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人教新目标版英语九年级第8单元过关检测题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . In our country, women are always dressed _ red _ their wedding day, because red is the colour of power and strong feeling.Aon; onBin; inCon; inDin; on2 . -What do you _ the picture?-Its so beautiful. I like it.AlikeBthinkCfeelDthink of3 . I want to _ a picnic with my friend at weekends.AdoBgoChaveDplay4 . We must take a taxi,well be late for the meeting.Dont worry. We still have a little time left.AorBandCso5 . -Can you playfootball with us?-Sorry.I have_homeworktodo.AsomanyBmuchtooCtoo muchDtoomany6 . The writer has written lots of stories to make people laugh.AactiveBstrangeChumorousDterrible7 . (题文)The old couple live a happy life hand _hand, day _ day.Aby; afterBby; andCin; byDin; after8 . These birds always _in warm weather. So you can see them in early summer.AenterBwalkCleaveDappear9 . The teachers desk is _ our classroom and our English teacher likes standing _ it .Ain front of; in the front ofBin front of; in front ofCin the front of; in front ofDin the front of; in the front of10 . (题文)The classroom is very _ because some students are making some _.Anoise; noiseBnoisy; noiseCnoisy, noisyDnoise; noisy二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Have you heard about Carl?B: 11 . A: Well, he was caught cheating (作弊)in his math exam.B: No kidding! I cant believe that. 12 . A: No. Actually, math is his best subject.B: Really? 13 . He doesnt need to.A: Yes. And anyway, Carl is not the type to cheat. B: 14 . A: Yeah. He is seeing Mr. Trent this afternoon. Maybe he is going to complain.B: Well, hopefully, Mr. Trent will believe him. Let me know what happens.A: I will. 15 . B: I hope you are right. See you later. A: Bye.ASo why would he cheat?BNo, I haventCPersonally, I think he will be OK.DCan you help me with my math?EDoes he have a problem with math?FYes, Id like to go with you.GHe must be very upset.三、完型填空The natural world teaches us a great deal about recycling (循环再利用). In nature, recycling happens every day. For example, when leaves fall to the ground, they will turn into compost (肥料), helping _ grow healthily and strong. When an animal dies, it becomes food for _ animals. Nothing is wasted. But humans have created things like plastic bags _ cant be broken down by nature. Our rubbish kills animals and _ water and soil. _ we continue making too much rubbish, the problem will only get _ . If nature cant reuse the rubbish, we _ recycle it. We should clean up the rubbish weve made because nature cant.Recycling is important. In reusing material instead of throwing it away, we can also benefit from it. _ the Earth is rich in natural materials like water and trees, these materials are not endless. We use up our natural materials much faster than the Earth is able to reproduce them. For example, each year we _ more than 6,000 square miles of forest. But it _ an average of 25 years for a new tree to grow.Recycling can help us save the Earth, so lets take action right now.16 . AanimalsBplantsChumansDriver17 . AanotherBotherCothersDthe other18 . AwhoBwhichCwhatDwhere19 . ApollutesBproducesCrecyclesDcleans20 . AWhenBWhetherCWhyDIf21 . AbestBbetterCworseDworst22 . AmayBcanCmustDneed23 . ABecauseBIfCAlthoughDAs24 . Abreak downBgrow upCcut downDfix up25 . AspendsBcostsCpaysDtakes四、阅读单选Big data (数据) is a lot of sets of information that are put together so they can be used by a computer program. The computer program looks for different kinds of answers or patterns in the data. Big data can have different kinds of information from many sources, such as information that comes from schools, social media sites, companies and governments. One set of data can have peoples names and addresses. Another set can have what they like, where they go to school, and how much time they spend on the computer.Big data can be used in many ways. The government uses it to understand how many people travel on buses or trains. This information is then used to make bus or train systems better. Some schools use big data to understand which children may need extra help in class. The teacher can then give certain students more help or support so those students can succeed in school. Companies use big data, too. It helps them understand who buys their products. For example, one company uses weather data to see when people eat the most ice cream.Big data can be used for good reasons. Some hospitals use big data to predict if a baby who is born too early will get sick. The hospital can then take extra steps to take care of that baby so he or she does not get sick. Big data can also be used for bad reasons. It can be used to predict which kinds of people are likely to break the law or hurt others, even if they have not done anything wrong. How can big data be used for good and bad thing? It is because the computer programs are written by people. People think in a certain way, and they build a model of those ideas. These ideas are then used to look at the data. Sometimes, these ideas are helpful for people or businesses. Other times, bad ideas can cause problems for certain groups of people.26 . Big data can have different kinds of information from many sources. Information that comes from _ is not mentioned (提及) in this passage.AschoolsBgovernmentsCpolice stationsDhospitals27 . One company uses weather information to _.Ahelp children in needBfind out who take the bus or trainCknow when people will visit the hospitalDunderstand when people will need ice cream28 . The main idea of Paragraph 3 is that _.Awe can use big data in a number of waysBbig data can be only used for good reasonsCbig data can be used for both good and bad reasonsDwe can use big data to stop babies from getting sick29 . The passage is mainly about _.Awhat big data is and how it is usedBwhat schools and hospitals people likeCwhere important data is collected and storedDhow big data is controlled by governments and companies30 . This passage is _.Asad and personalBpersonal and scientificCinformative but sillyDscientific and informative (提供有益信息的)For 99% of human history, people took their food from the world around them. They ate all that they could find, and then moved on. Then around 10,000 years ago, about 1% of human history, people learned to farm the land.The kind of food we eat depends on which part of the world we live in, or which part of our country we live in. For example, in the south of China they eat rice, but in the north they eat noodles. In European countries near the sea, people eat a lot of fish. In central Europe, away from the sea, people dont eat so much fish, but they eat more meat. For example, in Germany and Poland, there are hundreds of different kinds of sausages.In North America, Australia, and Europe, people eat with knives and forks. In China, people eat with chopsticks. In parts of India and the Middle East, people use their fingers to pick up food.Nowadays it is possible to transport food easily from one part of the world to another. We can eat whatever we like, at any time of the year. In Britain, bananas come from Africa; rice comes from India or the U.S.A.; strawberries come from Chile or Spain. Food is a very big business. But people in poor countries are still hungry while people in rich countries eat too much.31 . 10,000 years ago, people _ .Alearned to farm the landBcooked different kinds of foodCcouldnt find food around themDtransported food from one country to another32 . In North America, Australia, and Europe, people _ .Aeat with chopsticksBeat with knives and forksCuse their fingers to pick up foodDuse bread to pick up food33 . _ have many kinds of sausages.AChile and SpainBAmerica and AustraliaCChina and JapanDGermany and Poland34 . Which of the following is NOT true?AWhat we eat depends on where we live.BPoor countries are still having food problems.CRich countries dont need food from others.DNowadays we can eat whatever we like at any time of the year.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。35 . We want to become _(警察)when we grow up.36 . These workers are building a new physics _(实验室).37 . Their sheep used to be killed by _(狼).38 . I really want to know what her _(目的)is.39 . Please find out the right _(位置)of the town on the map.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空40 . He turned over in bed and fell _ (sleep) again.41 . The noise kept me _ (wake) last night.42 . Qingdao is a good place _ (take) a holiday.43 . Two _ (five) of the books _ (be) English books in the library.44 . Weve _ (simple) done what we should do.45 . School bus _ (safe) is a big problem in China.46 . You wont have any problem _ (receive) help.47 . We should practice _ (speak) English every day.七、完成句子(三)根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。48 . 过去人们放飞孔明灯是为了在危难中求助。In the old days, people _ sky lanterns _ help when in trouble.49 . 中国剪纸约有1,500多年的历史了。Chinese _ has been around _ 1,500 years.50 . 中国的陶土艺术非常有名。_ is very famous.51 . 太神奇了!几周以后黏土就变成了美丽的物品。How amazing! The clay _ objects of beauty after a few weeks.52 . 这种气球是由什么制成的?What is this kind of _?53 . 这个地区以绿茶产地而出名。The area _ a green tea producing place.54 . 你应该更细心以避免犯同样的错误。You should be more careful _ the same mistake.55 . 根据作者所写,在中国越来越多的孩子变胖。_ the writer, more and more kids become fat in China.56 . 他又惹麻烦了。这一次他打破了一扇窗户。He _ again. This time he has broken a window.57 . 大地被白雪覆盖,多美呀!The ground was _ snow. What beautiful it is!八、书信作文58 . 书面表达。你是班长李华,得知同班同学Stella 生病需要在家休息一段时间。你希望写一封慰问信转达全班同学对她的关心和祝愿。信中包含以下要点:1 表达关心;询问病情2.给予建议:谨遵医嘱,保持良好心情3.提供帮助,.(请至少补充两点)4.鼓励及祝愿注意:(1)文章80-100左右(信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)(2)文章内容必须包含所有要点,并且有适当的发挥(3)不得透露学号/姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分Dear StellaI am sorry to hear that you apply for a temporary leave because of your illness._Cheers,Li Hua第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、书信作文1、

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