外研版(一起)英语三年级上册 Module 9 Unit 2 I’m going to be a driver. 练习卷

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外研版(一起)英语三年级上册 Module 9 Unit 2 I’m going to be a driver. 练习卷_第1页
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外研版(一起)英语三年级上册 Module 9 Unit 2 I’m going to be a driver. 练习卷_第2页
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外研版(一起)英语三年级上册 Module 9 Unit 2 I’m going to be a driver. 练习卷_第3页
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外研版(一起)英语三年级上册 Module 9 Unit 2 Im going to be a driver. 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、情景交际1 . 你想问他有蜡笔吗,你会说:( )ADo you have crayons?BDo you have pencils?2 . 如果你想问你是哪里人应该怎样说?AWhere are you from?BIm fine.CNice to meet you.3 . 当你想问别人叫什么名字时,你会说:( )Awhats your name?Bhow are you ?4 . 询问今天的天气,应说:_ ( )AHowistheweatheryesterday?BHowdoyoudo?CWhatstheweatherliketoday?5 . 你想知道动物园里有多少动物,你应该说:( )AHow many animals are there at the zoo?BHow many people are there at the zoo?CHow much animals are there at the zoo?二、填空题Fill in the blanks(用所给单词的适当形式填空)6 . The crow _(be)thirsty. It _(want)to drink the water7 . I see two big _(mouse). They can _(run)fast.8 . Danny is hungry. He likes _(eat)hamburgers.9 . How _(do)Kitty and Alice feel? They _(be)tired.10 . My friend _(have)a new bicycle. He is happy.根据单词,完成家谱(答案不唯一)。me uncle mother grandma grandpa aunt father cousin11 . _12 . _13 . _14 . _15 . _16 . _17 . _18 . _三、单词拼写19 . policeman _(复数)20 . fly(现在分词形式)_21 . 根据图片写单词。(1)_ing(2)_ing(3)_ing(4)_ing(5)_ing mountains22 . sport(复数)_四、任务型阅读阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。Hello, Im Xiaoyong. Im from China. Im nine years old. I like reading books. My favourite colour is blue. I like hamburgers. Im going to be a driver. Im going to drive a taxi.23 . Xiaoyong is an English boy. (_)24 . Xiaoyong is nine years old.(_)25 . Xiaoyong likes green. (_)26 . Xiaoyong doesnt like hamburgers. (_)27 . Xiaoyong is going to be a train driver. (_)第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、二、填空题1、2、三、单词拼写1、2、3、4、四、任务型阅读1、


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