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人教版七年级上英语同步练习1期中测试(一)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _! Do you have a ruler?_! I dont have one.ASorry; Excuse meBExcuse me; SorryCExcuse me ; Thanks2 . Has Mary ever visited Tower Bridge?Yes. She _ it two years ago.AvisitsBvisitedChas visitedDwas visiting3 . My father is working in South AfricaI _ him a lotAteachBhelpCforgetDmiss4 . _Yes, I am.AWhats your name?BHow are you?CAre you Maria?5 . My English teacher is like a mother _ us.AforBtoCwithDof6 . The boy looked so .AfriendBfriendshipCfriendlyDfriends7 . -Im very nervous about my math exam.-_.AOf course.BWhat a pity.CTake it easy.8 . Here_the results_the exam.Ais;withBare;ofCis;ofDare;with9 . Did you have a good time in Jining? Come and have a look. My photos will show you _.Ahow was the tripBwhy did we go thereChow we went thereDwhat the trip was like10 . Tomorrow Im going on holiday.(2017 浙江杭州中考) ! But Ill be busy.AThank youBLucky youCAfter youDMind you11 . -is it from the school to the post office?-Its about tenwalk.AHow far; minutesBHow far; minutesCHow long; minutesDHow long; minutes12 . - ?- Its on May 1st.AWhen is your birthdayBWhat day is it todayCWhat time is itDHow old are you13 . -_? -Yes, it is.AIs your brother a worker?BIs this your bike?CIs this your mother?DIs he a student?14 . Tom and I _friends.AamBisCareDbe15 . ( )10._ mother is American.AJohn and Sallys BJohns and SallyCJohns and SallysDJohn and Sally二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框中选出恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。AAre these your parents?BYes, it is. CWhos this girl?DIs that your uncle?EIts a beautiful (漂亮的) photo. FNo, it isnt.GWhats this?A: Hello, Lily! B: Hello, Eric! 66.16 . A: Its a photo of my family. B: 67.17 . A: Yes, they are.B: Is this your brother? A: 68.18 . Hes my cousin. B: 69.19 . A: Shes my sister.B: Oh, I see. 70.20 . .A: Thanks.三、完型填空In 2049, I will live in a smart house. It won t be very_ , because the earth will be more crowded in thirty years, and there wont_ much room( 空间)for me to build my house. But it will be comfortable and full _ smart furniture(家具). In the morning, it will stand up and wake_ up._ I don t need an alarm clock. After I take a shower and then go into the_, my breakfast is already ready. _ cooks it? My smart table does. I will spend the daytime in my office. But I still know what is_ in my house. Is there_ visiting me? Does my dog do well at home? I can watch all of these on my phone.When I arrive home in the evening, the lights(灯) will know Im back and they will_themselves. I believe I will have such a cool house.21 . AtidyBpopularCbigDgood22 . AhasBhaveCisDbe23 . AofBbyCwithDfor24 . AIBmeCmyDmine25 . AButBOrCBecauseDSo26 . AclassroomBkitchenCliving roomDoffice27 . AHowBWhatCWhoDWhen28 . AhappeningBsleepingClivingDstanding29 . AsomeoneBno oneCeveryoneDanyone30 . Aput onBturn onCtake upDcome in四、阅读单选Jimmy is at school now. He is in the classroom, but he cant find his schoolbag. Where is it?Is it lost? Oh, no! It is in his room. He doesnt take it to school. He calls his sister Sally and asks her to take his school things to school. Here are his school things.His schoolbag is on the chair. Under the chair is his pencil box. His notebook is on the desk.His dictionary is on the bed. His pencil isnt in the pencil box. It is on the sofa.Oh, Sally, dont forget(忘记) to take his baseball. Jimmy always plays baseball after school.But where is his baseball? Oh, its under the table.31 . Where is Jimmys schoolbag?AIn the lost and found box.BIn the classroomCIn his room.32 . Sally is Jimmys _.AmotherBsisterCcousin33 . Jimmys pencil box is _.Aon the deskBin the schoolbagCunder the chair34 . What is on the sofa?AJimmys pencil.BJimmys notebook.CSallys pencil.35 . What does Jimmy do after school?AHe calls his sister.BHe calls his mother.CHe plays baseball.Moving OnThe end of school is here at lastIt has come so very fastWe look ahead with such delightThe future looks so very brightIts now time to say goodbyeWere all leaving junior highOther people,other placesDifferent schools,different facesPlease dont feel bad and grieveOn the day you take your leaveBut celebrate and raise your glassAnd say goodbye to all your classOther subjects,a new classDifferent teachers and exams to passFor everyone in this hallA new life awaits you allSo dont look sad and cryYoure moving on senior highTips: senior high高中prom night毕业晚会positive积极的;主动的36 . According to the poem, _ has come so fast.Athe end of schoolBthe examCthe celebrationDthe new class37 . What does the underlined word delight mean?ASickness.BSadness.CHappiness.DFairness.38 . Whats waiting for you all according to the poem?AToo many subjects.BThe same school.CSimilar faces.DA new life.39 . This poem can probably be used _.Ain a welcome partyBin a birthday partyCon a prom nightDon a Silent Night40 . The purpose of this poem is to _.Atell us to say thanks to all our teachersBencourage us to be positive and move on our senior highCtell us that we should do something for our junior high schoolsDremind us of our happy junior high lifeMy grandfather Jack is 96 years old,and he has had an interesting life. He has traveled a lot in his life in the Far East. He visited the Taj Mahal in India and the Pyramids in Egypt. He hunted (狩猎) lions in Africa, and rode a camel in the Sahara Desert. He says the most beautiful place he has traveled to is Kathmandu in Nepal.Jack has married twice. His first wife died when she was 32. He met his second wife Maria while he was cycling round France. They have been married for 50 years, and they have lived happily in a small village since they got married.Jack says that he has never been ill in his life. The secret of good health, according to my grandfather, is exercise. He goes swimming every morning. He has done this since he was a boy. He also has a glass of wine every night!Perhaps that is his secret!41 . Which of the following does Jack think is the most beautiful place?AKathmandu.BThe Pyramids.CThe Sahara Desert.DTaj Mahal.42 . Where did Jack meet Maria?AIn India.BIn Nepal.CIn France.DIn Egypt.43 . What does Jack do every night?AHe has a glass of wine.BHe goes swimming.CHe hunts lions.DHe rides a camel五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空44 . All of the _(sportsman), Liu Xiang is my favourite.45 . My teacher always encourage me _(make)great progress.46 . We are often _(compare)with our classmates.47 . Sun Haiping found Liu Xiangs _(able)in hurdling.48 . I _(tell)to clean the floor just now.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成课文原句或原句改编49 . 你什么时间回家?_ you go home?50 . 他们总是在六点五十穿好衣服。They always_ at six _.51 . 斯科特从夜里十二点钟工作到早上六点钟。Scott works _ 12:00 at _ 6:00 in the morning.52 . 我六点半洗淋浴。I _ at six thirty.53 . 他们周末锻炼。They exercise _.七、图文填空根据图画内容及短文大意,在下面每个空格内填入一个形式正确、意思相符的单词。My name is Peter. I am a school boy. I am fifteen years old now.I have an elder sister. Her name is Amy. She is eighteen years old now.She has 54 . a lot in the past few years. My parents often say she hasgrown up.She used to be afraid of flying in a 55 . When we used to travel to somewhere far away, she didnt want to go there by plane. She preferred to take the train even 56 . the train was much slower. But now she doesnt mind taking the plane. She used to be 57 . of the dark. She went to 58 . with her bedroom light on every night. She was 59 . afraid of the insects like spiders. She even would cry when she saw the spiders. She 60 . to like to eat candy every day. But now she isnt afraid of the dark 61 . spiders any more. She never eats candy and pays 62 . to her health very much.My mother often asks me to 63 . from her.八、回答问题Eric and Mike are brothers. This is their room. Its a nice room. Two beds are in the room. This is Erics bed. Its white. That is Mikes bed. Its yellow. A black hat is on the bed. An orange hat is under the chair. Erics hat is black; and Mikes hat is orange.Eric is tidy, but Mike is not. In their room, Erics books are in the bookcase. Erics schoolbag is on the table. Erics keys are in his schoolbag. Mikes books are everywhereon his bed, on the sofa and under the chair. “Wheres my ruler? Wheres my schoolbag? Where are my keys?” Mike always asks.64 . What color is Erics bed?_65 . Where is Mikes hat?_66 . Is the black hat Mikes?_67 . Who is not tidy?_68 . Where are Erics keys?_九、材料作文69 . 假如你是Li Ming,请你给你的新笔友Peter写一封信介绍你和你父母的职业、工作、饮食等情况。要求:1根据要求写一篇80字左右的短文(信的格式已给出);2字体规范、卷面整洁,可适当发挥。Dear Peter,How are you ?Yours,Li Ming十、其他70 . My name is Alice.(改为同义句)_Alice.71 . This is my ID card. (改为一般疑问句)_ID card?72 . Her telephone number is 286-5689.(对画线部分提问)_ her telephone number? |73 . That is my friend.(改为复数句)_my_.74 . This is my jacket.(改为否定句)This_my jacket.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、图文填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、十、其他1、

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