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人教版2019-2020学年六年级下学期期中英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its too late. Youd better not go on working._AThats right.BThats all rightCIm sorry.DAll right.2 . What is your prediction about the future? I think there more cities but pollution.Awill have; lessBwill be; lessCwill be; fewer3 . 一Must I come at 6: 30 tomorrow morning?No,you neednt. You come one hour later.AcanBneedCshouldDmust4 . It _ Nick the whole afternoon _ the room. Now it is clean and tidy.Atakes; to cleanBtakes; cleaningCspends; to cleanDspends; cleaning5 . How do you like this speach?I like it very much and it can _ me _ to achieve my dream.Acheer;upBconnect;withClet;downDtake;up6 . Ill return the book to Mary, but I cant find her anywhere.Shethe teachers office. You can find her there.Ahave gone toBhas gone toChas been to7 . The answer is wrong.There are _ mistakes.AsomeBnoCmuch8 . Mary wants to be a nurse. Thats _she wants to be.AwhichBwhatChowDwhen9 . Im amazed to hear from my school teacher again. _, it is ten years since we met last time.AIn a wordBIn generalCThats not the caseDBelieve it or not10 . We really shouldnt use paper napkins, you know.- I know. I stopped _ last year.Ato use itBusing itCto use themDusing them11 . Sometimes I work _the day sometimes_night.Ain; atBat; inCat; onDon; at12 . Do you know _ “s” in the word “advise” doesnt make _ /s/ soundAa; anBa; theCthe; aDthe; an13 . The air pollution caused theof many trees in this area. We should take care of the environment.AdieBdiedCdeathDdying14 . Whats your dream?My dream is _ an English teacher.Ato beBbeingCbe15 . The bed feels very_Its comfortable to sleep on-But it may be bad for your healthAsoft B. expensive C. hard D. heavy16 . How do you study for a test?I study byto tapes.AtellingBhearingClisteningDsaying二、完型填空Last summer, my mother and I went to her hometown, Guilin. The city is very _ in the world _ it has beautiful rivers and hills. Many _from different countries around the world go to _ it every year. My motherwasborn _ a small village near the Li River. When she _a little girl, she studied at the village school _ only five classes and seven _. Some children were very _ and didnt like to study at school, _ my mother was well-behaved. The teachers were very strict but very friendly.17 . AbigBnewCcoldDfamous18 . AbecauseBsoCwhyDbut19 . AmenBwomenCpeopleDperson20 . AvisitBseeClook atDwatch21 . AonBinCatDfrom22 . AwereBwasCisDare23 . AwithBinCofDhas24 . AclassmatesBfriendsCteachersDvisitors25 . AgoodBcleverCnaughtyDwell-behaved26 . AsoBandCbutDor三、阅读单选27 . Cindys watch is _.A. red B. black C. white28 . If(如果) you lost your green dictionary, you should (应该) call _.A. Alan B. Cindy C. Sonia29 . David lost _ key(s).A. one B. two C. three30 . Whats the boys first name?A. Peter B. Brown C. Jane31 . Whats the girls telephone number?A. 021-5658226 B. 021-5658223 C. 021-5658232四、句型转换A)按要求改写句子,并将答案填写在答卷纸相应位置上。注意:每空只填1个单词。32 . It was cloudy yesterday. (划线提问)_ the weather like yesterday?33 . Did you write homework last night? (将last night改成at 7 p.m. last night)_ you _ homework at 7 p.m. last night?34 . We should do something to protect the environment.We should _ to protect the environment.35 . Squirrels sometimes forget where they can find the food. Squirrels sometimes forget _ find the food.36 . He didnt catch the early bus because he got up late.He didnt catch the early bus _ getting up late.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词适当形式填空37 . His money is _ (exact) enough for the scarf.38 . To my _ (surprised) .Tom passed the exam.39 . His mother raises five_ (goose).40 . Do you know the _ (different) between the two paintings.41 . _ (learn) a new language can be a challenge.42 . I am looking forward to _ ( meet ) you.43 . She speaks English online _ ( two ) a week.44 . Hurry up. Im afraid of _ ( be ) late for class.45 . Tom has a few _ ( Canada ) friends.46 . We must take care of _ ( 活着的 ) things.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文, 从方框中选择适当的单词填空(每词限用一次)。differences friendly in how usuallyThis term we have a new English teacher from Australia, Mr Green. He teaches very well and is 47 . to us.Last Sunday some of my classmates and I went to visit him. He cooked some Australian food for us. We taught him 48 . to use chopsticks and the way of making dumplings.He had an interest in making Chinese food. He also told us a lot of western customs(习俗). For example, when they have dinner in a restaurant together, they 49 . keep quiet.When it was time for us to leave, I said to him, Come to my home for dinner when you have time. He looked happy and asked, When? But 50 . fact, I was just to be polite. From that, we could see the 51 . from country to country.七、单词填空根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词、用所给单词的正确形式填空或在空白处填写一个正确的单词。Hello, everyone! My name is Judy. Im in Green Middle School. My favorite subject is science. Its interesting. I dont like math. I think its boring. But my parents say its u52 . . I have classes from Monday to Friday. I always have four lessons in the morning and two lessons in the afternoon. Then after that I have a music class 53 . an hour. School 54 . (finish) at 4:30.I like s55 . , too. And my favorite sport is soccer. I often play it with my father on Saturday and Sunday. We can play soccer very 56 . (good).八、回答问题Today I will tell you a piece of good news. Its about the online(在线) zoo. Most children like to go to the zoo. But their parents are always busy, so they dont have free time to take their children to the zoo. BBC is a broadcasting company(广播公司) in the UK. It opens an online zoo. People can watch hundreds of animals at any time. But we cannot watch or touch the real animals. We can only watch them on the Internet. BBC uses cameras to record(用摄像机记录) the animals life and sends the pictures and videos to the Internet. If people want to watch the animals online, they only need to turn on the computer and visit the website(网站).Now a few countries also open online zoos. Lets go to visit it!57 . Why dont parents take their children to the zoo?_58 . What does BBC use to record the animals life? _59 . Where is BBC?_60 . How manyanimals can people watch at any time?_61 . What do people need to do first if they want to visit the website?_九、话题作文62 . Writing (作文)Write at least 60 words on the topic “, a place I have visited”(以“,我参观的一个地方”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)暑假即将来临,我们不少学生准备出去游学、参观。你能否能把自己参观过的一个地方(village/town/beach/museum/city/country.)推荐给你的同学?请说明推荐理由并提出一些建议。十、其他单词辨音找出画线部分与其他单词发音不同的选项。63 . AnaturalBaddCrace64 . AlockBclothCconnection65 . AfixBdivideCwise66 . AleastBinsteadCrepeat67 . AdiscussionBincludingCshut第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、十、其他1、


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