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2020年人教版英语八年级下册期末复习试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Minions (小黄人.pretty popular since the film “Despicable Me” was shown.AbecomeBwill becomeChave becomeDare becoming2 . How far is Yuhua Middle School from here? Its around five minutes walk.(同义替换)AaboutBoverCinDfor3 . There are _months in a year, and I like the _monthDecember.Atwelve; twelfthBtwelfth; twelfthCtwelfth; twelveDtwelve; twelve4 . I cant work the problem out though its only _ difficult.Aa bitBa lotCveryDmuch too5 . It is Sunday today. It islovely weatherwe want to spend the day on the beach.Asuch a; thatBsuch; thatCsuch; asDso; that6 . The city in Shandong has become famous_kites.Ato makingBfor makingCmakeDmakes7 . The jacket is _ expensive, I want to buy _.Anot, something cheapBvery, cheap somethingCkind of, something cheapDso, it8 . (题文)Remember,boys and girls._ you study,_ grades you will get.AHarder;betterBThe hard;the goodCThe harder;the betterDThe hardest;the best9 . Shall we_the things we dont use to the people in need?Good idea.Aput offBset outCget intoDgive away10 . -_ you _ the film yet?-Yes, I _ it last week.AHave, seen, sawBHave, seen, seenCDid, see, have seenDDid, saw, have seen11 . Jim is only an boy ,but he knows many things .Aeight years oldBeight-years -oldCeight-year-oldDeight-years old12 . My brother _ the Indian film Dangal when I made a phone call to him yesterday.AwatchesBhas watchedCis watchingDwas watching13 . Most parents are worried that their children cant enter their ideal university in Jiang Su. Sure. Listen! _important news report the man from Education Department is giving!AWhat anBWhatCWhat aDHow14 . -Does she have a sister? -.AYes, she doesntBNo, she doesCYes, she isDYes, she does15 . _ is it from Olympic Center to your school? Its about 10 minutes walk.AHow muchBHow longCHow farDHow often16 . Joe has the bird for five years. He was very sad to part with it.AleftBboughtClentDkept17 . -Hong Kongs richest, Li Ka-shing, announced plans to retire before his 90th birthday in July.-It is reported his fortune is up to $37 billion. However, he led a dogs life during his childhood.Ahad a happy lifeBlived a hard lifeClived with a dog18 . We _ more than 1,200 English words already, do you know?AlearnBwill learnChave learnedDare learning19 . My father likes _ to people.Ato talkBtalksCtalk20 . Have you ever been to Disneyland?No, _. I hope I can go there next year.AalwaysBsometimesCneverDoften二、补全对话5选5情景交际。选择方框中的句子完成对话。Mike: Hi, Jim, what are you talking about?Jim: Oh, we are talking about something in the forest.Mike:21 . Jim: I prefer plants.Mike:22 . Jim: Because they are very beautiful. I think, I like bamboo best. 23 . Mike: I like animals better than plants. I think animals are very interesting and we can play with them.Jim:24 . Mike: I like pandas best. They are very lovely.Jim:25 . Mike: Sounds great! Lets go this Sunday.Jim: OK. We can see many kinds of plants and animals there. Its so interesting!Mike: See you!Jim: See you this Sunday!AWhich kind of animal do you like best?BWhich do you prefer, plants or animals?CWhy?DWhy not go to the Forest Park?EWhat about you?三、完型填空B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文) There are many elderly people in Erdingford who live on their own and find it difficult to go out and to look after themselves. Yet most of them love their homes and want to go on living in them as long as possible. Helping Hand is a registered charity that helps such people to live independent lives in their own home environments. But our work_ volunteers, many of them young people, who visit our clients and help them with the activities of daily living, or just provide some friendly company for an hour or so.Some of the elderly clients we help have failing eyesight and often they like to be read to. Others just enjoy an opportunity for some friendly conversation or playing a_ such as cards or chess.What you do for your client is discussed and_ by you, your Volunteer Support Officer, and the person you are helping. You will not be asked to do anything you are not happy to do. A Helping Hand volunteer can be a trusted link with the outside world, helping to keep our senior citizens independent. But its not a one-sided benefit: volunteers learn so much from their clients experience of life as well as gaining new skills by taking on the_ of caring role. As Roy (18) said:I thought voluntary work would be a matter of doing little jobs for an old person I didnt know, and then feeling_ myself because Id done something good. But it wasnt really like that. It was more like a friendship: I learnt so much from Margaret about her generation, how things were in the past, and about life itself. And she seemed to take me_ , and to listen to what I had to say.26 . Adeals withBdepends onCstands forDworries about27 . AgameBballCtrickDcharacter28 . AmarkedBrecordedCprovedDagreed29 . AinterestBeffectCresponsibilityDadventure30 . Afamiliar withBpleased withCembarrassed aboutDdisappointed in31 . AslowlyBbadlyCcarefullyDseriously四、阅读单选After spending years searching for a planet with life, scientists may have found one. In September 2010, a team of US scientists discovered an Earth-sized planet called Gliese 581g. It has a surface temperature neither too hot nor too cold for liquid(液态)water. Scientists think there is a chance that the planet could have life.The planet Gliese 581g goes around a star called Gliese 581, which is about 20 light-years from Earth. That is about 194 trillion(万亿)kilometres 500 million times farther away from us than the moon.A spacecraft traveling at a one-tenth of the speed of light would reach Gliese 581g within about 220 years. A human cant live that long, but robotic explorers could make the job easier. However, our fastest spacecraft dont come anywhere near that one-tenth light-speed mark.At present, scientists dont know what the surface might be like on Gliese 581g. What they know is that the planet is at the sight distance from its star to have liquid water. Its also at the right distance to have an atmosphere that could protect the water if it is on the surface.Although spacecraft wont be getting there anytime soon, one way to look for life on Gliese 581g is to turn our radio telescopes(望远镜)towards the planet and search for radiation(放射). By studying the radiation, scientists would find out about the chemicals(化学物质)around the planet and discover it Gliese 581g has an atmosphere. If it has one, studying the atmosphere would give us a good idea if the planet has life or not. But itll probably be many years before we can do this properly.People have been arguing about whether there is alien life on Gliese 581g. Any discussion about alien life is just guessing at this point, according to its discoverers.32 . What did scientists find in September 2010?AA planet with water.BA planet similar to the earth.CA planet without life.DA planet near the earth.33 . According to the article, Gliese 581g _.Ais at the right distance from its starBmoves around the earthCis as far away from us as the moonDcan be reached in about 220 years34 . Paragraph 5 is mainly about _.Athe possibility of living on Gliese 581gBthe kinds of chemicals around Gliese 581gCthe way of looking for life on Gliese 581gDthe aim of studying the radiation on Gliese 581g35 . Which of the following is the best title for the passage above?AGliese 581g, a Likely Living PlanetBGliese 581, a Likely Living PlanetCGliese 581g and Its StarDGliese 581g and RadiationCAustralia is nearly 7.7 million square kilometres.Its the sixth largest country in area after Russia,Canada,China,the United States and Brazil.There are rainforests and large plains in the north,snowfields in the southeast,desert(沙漠) in the centre and croplands in the east,south and southwest.About one third of the country lies in the tropics(热带地区)Australia has a coastline of 36,735 km if it were possible to drive nonstop along the whole coast at 60 km/h,it would take about 24 days to complete the trip.Australia is the worlds smallest continent(洲) and the sixth largest country being equal(相等的) in area to the USA without Alaska.The continent is one of the oldest lands.It is more than 3,000 million years old,and it is the flattest of the continents.The population of Australia is more than 20 million.It is one of the worlds most urbanized countries,with about 70% of the population living in the ten largest cities.Most of the population is concentrated(集中) along the eastern seaboard and the southeastern corner of the continent.36 . Australia is smaller in area than_.AFranceBBritainCJapanDCanada37 . We can see_ in the north of Australia.ArainforestsBdesertCcroplandsDsnowfields38 . The underlined word “urbanized” in the last paragraph means “_” in Chinese.A工业化的B现代化的C城市化的D农业化的39 . What can we learn from the passage?AAbout two thirds of the country lies in the tropics.BAustralia has a long history of more than 5,000 million years.CAbout 20% of the population in Australia live in the cities.DIt would take about 24 days to drive along the whole coast of Australia.40 . Australia is not one of the _ continents.AoldestBsmallestCflattestDcoldest五、句型转换Rewrite the sentences as required (按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词)41 . He has some bread and milk for breakfast. (改为否定句)He _any bread or milk for breakfast.42 . Tom has already bought a cat from Bens pet shop. (一般疑问句)_ Tom bought a cat from Bens pet shop _?43 . Andrew is very careful when he is at work. (改为感叹句)_ Andrew is when he is at work!44 . The work will be finished in a month. (对划线部分提问)_ will the work be finished?45 . Their school garden is not as beautiful as ours. (保持句意基本不变)Our school garden is _ than theirs.46 . you, to, like , would, homework, less, have, in the future, (?) (连词成句)_?六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)。47 . Mr. Smith is good at r_ broken watches.48 . Mary has r_ out of money. So she has to borrow some from my parents.49 . The words “week” and “weak” sound the same, but they are spelled d_.50 . Batman, Spiderman, Superman and Ironman are all h_ in the movies who always help people and save the world.51 . The police are trying to find a young man who s_ a gold ring from a big shop last night.52 . The terrible illness spread t_ the whole city and many people got sick.53 . When the old man was a little boy, he had no money to go to school, so he was t_ by himself.54 . This year, Sams parents have a big party for his grandmas n_ birthday because next year his grandma will be 100 years old.55 . The fire b_ out in the midnight. So when someone saw the fire, the house had been burned down.56 . Hey, boys. You should pay more attention to p_ the new word because its hard to read correctly.七、话题作文57 . Writing(作文)Write at least 60words on the topichas changed me(以改变了我为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)成长路上,你曾经遇见过很多人,如一位师长、一个朋友等,你也曾经经历过很多事,如一次比赛、一项活动等,这些人与事或多或少改变了你,让你变成更好的自己请选择其中某件事或某个人,以has changed me为题写一篇不少于60字的短文(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、学校及其它相关信息,否则不予评分第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、话题作文1、


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