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冀教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末英语试题(不含听力材料)-2一、听短对话回答问题1 . How much does the woman have to(不得不) pay(付钱)?A25 dollars.B50 dollars.C75 dollar.2 . ABy bus.BBy underground.CBy bike.DOn foot.3 . AIn the bedroom.BIn the library.CIn the classroom.DAt home.4 . What is Miss Green like?ACreative.BActive.COrganized.5 . Why wasnt Peter allowed to take the math test?ABecause he was lazy.BBecause he was late.CBecause he was ill .二、听句子选答语6 . AAnimals.BAnimals or plants.CYes, I prefer animals.7 . AIts October 25th.BIt is very hot today.CIts Thursday.8 . ADont worry!BGood idea!CHurry up!9 . ASorry, Im afraid you cant.BI hope so.CNo, you couldnt.10 . ABy bus.BBy underground.CBy taxi.DOn foot.三、听长对话回答问题请听对话,回答下列各小题。11 . AHad a holiday in the mountains.BWent on a trip in the mountains.CStudied butterflies in the mountains.12 . AFrom the farmers.BFrom his friends.CBy himself.听对话,完成下列各小题。13 . Where did the story happen?AIn the space.BIn Beijing .CAt home.14 . Why did the man shout?ABecause he was happy to see the duck.BBecause he had never seen the duck before.CBecause he felt strange when he saw the duck dead.四、听短文回答问题15 . How old is Mr. Blacks daughter?AFive.BSix.CSeven.16 . What was the weather like that day?ARainy.BSunny.CWindy.17 . Which of the following is TRUE?AMr. Black spent 40 minutes shopping in the supermarket.BMr. Black said “Goodbye, Mom” when the old lady was leaving.CIn fact, the food Mr. Black bought cost 220 yuan.18 . Who is dishonest(不诚实的) in the story?AMr. Black.BThe clerk.CThe old woman.19 . What do you think of Mr. Black?AHe is clever.BHe is kind-hearted.CHe is a cook.五、单选题20 . Can you guess _ ? Ive no idea about it.Awhy was he lateBwhen shall we have the sports meetingChow much he paid for the camera21 . This is _apple.AaBtwoCan22 . Lucy, could you help me, please?AThank you!BYes. Whats up?CId love to.23 . Are there any changes in your school?Yes, of course. Football lessons last term.Aare taughtBwere taughtChas taught24 . This kind of wood _ paper.Ais used to makeBused to makeCis used to makingDused to making25 . Look, what have you done?Sorry. If Ianother chance, Ill do it better.AgiveBwill be givenCwill giveDam given26 . What kind of film do you think Tiantic belong to?AAction filmBHorror filmCWestern filmDRomantic film27 . It takes less time to_ new words on the dictionary.Alook likeBlook atClook upDlook over28 . -Do you have any plans for the new years show?-Well, Ill try to draw a picturesands on a board.AinBatCwithDfor29 . The notebook _ be Johns There is his name on itAmustBmightCcouldDcant30 . (题文)Who wants _ our art club? Li Ming.AjoinBjoin inCto joinDto join in31 . Could you tell me _ ?Sorry,I have no idea.Awhen does the museum openBwhen the museum opensCwhen did the museum openDwhen is the museum open32 . Nobody can hunt birds in this reserve. All birds can feel _ in this place.AsafelyBhappilyCsafeDdangerous33 . The SPCA needs some money to _ homeless animals in our city.Alook forward toBlook out ofClook atDtake care of34 . I will never forget the people and places _ we saw in Hong Kong last yearAwhichBwhoCwhatDthat六、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选项中有两项是多余的)A. Glad to help you.B. What else can we enjoy?C. Is it worth (值得) traveling there?D. Have you decided where to go?E. Then it must have something special.F. I dont think it fun to travel in big cities.G. Do you have any plan for the summer holiday?A: Hi, Alice. 35 . B: Yeah, Id like to do some traveling.A: 36 . B: Not yet.A: Do you want to travel in big cities?B: 37 . A: How about Huangshan Mountain?B: 38 . A: Sure! In China, Its considered to be the king of all the mountains.B: 39 . A: Right. You can see special pines (松树), rocks and clouds. You can enjoy hot springs (温泉) as well.B: Great! Thank you.七、完型填空Grass is, of course a plant which grows in the field; a plant which some kinds of animals like to eat. When there has been plenty of _, the grass is green. When the weather has been dry, the grass is brown. Animals like to eat grass when it is_and fresh. And if the grass in one place is greener than the rest, animals_to eat that grass. An animal in a field may look over the fence(篱笆) into the next field, where perhaps there are no animals and grass in the field_greener. But if the animal could get into the field, it would find that the grass is really the same. It just seems better from a distance(远处). So thats the_of the expression “The grass is greener on the other side of the fence.”We sometimes only say “The grass is_greener on the other side.” We use the expression to describe the situation - someone looks at distant things and feels they are better than the things around him. But_he could go to the distant place, he would find that life there is just as difficult. So dont always think that other people have a better situation. Just be_with what you have had. Enjoy and value it!40 . ArainBsnowCsunlight41 . AgreenBbrownCyellow42 . ArefuseBpreferCagree43 . AsmellsBtastesClooks44 . AformBmeaningCadvice45 . AseldomBsometimesCalways46 . AwhenBbecauseCunless47 . AangryBstrictChappy八、阅读单选About 4.6 million children go to primary school in Malawi, but only 8 percent of students finish secondary (中学的) school. More girls drop out than boys because of the dangerous road conditions.Pop star Rihanna and Ofo, one of Chinas bike-sharing companies, set up a project to help girls in Malawi not only finish their education, but also get to class on time and safely.The project, called 1 KM Action, will go for five years. Thanks to Ofo, now Malawian girls have a way to get to school. The Clara Lionel Foundation(CLF), set up in 2012 by Rihanna in honor of (为向表示敬意) her grandparents, provides(提供) scholarships for these young minds. Ofo will provide free bikes to those who win the scholarship.Lots of Ofo bikes have been put into use and have got positive feedback(反馈) from students and teachers. “Thanks to Ofo, now I could get to school on time. I love it. I hope there will be more Ofo bikes in Malawi,” said one of the girl students.By donating (捐赠) bikes and providing scholarships, Rihanna and Ofo hope the girls can continue (继续) their education. Rihanna said, “Im so happy to work together with Ofo because it will help the young girls of Malawi get to school safely, cutting down those very long walks they make to and from school all alone.”Ofo founder and CEO Dai Wei, who used to be a volunteer teacher in one of Chinas poorest villages, said he was ready to help every student get a good education.48 . More girls in Malawi drop out of school because _.Atheir families dont have enough moneyBthey have difficulty getting to school safelyCtheir parents want them to make moneyDthey dont think its necessary to go to school49 . Who will get free bikes from Ofo?AOnly girls in primary school.BStudents in secondary school.CAll the students in poor places.DThe girls who win a scholarship.50 . The underlined word “positive” means “_” in Chinese.A积极的B及时的C准确的D统一的51 . Which of the following is TRUE about the news?AThe project 1KM Action will last for 3 years.BRihanna set up the CLF in honor of her parents.CRihanna hopes to help more poor kids go to college.DOfo CEO once worked as a teacher in a poor village.52 . What does the passage mainly talk about?AMany girls in Malawi cant go to secondary school.BRihanna and Ofo help girls in Malawi get to school.COfo bicycles are quite popular with Malawian girls.DChinas bike-sharing companies are becoming better.53 . We drink tea every day. But more than three hundred years ago most of the people in Europe (欧洲) did not know anything about tea. Some people heard about it, but very few of them know what to do with it.There is a story about an English sailor (水手) who went to countries in the east,the west and the south. He went to India and China. One day he came home and brought some tea as a present for his mother. She told her friends about the present and asked them to a “tea party”. When her friends came to the “tea party”, the old woman offered (给) them brown tea-leaves (茶叶). The old womans friends began to eat them. Of course, nobody liked the tea-leaves.At that time the sailor came in. He looked at the table and said, “Mother, what have you done with the tea?”“I boiled (煮) it,as you said.”“And what did you do with the water?”“I threw it away, of course.” answered the old woman.“Now you may throw away the leaves, too.” said her son.【小题1】Most of the people in Europe _.Adrank tea every day 300 years agoBdrink tea every dayCknow nothing about teaDlike to eat the tea-leaves【小题2】One day the English sailor brought his mother some tea from _.Acountries in the westBcountries in the southCIndia or ChinaDa tea shop in England【小题3】The sailors mother asked her friends to her house, because _.Athe sailor told her toBshe wanted to ask her friends what to do with the teaCshe liked to show off (炫耀)Dshe wanted to sample (品尝) the tea together with her friends【小题4】At the “tea party”,_.Aall the womans friends spoke highly of the teaBnobody knew what to do with the teaCthe woman offered her friends some dried (干的) teaDthe woman gave her friends each a glass of tea water【小题5】What mistake did the old woman make? She _.Aboiled the teaBdid as the sailor saidCpoured away the waterDdidnt throw away the tea-leavesLong, long ago, seven colours were arguing about who was the most important colour.Red said, I am the ruler of all of you. I represent blood-lifes blood! Without me, the world would be empty. Orange said, I am the colour of health and strength. I am so beautiful that no one can think of any of you. Yellow said, I bring laughter(欢笑)and warmth into the world. Without me, there would be no fun.Green said, I am the most important. I am the sign of life and hope. Without me, all animals would die.Blue said, You only think about the earth, but forget the sky and the sea. Water is the basis(基础) of life. Without me, you all would be nothing. Purple said, “I am the color of royalty(王权), power and wisdom. People usually listen to me.Indigo finally said, “Dont forget me! I am the colour of calm. You need me for balance. Suddenly, it started to rain. The colours were afraid and came close to one another. The rain saw this and said, You foolish colours, dont argue any more. Join hands with one another and come to me. Doing as they were told, the colours united (联合)and joined hands. A beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.The rain said, The rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow. Let us remember today and appreciate(欣赏) one another. 54 . Of all the seven colours, _wanted to be the most important one.AsomeoneBno oneCeveryoneDnone55 . Red thought there would be _ in the world without it.AsomethingBanythingCeverythingDnothing56 . Yellow thought it was the colour of_.Awarmth and happinessBfun and sadnessChealth and strengthDsilence and balance57 . From the story, we can learn that_.Ano one is the most important at allBeveryone should be selfishCeveryone is the same, without special characteristicsDwe should join together and understand each other well九、阅读判断阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正误。正确的涂A,错误的涂B。“Can I see my baby?” the happy new mother asked. When she saw the baby, she was surprised. The baby was born without ears.As time went by, the baby grew up. There was nothing wrong with his hearing. But some kids laughed at him because he didnt have ears. The baby was very sad, but his parents did nothing but felt sorry for him.The boys father talked with a doctor. “Could nothing be done?” the father asked. “I believe I could give him a pair of outer ears, if they could be got.” The doctor answered. So they began to look for a person who would like to give his or her ears.Two years went by. Then the father said, “You are going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have found someone and it will give the ears you need. But its a secret.” said the father. The operation was very successful. Several years later, he got a good job.One day, he told his father, “But I must know who gave so much to me. I want to do something for him or her.” “I am sorry, but I cant tell you,” said the father.The secret was kept for years, but the day did come. For the boy, it was one of the darkest days. He stood with his father near his mothers coffin (a box in which a dead body is put).Slowly, the father raised her thick brown hair to show that his mother had no outer ears. “Your mother said she was glad that she never let her hair be cut,” he said, “and nobody ever thought she was less beautiful, did they?”58 . The kids laugh at the boy, because he heard nothing.59 . The boys mother gave her ears to the boy.60 . The boys mother never let her hair be cut, because she liked long hair.61 . After the boys mother died, the boy knew who gave the ears to him.62 . The boy was told the truth by his father.十、听对话给图片排序Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的周片):63 . _64 . _65 . _66 . _67 . _十一、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)68 . People usually use English at _(国际的) meetings.69 . I want to know if there is a non-stop _(航班) from Lanzhou to Hainan this Friday.70 . As we reached the top of the mountain, we felt a sense of _(成就).71 . You should put your _(努力) into your study.72 . On hot days, its really _(不舒服) to study in a classroom with many students.73 . - What subjects do you like?- I like both _(物理) and maths.74 . If tigers are hungry, they may _(袭击) people.75 . Dont forget to _(赞赏) the baby.76 . I didnt _(意识到) that I had left my book at home.77 . Jackie Chan is one of the most famous _(动作) movie stars in Asia.十二、用单词的正确形式完成短文subject remember same time parents camera smell but helpful childrenGood memory is a gift so not all people have such a talent. Its lucky for you if you are good at memorizing things because in a sense it can help you in learning a language. Some people have very good memories so they can easily 78 . long poems. But most people can only remember things when they have said them over and over gain.A good memory is very 79 . for learning a language. As we know, each person learns mother tongue (母语) by remembering what he hears when he is a small 80 . . Some children live in foreign countries with their 81 . . They lean two languages as easily as one. In schools its not easy to learn a second language because there is no 82 . for it, and they are busy with other 83 . . The human mind is like a 84 . , 85 . it takes photos not only of what we feel, hear, 86 . and taste. In the 87 . way there is much work to be done before we can make a picture forever in the mind.十三、单词填空阅读短文,根据短文内容及汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。Dear Mike,My party is on May 21.Im 88 . (高兴的) that you can come.Please let me tell you the 89 . (路线) to my house.First,you can 90 . (乘坐) a No.15 bus in 91 . (前面) of your house and get off(下车) at the bus stop on Wuyi Road.Go 92 . (沿着) Wuyi Road and you will see a bridge.Walk across the bridge and turn 93 . (左边)Then walk down the street and turn right 94 . (当时候) you see a bank on your right.My house is just 95 . (后面) the bank.96 . (如果) you cant find it,you can 97 . (打电话) me at 3225649.Yours,Amy十四、话题作文98 . 书面表达进入初三后,面对新学科的加入、冲刺中考的压力,同学们的学习任务倍增。繁重的学业压力下,良好的学习习惯是提高学习效率的制胜法宝。请以“How to develop good learning habits”为题写一篇英语小短文,向同学们提出养成良好学习习惯的建议。写作要点:1.课前为新课做准备;2.课堂上认真听讲,做笔记。3.课后按时完成作业并多做阅读。写作要求:1.语法正确,语句通顺,书写规范;2.写作要点齐全,并做适当发挥使语义连贯;3.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。4.不少于80词,标题己给出,不计入总次数。How to develop good learning habits第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、二、听句子选答语1、2、3、4、5、三、听长对话回答问题1、2、四、听短文回答问题1、五、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、六、补全对话7选51、七、完型填空1、八、阅读单选1、2、3、九、阅读判断1、十、听对话给图片排序1、十一、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、十二、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、十三、单词填空1、十四、话题作文1、


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