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人教版2020年中考二模(下学期期中)英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Jason likes the _ of the cake. It is a heart.AcolorBsizeCsmellDshape2 . Listen! How _ the music sounds _ the end of the concert.Abeautiful; atBbeautifully; inCbeautiful; inDbeautifully; at3 . The film_for ten minutes when we got to the cinema.Ahas alrealy been onBhas already begunChad already been onDhad already begun4 . Youd better not read todays newspaper because there is _in it.Asomething interestingBnothing specialCimportant thingDanything new5 . -Can I borrow your new comic books?-_ Here they are.AWhats up?BWhat a pity!CSure.DThank you.6 . Your dream wont come true_ you know what your dream is.AafterBbecauseCunlessDthough7 . Happy birthday, Mary! .AThank youBYou tooCI seeDSounds good8 . Boys and girls, welcome to my home and _.Thank you.Ahelp yourselfBhelp yourselvesChelps yourselfDhelp you9 . I wont do it _ you come backAwhenBuntilCwhileDafter10 . To be a healthy boy,I will drink _soft drinks.AfewerBlessClittleDmany11 . A talk on Chinese traditional skills_ in the school hall next weekAis givenBwill be givenChas been givenDgives12 . -Can you share with us the reason why your team could win the final?- Nothing special. You just need to _ new challenges and never give up.Atake inBtake onCtake offDtake over13 . _the end of the day, we were very tired.AInBAtCToDBy14 . Frank is sick, and he has asked me instead.AworkBworksCworkedDto work15 . Daming is good at playing_piano although he is only_18-year-old boy.Athe; anBthe; theC/; theDa; /16 . They say they are members of a secret fountain. Which of the following is correct for the underlined(划线)word in the sentence?A/fanten/B/fantn/C/fantn/D/fanten/17 . -Must I return the dictionary today?-No, you _. But you _ return it tomorrow.Amustnt; canBcant; canCneednt; mustDdont have to; may18 . Everyone is _ with this _ film. They all feel sleepy.Aboring, boredBbored, boringCinteresting, interestedDinterested, interesting19 . Its very kind _ you to help me carry the boxes since it is difficult _ a person like you to carry so heavy things.Aof, ofBof, forCfor, ofDfor, for20 . - We can use QQ to talk with each other on the Internet when youre abroad.- Really? But can you tell me _?Ahow I can use itBhow can I use itCwhy can I use it二、完型填空Food is very important. Everyone needs to _well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is _. We begin to get knowledge even _ we are very young. Some children are _ in everything around them. They learn_when they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to_ story books, science book anything they like. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and _ to find out the answers.What is the best_to get knowledge? If we learn by ourselves, we will get _ knowledge. If we are _getting answers from others and do not ask why we will never learn well. When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand better.21 . AsleepBreadCdrinkDeat22 . AsportBexerciseCknowledgeDmeant23 . AuntilBwhenCafterDso24 . AinterestedBinterestingCweakDbetter25 . AeverythingBsomethingCnothingDanything26 . AlendBreadClearnDwrite27 . AtryBhaveCrefuseDwait28 . AplaceBschoolCwayDroad29 . AlittleBfewCmanyDthe most30 . AoftenBalwaysCusuallyDsometimes三、阅读单选For his eleventh birthday, Lin was given a gift that would shape his life. On that day his father took him to the Childrens Activity Centre and said he could choose any course that interested him. There was just one requirement: Lin would have to promise to study it for at least one year.To that point Lin had had many hobbies, but none kept his interest for more than a week or two. His mum once gave him a bag of stamps to encourage stamp collecting. That hobby lasted a week. Then his father got him some paints hoping that Lins artistic side would shine through. Those paints were now under his bed, still unopened. This time Lins parents would let him decide.Lins eyes moved down the notice board that listed all the courses on offer. He stopped at Photography. He liked the idea of taking beautiful pictures but the notice said that each student needed their own camera. Although Lins family werent poor, they werent rich either, and a camera cost a lot of money. He continued looking.The next course tocatch his eyewas Language Art. He didnt even know what that meant. His father explained that it taught people how to make public speeches. Lin, a shy boy, could think of nothing worse.Then he saw it. Cooking sounded like something hed like to do. It was inexpensive and convenient, it could be done alone and it was also creative.Based on Lins hobby history, his dad had doubts, but he agreed. Much to his parents surprise, Lin kept his promise. He studied cooking at the Centre every Saturday, and practised at home, making delicious meals for his family. Everyone looked forward to birthdays, when they could eat his cakes. Lin got great satisfaction from the pleasure his food brought to others.The months turned to years but his hobby never changed again.Now Lin is an adult and runs a successful restaurant. When customers say they enjoy his meal, he still gets the same pleasure he did as a child, and remembers the special gift he received all those years ago.31 . Why didnt Lin choose to study photography?AIt was too expensive.BHe had no interest in it.CHe was not very creative.DIt was not offered that term.32 . The underlined expression catch his eye in Paragraph 4 means _.Amake him excitedBcause him surpriseCget his attentionDhelp him see clearly33 . Which of the following best describes Lins interesting cooking?AIt only lasted for a short time.BHis parents advised him to do so.CIt seemed to match his personality.DIt developed slowly over many months.34 . Why did the father have doubts about Lins choice of cooking?ALin wasnt good at cooking.BCooking wasnt very convenient.CCooking wasnt a good hobby for a boy.DHe didnt think Lin would keep doing that.35 . Whats the best title for the passage?AA Strict FatherBA Changeable BoyCThe Fun of CookingDThe Birthday Gift四、句型转换. 句型转换36 . - _ ? (根据答语写出问句)-She is clever and kind.37 . Whats the trouble with you? (改为同义句)_ with you?38 . To finish the homework in half an hour is difficult for me. (改为同义句)_ difficult for me _ the homework in half an hour.39 . Lift him up, (改为否定句)_ him up.40 . All of us take pride in our school. (改为同义句)All of us _ our school.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据括号中所给提示填空41 . Do you need to_(讨论) the problem in groups?42 . Please promise _ (not tell) lies any more, will you?43 . They dont like to eat out.They often cook mealsby _ (they)at home.44 . Can you tell me the Chinese_ (mean) of this word?45 . My_(hobby) include swimming and gardening.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文AincreasingBeach otherCpossibleDavoidElosingDiet has an important influence on healthy living. Dr. Lopez suggests that teenagers 46 . too much food that is rich in fat, sugar or salt. She says that it is better to have plenty of fruit, vegetables and starchy food such as rice or potatoes, and a reasonable amount of meat, milk and fish. These all provide the vitamins that help teenagers to grow without 47 . their body weight too much.Dr. Lopez recommends working with others as a way to enjoy exercise. “You can learn a lot from being a member of a team, how to support 48 . and how to face failure. However, you must make sure that your goals are 49 . . Some people try to achieve too much and they feel very sad when they fail.”Amake sureBadditionCalsoDchemicalsErarelyDo you know why your hair isnt growing? Let me share some reasons with you. First, youre not eating well. Hair health isnt just related to (与有关)the way you take care of your hair itself, it 50 . has something to do with the way you take care of your body, Second, you overheat your hair. Using heat on your hair can weaken and break it. Try using hot tools on your hair only once a week, and 51 . you buy products that allow you to control their heat settings. Third, your hair is overprocessed. If you use a lot of different 52 . on your hair, your hair might be overprocessed. Fourth, you dont take vitamins. Although vitamins dont always taste great, daily vitamins are actually good for hair growth. Taking a multivitamin daily can be a great53 . to any diet to help improve the quality of ones hair.七、单词填空Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper wods.To protect the environment, we are on the way. Here are a few things we can do.Unwanted gifts? Give them away!Have you ever received a gift that you didnt like? Did you throw it away? If so, you can have a54 . choice now. Two British companies hopes people will give away their unwanted gifts to them. And they will resell the gifts to raise money for the poor. In this way, the gifts can be refused and have a future life. And people can make a d55 . to the world.Wear the trousers that reduce(减少) pollution!A chemistry scientist and a fashion designer (时装设计师) have created a new kind of trousers. The trousers are made of a new m56 . which can help reduce air pollution around us. Scientists have tested the material. The result s57 . that it isnt harmful to human. This new kind of trousers may appear at the market in two years. Professor Ryan said, “If thousands of people wear the trousers, the air quality will be improved.”Plant trees with FelixFelix Finkbeiner, a 14-year-old German boy, is not famous as a child actor but an environment hero. At the age of 9, Felix got the i58 . that children could do something to protect the environment. So he started a club. Felix soon got support from children all over the world. Some of them have become his good friends. The club has an aim of planting 212 million trees. They have planted over 3.5 million trees all around the world. Felix said, “The answer to c59 . global(全球的) warming is treeslots of trees!”八、回答问题A report has been released recently to study the behavioral characteristics(行为特征) of families who share photos of their kids on social media. The report also points out the potential dangers involved and offers a number of safety tips.Who likes sharing photos most?(Chart I)Mothers are most likely to share childrens photos online and in the highest volume. Moms share life moments of their children online more than 25 times per month on average.Potential DangersDanger 1:The invasion of childrens privacy(侵犯儿童隐私)Many parents dont care about their childrens feelings. A UK survey show that:(Chart II)Danger 2:Human traffickers(人贩子)Private information exposed(个人信息曝光)Whereabouts exposed(行踪曝光)Exposing private information and whereabouts could put children in danger.Safety TipsUsing imaging software to cover up personal information with mosaics(马赛克).Share photos with a side-view face or taken from a distance.Divide online friends into different groups and only share childrens photos with the most trusted relatives and friends.Teach more safety knowledge to children and improving their sense of self-protection. (Chart III)60 . According to Chart I,we know that moms like to share their childrens photos most. How many times they share their childrens photos online a year on average?_61 . Chart II tells us that most parents dont ask for their childrens permission before sharing their photos online. What percent of such kind of parents?_62 . Is it right that parents may put their children in danger sometimes by sharing their childrens photos online?_63 . How many safety tips are mentioned in Chart III?_64 . Who likes sharing photos best in your family?About what?_九、话题作文65 . Write a passage at least 60 words about “How to keep healthy”第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、

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