself.21 . AmustBneedntCcantDshould22 . AlifeBtimeCmoneyDstudy23 . AforBwithConDfrom24 . AwatchBplayCstudyDrepeat25 . AReviewingBReviewCReviewedDTo review26 . AAlwaysBEverCStillDNever27 . AwhenBwhatCwhoDwhere28 . AThatBOneCItDThis29 . AifBsoCbutDthough30 . AmadeBhave madeChad madeDwill make四、阅读单选阅读理解While popular in the US,the April Fools Day tradition is even more popular in European countries,such as France and Great BritainAlthough the roots of the traditional tricking are unclear,the French and the British both have their own stories about the origin of the celebrationOne story holds that the first April Fools Day was on April 1 of the year when the king of France introduced the new calendarThis new system placed the day that had formerly been the first day of a new year on April lMany people were not used to the new calendar and continued(继续)to celebrate New Years Day on what had become the first day of AprilThus,they became the first April FoolsOthers began to give funny gifts on the day to laugh at the fools who continued to celebrate the New Year on April 1An English story about the day,however,says that it began sometime during the 1200sAt the time,King John was in the habit of making roads out of the paths he most often walked alongThe people of one particular farm village were aware of thisToavoidhaving their green grasslands and pastures(牧场)disturbed by one of the kings roads,they built a fence that prevented the king from walking through their countrysideThe king sent a group of messengers(使者)to inform the villagers that they must remove the fenceUpon hearing that the king was planning to do this,however,the villagers developed a plan of their ownWhen the kings messengers arrived,they were met by the villagers pretending to be madThe people just throw things and ran around wildlyThe messengers were surprised by this and reported to King John that these people were so mad that there was no necessity of punishing themSo,the villagers saved their farmland by tricking the kingIn Great Britain,tradition only allows April Fools tricks from midnight to noon on April lThose who try to play tricks in the afternoon become the fools themselves31 . Which country has the origin of the celebration of April Fools Day?AJapanBFranceC. Great BritainCBoth B and C32 . When was the first April Fools Day?AIt was on April lstBIt was on April 2ndCIt was on March lstDIt was on May lst33 . Why did French people become the first April Fools?ABecause they were stupidBBecause they were not used to the new calendar and continued to celebrate New Years Day on what had become the first day of AprilCBecause they were happy to become the first April FoolsDBecause they were given funny gifts on the day34 . The underlined word“avoid”probably means“_”in ChineseA加强B倡议C避免D建造35 . From the passage we can know that_AApril Fools Day is very popular in Asian countriesBaccording to the English story,April Fools Day began sometime during the 1300sCaccording to the English story,King John of England was in the habit of making a buildingDaccording to the English story,the citizens of one particular farm village were against what the king didDo you know what PE class are like in other countries? In China, PE tests are required to graduate from both middle school and high school. To get good grades on the PE tests, Chinese students will need to practice running as well as doing sit-ups and pull-ups(引体向上). However, this is not the way that PE classes work in US high schools.In my high school, we are required to take semesters of PE to graduate. We play real sports during PE class, such as basketball and volleyball. There are also some other typical American sports that we often play, such as kickball and dodgeball(躲避球).I didnt know the rules of kickballs and dodgeball when I first came to the US. The teacher asked me to sit on the sidelines and watch how other students played it in order to let me figure out the rules.We also learn some useful life skills in PE. Last year, I learned how to do CPR(心肺复苏), which is a life-saving skill. We were also taught how to give first aid to someone who is choking(窒息). These skills are a large part of the final grade for the PE class in my high school. Self-defense(自卫)is taught in PE class as sell. This includes some tae known do(跆拳道)and karate(空手道)skills, as well as Chinese kung fu. It is practical.I prefer PE classes in the US to the ones in China. I think they are more fun and useful. What do you think?36 . What do we know about high school PE class in the US?AIt is not required to graduate.BStudents dont take it seriously.CStudents play many different games in PE class.DIt is the same as Chinese PE class.37 . The writer learned the rules of kickball and dodgeball through _.Aa teachers explanationBwatching others playCplaying the sport herselfDwatching online videos38 . Which of these things did the writer NOT learn about in PE class?AHow to play sports.BLife-saving skills.CSelf-defense skills.DHow to treat sports injuries.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(单句首字母填空)39 . You should t_ up the room before your friends arrive.40 . Remember to b_ a book to school tomorrow.41 . Money is important in our life, but it isnt e_.42 . He u_ makes a plan before he does something.43 . We play games on the p_.44 . Do you take a s_ every day?45 . The price(价格)of h_ is too high, so many people cant buy them.46 . Pink and light blue are s_ colors.47 . Look at that girl. Her s_ is very nice.48 . Its hot today, but he still wears a shirt and t_. I like a T-shirt and shorts better.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的正确形式填空。49 . I become a volunteer because I want to make a _(different)both to my life and to the world.50 . Hed like to get some suggestions on how to learn _(wise)and well.51 . We wont have a clear sky if air pollution is not _(limit).52 . There is an _(organize)called“Green Hope”working to protect the environment in our town.53 . The old text books will _(collect)and we will give them away to the Hope Middle School.七、完成句子根据课文内容及提示完成句子54 . _ your _ subject? My _ subject is _.“你最喜欢的科目是什么?”“我最喜欢的科目是科学。”55 . _your _? Its OK.“你今天过得如何?”“还行。”56 . He always _ games _ us.他总是和我们一起做游戏。57 . _ does Bob like _? _ its interesting.“鲍勃为什么喜欢历史?”“因为它有趣。”58 . _ is your _ class? Its _ Monday and _.“你们的地理课是什么时候?”“在星期一和星期五。”八、语法填空短文填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。Fire can help people in many w59 . . Fire can keep your house warm, give light and cook food. But s60 . fire can also be very harmful(有害的). It can b61 . things, too. Nobody k62 . how people began to use fire, but there are many interesting old stories about how a man searched for a fire. One is about a man called Prometheus(普罗米修斯). The man lived a very long time a63 . . He went up to the sun and b64 . fire down. Today people know how to make a fire with m65 . . Children sometimes like to play with them. But matches can be very d66 . . One match can burn a piece of paper, and then it could burn a house. A small fire can turn into(变成) a big fire quickly. So you must be careful with matches. Be careful with fire, and it will h67 . you. But if you arent careful with fire, it may h68 . you.九、回答问题Answer the questions(根据以下内容回答问题)Relations between the United States and Spain were not very good in 1898. On February 15th, a battleship called the USS Maine blew up and sank in the harbor at Havana, Cuba. More than 260 Americans were killed. Many Americans thought that Spanish saboteurs(破坏者)had set an underwater mine that caused the explosion.Witnesses and survivors had different versions of what happened. Some said that they heard two explosions. It was discovered that the magazine-which is a storage place for arms, ammunition(军火), and explosives-had exploded. Questions were raised about what caused the first explosion. Did the first explosion come from outside the ship, causing the magazine to explode? Or, did something on the ship blow up the magazine?Other witnesses said that there was only one explosion. If they are right, then what on the ship caused the magazine to explode? A theory supporting the two-explosion version was that rebels from Cuba had caused the explosion. The rebels were aware of the bad feelings between the United States and Spain. They would have been willing to cause trouble between the nations to bring an end to Spanish rule in Cuba.The United States government issued an ultimatum(最后通牒)to the Spanish government to end its occupation of Cuba. When Spanish officials refused. Congress and President William McKinley declared war on Spain. The war did not last long, because the United Sates forced an early surrender.More than 100 years after the explosion of Maine, the cause of the explosion is still unknown. Many questions remain. If an attack from outside the ship caused the magazine to explode, why didnt witnesses see a splash in the water? Why were there no dead fish in the water if there was an external explosion?With the mystery still unsolved, the question of what really happened to the USS Maine may never be answered.69 . Why did more than 260 Americans lost their lives on February 15, 1898?_70 . What was the “magazine” used to do?_71 . Witnesses and survivors didnt have different versions of what happened, did they?_72 . Who won the war at last?_73 . How long was the cause of the explosion a mystery?_74 . Whats the main topic of the passage? _十、话题作文75 . 初中三年你最擅长的学科是什么?请谈一谈应该怎样学好这个学科的。要求:1. 词数80词左右。2. 条理清晰,内容合理。_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、语法填空1、九、回答问题1、十、话题作文1、

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