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上海版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My father doesnt have much money. I dont have, _.AtooBalsoCstillDeither2 . Did you do _ last week?Yes, we went finshing.Aanything interestingBinteresting anythingCsomething interestingDinteresting something3 . Our teacher told us _ in class .Alistened carefullyBto listen carefullyClistened carefulDto listen careful4 . I find most girls do _ in language learning than boys. In most cases it is so. Perhaps they are _ in language.Agood; creativeBbetter; talentedCbest; betterDwell; helpful5 . The explorer insisted _ his advice was of _.Aon, valueBthat, valueCon, valuableDthat, valuable6 . Believe yourself . Youre better than _ . Youre the best . Wish you success .Aanyone elseBsomeone elseCelse anyoneDelse someone7 . Nelly is as as Kelly. Yes, but Kelly studies than Nelly. Thats why she always gets better grades.Asmart, harderBsmart, more hardCsmarter, harder8 . Can you _ the opening time on the Internet?Alook forBlook afterClook atDlook up9 . _ the bad weather, I was late for school this morning.ABecauseBBecause ofCThoughDAlthough10 . Amazing China! Change 4 successfully landed on the far side of the moon.exciting news! We are very proud that we are Chinese.AWhatBWhat aCWhat anDHow11 . CoCo Lee was born in Hong Kong but_ in America.Apicked upBgave upCgrew upDdressed up12 . Son, you have never been abroad, Im worried about you. Dont worry, mom. As soon as I , I you.Awill arrive, callBwill arrive, will callCarrive, will callDarrive, call13 . Mom, my classmates invited me _ a field trip. May I go with them?OK.Ago onBto go onCgo inDto go in14 . It necessary for us _ hands before meals .AwashBwashesCto washDwashing15 . I didnt see you _ a box when you came in.Ais carryingBcarriedCto carryDcarrying二、完型填空Every year a number of people die in traffic accidents. How do these traffic accidents _? Maybe the drivers drink _, or maybe theres something wrong _ their cars. However, the most important reason may be that people dont obey the traffic _. In our country, traffic goes on the right. But in many _ countries, for example, in Singapore, traffic goes on the opposite side. Its easy to cause an accident if you walk or drive in the _ direction. When the traffic lights turn _, you can go across the road. When they turn red, you must stop. If you are walking, it is important and necessary to walk _ the zebra crossing. The most dangerous _ is the corner. People dont often _ much attention when theyre near the corner. And sometimes there are no traffic lights near the corner. If you want to be safe, please obey the traffic rules.16 . AhappenBmakeCfindDinvent17 . Atoo manyBvery muchCtoo muchDmuch too18 . AfromBofCaboutDwith19 . ArulesBideasCmindDways20 . AanotherBotherCelseDeach21 . AhardBeasyCwrongDdifficult22 . AblueBblackCwhiteDgreen23 . AonBinCoverDunder24 . AworkBplaceCroadDstreet25 . AcostBuseCbringDpay三、阅读单选A man was walking along the street when he saw a woman carrying a large box. It was half in and half out of her car. So the man went up and said, “The box looks very heavy. Let me give you a hand.”“Thats very kind of you,” the woman said, “Im having a lot of trouble with it. Maybe it sticks (卡住) in the car door.”“Together well soon move it,” the man said. “Ill get in and take the other end.” And he got in the car.“Right,” the man said. “Im ready,” and he began to push the box hard.For several minutes, the man and the woman tried to move the box. Soon they felt very tired.They rested for a moment. Then the woman said, “Lets try again. One, two, three!” They went on moving the box.At last, when they were exhausted, the man said, “Im sorry, but I dont think theres any way to get it out of your car.”“Get it out?” the woman cried. “Im trying to get it in! You know?”26 . Where did this story happen?AAt a bank.BIn a shop.CIn the street.DIn a hotel.27 . Who got in the car to move the box?AThe woman.BThe man.CBoth of them.DNeither of them.28 . Which of the following is TRUE about the story?AThe man stuck in the car door.BThe woman asked the man for help.CThe man refused to help the woman.DThe woman tried to get the box into the car.29 . What do you think of the man?AHe is a warm-hearted man.BHe looks very strong.CHe is funny and stupid.DHe likes to play jokes on others.30 . Which sentence can sum up(概括) the story?AKindly do bad things.BWhere there is a will, there is a way.C A friend in need is a friend indeed.CThink twice before you do.What problems do the teenagers probably have? Here is a survey showing their main problems.ProblemsCausesAdviceFeeling stressedToo much homework. Dont have enough time for their hobbies.Make a plan for study and hobbies. Find time to relax as possible as you can.Getting short-sightedToo much homework. Bad reading and writing habits.Do homework or read in a correct way.FightsDont know how to get on well with classmates.Make more friends and understand each other. Share your problems with them.Feeling tired of studyComputer games bad influence.Dont be crazy about computer games. Play them just for a short time when you are tired.Getting fatHave more pocket money to buy snacks. Dislike doing exercise.Use your pocket money to do something meaningful. Spend some time doing exercise every day.31 . What problems are caused by too much homework?AFeeling stressed and fight.BFeeling tired of study and getting fat.CFeeling stressed and getting short-sighted.DGetting short-sighted and feeling tired of study.32 . If Simon is feeling stressed, he should_.Ado much more homeworkBmake a plan to spend time on study and hobbiesCdonate his pocket money to Project HopeDbuy some snacks33 . _ is a good way for the teenagers to stop fights.ADoing less homeworkBPlaying computer gamesCLearning how to make friendsDPaying no attention to each other四、根据首字母、中文提示填空一、根据句意及所给的汉谙提示写出单词34 . Its the first time for him to have dinner in England, so he is not sure which hand he should use to hold(握) a _(叉).35 . Usually he takes a_ (淋浴) in the bathroom first when he comes from work.36 . My family often sit on the_ (沙发)to watch TV in the living-room.37 . You can put these fruit into the_ (电冰箱) to keep them longer.38 . He has two toy_ (刀子). They are beautiful but he cant cut anything with them.39 . The _ (消息)is important. You must tell him soon.40 . I like to watch film _ (录像). Would you like to watch them?41 . His telephone number is seven, one, eight, nine, _ (双的) two, one, five.42 . _ (可以)I ask you a question?43 . This house is not his _ (自己的).It is his parents.根据句意及汉语提示补全单词44 . Matters took an _(意外的) turn.45 . She found a seat, stowed her _(背包) and sat down.46 . If you set your alarm clock, you wont _(睡过头).47 . He had a car and often gave me a _(搭便车) home.48 . Have you _(刷) your teeth?五、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空listen;wear;one;be;fight49 . Dont _ in the classroom.Its against our school rules.50 . In our school,we cant _ to music in the classroom at any time.51 . Its my _ day at school.Can you tell me the school rules?52 . Dont _ late,or the teacher will be angry.53 . What are the school rules?We cant _hats when we are having a class.六、填写适当的句子补全对话在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语(话语可以是词、短语或句子),使对话完整A:Linda,whats your reading project this month?B:54 . Can you give me some advice?A:CertainlyI think The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is a good choice55 . ?B:No,I havent56 . ?A:Mark TwainB:57 . ?A:YesIts easy to read and there arent many new words in itYou can have a tryB:Thank you for your adviceA:58 . 七、句子配对从栏中找出与栏相匹配的句子。1 .Helen did badly in the math exam. 2. Wang Fang looks unhappy. 3. I moved to this new city just now. 4. I dont know how to solve this problem. 5 .When something bad happens to us. A. We usually feel sad. B. I am a stranger. C. I ask my teacher to help me. D. Her father is ill. E. She is upset.59 . _60 . _61 . _62 . _63 . _八、多任务混合问题64 . Jack will have his winter holidays in two weeks time and he wants to play football with others. What information will catch his attention?65 . Last night, when David wanted to answer the telephone, he found there was something wrong with the light.66 . Wang Lan wants to rent some videos to enjoy herself at weekends. What information will interest her?67 . Wang Fang is a fashionable girl. What information is she interested in?68 . The students of No.2 Middle School plan to climb the Baiyun Mountain tomorrow. What information do they need to pay attention to?AWe sell all kinds of clothes in fashion at very low prices.BNow pet hospitals are very busy. Kind people who love animals are wanted to work in busy hospitals.CThose who can speak a foreign language are needed in the company.DMany boys often play football in the neighborhood.EWe have all kinds of movies videos, and each video is rented for only 10 yuan a week.FThere are many kinds of lights on show in our store.GGuangzhou will have a cloudy day tomorrow. There will be a strong wind and some rain at times.九、看图作文69 . 根据图示,将它们编写成一个有趣的故事,并将您的推测写进故事中,限定为100字左右。关键字:land, man, UFO, alien, chase, must,could/might,cantMy neigbour, John lives alone. He had_十、材料作文70 . 书面表达。为了创建文明城市,共建美好泰州,泰州市团委正在开展“学雷锋、讲文明、树新风”的活动,作为一名中学生,我们平时应该从以下几个方面来规范自己的言行举止。请根据下列提示,写一篇短文。倡导低碳骑自行车或步行上学,注意节约保护环境爱护花草,不乱扔垃圾礼貌待人常说“谢谢”、“ 对不起”、“ 请”等礼貌语言帮助他人助人为乐,积极参加志愿者活动要求: 1.词数100个左右。2.所写短文必须包括以上内容,自由发挥的内容必须围绕主题。3.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名等相关信息。In order to build a civilized city, we students are supposed to behave well in our daily life.First, we should choose to live a low-carbon life. _. Second,_.Third,_.Finally,_.We should try our best to make our city more and more beautiful!第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、填写适当的句子补全对话1、七、句子配对1、八、多任务混合问题1、九、看图作文1、十、材料作文1、

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