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人教版2020年中考一模英语试卷(含答案)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文5选5补全短文。根据短文内容,从短文后的A-F选项中选出适当的选项补全短文。Jack Brown ,an office worker, lives in Washington. He got a lot of money when he was 23.1 . .When his college friends were looking for jobs, he didnt have to.2 . .He gave $10,000 to a charity to help poor children live a better life. Today he is 36. He still wears cheap shoes and clothes and drivers a small car, but he is very happy.So far Jack has helped many children from poor countries all over the world by sending them $200 a month.3 . . Each year Jack has a talk about the childrens progress and writes to them although the children do not speak English.When Jack first heard of the children, he wanted to help them. He said it was nothing special. “ Until I went to these countries and met these children I was helping, I didnt know anything about their life,” Jack said. Once he met a girl in Africa. 4 . .When he first saw her, he felt very ,very happy .5 . he said he would do everything to go on helping these children.AThe money is used for the childrens study, food, medicine and clothing.BThat is because he saw his money made a difference to her.CBut he wasnt happy at all.DHe had started to help her two years before.EIf students are more than 15 years old, they cant get money.FJack decided to use the money to help people in need.二、完型填空完形填空。There are many ways for us to reduce(减少) waste. For _, we can reuse paper and plastic bags. We can also recycle newspapers, glass, and cans(易拉罐) to make new things. Here are some useful ways to _ waste.Write on _sides of paper.Many people write on only one side of their paper. Why not stop wasting the other side? Some students only use half the pages of their _ before getting new ones. Try to use up all the paper. People often give cards on birthdays or festivals. How about trying to _ e-cards instead?Dont throw away your old batteries.Maybe you do not know that old batteries make the earth _. This is because they have poisonous parts in them. So, dont throw away batteries. _ them together. Try to use rechargeable(充电的) batteries for your games and CD players.Give off all your unwanted clothes.There are many poor families in China. You may ask your mother to _ your unwanted clothes. Then you can pass them on to those poor children. You will feel _ that you are helping someone else. Also, you can understand _ your friends or relatives(亲戚) want them before throwing them away.6 . AreasonBexampleCuseDpeople7 . AproduceBprotectCreduceDpollute8 . AeveryBbothCallDone9 . AexercisesBschoolbagsCnotebooksDpapers10 . AsendBbuyCreceiveDwaste11 . AdryBrichCcleanDdirty12 . AThrowBKeepCTryDLose13 . AlikeBsellCthrowDcollect14 . AangryBtiredCmovedDhappy15 . AthatBifCthoughDwhatDear Students,I am glad to be your guest speaker today. Its a great pleasure to visit your school and to meet all of you.I would like to tell you about myself. I have been a _ for the past fifteen years. I chose this job so I could travel the world, but the job has taught me many unforgettable lessons. The work is sometimes _. I have seen wars, earthquakes, poverty and death. But I have also seen courage, hope and happiness.In India, I visited a city where there were many homeless children. Some were as young as four years old. They lived in the streets and survived(活下来)by begging or _. But then a kind-hearted lady called Rosa opened a home for them. Within one year, she was caring for two hundred children. She clothed them, _ them and taught them. She gave them hope.Here in China, I met a young boy with a serious disease. He had had twenty operations and spent nearly all his life in hospital. I thought he would be _, but when I met him, his smile was so warm and welcoming.In life, we need role models that we can admire and learn from. When I feel upset, I try to remember the courage and goodness of these _ people.16 . Anews reporterBbus driverCshop ownerDgolf player17 . AsatisfyingBdifficultClonelyDcomfortable18 . AstudyingBlaughingCstealingDteaching19 . AlovedBgaveCtrainedDfed20 . AsadBhappyCseriousDfriendly21 . AoneBtwoCthreeDfour三、阅读单选Different gestures (手势) mean different things in different countries. Sometimes a gesture that is polite in one country is not polite in another and should not be used. Different meanings of gestures can also cause problems in understanding what another person is trying to say. A gesture that many people do not understand is one that uses the thumb. Most westerners will sometimes show that they like something by holding out a closed hand with the thumb lifting in the air. This is called give someone or something the thumbs up. Often, only one thumb is used, so it should be the thumb up. The usual explanation (解释) for the origin of this gesture is not really correct. It says that in ancient Roman times, when people were pleased with the way a gladiator (角斗士) had fought, they showed their thumbs up. When they were not pleased, they gave the thumbs down. When a gladiator was given the thumbs up, the emperor allowed him to live. When a gladiator was given the thumbs down, the emperor ordered him to be killed. The truth is, however, it was translated into a wrong meaning by mistake. If people wanted to save the gladiator, they put out their hands and hid their thumbs in their hands. If they wanted the gladiator to die, they pointed their thumbs straight at him.22 . Westerners lift their thumbs when they _.Awant someone to dieBlike somethingCwant to go to a playgroundDwant someone to live23 . Most people think that in ancient Rome, thumbs up meant that _.Athe emperor could dieBthe people wanted the gladiator to liveCthe fighting could continueDthe people were not pleased24 . In fact, if people wanted a gladiator to live, they _.Ahid their thumbsBpointed their thumbs downClifted their thumbs upDpointed their thumbs at him25 . From the article we know that _.Adifferent gestures have different meanings in different countriesBa friendly gesture is always the same in different countriesCthe meaning of thumbs up is the same both now and the pastDwe should often use the thumbs26 . The main idea of this article is about _.Agestures around the worldBclosed thumbsCgestures in ancient RomeDthe thumbsup gestureWe all want our skin(皮肤) to look good in summer. If your skin is clean and healthy,it makes you feel better about yourself. How do you get great skin?Here is some advice.How to wash your skin?1.Wash your body all over once a day. Use mild soap(温和洁肤皂) and warm water to wash your body.2.Wet your skin firstly to help the soap slide(滑动) more easily across your skin and stop you from using too much.3.Wash your face by using facecloth(脸巾) and soap or cleaning cream(洁面乳),and then wash with cool water. Twice a day is enough,as too much cleaning can harm your skin.How to protect(保护) your skin against the sun?1.If you are going to be outside,especially(尤其) in the sun,you should put on sun cream in summer. Use sun cream about half an hour before going outside.2.Wear a hat to protect your face. A wide hat is the best,as it will protect your ears and neck as well.3.Stay in the shade wherever(无论哪儿) you can.What else should you do?1.Proper(适当的) exercise is good for your skin.2.Remember to drink lots of water your skin loves it.3.Eat healthily so that your skin can get what it needs to do its job.27 . You can use _ water to wash your body.AcoolBfreezingChotDwarm28 . The underlined word harm probably means _ in the passage.A修磨B润滑C伤害D祛除29 . Youd better wash your face _a day.AonceBtwiceCthree timesDfour times30 . We cant _ to protect our skin in our daily(日常的) life.Adrink a lot of waterBdo exerciseChave some junk foodDwear a hat while going outsideLi Chunlin,a farmer,used to live in a poor village in the north of Shaanxi.In the 1980s,he went to Shenzhen to make a living with his wife.Years later,they became rich and returned to their hometown.To their surprise,the land around the village was covered with sand.That made them feel sad.After thinking carefully,Li and his wife made up their minds to fight against the sands.They bought thousands of young trees and planted them around the village.However,only a few survived(存活),because the trees were not regularly watered.But how to get water was a big problem.They dug a well(井)but it became dry soon.Then they asked a drilling team to dig a deep well.Clear water appeared,but their money was used up.They couldnt afford to buy young trees.They went to several banks for help but got nothing.Finally,they turned to a friend who was also from the village.The friend had a big business.Learning what they were doing,their friend was moved and decided to do something for their village too.So he offered the money they needed.With the money,they bought trees and had them planted.They looked after the trees as if they were their own children.After some time,green leaves came out.When the villagers saw the changes,some started to join Li and his wife in the fight.Then more joined.Years went by.And now larger areas around the village are covered with green trees.31 . When Li and his wife returned from Shenzhen,they were sad because.Athe land around the village was covered with sandBthey didnt have enough money to buy treesCtheir village was not as beautiful as ShenzhenDthey didnt have enough water to drink32 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ALi and his wife dug a well with enough water themselves.BLi and his wife got much money from the banks.CThe villagers didnt join Li and his wife in the fight.DTheir friend gave Li and his wife some money to buy trees.33 . This passage is mainly about how Li and his wife.Atried different ways to find waterBmade money in ShenzhenCfought against the sandsDbought and planted treesMost people know yoga as a kind of exercise. To practise yoga, you put your body into different positions. The correct breathing is also important. However, yoga is really about more than just exercise. Yoga cannot just help people to be healthier but also help connect people to each other and to nature.The history of yoga goes back at least 5,000 years. It was first developed in Northern India. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, yoga was introduced to the Western world. By the 1960s yoga had become a very popular form of exercise in the United States and Europe. Yoga is good for the mind and body. Regular practice of yoga helps people to improve their balance and stamina(耐力). Although you wont really breathe like you might when playing football or running. It does help to keep your heart healthy and you can lose weight. It also improves concentration and helps people to sleep better, so its great for anyone who is under pressure at work or in their studies.There are lots of different types of yoga, so you can choose what is best for you. Hatha Yoga is often good for beginners, because you hold each position for a few breaths. In Vinyasa Yoga you change position much more quickly and you might get out of breath. Its quite challenging if you havent done much yoga before. Bikram Yoga is sometimes called “hot yoga”, because the room must be heated to around 40 degrees. Or what about “Aeroyoga”, where you do yoga while you are hanging from the ceiling? Its supposed to be very good for your back. Whatever kind of yoga you choose, there are surely some health benefits, and you should have fun too.34 . Which of the following is TRUE about yoga?AThe breathing in yoga is important if you often get out of breath.BPeople in the West were interested in yoga soon after it appeared.CYou can choose any kind of yoga to practice only if you want to.DYoga can make people feel relaxed and bring people much closer.35 . According to the passage, which form of yoga might be very difficult for a beginner?AHatha.BVinyasa.CBikram.DAeroyoga.36 . How does the writer organize Paragraph 3?ABy giving examples.BBy listing reasons.CBy providing facts.DBy giving results.37 . Which of the following topics is NOT mentioned in the passage?AWhen and where did yoga come out?BWhat are the advantages of yoga?CWhen is a good time to practice yoga?DWhat type of yoga can you choose?四、根据首字母、中文提示填空A. 根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。38 . You cant play with _(火柴). They are very dangerous.39 . The little boy can _ (伸手够到) the book on the shelf.40 . Different people have different _(能力).41 . You have to do all the exercises before you open the_ (宝藏) box.42 . The baby panda _ (重)30 grams and ran very slowly then.五、完成句子43 . 我花了两天时间做了一架模型飞机。_ me two days _ a model plane.44 . 怀特先生给我们的建议真有用!_ advice Mr. White gave us!45 . 他一有消息就告诉你。He will tell you _ he _ the news.46 . 你买的书明天就会送到你家。The books you bought _ to your house tomorrow.47 . 二十年后再次相聚,他们都激动得说不出话来。They were _ a word when they met again 20 years later.48 . 我不明白她为什么总是迟到。I dont understand _ late for school.49 . 妈妈不让我晚上外出。Mum _ out at night.六、材料作文50 . (深圳市宝安中学2017-2018年度初三期中)你叫James,是初三的一名学生,你的好朋友Joyce近期很烦恼,她上周日因为使用手机的问题与她父亲发生了争吵,她父亲把她手机都摔坏了。她这几天情绪很低落,学习不认真,你很担心她,所以你给她写了一封信。要点:1. 你非常理解她的感受。2.对她的问题提出至少两点建议。注意:1. 词数:80词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);2. 文章必须包含所有提示内容,并可适当发挥;3. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;4. 条理清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范。参考词汇:1. have a quarrel与吵架 2. treat对待 3. affect 影响Dear Joyce,I am so sorry to hear that you had a quarrel with your father and he even broke your smart phone._Best wishes!Yours,James第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、补全短文5选51、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、材料作文1、

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